Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 808: Without polishing, it is difficult to turn stone into jade!


After Sanlang shook his head, he slowly stood up and put away the instrument placed on Jiang Cheng's chest.

Looking at Saburo's expression, the eyes of Kagura, Shinpachi and others, who originally showed a bit of expectation, gradually faded away and were replaced by disbelief and... tears gradually overflowed from their eyes.

"There is no trace of Altana left in the Altana core in Jiang Chengsang's heart, and almost all the organs in the body are damaged."

Saburo spoke slowly and continued: "I think it should have been exhausted a long time ago. In the end, I could only squeeze out the remaining biological energy from all my cells, and then I managed to finish everything I wanted to do. "

Sakamoto stepped forward, knelt down and looked at Jiang Cheng, who was being put on the knee by Jiang Hua who was kneeling on the ground, and spoke in a relaxed tone similar to usual.

"Since it's the dragon vein of an entire planet, it won't dry up so quickly, right? Now, right? You are definitely kidding me now, right? You guys colluded and made a joke, right? The camera must be Did you hide it too? I discovered it! Hahahaha...

Hey, you win, I admit that I was cheated, get up. Lose, lose, there's really nothing I can do, I'll treat you this time, hahahaha... Hey, hurry up, I admit that I lost, didn't you hear? If you lie down again, I won’t treat you this time.

That's the one we went to together before. I know it. You and Takasugi went there together once, right? Do you like the top brand in that store? After all, this is the first time I've seen you walk into the same store twice. "


Mutsu on the side frowned and reminded: "What are you talking about at this time..."

"Didn't you hear me asking you to get up?!"

Sakamoto pulled Jiang Cheng's collar hard with both hands. Only then did Mutsu realize that Sakamoto had already burst into tears.

"Clean up the country and hand it over to guys like this? Who agreed with you? You said so!"

"A businessman who pays attention to interests and weighs the gains and losses no matter what he does is a businessman that everyone agrees on. But because of this, a businessman who is shrewder than anyone else and takes the gains and losses seriously than anyone else will definitely be the number one businessman in the world. A man who discovers things that cannot be measured in terms of gain or loss.”

I firmly believe in your words and I have worked very hard, but why... why should I do it before that, before I find the answer...

What is the point of my efforts? Bastard! ! "

"It's so noisy! You ball of yarn!"

Saki, who was checking Jiang Cheng's physical condition, stood up and kicked Sakamoto aside.

"How is it?" Kagura asked cautiously.

"What else can you do? Just die. If you leave it for two days, it will smell like an ordinary dead person." Saki lit a cigarette again and replied casually. Then she glanced at Jiang Cheng indifferently with her coat pocket in her pocket. "His tiring life is finally over and he can have a good sleep, so stop making noise and let him rest quietly."

Saying that, Saki started directly, but suddenly stopped when she passed Gintoki, Katsura, and Shiju.

"I remember his wish was hatred. So at least fulfill his last wish and never forget that hatred. Hate him, hate him, and then don't forget what you lost, live on."

"Miss Saki..." Saburo shouted, and then lowered his head silently: "There is no more, He Anxing has been destroyed long ago, and the Altana in Jiang Chengsang's body is the last Altana. No more. Yes, we have already been there when we came back... Besides, you already knew that Jiang Chengsang is different from the immortal existence like Xu, right? So..."

"Bang!" Saki stopped and snorted in displeasure, "So where should I get my reward? Men are a bunch of bastards who don't keep their word! What about settling it next time... What a bastard !Also, Saburo..."

Saying that, Saki turned back and looked directly at Saburo, "When I was in Henan before, I found out when I checked his body that only a quarter of the Altana core in his heart was left. One...what happened? He wouldn't have died, right? As long as he didn't lose those things, he would definitely not have died, right?"

"This..." Saburo looked embarrassed and clenched his fists: "I'm sorry, I can't say it, but I'm gone."

"Can it still disappear out of thin air?!"

"Probably... maybe he has become one with Altana on Earth."

Songyang spoke.

"Bang!" Saki clenched her fists again and made a noise from her mouth, "He is really an extremely stupid idiot."

Except for Saki, Saburo, Songyang and Jianghua, no one understood the conversation the three had just had, and only these people knew what it meant.

The first reason for giving his Altana core to the earth to merge with the earth's Altana core is to fundamentally change the earth's Altana and prevent an existence similar to the void from being born again.

Even speaking, if he fails to save Xu, or if all the factors of Xu are not eliminated and remain, then Earth's Altana may resurrect Xu.

