Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 797: An unbeatable opponent


"I'm sorry, sir! We just found out! What should we do now? Fight back?"

Zique raised his hand to stop it and asked: "Wait a minute, how many of our medium-sized battleships participated in this mutiny?"


"What?!" Everyone was not calm.

The pink-skinned celestial being looked in disbelief: "How is that possible! Today I led several medium-sized warships to collect supplies from nearby planets! How could they all rebel?!"

"That's the fact! They rebelled without any warning! What should we do? If we don't fight back, our protective shield won't last long with such intensive firepower!"

"Fight back! Give me back right now..."

Before Frog Heaven could finish his words, he was stopped by Zi Que.

"Wait a minute, what's the situation with the small battleships?"

"Although they didn't attack us like medium-sized battleships, we can't contact them all! I'm afraid..."

After hearing the news, Zique seemed to have aged ten years for a moment, with her eyes wide open and her half-open mouth trembling slightly, with a look of disbelief on her face, but what followed was a look of unbearability and pain.

Zi Que's fists were clenched so hard that she spoke in a trembling voice: "Still...still..."

Before the words were spoken, Zique suddenly discovered that the staff on the virtual screen in front of him suddenly stopped what he was doing and lowered his head without saying a word.

A figure flashed across the virtual screen, and then a huge explosion sounded from the screen.

boom! !

At the moment when the fire splashed, the connection to the virtual screen was cut off due to the bombing of the control room.

"There's...someone lurking in!"

Zique clenched her fists tightly and announced the news with her already red eyes staring.

Frog Tianren, who was checking the status of the spacecraft through the instrument in his hand, looked at the red spots on the hull, his eyes widened with a look of disbelief: "Main control room... deputy control room... deputy weapon control room... the small flying bird ship The ships hovering in the port... were all captured! How... how could this happen! We don't even know how many enemies there are and what they look like!"

At this time, Zique suddenly thought of something. It was the report that he had ignored not long ago, and his pupils were shaking.

"Could it be that...we have been invaded by the enemy since...that time?!"

"Admiral Purple Bird? What should we do? If we continue like this, we will all be wiped out!"

"Think of a way! Admiral Zique!"

"My fault, it's all my fault. If only I could have noticed it earlier, if only I could have cared about that report... "

"Admiral Purple Bird!"

boom! !

Zi Que slammed the table hard and said with a ferocious expression: "Okay! Everyone calm down! Although I don't know who the enemy is, we must fight back! Find a way to notify all soldiers to search for the enemy! Once discovered, quickly report the enemy's location and quantity! At the same time, let the maintenance personnel go to the main control room under the cover of soldiers! Fortunately, the other party did not close the protective cover before destroying the control room. According to the current situation, the protective cover of the spacecraft should still last for another hour! The control room must be repaired in the shortest possible time !Is everything clear?!”


Several celestial beings saluted, and then quickly rushed out and began to issue instructions to the few soldiers on the spacecraft who were already panicking.

"Yuanxiang, Yuanxiang." Zique called through the communicator on his wrist, "Something bad is happening! An enemy has invaded!"

"Ah, I have just learned about the situation, and I am leading a few soldiers and maintenance personnel to the main control room!"

The voice coming from the contact seemed a little urgent, and even included the sound of panicked footsteps.

"Calm down first! I'm afraid you'll encounter the enemy head-on! It's better to bring more soldiers!"

"It's okay. People who hide their heads and show their tails will be beaten by me if I find out... Bah! Bah—"

Listening to the beeping sound of the contactor, Zique felt something bad and shouted several times: "Yuanxiang! Yuanxiang! Yuanxiang!"

Zique, who didn't get any response, gritted her teeth, and then issued an order on the spacecraft's public channel: "All personnel gather in the main control room! The enemy may be there! Yuanxiang may have encountered the enemy!"

Half an hour later, without even knowing any information about the enemy, most of the soldiers in the Skybird battleship had been lost. At this time, Zique finally got a little bit of information about the enemy.

"Enemy found!" A soldier's voice suddenly sounded over the communicator!

"Direction!" Zique shouted.

"The Fire Kagu Togami Control Room! The enemy just came out of the Fire Kagu Togami Control Room! There is only one person! Wearing a black cloak! With a strange black and white mask on his face! The orange-haired man! And...him... He has kidnapped Prince Yuanxiang! Repeat it again! Prince Yuanxiang is in his hands! Although he is still alive, he is not in a good condition!"

"What?! Yuanxiang fell into the hands of the enemy?!"

"The enemy's direction is...the direction is...the conference room! He went towards the conference room!"

"Notify all soldiers! Some move towards the conference room! Some go to the main control room to repair the control system! The rest continue to search for the enemy! There cannot be only one enemy! Repeat! Notify all soldiers! Some move towards the conference room! Some go to the main control room. The control room repairs the control system! The rest continue to search for the enemy! There cannot be only one enemy! If we can find a chance to rescue Yuan Xiang, we can find a chance to rescue Yuan Xiang! Be vigilant! Be vigilant!"

