Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 752: In order to make the people we like also like us, we may


Hearing the sound, Yue Yong was a little panicked and quickly defended: "That... that's because I suddenly want to eat Genji pie."

"How is this different from heart-shaped potato chips?" A Miao complained.

"My love is bigger than heart-shaped potato chips!" Yue Yong replied.

A Miao was aggressive: "So what? Do you mean your love is more (bigger)?! By the way, is this also the reason why your tear mole is bigger than ours?!"

"It's not like that!" Yue Yong argued loudly.

"Wait a minute, my heart-shaped potato chips are cheap and delicious," Kubei said, "The tear stain I made with an oil-based pen can't be rubbed away even if I rub it hard!"

"Xiaojiu, that's it for the heart-shaped potato chips. As for the tear mole, mine is the best!"

Looking at the three Yue Yong girls who were still arguing, Jiang Cheng, who was bored, turned around and left (for hunting). However, just when Jiang Cheng walked a few steps away, he stepped hard with one foot. The big iron ball behind the chastity belt.

"Ugh!" Jiang Cheng cried out in pain as his buttocks tightened, and he knelt down instantly.

"Where are you going? Jiang Chengsang?" The owner of the foot, A Miao, squinted her eyes and smiled extremely sweetly (and dangerously).

"No... nowhere." Jiang Cheng stumbled back, then struggled to get up little by little.

A Miao, who picked up the iron ball and held it in his hands, pretended to be kind and said: "Anyway, we can't let it go like this. For the sake of the women of Yoshiwara, I will take him to the ground to take care of him. Miss Yueyong can rest assured to find the mastermind." .”

"No..." Yue Yong took the iron ball from A Miao and returned with a slight blush: "It would be more dangerous to bring him back to the ground. I don't know what kind of strange XP will breed in a while, and he is originally Yoshihara. The Night King, this is Yoshiwara's responsibility, so he can be locked up underground. Leave the rest to me..."

"Your Excellency Yue Yong!" Jiubei stepped forward with a serious expression, stretched out his hand and snatched the iron ball from Yue Yong, "Is now the time to do such a thing? Do you really not want to be separated from this beast?!"

"How is that possible!" She said this, but Yue Yong had no intention of letting go, "Everything that happened in Yoshihara is my responsibility! You are the ones, why do you care so much about this man! He belongs to Yoshihara!"

"I don't care!" A Miao argued while fighting, "Didn't I say that we should face it together?! Anyway, just leave it to me and I will do it!"

Yue Yong: "No! Leave it to me!"

Kyubey: "No, leave it to me!"

At this time, Jiang Cheng, who had been watching the three girls with narrowed eyes since just now, suddenly spoke.

"Hey, what are you three doing? You've been fighting for that black TAMA since just now."

"Huh?" The three women were stunned at the same time and looked at Jiang Cheng, who was holding his hands and looking speechless.

"Why are you staring at me like that? It's disgusting."

"You are the one who is disgusting, right!!"×3

The three of them shouted at the same time, and at the same time they kicked Jiang Cheng to the ground and stepped on him hard.

"Wait a minute, calm down, you guys." Jiang Cheng protected his head and persuaded the three of them, "I'm completely fine. The most important thing now is other things, right? Find the person behind the scenes as soon as possible. That's the business! "

Yue Yong's eyes were white with veins popping out as he kicked hard and cursed: "I'm unhappy! Why did you recover so quickly! Also consider other people's feelings! Because you are a bastard, so many women have been implicated, and you have already used the medicine yourself. What’s going on?!”

"When a woman is far from [beep-], what does it mean for a man to [beep-] in the middle?! Please consider the woman's feelings!" A Miao scolded with white eyes while stepping hard.

Kubei echoed: "I don't know what's going on, but it's so hot!"

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't expect that drug to be so powerful that it could confuse me for so long." Jiang Cheng quickly apologized, then stood up slowly, and continued with a serious expression: "Anyway, from now on, the rest will Leave it to me. This farce should end."

"You..." Yue Yong stared at Jiang Cheng with wide eyes and a look of disbelief on his face, whose eyes were narrowed with the same expression as before.

"I'll leave them to you, Yueyue." Jiang Cheng chuckled and spoke again, "Do you know how to do it?"

"Ah, I understand. I will take everyone to a safe place, you... pay attention to safety."

"Oppai, buttocks, tear mole at the corner of the eye, flat belly, beautiful collarbone, beautiful face..." As he spoke, Jiang Cheng turned around and took the umbrella around his waist in his hand, and chuckled softly at the same time. , "Really, that kind of incense is really powerful. It actually makes me care about boring things like that. The really important things for women are not those things. What is really important is the things that cannot be seen. Yes, I won’t be confused anymore.”

