Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 807: his story



Sasaki raised his eyes and continued calmly: "Okita-san, do you think you can stand here alive if that beast really wants to destroy everything?"

"I know how to do this kind of thing, but I...can't figure it out! What exactly does he...want to do? And why..."

"Because he... hates samurai." Sasaki glanced at Gintoki, who had his head lowered and remained silent. "He hates samurai who lose their direction and become helpless just by losing just one person, right? Shiro, who has lost direction and has been helpless for ten years, Lord Yaksha?"

Gintoki didn't reply, just silent.

"And you too..." As he spoke, Sasaki looked at Sougo, Fourteen and all the Shinsengumi team members, "Your performance after Kondo was arrested and your shortcomings exposed...don't you think you don't have it?" Want a change

Do you think that such a samurai, who loses all direction just by losing one person, stops walking and does not know what to do, and can even abandon his police duties... Where can he lead this country

I'm here to answer you, it's not going anywhere.

A country needs to move forward without stopping. Cowards who will stagnate and lose their way simply by losing something are not suitable for running a country at all.

It is not suitable for this country at all, and the samurai are destined to disappear. But before disappearing, there is one person who wants you to understand this and make a change yourself.

I once admired samurai, but now I don’t at all, because like him, I finally saw the shortcomings of samurai, saw the shortcomings of samurai, and saw that samurai are still confused, still at a loss, and still stubborn in the wave of the times. look.

You won't understand unless you lose something that makes people sad, but I didn't expect that he kept Kondo. I thought he would definitely attack Kondo.

But it's similar. Countless partners... should be comparable to one Kondo, right? You should understand it now, right? "

"No, those companions weigh much more than me alone."

Kondo's voice came, and everyone turned their heads and looked over.

Sasaki didn't pay attention and continued:

"That's what a samurai is like. He only looks in one direction from beginning to end. As long as there is one direction, that's enough.

The rest is completely ignored, as if it doesn't matter at all. So are you, and so is Mr. Shiro Yaksha.

How on earth did you do it? When you lose those equally important things, you don't care and you can still run towards the front that is full of glass that breaks at the touch of a touch.

Once you lose the only thing that always caught your eye, you can finally look back at the equally important things you have lost, and you will sigh with emotion, "I lost everything..." and then lose your direction and become helpless.

Maybe you still feel in your heart, "Ah, I'm so pitiful. I have nothing, everything has been lost, and I have become an empty shell." This is... your true portrayal.

Angry? Are you angry when you hear this? Of course, anyone who hears this will feel very angry and want to refute, but... apart from throwing your fists in anger, can you find an excuse to refute

… This is what you really look like in his eyes.

…is also the real you.

A samurai is a man who cannot see anything.

Samurai, a group of stubborn people.

Your Excellency Jiang Cheng's two comments about the samurai are spot on, but you have never understood the true meaning.

Of course, it's understandable that you don't understand, because you are "samurai". "

After Sasaki's taunt, no one refuted, they just clenched their fists and lowered their heads in silence.

Apart from…

"Maybe." Maomao said with gentle eyes, "But Jiang Chengsang also said, "Even if he loses everything, he will still implement his bushido, which I admire very much." "

Sasaki glanced at everyone present: "Really? Can the guys here really follow through? If they lose Kondo, can they really follow through? After all, their Bushido... is just following Kondo's back. .”

Shigemao was speechless. Although what Sasaki said was unpleasant, it was... not wrong.

"I heard about a kind of eagle..."

Sasaki changed the subject and continued unhurriedly: "When they educate their children, the first is rigorous training. Under this rigorous training, the young eagles will be able to fly alone in no time.

But this is only the first step, as this kind of flying is only slightly better than crawling. Young eagles need to undergo thousands of trainings, otherwise they will not be able to get food from their mother's mouth.

In the second step, the eagle will take the young eagles to a high place, a tree or a cliff, and then throw them down. Some young eagles will be thrown to death because of their timidity, but only those who survive can fly into the blue sky.

Then...the third step is full of cruelty and terror.

Those young eagles that are pushed off the cliff and can fly smoothly face the final, most critical and most difficult test.

Because their growing wings will be cruelly broken by their mother, most of the bones will be broken, and then pushed down from the height again.

Many young eagles have become tragic and urgent victims of flying at this time, but the mother eagle will not stop this "bloody" training.

Because although there are tears of pain in its eyes, it is also building the blue sky of children's lives.

Some hunters felt compassion and secretly took home some of the young eagles that had not had time to be broken off by their mother eagles.

But later it was discovered that the eagles that had been raised and raised would fall down when they flew as high as a house at most, and their two-meter-long wings had become a burden.

It turns out that the mother eagle "cruelly" breaks most of the bones in the young eagle's wings, which is the key to determining whether the young eagle can fly freely in the vast sky in the future.

This kind of eagle wing bone has a very strong regenerative ability. As long as it can still endure the severe pain and keep fluttering its wings after being broken, so that the wings are constantly filled with blood, it will be healed soon.

After recovery, the wings will be reborn after death like the mythical phoenix, and will grow stronger and more powerful. If not, the young eagle will lose this only opportunity, and it will never be able to see the blue sky.

Don't you think you look a lot like someone? And it's also an "Eagle".

Although in my opinion he is much gentler.

At least it didn't take away everything you need to survive. "

Everyone was still lowering their heads and thinking, thinking about the words in Sasaki's mouth, but no one spoke.

At this moment, Sasaki suddenly noticed something and turned around to look behind him.

"Let me just say? He's...much gentler."

