Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 790: The curtain slowly falls


"Little...little uncle...why...why..."

"Answer me." There was no emotion in Jiang Cheng's voice, "Is there anyone in this place who needs your life to protect? Why are you here?"

"Why... why would my uncle... would..."

"answer me."

Jiang Cheng began to use his hands a little harder, but Kagura just stared blankly at the masked man in front of him, unable to come back to his senses even though he could no longer breathe. It seemed that he could not accept that Jiang Cheng was behind the mask no matter what. accomplished fact.

But... the voice was definitely his.

"Although I don't know what you want to do, boss, do you even want to kill your own niece?!" Sougo said and rushed forward, "Hey! Little girl! Now is not the time for you to sleep!"


Jiang Cheng, who casually grabbed Sougo's sword from behind, casually let go of Kagura's neck, who had completely lost his will to fight, and then stood up slowly.

Sougo, who missed the attack, gritted his teeth and kicked out a whip kick without any hesitation.


Jiang Cheng grabbed Sougo's calf, and with just a little force, Sougo's calf and sword broke at the same time.

"Ugh!" Sougo was in pain. He gritted his teeth and swung the broken sword. Taking advantage of Jiang Cheng's dodge, he broke free, took a few steps back, and knelt down on one knee.

"Boss, what is your identity...?"

Jiang Cheng said calmly: "Is this the only thing you want to know at the last moment? Where's the hatred? You know I killed many of your friends just now."

Sougo roared: "Answer me!!"

"It's just yours..."

As he spoke, Jiang Cheng stretched his hand to his waist and grasped the knife at his waist. The next moment, the several members of the Kaihui Group, the Shinsengu Group, and the Gui faction who rushed around were all stopped by the sword light that was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye. Cut off. At the same time, Jiang Cheng also completed his words.

"…just an enemy."

Seeing Jiang Cheng who didn't hold back at all, Sougo's eyes widened to the maximum, his pupils shaking.

The blood splashed in Sougo's face, but he didn't close his eyes because of it.

"I hate samurai, because they lose their direction if they lose just one person... they are disgusting samurai."

Jiang Cheng walked slowly towards Sougo, his plain words as unhurried as the steps under his feet.

"A samurai who cannot find the meaning of his existence just by losing one person... is disgusting. How does it feel to lose everything for just one person? Your comrades. This is what a meaningless war is. Once you start you can never stop, you will only lose more things.”



Jiang Cheng, who was able to withstand the almost irrational Sougo's continuous blows with his sword, said calmly: "Roar? Have you gradually understood? Have you gradually begun to feel it? Hatred, pain, unwillingness, regret... Sougo Jun, your sword path has been messed up."

As he spoke, Jiang Cheng found the right moment to knock the dagger out of Sougo's hand. At the same time, he grabbed Sougo's wrist with his left hand and squeezed it hard. His right leg was not idle, and he hit Sougo's wrist hard with a knee strike. On the lower abdomen.

"it's over."

With that said, Jiang Cheng was about to slash at Sougo, but...

Jiang Cheng turned his head and looked at Kagura who was holding on to his right arm through gritted teeth, and asked calmly: "What are you doing?"

"Stop! Let's go back to Edo together!" Kagura cried, "Go back, Aru! I know my uncle is not someone who would do such a thing intentionally, Aru! Go back!"

"In the way."

He let go of Sougo's left hand and smashed Kagura away hard.

boom! ! !

Ignoring Kagura, who hit the cliff behind and spat out a mouthful of blood, Jiang Cheng raised the sword in his hand high again.


Looking at Nobuhime who was standing in front of Sougo with her left hand covering her abdomen and her right hand holding the sword picked up from the ground to resist, Jiang Cheng's tone revealed a bit of surprise: "Are you still alive? As expected of the former Naraku San feather."

"You..." Sougo came back to his senses and looked at the Nobu girl in front of him with a look of disbelief.

"Is your codename...Eagle?" Nobunaga asked breathlessly.

"Eagle...?" Sougo asked in confusion. At the same time, he grabbed a sword from the ground with his left hand and stood up unsteadily.

"I don't know the specifics, are the existence that the Heavenly Daoists found that can resist the person they are afraid of, right? Ha, it's really ridiculous. In order to resist the person they are afraid of, the person they finally found turned out to be that person. younger brother…"

boom! ! !

Looking at Nobunu who was forcibly dragged away by Sougo at the last moment, Jiang Cheng spoke calmly: "The House of Elders of Tiandao...the only thirteen elders who can breathe fresh air - Eagle, Jiang Cheng."

"The Tendo people who secretly control this country, are they one of the real people behind the scenes..." Sougo murmured.

Xinnu asked: "Where is Naraku? With you, Naraku..."

"Ah, so it's no longer needed." As he said that, Jiang Cheng casually killed several nearby Narakus, along with the enemies, "On this island... no one will escape today. You too The same thing. The sky you wanted to resist has fallen to the ground in person, but... you can't do anything except run away. The eagle... is different from the weak crow. "

Kagura rushed over at some point, hugged Jiang Cheng's waist forcefully, and shouted: "Run!!! No one on this island can defeat him! Run!!"