"Huh," Yue Yong, who started slowly with his back to Jiang Cheng, chuckled softly, "Since you said so, I'll leave the rest to you."

"Ah, don't worry." Jiang Cheng waved his hand without looking back, but then the conversation suddenly changed: "Then, I'll leave it to you to check the moles on the buttocks of the babies over there. The other babies Leave them to me!"

Hearing the sound, Yue Yong suddenly thought of something. When he stopped, his face darkened, and his forehead turned completely dark in an instant.

"Sure enough... things that you can't usually see are the sexiest things! The moles on your buttocks are the sexiest things!!"

"Go to hell!!"×3

While roaring, Yue Yong, A Miao and Jiu Bingwei kicked Jiang Cheng ten meters away.

"Ugh!" Jiang Cheng screamed as his head hit the ground first, his neck made a snap, and then there was no sound.

Yue Yong clenched her fists and roared with bursting veins: "What kind of disgusting XP have you awakened again! Is that what the invisible thing refers to?! Does it refer to the mole in that kind of place?!"

"That's so disgusting! Jiang Chengsang!" A Miao crossed her hands and closed her eyes with a look of disdain on her face, "I really misjudged you!"

"Disgusting beast." Kyubei spat with disdain, but then asked again: "But which way is it? The mole on the left or the mole on the right? Or is it better to have both sides? One side. Can we have two? How big do you want?"

"What are you doing! Are you really going to put a mole on that spot for that kind of man?!" Yue Yong complained angrily while holding an oil-based pen.

"Don't be ridiculous, Lord Yueyong," Jiubeyi replied with a frown, "Who would do such a thing for such a beast? As promised in advance, I already have a mole!"

"There is no difference at all!!"

"You are the one!" A Miao glanced at the oil-based pen in Yue Yong's hand, "What are you doing with that kind of thing? Are you going to light it for yourself? Really? Are you lighting it for yourself for that kind of man? !”

"No!" Yue Yong denied loudly, and then turned around silently: "I'm just that... suddenly wanted to graffiti on the wall."

"You all calm down! There will always be some extra moles on people's bodies!" Jiubeyi tried to persuade him, "And then he will move his position or something."

"Who would believe this excuse?"

Just as the quarrel between the three intensified, Jiang Cheng, who had just fallen into a coma, slowly woke up and heard footsteps getting closer and closer.

Jiang Cheng, who opened his eyes, looked at the foot in front of him, then raised his head little by little and looked over. After seeing that the man wearing only a men's chastity belt turned out to be Kondo, his face showed a bit of confusion. Incredible.


"Don't worry, Yoshiwara." Kondo crossed his hands and looked solemn, "You will get used to it soon. In this way, you will also be our partners."

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about?" Jiang Cheng showed a look of disgust on his face, rubbed his neck and stood up little by little, "The only ones who are your partners are orangutans and monkeys, right? Sorry, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng suddenly noticed that the expressions of A Miao and Jiu Bingwei behind him had changed, and their loving eyes appeared again.

Jiang Cheng, who noticed something, hurriedly said: "Yueyue, danger!"

But it's too late...

Yueyong, who was tied up with iron chains by A Miao and Kubei at the same time, looked at the men in the same clothes who slowly came behind Kondo with wide eyes and a look of disbelief on their faces.

"Beasts, let me correct your unscrupulous and disgusting lust. Dedicate your love to our god, Lord Aizenmeiou!"

After Kondo said these words, all the men began to shout unconsciously...

"Long live Lord Aizenmeiou!"×n

"Long live Lord Aizenmeiou!"×n

Listening to the shouts of these men, Jiang Cheng murmured softly: "Prince he the mastermind behind this?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an unusually rich smoke of Aizen's incense floated over, completely covering Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong.

"Ahem..." In the smoke, Yue Yong opened her eyes as hard as she could, trying to find the Prince Aizen that the men were talking about.

At the last moment when she completely lost consciousness, Yue Yong finally found the slowly walking figure in the thick smoke.

[that is…! ] Yue Yong's pupils shrank.

"What is love?" Sitting on the delicate child carried by a group of unconscious men with only chastity belts, Xiaoying, the prince of Aizen who was parading in the street, whispered to herself: "With the passage of time, it dims and withers. Just like flowers, there is no eternal love in this world. We are all just butterflies flying among flowers that bloom for a while. So, let me change it. Let me lead everyone."

In the mighty team, Jiang Cheng, Yueyong, Jiubei, A Miao, and Kondo had the same expressions as those who had lost consciousness. They just lowered their heads and followed slowly.

"Go to the fantasy that will never wither... Give your love to me, Aizen Meiou-sama, Xiaoying! Then, I will love you all forever..."

That's right, everyone has been tricked, and Xiaoying is the real mastermind...

(End of chapter)