Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 770: When people are unlucky, bad things always happen one after another!



After a sudden gunshot, the mobile phone in Kagura's hand was completely useless.

"Ah! My smartphone!" Kagura held her head and collapsed.

"Huh~" After blowing the green smoke from the tip of the umbrella, Afutu picked up his umbrella, shrugged his shoulders and said in a helpless tone: "Hey, don't scare the rabbit like that, you know. Except for that idiot leader, all the rabbits in the universe are very timid. They are already an endangered species. It would be bad if the little girl’s phone call alerted the monster and made us even more endangered~ "

"Tch," Gintoki said with a hint of disdain after snoring, "Is this the strongest race in the universe, the Night Rabbits? It's really pathetic. They are even afraid of such idiots. What the hell is this? ?”

"Are you afraid..." Afutu raised his face, closed his eyes and thought carefully, "No, something is a little bit wrong. How should I describe that feeling? It's like... facing a detached person. You have the feeling that conventional creatures do not conform to the principles of conventional biology. Don’t you have that feeling when you face that kind of guy? Or is it that your intuition...can’t even detect that kind of thing?”

Gintoki retorted disdainfully: "I understand that he is an idiot beyond common sense."

"That's it. It seems that I really don't understand. It's useless to talk so much. In short, although it's a pity, you all have to die here."

"Stop joking!" Shinbaji retorted immediately, clenching his fists and arguing, "You come to other people's country without authorization and make a mess of our country before saying such things! Stop it!"

"Really?" Afutu turned to look at Xinbaji with a disapproving look on his face, "Why do I think this country was already broken before we came here? Even if we don't take action, it will become corrupt itself. . Besides, weren't you warriors the ones who dealt the final blow to this country? We were just taking the opportunity to repay a favor that we didn't know who to repay. It doesn't matter if we repaid it wrong, as long as we repay it. "

At this time, Gintoki tightened his grip on the wooden sword in his hand, and his lifeless eyes seemed to be a little colder.

"Where is he? That guy...where is Takasugi?"

Afutu chuckled.

"Who knows, at least there won't be him where you are going next. I have already sent the guide there first..."

As he spoke, Afuto raised the bandaged head in his hand and said, "Ninja and samurai, let's destroy this country together."

"I'm sorry, this person can't be a guide. All this person can be is..."

Before Gintoki finished speaking, the head in Futu's hand opened his eyes and glanced at Futu, and at the same time said: "Do you want hot cocoa? Or do you want to drink bright red black tea?"

Afutu noticed something, and before he could throw away the head of Baidi Ranpo in his hand, the opponent was already controlled and exploded.

boom! ! ! !

"Deputy Captain!!" Several Yatsura on the side exclaimed, but before they could finish their words, they were cut off by a huge shuriken that appeared instantly in the smoke.

"Stand up, samurai, it's not over yet for the shinobi or this country."

The controller of the shuriken, Momoji Ranpo himself, appeared behind everyone and said this.

"Miss Baidi!" Xin Bajiao was surprised.

"Run!" Gintoki was the first to react, shouting and leading the way towards Baijiranpo, who had opened a path for everyone.

"So you're still alive!" Shinpachi said while running and looking at Baiji Ranpo who was carrying a shuriken. "By the way, can that thing be used as a shuriken?"

"As I said, ninjas will not die." Momochi Ranpo responded calmly, "The ninja they just killed was just a puppet controlled by me, Momochi Ranpa, which was Fujibayashi who died at that time. A bunch of gangsters. The real ninja war is just about to begin now."

As soon as Bai Di finished speaking, one sword after another stabbed out from the ground behind everyone, blocking the chasing Night Rabbits.

Immediately afterwards, real masked ninjas holding sharp blades came out one after another.

"I see, is this the real ninjutsu?" Futu, who was wrapping his injured left arm with a bandage, had a gloomy face that seemed to be dripping with water. "If this arm hadn't been crippled, I would have I can give you a round of applause, but it's a pity. Now... even if the beast ends in person, there's no way it can stop... "

With that said, Futu led a group of Night Rabbits and rushed forward, killing several approaching ninjas with three strikes.

"Listen carefully," Baodi Ranpo said as he ran, "near the statue of Mori Zhitian on the west rock wall, there is an escape route that only the villagers know. Take the general with you and escape from Iga."

After the words fell, Baidi Ranpo, who had already run with the others to a wooden bridge sandwiched on a cliff, stopped, and at the same time raised the shuriken in his hand high.

Kagura, who was still running, looked at the scene behind him and was obviously stunned.

boom! ! !

The wooden bridge... was cut in half.

