Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 12: A boy feels like a different person after not seeing him for a while


"I'm starving..." Jiang Cheng held an umbrella and rubbed his belly with his other hand, while saying helplessly.

At this time, Jiang Cheng was wearing a clean gray kimono with a slim fit. This dress was made by a girl he had met before and given to Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng might have forgotten that girl's name a long time ago.

"Is this a big city? It's really lively." Jiang Cheng looked at the streets of Edo at night and couldn't help but sigh, "There are still three hundred yuan left. I should be hungry today." Jiang Cheng searched all over his body. Only three steel coins were found.

"Brother over there, we have a lot of pretty girls in our store. Do you want to come and sit down?" In front of a shop on the roadside, a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup in a kimono shouted to Jiang Cheng enthusiastically.

Jiang Cheng stopped and pointed at himself while looking over in confusion.

"I'm talking about you, little brother." The middle-aged woman walked over quickly and enthusiastically pulled Jiang Cheng into the store.

"I... I don't have any money." Jiang Cheng scratched his head and said awkwardly.

However, the woman seemed not to hear and continued to pull Jiang Chengcheng towards the store. Before entering the store, Jiang Chengcai raised his head and glanced at the store name: Yoshihara xxxx above ground branch

Jiang Cheng sat on the sofa, looking confused at the young girls who were constantly courting him.

"I... really have no money!" Jiang Cheng emphasized again.

"What are you talking about, sir? How dare we take your money?" The woman from before swayed over and sat on the other side. "Please tell me if you need anything. I have already sent the rest of the guests to you." They were all kicked out.”

Jiang Cheng understood. It turned out that he had mistakenly admitted the person. He was about to explain, but at this time his stomach growled unsatisfactorily.

Immediately, Jiang Cheng was heartbroken, he had to eat this free meal first! As for what happens next, we’ll talk about it later! Jiang Cheng has done this kind of thing not once or twice. For a long time, Jiang Cheng has been eating the King's meal. Afterwards, whether it was washing the dishes or doing anything else, Jiang Cheng worked hard without complaining.

However, if the boss has a single, unmarried daughter, then the result will be different, because there is no doubt that they will fall in love with Jiang Cheng. After all, that flawless face is so attractive to women. Jiang Cheng had no idea how many romantic debts he had owed over the years, and he survived all the way.

Voice-over: I have never seen such a shameless person!

"Then, serve me a lot of Chinese food! No Japanese food! I want Chinese liquor! I want Coke as a drink!" Jiang Cheng put the umbrella away and placed it next to himself, pretending to be arrogant.

"Did you hear that? Hurry up and greet this adult as requested!" The woman looked at the waiters around her and scolded.

Then one after another Chinese dishes were brought to Jiang Cheng, but the speed of serving them was far slower than the speed at which Jiang Cheng ate. All the waiters were running to serve the dishes.

"Mama-san, is this gentleman really the Night Rabbit?" The young lady on the side looked at Jiang Cheng who was devouring his food, and couldn't help but look at the woman and asked.

"Those are the only people who can hold an umbrella on a sunny day, and I've only seen this kind of appetite and eating appearance from those people." The woman looked at Jiang Cheng cautiously again, and then continued, "Before, I once served Lord Night King, and also entertained some of Lord Night King’s men, those [Yate Rabbits].”

Then, the woman waved to a waiter. The waiter understood and leaned down, and the woman whispered a few words into the waiter's ear.

"But the face is really nice..." the young lady continued, while glancing at Jiang Cheng from time to time.

"Be careful, these guys are moody masters." The woman reminded, "I have already sent someone to notify [Baihua]."

At this time, a man with curly silver hair and a man with glasses wearing human skin stood outside the store, looking at the door with the words "Today's Reservation" on it.

"I finally made some money playing small steel balls. I heard that a new store has opened here. I thought I could come here to have some luxury and relax. Are you worthy of the fruits of my hard work day and night?!!" Gintoki pulled. The waiter standing at the door of the store shouted loudly.

"Hey, hitting small steel balls doesn't count as labor! Besides, I'm not old enough to come to a place like this! What do you want to do with an underage boy in a place like this!!" New Bachi went crazy! of complaints.

"Are you kidding?!" Gintoki continued to drag the waiter as if he didn't hear Shinpachi's complaints.

"I'm really sorry, two guests. In fact, I am currently greeting an important guest, so it is not convenient to open the door to welcome guests. You two can come back tomorrow." The waiter said with a smile.

"Tomorrow? What an important guest! All consumers are gods! Remember this sentence!" Gintoki continued to shake the waiter.

"That's right. All consumers are gods. Open the door." A woman's voice suddenly sounded, "But there is only one thing. Don't offend the guests inside."

"Sir... Your Majesty." Seeing the person coming, the waiter said tremblingly, "But the man inside is..."

"That's why I came here, leave the rest to us [Baihua]." Yue Yong took a puff from the cigarette rod and said.

