Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 802: ……Thanks


The universe, without the light of those distant stars, would be nothing but a dark space. Stars that appear to be close to each other are often light-years apart.

Even their light captured by the eyes was emitted many, many years ago.

So sometimes I can't help but sigh, it turns out that there is some distance, not only in spatial scale, but also in time scale.

In the cosmic space dotted only by starlight, Chunyu Headquarters is a huge space station that looks like a conch from the outside, but from the scale of the universe, it is not even as good as gravel.

At the lowest level of the space station, judging from the scale of the space station, a group of people who are not even gravel are fighting.

Chunyu First Division, the division commander Shi Ling is leading his entire division to surround the man who just broke in alone. Except for meeting him once some time ago, he has not been seen in the universe for a long time, known as He is the strongest man in the universe - Lord Xinghaibo.

"Get out of the way, my target is not you."

The leader of Xinghaibo casually threw out a pirate in his hand, looking straight at Shiling in front of him with cold and murderous eyes.

"Where is that man?"

Shiling did not answer, but continued to issue instructions.

"Besiege him together! He is the only one!"

"I don't know what kind of confidence you have to say this in front of an enlightened uncle."

Master Xinghaibo held the umbrella in his hand tightly and waved it casually, but then he suddenly noticed something out of the corner of his eye, and his pupils shrank sharply!

Yes...the pirates around him who had just been killed by him were lying in a pool of blood! He...they actually got up again!

"I see, is this your confidence? I didn't expect that man to be so scared that he gave his blood to such a bunch of bastards who have forgotten the honor of pirates."

"Master Hoshikaibo! Even if you are known as the strongest in the universe, it's useless! We...we are already undead! Just like that master! We are no longer pirates!"

"The strongest in the universe? Sorry, I have never recognized that title. No matter before or now, I am just a woman who is saved by other men but I am of no use. I am ashamed of this and feel that I have to do it in the end." Just doing something to look cool. The undead who will get up again no matter how many times they are knocked down? No, they are just a group of weak guys who are not even as good as the ordinary zombies in zombie movies. You are better than those who can at least The zombies that infect others are much weaker, so they can get up again? Then I will really make you unable to get up again..."

As he spoke, Master Xinghaibo moved in an instant.

boom! boom! boom!

Pirates who had obtained Hollow's immortal blood were constantly being smashed into the floor, ceiling, and walls...

A serious uncle is not a vegetarian.



While smashing several pirates away, Master Xinghaibo suddenly felt his heart beat twice and opened his eyes unconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, a strong and irresistible feeling of fatigue and weakness came over, invading Master Xinghaibo's six senses and forcing him to close his eyes.

For just a moment, Master Xinghaibo thought of something. It was the blue liquid that a certain doctor handed him before he appeared.

"Drink it. After staying in that place for so long, the inside of your body is almost rotten. If you try too hard, you will really die. Drink it and you will feel better."

[ that that one? !]The owner of Xinghaifang was shocked, [That cup of body repair liquid... contains powerful hypnotic ingredients! Could it be that that brat...had predicted this situation in advance? ! No... No... Xiao Saki said that at that time...]

Master Xinghaibo recalled what Saki said after he finished drinking: "It was originally prepared for him, but... it would be a waste to keep it. The same goes for you."

[I really don’t know what to say. Could it be that...this is also what you expected? !]The leader of Xinghaibo, who forcibly pulled himself together and knocked several pirates away, thought in his mind, and then roared: "You bastard!!"

"Huh? Are you calling me?"

Jiang Cheng's voice suddenly sounded from behind Master Xinghaifang.

The leader of Xinghaibo turned around and stared at Jiang Cheng with his eyes widened: "!!"

"I'm sorry," Jiang Cheng said with the bright smile of the past, "In the end, I was the better one, bald man. Then..."

As he said that, Jiang Cheng had already arrived behind Master Xinghaifang, "...Don't forget your responsibilities. You must stay with your woman and cherish her. Your children must be well educated and protected as they grow up. The structure here is …It has nothing to do with you.”

The head of Xinghaibo, whose eyelids were as heavy as a thousand pounds, forced himself to turn his head and glance at Jiang Cheng, and then slowly fell to the ground, and at the same time, his consciousness began to fall into a deep sleep little by little.

"By the way, I... seem to have never told you, neither you nor Kamui. Twenty years ago, it was thanks to you that I left that kind of planet and started living. own life.

