Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 783: Things left behind


Just when Elizabeth and Saito finally got into an argument over the overlapping of character attributes and billboard attributes, Kagura suddenly noticed something and looked up at the eaves nearby.

Looking at the empty eaves, Kagura suddenly felt an inexplicable empty feeling in her heart, as if... she was about to lose something important.

No one would know that a certain figure had been there quietly staring down from the beginning until it disappeared just now.

On the other side, in the Smile Bar.

"I see," Sasaki said, holding his hands behind his back and walking step by step in front of Gintoki, "In the era of flowing generals and flowing water, only fools are made of iron?"

Saying that, Sasaki turned around and glanced at the two team members who were still guarding A Miao, "Let her go, and then bandage the injured. Sir Xixi did go a little too far tonight, and we can't let the new government let her go." The negative comments have spread. It’s more convenient to find a fool to take the blame.”

"Yin Sang!"

Seeing Gintoki being handcuffed and about to be taken away, A Miao quickly shouted and wanted to step forward, but was stopped by two team members.

Just when Gintoki was about to be escorted to the door by Sasaki and a group of team members, a figure stopped in front of them.

Sasaki stopped and looked at the fourteen in front of him, and said calmly: "What are you doing? Hijikata-san?"

Aji's voice sounded from behind the team members: "We can't just let you take him away. If we remain silent now, let alone being hard-core, we can't even be considered police, right?" Big brother?"

"No matter who the opponent is, if we can't tell who should be punished and who should be protected, we policemen will be doomed." Xiao Qianxing slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, then pointed the cigar in his hand at everyone, "The strange thing is you, then If this continues, this country will perish, sir."

[I swallowed these words together with the Camus wine. There are some words that men are better off not saying.]

Aji madly complained: "It's already happened now, don't use hard-core as saying you're quitting to escape! He was so handsome just now!"

Sasaki's tone was calm: "Do you know why humans can survive the five billion years of constant changes on the earth? It's because of the survival of the fittest. To put it in another way that people like you who are not elites can understand, the new Sentai series begins. Every time, I think, "We don't agree with this, it's better to be a cyborg," right? But at the end of the new series, the mutants were reluctant to leave. Human beings have adapted to various changes and survived to this day. The hero this time is indeed not the one who protects the weak, but people will adapt... No, people can only adapt. No matter how we lament and resist, the old times and old heroes will not come back. If that's not the case, and if they resist like the Shinsengumi, the only way left is extermination. "

Fourteen, who had lowered his head and remained silent from beginning to end, finally spoke: "Sir, none of us have died yet."

"Hijikata-san, you'd better not make any move," Sasaki said, raising his feet and walking towards the door again, "If you dare to take a step, you and your friends will be regarded as traitors and disappear into history. . I think you should already know very well that you... can no longer be heroes."

Fourteen, who was passed over by Sasaki and others, just clenched his trembling fists and didn't say a word.

"Guests, what you ordered is now ready~ I just served it to you."

Sasaki stopped again, looked at the tray full of delicious sticks in the hands of the long-haired woman with her head lowered in front of her, and said, "I don't remember that I've ever done this."

"No, no matter where," the woman said, turning her face to look at the empty booth, "a customer who was sitting there just now, wearing only a pair of briefs, ordered for everyone."


"The bill has been settled, so you don't need to pay." The woman pinched her voice and continued, while reaching out and pulling out the hairpin on her head, "We have no demands on the shogunate or the police. If you want to ask why..."

Gui, whose long hair was down, regained her original voice, and continued with serious eyes: "The hero is here!"

Before Sasaki could react, the delicious stick in front of him suddenly exploded.

boom! ! !

Smoke instantly filled the air and enveloped everyone.

"It's a smoke bomb!" a member of the team shouted.

"Run!" Katsura shouted without looking back, then turned to glance at Gintoki, "Gintoki, see you in the morning."

In the small alley next to the Smile Bar, Jiang Chengcheng, who was hidden in the shadows, just casually glanced at Gintoki, Shishi, A Miao and Xiaoqianxing who were running past the alley just now.

After a few more minutes, the commotion in the store gradually stopped, and Gui, who was handcuffed, was escorted outside the door and put into a police car belonging to the interview team. At the same time, Xixi, who was still unconscious with rolled eyes, bruised nose, swollen face and few teeth, was also sent to the ambulance.

After watching the police car and ambulance leave, Sasaki, who was left alone, came to the alley and leaned against the wall outside the alley.

