Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 801: name


On the unknown barren planet, the battle between Jiang Cheng and Shenwei has ended.

Zique, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, felt that he must have watched a battle between two people who could be called the strongest in the universe.

Both of them are extremely powerful, so powerful that it seems that this planet is not qualified to be the venue for the decisive battle between the two. This is the first time. Zique has a feeling that this planet is too small and not enough for the two of them to fight. Let the two use their full strength.

Zique had a new understanding of the term "single combat power", but in the end it was Jiang Cheng who won.

Jiang Cheng, who only had a few stains on his body, looked at Kamui with gentle eyes, who was lying on the ground, covered with injuries, and had no strength to even stand up.

Then he slowly leaned down, opened the umbrella in Shenwei's hand, and placed it on Shenwei's head, blocking the sun that was beginning to rise.

"You've really...become stronger, Nobita."

"Yes...really?" Kamui's voice was weak, and his eyes were almost unable to open, "'s still far from you..."

"If I were surpassed by you now, I would also be very troubled. You still have a long, long time to surpass me."

"If it weren't for now... it would be meaningless." Kamui said intermittently, "Although I knew it would be like this, I still feel frustrated. So if one person can't do it, two people should be able to do it, right?"

Jiang Cheng was suddenly stunned when he noticed something.

"This is the first time I've joined forces with that bald man... I can finally... beat you once."

"Really," Jiang Cheng shook his head with a bit of a wry smile, "I didn't expect that I would be beaten by you idiot father and son in the end. You and that bald man would actually join forces or something. You are here to stop me. , does that mean he has already set off?"

"Whether it's me or the bald man, we have tried all the methods, but we can't find a way to defeat you. In the end... we only thought of this method that you would never think of. In the end, even if No matter what the means, we...will win against you once. Stupid...stupid uncle..."

After all, Kamui fell into a coma after all.

After slowly exhaling, Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes and showed a smile that was no different from usual. He leaned down and picked up Shenwei and the umbrella.

"... He's grown up very well. Shenwei... it's a good name." Jiang Chengrou's eyes stayed on Shenwei's face that finally showed a satisfied and soothing expression, "But... I still didn't win, Shenwei, this possibility I also expected sex. I am the only one who can bear this sin..."

After carrying Shenwei onto the Chunyu spaceship and sending him to the recuperation cabin, Jiang Cheng found the liaison device on the spacecraft.

"The location has been sent, please take your leader back."


The small spaceship slowly took off. In the spaceship, Jiang Cheng, who was standing in front of the window, quietly looked at the Chunyu spacecraft in the line of sight below, which was getting smaller and smaller. But suddenly, Jiang Cheng coughed violently.

"Cough cough cough cough..." Jiang Cheng, who was covering his mouth and arching his waist, coughed for a long time before finally stopping.

Looking at the blood in his hands, Jiang Cheng smiled helplessly and said to himself: "I've become more than a little bit stronger, Kamui."

Purple Bird, realizing something was wrong, stepped forward.


"It's okay." Jiang Cheng wiped away the blood, shook his head, and then looked out the window again.

Just a little bit closer.

My body, you can rest soon. It’s just a little bit closer. Just hold on a little longer. Please...

The other side, Earth, Edo.

In a certain underground secret base, Sasaki, who was almost completely injured, had his paralyzed face and glaring eyes as usual, but it was slightly different from usual.

Next to him was Nobue Imai, who was equally seriously injured, and in front of him were the members of the returning team who were neatly lined up.

"Thankfully, we deliberately left so many team members, otherwise... we wouldn't have been able to complete the work to the end."

Nobunaga's face showed some confusion for the first time: "Isaburo, are you sure you want to do that?"

"Of course, elites have an elite mission. All the other work has been done by that man. Those of us who just took the bus in the middle of the's very easy." As he said this, Sasaki raised his eyes and looked at the Kaikai team members in front of him who were ready to go. We, "Operation Bury the Old Country... begins!"


Burning Yang.

The light rain that had never stopped finally stopped. Hagi maintained his stabbing posture. After a few seconds, he turned around and looked at Takasugi who was sheathing his sword with some relief.



Along with the eruption of a large amount of blood, Hazy slowly fell into the mud. The bright red color was like dyeing cloth, dyeing all the mud and water with a light red pink.

Feeling that the immortal blood he had received from Song Yang in his body was gradually drying up, he muttered to himself: "Is it finally...drying up? Is this immortal blood...finally drying up?"

As he spoke, Hao struggled to turn over with all his strength, looked at the light shining down from the dark clouds in the sky, and slowly stretched out his hand.

In the haze, Long seemed to see the figures of Song Yang and Jiang Cheng.

"Finally... it's over. The rest of the matter will be left to you... You are the only one who can give that adult closure and redemption at the same time."