Ten years ago, thanks to Shenwei, I found the direction I almost lost to this day. You... never owe me anything. On the contrary, I was saved twice by you idiot father and son.

… Thanks. "

Looking at Jiang Cheng who turned around and said such words with a soft expression, Master Xinghaibo, who no longer had the strength to open his mouth, thought in his heart: [No...I don't want to hear it...I don't want to hear it...This is me...Master Xinghaibo...this life The words I least want to hear...]

Finally, Master Xinghaibo couldn't hold on any longer, his consciousness completely fell into darkness, and he fell into a deep sleep.

At the same time, Jiang Cheng also turned around to face the pirates, took out the mask from his arms and put it on his face, then slowly pulled out the sword from his waist with his right hand.

"Send this bald man to the earth. This is the end here, and you have seen the end of me as you wished. Then at least... you can do a little bit, and regard it as the price of surviving."

As he spoke, Jiang Cheng walked slowly and regularly, approaching step by step the pirates who dared not breathe and looked at him with trembling weapons in their hands.

Zique, who followed Jiang Cheng, clenched and then unclenched his fists, and finally took two steps forward to help the sleeping Master Xinghaibo up, turned around and walked towards the exit step by step.

[Is this... your last? I have no regrets at the end of my life when I was lucky enough to meet such a man...]

Not long after, Jiang Cheng arrived at the second floor. At the beginning of the same floor, this place was also crowded with pirates, and most of them had received Xu's blood. They were so excited, like kids who got the best toy.

However, Jiang Cheng didn't care. He still walked at a leisurely pace without stopping at all. The pirates failed to stop Jiang Cheng in the slightest, and even Jiang Cheng's pace did not slow down or stop.

When Jiang Cheng arrived at the third floor, the enemies on the second floor were the same as those on the first floor, with only corpses left.

As for why Jiang Cheng could kill these undead at will, it might have something to do with the sword in his hand that he found from a certain planet and could be forged with his own cells and blood.

As long as it is alive, even if it is broken, it can be restored as long as it has its own blood. But on the contrary, whenever a person dies, the sword will follow the dead sword.

Looking at the empty third floor, Jiang Cheng didn't feel surprised or anything. Jiang Cheng knew very well what was there - Chun Yu's third division, the division commander Fan Xi, was also one of the three evil stars that Chun Yu had been hiding. .

The Third Division of Chun Yu is the only division in Chun Yu that has only one person. He is a genius mechanical instructor. His ability is to control the countless nano-mechanical viruses raised in the body to invade machines and human brains to achieve the purpose of control.

Buzz —

Countless gun barrels protruded from the metal ceiling above Jiang Cheng and rushed straight towards Jiang Cheng. On the other hand, Jiang Cheng's footsteps never stopped.

"You should have understood the moment you saw me, right? Your nanovirus can't corrode me, and these machines can't kill me. But on the contrary, I know the simplest way to kill you. , that is, destroying the entire ship together. This is also my strength. But... for some reasons, I can only choose a more complicated method."

As he spoke, Jiang Cheng slowly took out a small bottle filled with green liquid from his arms and opened the cork.

"Then, at the end of this, you should also want to fight with the same type of people, right? In fact, I... also know a good mechanic (Saburo). This is a nano-machine-like thing he created. You have Are you interested in competing with him?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the liquid-like nanomachines in the glass bottle in Jiang Cheng's hand flew out from the mouth of the bottle, and in a short time they sneaked into the spacecraft through various gaps.

"What a good opponent. Although it's a pity that we can't face each other face to face, but... I'm also excited to be able to compete with a "peer" like this."

Listening to the man's voice on the radio, no one knew the expression on Jiang Cheng's face under the mask, and no one except Fan Li knew how fierce this invisible battle was.

On the fourth floor, Jiang Cheng slowed down for the first time.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Crouching in front of a group of pirates, a tall white-haired ape holding a long stick grinned with great interest.

"The First Division, Ninth Division, and Tenth Division led by Shiling were defeated by you on the first level. The Second Division without a division commander was defeated by you on the second level. The third level Fan Xi was also defeated by you.

The 7th Division was delisted, and the 5th, 6th, 11th, and 12th Divisions did not return on time from their missions, and they may never come back. So in the end, only my Chunyu Fourth Division is left! "

"Get out of the way, you don't have to die in my hands. You...have no blood."

(End of chapter)