Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 796: Great justice


Time passes day by day...

One day, Admiral Purple Bird received a somewhat strange report recording a seemingly insignificant incident.

The report stated that a medium-sized warship suddenly sent an emergency contact that day, and then proactively disconnected the contact before it was connected.

After the main ship contacted him, the other party claimed that he had accidentally pressed the emergency contact button and everything was normal.

Since there was no support along the way, the Altana Liberation Army had a smooth sailing, so Admiral Purple Bird did not take this inconspicuous report to heart, and just thought that the people below really pressed the wrong button.

However, it was such an inconspicuous little thing that did not attract Zique's attention, but it decided the fate of Altana's liberation army.

One day, Zique will regret why he didn't pay attention to that report, but it will be too late.

On the Tiannia giant battleship, there was still the spacious and bright conference room. When the automatic door slowly opened, the cursing voice of the pink-skinned Tianren who stepped in also came in.

"Asshole! That little broken planet actually refused to provide any assistance! We are the Altana Liberation Army fighting to liberate all planet residents from the hands of the Heavenly Daoists!"

The lizard man sitting on the circular conference table shrugged his shoulders and said with a hint of ridicule: "Okay, okay, stop complaining. Even on a small planet, people are lucky and can't help it. Nothing." If you do it, the Heavenly Dao people on your own planet will be eliminated."

"Don't mention the word luck to me!"

The red-skinned celestial being sat down in front of the conference table, his face full of resentment. He smashed the table hard with his fists, and then said: "Why are they so lucky? Do you know how many planets are passing through today?" How weak? There is no decent armed force at all! How can such a planet! Why can it get rid of the control of the Tiandaozhong without doing anything! We... our planet is obviously a martial sect with a powerful army. Why does our country have to suffer like that? Why!”

"Hey! It's almost done." Catfish Spirit reminded, "If Admiral Purple Bird hears this, it's time to reprimand him again."

"Tch!" the pink-skinned celestial being said, "Forget it, we got help anyway. It doesn't matter."

"Did you get assistance?"

Purple Sweet Potato Spirit heard some of the voice of the words, and quickly asked: "What do you mean? couldn't have robbed it, right?"

The red-skinned celestial being shrugged his shoulders with a look of disapproval: "I didn't do anything. It was the soldiers below who grabbed something with their angry hands. I have already taught the leaders a lesson."

"You are indulging your subordinates in provoking troubles!" Zishu Jing's expression was solemn, "And it's a completely unrelated planet! If Admiral Zique learns about this kind of thing..."

"Come on, come on, don't act like you've never done this before." The lizard man lay down on the armchair, resting his hands on his head and said casually, "To feed so many expeditionary troops, we only need the supplies we brought. If we don’t squeeze a little bit from the planets we pass by, do you think we can drive to the earth? It’s okay, why don’t we just grab something? We have righteousness! We are here to save the entire universe! Hahaha..."

"That's right! We are the righteous Altana Liberation Army!"

"Justice and no guilt!"

"For the sake of justice, what if we take some of their things?"

"After all, their planet was liberated at no cost, so why not support us a little?"

"You're right! Expeditions are a blessing and a hardship! Whether it's women, money, food, or wine, all you have to do is hand over them!"

The other heavenly beings all agreed and smiled happily, as if they had forgotten that their hometown had suffered a disaster not long ago.


As the automatic door slowly opened, Admiral Purple Bird's voice came in.

"What's wrong? You sound very happy. Are you talking about something happy?"

"Admiral Purple Bird!"×7

Several people stood up instantly and saluted.

"Don't be so serious, it's nothing." Admiral Zique smiled and waved his hand, and at the same time slowly came to the circular conference room and sat down at the main seat, "I just heard you laughing so happily, so I wanted to participate. That’s all. Sit down, everyone.”

After listening, people sat down again these days.

Admiral Zique put his two hands together on the table and continued with a bit of emotion: "Ah, I haven't heard such cheerful laughter for a long time. I miss the days when I used to fight with my friends."

"We'll reach Earth in about a month." Catfish Spirit said.

The tall and thick pink-skinned Celestial Being said: "Our vanguard troops will reach the sky above the earth in about half a month. If they open the way, there will be no problem. This time we will definitely wipe out the Celestial Daoists!"

"Actually, I..." Admiral Zique frowned slightly, "I sense something is wrong."