After reacting, Xin Baji looked at Bai Di Luan Po on the other side of the wooden bridge behind him, and hurriedly shouted: "Miss Bai Di!"

"We will stop them here. Even if Iga is captured, we cannot let this country be destroyed." As he said this, Momochi picked up his shuriken and looked at Shimomo, "General, forgive us for not being able to I will serve you until the end."

"Baidi!" Maomao shouted.

"There are only ninjas here, I'm a little worried." Kondo's voice suddenly came from the foot of Baidi, "This plan should be completed by ninjas and samurai together."

Seeing Kondo and Shishita holding the edge of the broken wooden bridge under their feet, Baiji was slightly stunned.

Fourteen climbed up the wooden bridge little by little and said at the same time: "In that case, let us also take advantage of it and share some of the credit."

"Kondo-san! Hijikata-san!" Shinpachi shouted.

"That's it, you guys should leave quickly." Fourteen replied without looking back.

"You can handle it without the policeman accompanying you on the road behind, right?" Kondo said, and after that, he and Fourteen slowly left with their backs to Gintoki and the others.

"Wait! You guys..."

Just as Kagura was about to say something, she was interrupted by Kondo, who was carrying his back.

"Wanshiwuwu! Due to various coincidences, I have been with you for a long time, but we have never entrusted you with any work so far. I didn't expect that such a day would come, but... now we can't find anyone except you. The only other people I can entrust to you are you."

As he said that, Kondo and Fourteen turned their heads to look at Gintoki and the others at the same time, "This is the first and last commission of our Shinsengumi. I'll leave it to you, General, Lord Master."

Looking at Kondo and Shizuo, Gintoki rolled his eyes and turned around.

"We accept it."

As soon as the words fell, both parties started to leave at the same time with a tacit understanding, but something unexpected happened... again!

boom! !

Kondo and Fourteen, who had just taken a step forward, suddenly froze when they saw Momo flying in front of them.

Fourteen, who turned around, clenched his fists with bulging veins and white eyes and yelled angrily: "Hey! What's going on?! Why did you suddenly throw the general over again! Do those words just now still make sense?! And what's going on? Does it make sense?!”

But just after he finished speaking, Fourteen was suddenly stunned, because it was only then that Fourteen discovered that Gintoki and the others were blocked by a group of Naraku who appeared at an unknown time. In the flash of lightning just now, Gintoki and the others reluctantly The general protected him and used all his strength to kill several Narakus.

"Nar... Naraku!" Kondo's pupils shrank, "Why... why?! Why is Naraku here?!"

Gintoki held the wooden sword tightly and guarded it tightly in front of the broken bridge: "Although I don't know what happened, it seems that this time... I am really going to completely wipe out this country..."

"Thank you, Gintoki, it's a big help." Jiang Cheng's voice sounded from behind Gintoki, "I was finally rescued after being chased for so long."

Hearing the sound, Gintoki's face darkened, and then he instantly raised his leg and kicked Jiang Cheng off the wooden bridge.

"What are you doing?!" Jiang Cheng, who was holding on to the wooden bridge with one hand and barely managed to avoid falling, roared with white eyes, "I was almost killed by you if I wasn't killed by them! It's not easy for me to catch my breath!"

"Did you attract it?! Did you attract it?!" Gintoki yelled with his veins bursting, "Do you know what the situation is here! What are you doing by attracting these crows?!"

"This is really rude," Jiang Cheng complained with his lips raised as he stood up, "We just wanted to have a picnic and autumn outing, but we encountered so many crows. When we were covering Yueyue and the others' escape... I ran here without realizing it. By the way...where is this place?"

"You idiot, do you still have the time to have a picnic at this time, Aru?!" Kagura rolled her eyes and hit Jiang Cheng's stomach with a knee, "Where's the bento?! Have you eaten it all already, Aru?! Go! Die!!”

"Is this it?! Is the bento the only thing you care about?!" Shinpachi complained.

Things started from half an hour ago...

Under the cover of Jiang Cheng, a group of Baihua members headed by Yue Yong were moving at high speed in the forest.

"Tafu Shinigami, why did Naraku..." Mansai asked as he ran.

Yue Yong shook her head gently: "I don't know, but... maybe it was premeditated. I know almost nothing about that fool."

"There are so many Narakus, even His Excellency Jiang Cheng..." Wan Zhai hesitated to speak.

"No, he will definitely come back safe and sound." Yue Yong said with complicated eyes, " not suitable for that kind of thing at all, the only one who is suitable is..."

As she said that, Yue Yong thought of Jiang Cheng who always stayed in his room and competed with games...

"Ah, I'm back." Jiang Cheng's voice suddenly sounded from beside Yue Yong.

(End of chapter)