Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 756: You can't have your cake and eat it too!


Yoshihara, one morning.

In the room, Jiang Cheng stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back. After feeling a breeze, he gently reached out and caught the yellow leaves brought by the wind.

Looking at the fallen leaves in his hands, Jiang Chengcai sighed softly after a long time.

"Autumn is coming soon..."

At night, inside Edo Castle.

"My lord, my lord, my lord..."

In the brightly lit room, Princess Chengye kept calling in the ears of Maomao, who seemed to be in a daze. However, after several calls, Maomao still didn't respond at all. Princess Chengye, who was a little angry, could only close to her ear and hold her hand. He shouted angrily with his fists pumped.

"Brother, you are so serious!"

At this time, Maomao came back to his senses, turned his head to look at his sister and showed some apology: "Ah, it's Cheng Ye, I'm sorry, I just got lost in my thoughts."

"Really," Princess Chengye pouted, with a bit of complaint and worry in her tone, "It's rare to make you a pot of good tea, but it's already cold. Are you worried about political affairs and can't sleep again?"

After saying that, Princess Chengye sighed softly and came to the opposite side of Maomao and sat down on the cushion. She continued softly: "I knew it was because of this. I heard that there were several allies of Mr. Brother. Did you leave? Ever since that happened, ever since my gone, it has been like this. Now is not the time for internal strife. If this continues, my brother will become lonely..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Princess Chengye suddenly noticed that Maomao picked up the tea she had made beside her and slowly stood up and walked to the eaves outside the door alone.

"It's all the fault of this useless master like me. I can't even protect a single subordinate or even a close friend. How can such a useless man still govern the country?" As he said this, Maomao sat down cross-legged and looked up. Looking at the full moon in the sky, "I...maybe I'm really not suitable to be a general. There are too many things that I can't give up. I really... feel ashamed of that person (Jiang Cheng). I often think about it recently, if How nice it would be to be able to forget about my family, country and the world, and stare blankly at the unpleasant tea brewed by my sister Pinpin. I... am obviously a general with the people of the world on my shoulders... but I would have such thoughts. "


Looking at the back full of Maomao who couldn't let go, Princess Chengye called out softly with some distress, but then stood up again, pouted and complained: "That's too much! The tea I brewed is very delicious! "

"Really..." As he spoke, Maomao looked at the tea in his hand with some hope, "Then I hope that this day will come without any expectations. I hope that one day, we don't have to worry about the future. This country It will also become a stable country that does not need generals, so that I can drink tea brewed for me by my sister as a simple brother."

After the words fell, Maomao raised the teacup, but at this critical moment when he was about to take a sip of tea, with the sound of kunai breaking through the air and the sound of kunai being nailed to the teacup, Maomao suddenly said Stunned.

The tea cup shattered with the sound, and the tea spilled all over the floor. Kunai nailed the remaining broken piece of the tea cup to the wooden post.

Everything that happened in front of their eyes caught Maomao and Princess Chengye off guard.

"Brother!" Princess Chengye hurriedly stepped forward, "Brother!"

"Please forgive me for being rude," the voice of a female ninja came from behind Princess Maomao and Chengye, "but it's better not to drink that tea."

Looking at the little ape wearing night clothes that appeared from the ceiling, Maomao was about to say something, but out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed a mouse that had lost its life because of drinking spilled tea.

"Could it be that...the tea is poisonous..."

The little ape ducked down from the beam, knelt on one knee in front of Princess Maomao and Chengye, and lowered his mask: "Unfortunately, the tea party should wait until next time."

Late at night, Yoshihara.


Jiang Cheng, who was focused on the game in front of him, glanced at Quan Zang who opened the window and climbed in.

"You're a rare visitor," Jiang Cheng said without looking back, "You're here at this time. What's wrong? Do you want a coupon? Or are you borrowing the toilet again."

"Both, maybe," said Quanzang, who was holding his butt and running directly towards the toilet. "I can't hold it in any longer, so let's borrow the toilet!"

"Clean it up for me!"

"Do not worry!"

"Here, the coupon you asked for."

"Thank you." Quan Zang, who came out of the toilet, took the Ugly Girl Club coupon from Jiang Cheng and thanked him, but then took out one of the coupons in his hand and put the rest on the table, "But One is enough.”

"What's wrong?" Jiang Cheng laughed dumbly, turned around and asked with interest: "Do you think you have reached your age?"

"Maybe." Quan Zang raised his lips slightly and walked towards the window without looking back. "But it should be fine today. I can't wait to get started."