Looking at the head-downed Hoshikaibo master supported by Purple Bird and the bowed Kamui supported by Futu, Kagura called out: "Daddy! Kamui!"

Gintoki, Katsura, and Sakamoto also had expressions of disbelief on their faces, looking at their wartime companions who arrived almost at the same time as Kamui and Baldy.

" are..." Gintoki's eyes widened and his pupils trembled slightly.

"Long time no see, Mr. Gintoki, Mr. Katsura, Mr. Tatsuma." Kurokoye said hello.

Sasaki said: "Mr. Gui, you don't really think that you and Takasugi are the only ones who are still fighting against the foreigners after the war, do you

No, there's one guy who never stops.

In the ten years since then, we have been working hard to completely change this country, and for the wishes left behind by our lost companions, working hard in the highest place that you can't see. "

"Heaven...Tiandaozhong..." Gui murmured, " has been Tiandaozhong from the beginning... He has saved so many comrades who should have been executed, and gathered so many comrades to lurk and fight with All the Heavenly Daoists…”

"No, that's not the case, Guisang."

Sanlang walked out, shook his head and continued: "Jiang Chengsang never wanted us to get involved in his affairs. At the beginning, he just wanted to enter the Tiandao people by himself and completely uproot the Tiandao people.

But... because of one thing, he needed someone to help him study Altana, so he took me with him. After all, in the entire universe, only the Heavenly Daoists control most of Altana and technology. "

"That thing is..." Kagura suddenly looked at Jiang Hua aside, "It was... to save mommy..."

Jiang Hua didn't speak, but stretched out his hand to rub Kagura's hair.

Sanlang continued: "The power of the Tiandaozong is somewhat beyond Jiang Chengsang's imagination, and Jiang Chengsang saw a person in the Tiandaozong, a person who should have died.

But even so, Jiang Chengsang did not think of relying on the power of the partners he rescued during the war and later. He still wanted to save the country, save Mrs. Jianghua, and save his teacher on his own, which was almost impossible to do at the same time. Completed tasks.

I later contacted these companions on my own initiative. After learning what Jiang Chengsang wanted to do, everyone forced Jiang Chengsang to agree to join the Tiandaozong to assist, and worked together for these purposes, but...

In the end, we were driven back by him. "

After that, with the explanations and supplements from Saburo, Zique and Saki, everyone finally figured out what Jiang Cheng had been doing and what he wanted to do.

Finally, I was able to fully see everything about "Jiang Cheng", and sort out the magnificent life of the man who had always been in the fog.

After a long silence, Gincai, who was clenching his fists, broke the silence: "Where is he... now?"


Saburo did not continue.

At this time, Sasaki opened his hands, lowered his head and looked at his fingers and began to count:

"Eradicate all the heavenly beings in this universe.

Destroyed all chapters of the association in this universe.

He single-handedly shouldered the war, sin and hatred of the entire universe provoked by Hollow.

Incidentally, it also saved the earth from war.

I even have to take the time to come down to the ground and teach you warriors who can't see anything with your own hands.

In order to entrust you with the future of this country whose sky has been cleaned.

Leaving the key to the future of this country (Mao Mao).

Saved those who wanted to be saved.

In the end, in the name of the last heavenly people, will they be annihilated into the universe with all their sins and hatred

Alas, Jiang Chengsang, it seems that I have underestimated you too.

Doing so many things by yourself, are you... a god

I just want to do one thing. Without you, I almost couldn't do it. I'm really impressed.

Sure enough, I read it right. Your Excellency Jiang Cheng is also an elite among the elite.

As expected, I didn’t choose the wrong path. There was nothing wrong with the path of the elite. "

Looking at Gintoki, Katsura and Sakamoto who turned around almost at the same time, the leader of Hoshikaibo who was sitting under the eaves with his head lowered said, "Stop, it's over. You can't find anything but ruins when you rush over."

Everyone, including the wandering girls from Yoshiwara, stood on both sides of the street, making way for Songyang, who was walking slowly with Jiang Cheng on his back.

Takasugi, Hajime, and Matako, who had just joined Takasugi, and others followed quietly behind them. Like the people on both sides of the road, all of them remained silent.

Gintoki and Katsura should have been excited, but they didn't show any expressions.

Songyang walked step by step in front of Jianghua and Xinghaifang masters, stopped, said with a gentle face: "My disciple once said that one day, I want to stand in front of you and show off the new achievements I have gained because of you. Life, I tell you with pride. If possible, let me, a teacher who has been surpassed by his disciples, tell it on his behalf. As a teacher, I know how outstanding he is."

"No need," Jiang Hua shook his head, his soft gaze always fixed on Jiang Cheng's face with a faint smile and relaxation, "I also know that this child has indeed grown up very well."

Gintoki stood in front of Takasugi, clenching his fists and his expression covered by shadows.

"Takasugi, he...what did he say last..."

"He said... tired."

Hearing the sound, Gintoki opened his mouth, then gritted his teeth, and his shoulders began to tremble uncontrollably.

Suddenly I thought, if this were a system novel and a time travel novel, it would take Jiang Cheng ten years to accomplish these things, three system tasks, and it would be over in less than ten chapters, right

The first mission is to save Songyang. (Task reward xxxxxx)

The second mission is to save Jiang Hua. (Task reward xxxxxx)

The third task - to deal with the Heavenly Daoists. (Task reward xxxxxx)

I expect to write up to thirty chapters.

Thinking about it, maybe I was the one who harmed Jiang Cheng.

Everyone scold me...

(End of chapter)