"Huh? What's wrong?" the lizard man asked.

"Why haven't the Tiandaozong taken any action for so long? All their association branches on various planets have been removed, but why haven't they taken any action yet? Are they...really still on Earth?"

"Whether we are on Earth or not, we have to go." Purple Sweet Potato Spirit pondered for a moment and then looked at Admiral Purple Bird and replied.

"... What I am more worried about is, what should we do if the Heavenly Daoists have been wiped out? We may return without success."

"How can it be!"

"It's not completely impossible," Admiral Zique shook his head, "Have you forgotten? That mysterious force that simultaneously uprooted the association branches on all the planets of the Tiandaozong. Now there is no doubt that their target is also the Tiandaozhong. So , if they arrive on earth earlier than us..."

"Damn it! Are you going to fight us even for the battle?!"

Zique raised his hand: "Hey, don't say that. After all, judging from their actions, they were established much earlier than us, and they have been targeting the Heavenly Daoists in this universe from the beginning.

To be honest, I really admire them. I also visited several of the planets they rescued. They did an excellent job and quietly solved the problem without affecting the indigenous people at all. The association branch reduced the damage to the planet to an almost invisible level.

Moreover, they also taught the local governments how to control Altana in their own country. I believe that soon, these countries will be able to fully control Altana in their own country and completely nationalize Altana in their own country. "

As he said that, Zique showed some admiration.

"Yeah, yeah, I really want to meet the leader of those people more and more. I analyzed the actions of this mysterious force this time, and got a rough time, that is, they have been hiding it for at least ten years!

This is a benevolent person who can be patient and calm in dealing with things, but he is also decisive, clear-organized and does not miss any details. I really want to have a good chat with him in my lifetime. You will definitely benefit a lot. "

"Admiral Zique, we are also here for the Heavenly Daoists. Why do you only care about praising others? We are also great!"

"That's right!"

"Hahaha, I'm sorry." Admiral Zique smiled and said: "But from a factual point of view, we are indeed not as good as them, and we, the leaders of the Altana Liberation Army, are indeed not as good as that mysterious man. The powerful one.

It can be seen from the fact that they left quietly after solving the association branches that they had no selfishness or utilitarianism at all. Even though they saved so many planets, they did not seek fame or profit. Such people sometimes I doubt whether it really exists. "

"A bunch of idiots?"

"Hahahaha. In a sense, they are indeed similar. They are a group of selfless fools, but they are extremely admirable and desirable. If possible, I would like to be such a person."

Frog Heavenly Man said: "But if they really get rid of the Heavenly Daoists before us, it can be regarded as helping us. After all, we originally planned to destroy the association and then occupy the earth."

After leaning his forehead and thinking for a moment, Admiral Zique spoke: "This matter... needs to be discussed further. If we really do this, the great cause of our liberation army will be..."

drop! drop! drop!


"Warning! Warning! The hull is under attack! The hull is under attack! Please prepare for battle!

Repeat again! The hull is under attack! The hull is under attack! Please be ready for battle! "

The sudden sound of sirens and the sudden flashing of red lights caught everyone off guard, but they were relatively calm.

"What's going on?" Admiral Zique stood up, leaned on the table and said with a solemn brow, "Attack? Where did the attack come from?"

"It's... it's our fleet!" Catfish, who had just received the news from the operator in the control room through the communicator, was in a panic.

"Our fleet? What is going on?!"

Just as Zique finished speaking, a virtual screen suddenly appeared on the toilet in the middle of the circular table in front of everyone. On the virtual screen was a staff member in the control room who was controlling the spacecraft.

"Report to Admiral Purple Bird! It's all our medium-sized battleships! They turned around at the same time, surrounded us and launched an attack!"

"What?! Our own fleet rebelled?!" Frog Celestial Being had a feeling of doubting Frogsheng, "Are you not telling nonsense? Are you playing an April Fool's Day joke on us?"

"Reporting to you, sir! It's true! They are still attacking us now! All the contacts we sent out have been hung up! And... we just discovered that the three major mercenaries we hired were lost a long time ago. Although I kept a distance behind the fleet, I couldn’t make contact at all..."


"What did you say?!" The pink-skinned Celestial Being slammed the table hard and gritted his teeth, "Why are you not talking about this until now?!"

(End of chapter)