"Since you are here, it means that none of our people who were arranged to be around you are left, right? After all, I didn't even receive a text message, which is really incredible. Sure enough, this kind of thing is still a matter of trust. It’s better for the woman to come in person.”

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng chuckled softly and said: "Please spare me, no matter what...if I really killed such a woman, I would feel a little regretful."

"Oh... that means you want to cherish Xinnu in your heart, right? Then it's better for us to finalize the wedding date as soon as possible. Don't worry about Xinnu, I will do the ideological work."

"I don't like XLD women."

"How do you know if you don't try this kind of thing? Although I'm not as good as you, women still have two faces."

"No, I don't have that many faces."

"Really? That's really disappointing." Sasaki lowered his head to edit the text message and continued, "But it's really unexpected. I thought you would definitely rush in, and I was looking forward to it. After all... You are also the most suitable candidate for general in my heart. If it were you, the possibility of me switching sides in an instant would be very high."

"Don't be ridiculous, that kind of random thing..." Jiang Cheng smiled helplessly, and then sighed softly, "But you should have inquired about it beforehand, right? After all, I was blacklisted by this store. The presence."

"Yes, but I didn't expect you to actually abide by the rules set by that kind of person. I thought you, like Mr. Sakata and others, only abide by the rules in your heart."

"It's two different things. Whether it's inner rules or rules like this, he will still abide by what he should abide by. Otherwise, he will become like the tadpole eyebrow who was just sent to the ambulance. And...those people...many of them are people who will abide by the store's rules."

"That's really a pity. Xixi-sama's new regime may not be able to accommodate them. Speaking of which, I heard that Mr. Shimomo liked to go to a certain shop in Yoshiwara when he was alive. I'd like to try it next time without taking Xixi-sama. …”

"Whatever you want, but if you are forced to learn some underground rules or something, don't blame others. They don't have as many rules to restrict themselves as the people on the ground."

"...Well, I'll just keep it in mind for now. Goodbye, Your Excellency Jiang Cheng."

Jiang Cheng said goodbye to Sasaki and walked leisurely alone.

"He is really a nasty man..."

Jiang Cheng raised his head and sighed, but then he suddenly noticed something and stopped.

Looking at the Yoshihara gate not far away, Jiang Cheng shook his head gently and laughed at himself: "What am I doing? Why did I come back here without knowing it? The direction I want to go..."

With that said, Jiang Cheng turned around and slowly walked towards the shadows on one side.

There were countless black figures in the shadows, which seemed to be watching and waiting for Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng's steps were slow and regular, and the black shadows consciously made way for Jiang Cheng. Only after Jiang Cheng's shadow completely disappeared did the black shadows slowly follow him.

In the early morning, Yueyong's face was hit by the morning sun shining directly from the window. Her eyelashes trembled slightly and she slowly opened her eyes.

The moment she regained consciousness, Yue Yong sat up and looked at the empty pillow and inside the room. There was a bit of unbearability on her face and she clenched her fists.

Get dressed, wash up, and wake up as usual...

This was true originally, but when she just arrived outside the door of Jiang Cheng's room, Yue Yong, who subconsciously raised her hand, was suddenly stunned.

The hand that was about to touch the sliding door trembled slightly, and then slowly retracted it, but... As if hoping for something, Yue Yong stretched out her hand again.


Looking at the living room where the decoration had not changed at all, Yue Yong felt relieved for no reason, and then walked towards the bedroom door anxiously.

Yue Yong stood in front of the bedroom door, feeling the same as when she opened the door.

"What am I doing? Why am I acting like a brat..." Yue Yong's eyes welled up with tears, and she whispered to herself, "What on earth are you looking forward to..."

After that, Yue Yong lifted up her sleeves and wiped her eyes, gave up on opening the door, turned around and left, but after taking only two steps, she suddenly saw something left by Jiang Cheng.

"What a fool who has not made any progress at all and even regressed. He even forgot to bring his own umbrella."

Yue Yong whispered this softly.

That day, many people who knew Jiangcheng in Edo received the news that Jiangcheng had left Yoshiwara.

However, at this juncture, there were not many people paying attention to this kind of thing, such as the Shinsengumi and Katsura faction who had gathered together.

There are only a few people who are troubled by this kind of thing.

Gintoki looked up at the moon and whispered to himself: "This is such an unexpected opportunity. What on earth are you going to do? Jiang Cheng..."

(End of chapter)