"Kagura, until you think about the problem clearly, please stay calm."


Kagura gritted her teeth and resisted Jiang Cheng's punch with her face, but her hand did not loosen at all.

"Uncle, you are really stingy. You have only revealed such a powerful status now. So I should be the princess of the whole universe, right Aru?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kagura was grabbed by Jiang Cheng's hand and pulled away.


Kagura screamed in pain as her right arm was directly pinched off.

"It shouldn't be a problem if you break your limbs."

Listening to Jiang Cheng's light words, Kagura actually laughed.

"Even if you put on this mask, even if you get so much blood, I can still see it! That look on your face! The look on your face that you're ready to take on everything! That's enough! What on earth do you want to do?!"

"No, you don't know anything. Your eyes have been blinded by these warriors. Here... there is nothing worthy of your protection."

"No, it exists." Gintoki's cold voice suddenly came from behind Jiang Cheng, "Your... soul! Come back! Idiot!"

After casually throwing Kagura out, it hit Shinpachi who was aware of the situation and rushed towards him. The sword in Jiang Cheng's right hand easily blocked Gintoki's wooden sword.

"It's been a long time since I've fought with you, Gintoki."

"Cut!" Gintoki took two steps and cut.

" interesting statement. But it hasn't changed at all. It was the same in the past and it is now. There is no change in the slightest. The only thing that has changed is you."

"I...haven't changed at all!"

With that said, Gintoki rushed up directly.

"No, it has changed a long time ago."

Looking at Gintoki, who could barely keep up with Jiang Cheng's speed, and was fighting back and forth with Jiang Cheng, Sougo found it hard to accept it for a moment.

The boss of Wanshiwu... is he so powerful

"I'll leave the ones over there to you," Jiang Cheng said, "Don't leave any of them behind."

Standing high up, Hao didn't answer, turned around and left slowly.

Gintoki, who was still attacking, said: "You were distracted during the battle, and you have also fallen, Jiangcheng!"

"Ah, because you are weak."

"Tch! It's still as unpleasant as ever, but ah, I've never lost in a sparring match with you!"

ten minutes later…

Looking at Gintoki who was lying on the ground, his eyes almost unable to open, and no longer having the strength to stand up, Jiang Cheng, who was standing in front of him, said calmly: "So didn't I say it? You are too weak. My mask, you None of them were aborted.”

Gintoki's voice was weak: " there are some things...are you prepared to bear them all by yourself?, you just want to bear everything by yourself? Aren't we...not...companions?"

Jiang Cheng did not respond, but looked around at the people who were seizing the opportunity to flee under the cover of Gintoki's obstruction and the Mihui group's air force.

Then he spoke slowly: "Gintoki, is there anyone here that you must protect?"

"There is...some. Even if not, it is already there now. Your...pain..."

"No, that's wrong." Jiang Cheng shook his head, "I have never hated you before."

"It's just that you didn't hate me about the teacher... Matsushita Village School... Shanta, Jiu, Mingta, Iguchi... I disobeyed the teacher's instructions and took them to the battlefield, but..."

"Ah, yes, everyone is dead. The classmates you encouraged all died there."

Jiang Cheng did not chase Sougo and the others, but spoke calmly.

"There is never an either/or choice. What you want to protect has been abandoned from the beginning, from the moment you took them to the battlefield. And those partners who joined halfway because they wanted to protect this country... Most of them died. Even if our original purpose was not to protect this country, they... are the ones we should protect as commanders and generals. Human beings... are really troublesome people. There are more and more things to protect. As a result, In the end, we couldn't protect anything as we kept staring in one direction... I'm sorry."

"Haha...why do you need to apologize?"

"Because from the beginning to the end, I was the only one who could stop you from going to the battlefield. I always thought I could still stop you. But when I lost my first companion, I understood that there was no way the war would end, and it remains the same to this day. You don't have to worry about anything, it's my responsibility. Just get some sleep before this is over."

Seeing Jiang Cheng taking off his mask and showing his usual smile, Gintoki tried his best to open his eyes wide to prevent himself from passing out.

"Jiang...Jiang Cheng..."

"Good night, Gintoki." After saying that, Jiang Cheng reached out and grabbed Gintoki's collar and lifted him up, looking at Gintoki's soft eyes, "The last thing is the last, don't use this Look at me with an expression on your face. Go to sleep, no matter the hard work or pain, everything will end the moment you wake up again."

"I...can't stop you..." Gintoki murmured. As he spoke, Gintoki tried his best to turn his face to look at the unconscious Kagura beside him, "She...just wanted to tell you that she should say goodbye properly before leaving. , you seem to have made more than one woman cry this time..."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng's expression froze, and then he looked at Kagura, who was lying on the ground and unconscious, with a bit of tenderness.

" you have anything else for me to bring? While I'm still...not yet..."

"No, there isn't."

" like this..."

After all, Gintoki finally fell into a coma.

One chapter in the morning.

(End of chapter)