Takasugi turned his head slightly and glanced sideways.

"Listen, Takasugi, not as a member of the Ten Dao family, nor as Naraku, but as the top disciple of Yoshida Shoyo, I have something to tell you. The meaning of the name Yoshida Shoyo, and the virtual... You must listen to this The meaning of the name mentioned, and...what exactly are your friends planning to do..."

During the conversation, Takasugi finally learned that Hao was Yoshida Shoyo's first and last student, Naraku's former leader, a man named Kyon who became Yoshida Shoyo after meeting Kon. Because of Ogi again, Yoshida Shoyo died.

Then, Hao began to explain what kind of existence Xu was and how he was born.

"...He was called a ghost, feared by people, chopped into pieces, pierced, and burned. He has died countless times. But he always came back from the dead, making the people around him hate and fear him even more. . Even if he continues to experience pain that can wipe out his soul, that person still does not die.

Therefore... they were born. In order to overcome the endless pain, he created countless selves. Acting to bring countless deaths to mankind. As if groping for what humans had done to them before, the ghosts imitated human actions, as if they wanted to become human.

In the end, what they got was the mask of Yatagarasu (the god of death). The imperial court chose to use the God of Death, and for the next five hundred years, they were always immersed in killing. The personality that hates humans, the personality that fears humans, and the personality that yearns for humans... they are all empty.

Therefore, the appearance of the man who wanted to stop them became inevitable. The only one who resisted Kyon was Shoyo Yoshida. Songyang suppressed countless voids, fought for change, and kept fighting...

It was not Bai Yaksha who killed Song Yang, but Xu who wanted to end himself. He killed all personalities including Song Yang. His wish is also very simple, just to end himself. Ten years ago, after the end of the war against the foreigners, the Heavenly Daoists were defeated.

In exchange for his immortal blood, Xu gained status, but did not get the rights he wanted most. What Xu wants is a privilege that only the Heavenly Dao people in the universe have, that is, the ability to freely manipulate Altana's power on various planets. What makes this possible is the engraved in the palm called the "key".

This is the proof of the highest cadre and the code that can control the opening and closing of Altana's Gate. Although the exact method of making it is not known, once the key is engraved it cannot be removed. If you want to remove it, you will lose your life. If the person who owns the key dies, the key will disappear.

In fact, the Heavenly Daoists have always been afraid of him, and the Heavenly Daoists who knew this well did not give him the key. Then... that man appeared. It was a year after the end of the war against foreigners that the Heavenly Daoists found a man who could suppress Xu.

His name is Jiang Cheng, and for some unknown reason he recommended himself to join the Heavenly Daoists. Because he was strong enough to suppress Xu and had no desire in his eyes, he was recognized by the top cadres. This man made the people of heaven no longer afraid of Xu. He completed all the tasks assigned by the Heavenly Daoists outstandingly and neatly.

In the end...three years ago, he obtained the consent of more than half of the top cadres and became one of the top cadres of the Tiandao Sect. At the same time, he obtained the key that Xu wanted but never got.

Xu's true purpose is to liberate Altana from the hands of the Heavenly Daoists and trigger a war on a cosmic scale. And the purpose of that man (Jiang Cheng) is to withstand the war provoked by Xu, take all the sin and hatred caused by Xu into himself, and annihilate the Heavenly Dao people together with himself in the name of the last Heavenly Dao people. in history.

At the same time, he also wants to save his sister, save Xu, completely change the country, save his friends, and protect everything he should protect by enduring all evil...

For nine years, among the Heavenly Dao people, he suppressed Xu while looking for a way to save Xu. He had insight into everything about Xu, but did not show his face. He has been waiting and searching silently...

Finally, he found it. He wants to bear all the sins of Xu with his own strength, and with all the hatred and sins, he will be annihilated in history with the Heavenly Dao.

He said... Songyang still exists in Xu's body.

He said... He wanted to turn Xu into a human being.

He said... He is the last personality generated outside the body of the Xu left by Song Yang - a Xu who can withstand all Xu.

He... looks so tired.

He also saved me, who couldn't fight for Songyang, Xu, or myself. In the end, at least I was able to fight for Songyang, Xu, and myself at the same time.

Now, I'm... satisfied.

My starting point was Song Yang, but I ended up being one of his students who was even better than Song Yang. lucky..."

After saying that, with relief and satisfaction filling the corners of his mouth, Hao finally closed his eyes...

At this time, Gao Shan raised his face and looked straight at the sky with his soft and deep eyes.

"Don't you feel tired when you bear so much alone? Your bad habit of taking everything on yourself, why hasn't it changed at all? Idiot... "

Hmm... Well, I suddenly started working from home...

Everyone pay attention to protection! Be careful! wear mask! Wash your hands frequently! Disinfect the house frequently!

(End of chapter)