"No wonder your breathing is so messy." Jiang Cheng shook his head gently, then once again turned his attention to the game in front of him and waved his hands, "Anyway, don't be drained to death, otherwise, those The girls will be very sad if they no longer have a stable source of customers."

Hearing the sound, Quan Zang, who had just climbed out of the window, paused, but soon returned to normal and responded softly.

"ah… "

Shortly after Quan Zang left, Jiang Cheng put down the game controller in his hand, stood up slowly while holding on to the floor, and walked slowly to the window.

Because it was already late at night, the hustle and bustle of Yoshiwara had completely disappeared, leaving only quiet streets with only a few lights left.

"When will this guy learn to close the windows of other people's homes before leaving?" Jiang Cheng shook his head helplessly, and then reached out to close the window, but at this moment, he suddenly found someone upstairs. A figure was walking slowly down the street.

Looking at the figure dressed in a wandering girl's attire and swaying as she walked, several black lines slowly appeared on Jiang Cheng's forehead, and the corners of his eyes twitched uncontrollably.

"What are you doing, that guy..."

The next day, early morning.

"I am Jiang Cheng's fiancée, Imai Nobunaga. Please forgive me for my poor hospitality."

Nobuome, who was dressed as a wandering girl, mumbled and introduced herself to the people at the table while eating donuts.

"Hey, what's going on?" Yue Yong's eyes were like frost, and there was no warmth in her words.

"I don't know, I came here by myself." Jiang Cheng replied nonchalantly, "But isn't there a shortage of people in Yoshiwara recently? Let Nichirin train and train, maybe he can fill the vacancy of the downstream girl. As for the stage name... Tiantian Huan Taifu?"

"That's it, I mean I came to seek refuge with Yoshiwara," Hiwa smiled and said, "Then don't worry, Miss Nobune, I will train you well to become a qualified wandering girl."

"That's it, I'm already ready for the bride's training and so on." Xinnu said while eating donuts.

"It's not a bride practicing, it's a wandering girl practicing, Miss Xinnu."

"It doesn't matter, I know." After taking the last bite of donut into her mouth, Xinnu licked her fingers and replied calmly, "The bride's spiritual practice must also include that kind of practice, I understand. I I’ll work hard.”

"Hey, what's going on?" Yue Yong asked Xiang Jiangcheng coldly, "What's going on with my fiancée?"

Without waiting for Jiang Cheng to answer, Xinnu answered first: "Ah, actually, my guardian made a marriage contract with this gentleman last time. However, due to some reasons, my guardian could not come in person, so he asked me to People come to fulfill their engagement.”

"It's up to you." Jiang Cheng said angrily, "If you want to stay, work hard for me. If you don't want to stay, go back."

"As a fiancée, the first thing you have to do is to cook with love, right?" Xinnu said to herself, then reached out and took out a donut from the food bag in front of her and handed it to Jiang Cheng, "Ah— Feed me."

Seeing this scene, veins suddenly appeared on Yue Yong's forehead, "You guy!"

Jiang Cheng pointed at Xinnu and looked at Ri Lun: "Ri Lun, her ransom fee is only 10,000 yuan. Make it clear to the store. You can take her away with only 10,000 yuan."

"10,000 yuan package, 20,000 yuan package, 30,000 yuan package...ZZZ..."

Looking at Xinnu who suddenly fell asleep while counting, Yue Yong shouted angrily: "Hey! What kind of trouble are you going to make if you fall asleep while introducing the set meal? No, this kind of woman can't be a wandering girl! It's better to throw her out as soon as possible. !”

"Last night... is the set meal worth tens of thousands of yuan?"

The snoring letter girl said this in her sleep.

The contempt in Yue Yong's eyes seemed to be real: "Hey, what do you mean? What does the set meal last night mean?"

"Calm down! Nothing happened!" Jiang Cheng quickly defended.

"Banana...and donuts and stuff..."

The letter girl once again said something in her sleep.

"Hey, are you really asleep?" Jiang Cheng complained expressionlessly, and then looked at the dark-faced Yue Yong beside him, "Anyway, nothing happened. I just ate donuts with bananas. .No nasty things happened at all!”

"You can't hear it at all, bastard!!"

While roaring, Yue Yong directly threw several kunai.

Ding ding ding…

Nobunaga, who regained consciousness for a moment and blocked Kunai with her sword, spoke again: "If he dies, I will be the widow!"

"No, what..." Looking at the unconscious Jiang Cheng who was stabbed by the bounced kunai, Yue Yong complained silently, "She is already a widow. No, not this! I have never heard about my fiancée. ah!"

"Yeah, yeah! We won't admit it!"

A group of Baihua ladies broke into the door and spoke at the same time.

(End of chapter)