These long paragraphs are all roared by the purple bird! Zique had a premonition that this time the enemy... was probably the most terrifying, weird, powerful, and transcendent existence that he had ever encountered in his life!

Killed all the ships except the Asuka ship silently like a ghost! I didn't notice it at all! Finally, directly target several key parts of the Bird ship, destroy all control rooms, and stop all communication functions such as monitoring and issuing large-scale instructions to soldiers.

The other party almost paralyzed such a large spacecraft! The mobilization of soldiers has also become difficult! One word, chaos!

It even destroyed the hovering airport of the Asuka ship, which was equivalent to cutting off the soldiers' escape route! The other party...the other party is not ready to let anyone go at all! What the other party wants is no one left! What the other side wants is to bury all the PLA!

Thinking of this, Zi Que couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling, this is too scary! Such an enemy is really terrifying! Little by little cannibalization gradually! Act decisively and neatly! The attack was extremely vicious! Every time he takes a shot, he hits the vital point with incomparable precision! We have no way to defend ourselves!

Who is the other party? Why would you do this to the People's Liberation Army

And I have the title of Fleet Battle Celebrity... I can just feed it to the dogs! In front of such an enemy, he is as helpless as a child! The moment the enemy is discovered, it is already the last moment of destruction!

"What kind of enemy have we... provoked..."

Da da da…

After hearing the unhurried and extremely regular footsteps, Zique and several senior officials of the Altana Liberation Army swallowed a mouthful of saliva at the same time.

The hundreds of soldiers waiting in the conference room also raised their guns and aimed at the door of the conference room without fear.

Finally... the man appeared.

Just like the description of the soldier who discovered the enemy - orange hair, half black and half white, but the boundary between black and white is not obvious, a strange mask with black and white blended together in the middle, a black cloak, a black feather fabric, a waist There is also a strange man with a long knife.

The moment she saw Jiang Cheng, Zique had only two words in her heart for this man who walked in slowly.

grim Reaper!

Only this word can describe the sense of oppression this man brought to people. In fact, Zique had the illusion that even the word "death" was not enough to describe this man who dragged the half-dead Yuan Xiang!

"Well... I just think that before death comes, it's better for you to know who your enemy is. At least you won't die in confusion. You will die with hatred, pain, and fear."

Jiang Cheng stopped and spoke calmly.

Zique suppressed the fear in her heart and roared: "Your Excellency...who are you! Why are you targeting our liberation army! Are you going against the righteousness of this universe?!"

"Is it righteousness..." Jiang Cheng raised his face, "This is really a word I haven't heard in a long time. Do you mean they shouldn't die?"

"What on earth are you talking about?! We launched this just war to end the rule of the Heavenly Daoists!"

"Guiyuan, Chenghuang, Longli, Jushou, Zunyuan, Tiaoling, Fuqiu, Citron, Aiyi, Xiuchanglong, Anmengpu, Angris, Qiuwuao..."

Listening to the names of dozens of planets that Jiang Cheng spoke slowly and unhurriedly, clearly and slowly, Zique didn't know what Jiang Cheng wanted to do.

“… Finally, today’s Anpei Si Jiabo, Tian Chongyang Ermi, Yuming Qiuli Chief, and De Bali Jizhou.

Since you established the Altana Liberation Army and set out to conquer, these planets that you have passed through have not been willing to help you,

Three thousand six hundred and ninety-seven ordinary people were wounded and killed by your soldiers.

A total of 618 shops were smashed, burned and looted.

There were six thousand eight hundred incidents of soldiers raping women on these planets at will and calling it comfort.

Countless supplies and food were looted.

As for those planets that are willing to help, you also eat, drink and have fun in the name of the liberation army, and plunder them like bandits.

Even... In other countries, you lied that you solved the problem of the Tiandao Association branch on the planet, forcibly expropriating a large amount of materials, collecting rewards under false pretenses, and threatening force if not given.

Is this the righteousness you keep saying? "

Zi Que raised his hand and said flatly: "Impossible! This kind of thing will not happen! Our liberation army is for the long-cherished wish of the entire universe to liberate the entire universe from the control of the heavenly beings..."

"You can ask a few people around you to know if what I said is true."

The pink-skinned celestial being spoke: "Admiral Purple Bird! It's just a few people below who violated military discipline! I know they have already been punished!"

"My subordinates too! I have already punished him well!"

"It's the same here! I've already punished and disciplined the military!"

Several officers spoke one after another.

" guys! Would they dare to do this without your acquiescence?!" Zique clenched her fists hard, with an excited expression, "You have ruined all the names of the People's Liberation Army!"

The epidemic has started again, everyone should pay attention to protection.

(End of chapter)