Yue Yong said and walked straight in, followed by a group of [Hakuhua] members, "If you want to come in, just come in." This sentence was meant for Gintoki and Spectacles.

(Shinpachi: Author, please don’t go too far! I am Shimura Shinpachi! Not glasses!

Voice-over: Humph, they are both complaints, look at me again! Did I say anything? !

Xin Baji: Well, it seems that you are more miserable. )

"Hey, Gintoki, I think we'd better not go in. These women don't look like ordinary characters." Shinpachi whispered into Gintoki's ear, "The ones in their kimonos are night clothes, definitely. Yes! If you go in rashly, you might get involved in some not-so-good incidents."

"That's that one, right? That kind of one-piece underwear. Don't you often see it in magazines and [beep-]v?" Gintoki had just finished speaking, and at the same time, a kunai was already pierced into Gintoki. the back of the head.

"Who do you think is [Beep—] v [Beep—] Yu!"

"Ah, what's stuck on the back of my head?" Gintoki said, reaching behind his head and pulling out the kunai, "Hey, there's actually a ninja play in this store! And it's too real!"

"Blood... blood!" Looking at the blood pouring out, Xin Baji panicked instantly.

However, Yue Yong didn't say anything else and continued walking towards the store until she reached Jiang Cheng.

"Orange hair, blue pupils, yes, it's that man!" Yue Yong looked at Jiang Cheng slightly, "Commander of the Seventh Division of Chunyu, Shenwei!"

"I don't seem to be tall enough, leader." A [Baihua] member behind Yue Yong couldn't help but remind her softly in Yue Yong's ear.

"According to Lord Night King Fengxian's description, it's not wrong. Moreover, Lord Night King hasn't seen him for a long time. Boys are like this. If you haven't seen him for a while, it will be like a different person." Yue Yong replied.

"It's amazing, the leader even knows this!" Several members couldn't help but praise softly.

Voice-over: Just admit your mistake, okay? Can you please watch the complete series of Gintama before coming back

"You guys start first, and we [Baihua] will take over the rest!" Yue Yong said to the girls surrounding Jiang Cheng.

The girls then reluctantly stood up and left, looking back at Jiang Cheng's handsome face from time to time.

Afterwards, Yue Yong sat down, and a group of [Baihua] members stood behind Yue Yong, watching Jiang Cheng wolfing down the food with Yue Yong.

However, at this time, Jiang Cheng was still immersed in the food in front of him and did not notice the visitor at all.

If there was any surprise, it was Gintoki being helped in by Shinpachi at this moment...

What Yueyong just said was heard by Gintoki, and Gintoki also saw that familiar face, and instantly understood what was going on.

"Shinpachi, cooperate with me, and we can have a good meal for free today!" Gintoki whispered in Shinpachi's ear. After saying that, Gintoki walked straight towards Jiang Cheng.

"What do you want to do?!" All the members of Hyakuka looked at Gintoki and said with unkind expressions.

"Captain, why did you end up in a place like this alone!" Gintoki said solemnly, then walked to Jiang Cheng and sat down beside him.

"You... are you also..." Yue Yong was shocked.

Gintoki forced a serious expression and nodded.

"Shinpachi, the leader is here!" Gintoki shouted to Shinpachi, "Come here quickly!"

"Ah?... Ah!" Shinpachi was still confused, but after Gintoki said this, he could only walk up and sit down next to Gintoki.

"How can this little food be enough for our leader?! Why don't you order it quickly! Keep serving it!" Gintoki's expression was as arrogant and domineering as he could be.

As he said this, Gintoki also started to pick up his chopsticks and devour the food. At the same time, he also used his eyes to signal Shinpachi to eat quickly, and ran away immediately after eating.

Just like that, from one person devouring it to three people devouring it.

" long have these guys not eaten?" All Baihua members were shocked and speechless.

"[Ye Rabbit]'s stomach is different from the stomachs of us earthlings." Yue Yong replied.

"But the one with naturally curly silver hair and the boy with glasses look like they are from Earth." One member couldn't help but say.

"Maybe it's just a disguise! How can a man who seems unharmed after being hit by my kunai be an ordinary person!" Yue Yong scolded the people behind her in a low voice.

"You're not unscathed, leader! He was still spurting blood just now!"

"Ah~ I'm full, I'm full~" Jiang Cheng finally felt full, raised his head, clapped his hands and said, "Thank you for the treat!"

But the next moment, Jiang Cheng was stunned. He didn't know when the person next to him had changed, and the man with naturally curly silver hair sitting next to him seemed familiar...

Thanks to Nuo Wudehe for your letter, I don’t like fish, Idiot Fang Mumu, Pilan Port Lighthouse Security Guard Su Yuner, Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea HASTUR, Lament, for your recommendation votes! Thank you so much! If you have any daily articles you want to read, you can leave a message, or you can join the update group: 837190494

At the beginning of the daily timeline, the new eight-year-old has just entered the Wanshiwuwu.

I’m looking for all kinds of new books~recommendations, collections, the more book reviews the better~

(End of chapter)