But now, Altana, whose characteristics have undergone fundamental changes, can no longer nourish the original void.

Secondly, create a planetary environment for Jianghua to live in. Whether it is Jianghua or Songyang, the heart at this time is cultivated with Jiang Cheng's heart tissue.

In order for Jianghua to live a long and stable life on this planet, familiar things are necessary.

Although Jiang Cheng's Altana has merged with Earth's Altana, for this heart (container), there is still a familiar atmosphere here.

Therefore, relatively speaking, the earth's environment is relatively safe, and it will not cause any major rejection reaction with this heart. If you just live an ordinary life, there should be no problem.


Sasaki looked at Jiang Cheng and murmured softly: "That's right, finally someone can bear the hatred and pain of this country. So..."

Sasaki looked at Shigemao, Matsudaira, Kondo, and the Fourteenth others, "According to His Excellency Jiangcheng's last wish, leave all hatred to him. Along with your sins. Only this time, you will not No need to forgive anyone anymore.

Well, Lord Maomao, there is another sinner here, a person who has committed a crime of treason and injustice. Please don’t forget this. But thinking about it, I should be the luckiest person here, because at least, I helped him bear some trivial sins. "

"Sasaki..." Maomao looked back at Jiang Cheng with a complicated expression.

Sasaki always stared at Shimomo with somewhat lazy eyes: "Don't show such an expression, Mr. Shimomo, as a person who has committed unforgivable sins, I have awakened. Then what is your awakening?" Where again

You have said in front of many people that you want to change this country. The man lying over there believed in you more than once. Even if you had the idea of escape more than once, he still believed in you and even entrusted the future of this country to you.

The country is now so clean that the haze in the sky and the stubborn garbage in the streets have been cleared away. You... Do you think you are still as naive as before? "

"Next time...don't be as naive as this time."

Jiang Chengna's last words to him lingered in Maomao's ears.

"Sasaki, you..." Mr. Matsudaira looked at Sasaki in disbelief.

"Ara ala, are you saying that you forgot so quickly?" Sasaki said again, "I said, "I don't have the habit of giving away the jade I picked up to others." Don't you understand now? ? Lord Songping…”

Duke Songping suddenly thought of something and looked at Jiang Cheng with wide eyes, "Could it be that...from...that time you started..."

Sasaki shook his head: "You can't say that, there is almost no interaction between us, but with the Qingcheng incident, I began to notice a sense of disobedience from him.

Since he placed his treasure on Duke Maomao, I naturally kept a hand and kept an eye on him.

Now that I think about it, maybe he deliberately exposed his flaws at that time, and I just caught a little bit of the flaws that he deliberately exposed for me to see.

From the beginning, he saw me clearly. We never had any in-depth communication, but he knew what I would do and what I wanted to do, and in the end he gave me this opportunity.

I am very grateful to him. "

With that said, Sasaki looked at Shigemao aside and stretched out his hands: "Okay, Mr. Shigemao, the following is a treason and treason. The biggest sinner in the world - Sasaki Isaburo, plead guilty and be punished.

Now you are not qualified to forgive anyone for anyone, so please make a decision quickly, and please leave my matter intact in the history books.

The one who can judge me is not you now, but the descendants of this country decades later, a hundred years later, or even a thousand years later. This is my realization. "

Shigemo opened his mouth, clenched and unclenched his fists, and after hesitating for a long time, he showed a somewhat unbearable expression and spoke: "Katakuri Tiger, Kondo, the rebellious party that disturbed the country, committed heinous crimes, and committed the following treason, Sasaki Isaburo Take it!”

"General..." Fourteen looked unbelievable.

But on the other hand, Sasaki showed a look of relief, and finally a smile appeared on his face that had always been paralyzed.

"After various polishings, the jade in the stone was finally revealed, and the sinner... was extremely happy."

"Young general..."

"Katakuri Tiger, put the criminal in prison."

As he said that, Maomao finally turned his head and glanced at Jiang Cheng behind him, then turned his head again, with firm steps and a determined face: "I'm sorry, I still have a lot of work to do. We can't let this country..."

Looking at Shigemao's slowly leaving figure, it took a long time for Lord Matsudaira to figure out why Sasaki was sent to prison.

Because if Sasaki is not punished or even forgiven or let go, someone in this country may imitate Sasaki's rebellion this time in the future!

The future of this country will never be peaceful!

That's why Sasaki emphasized the word "future"!

Only by doing this can we avoid such a future!

From this point of view, Mao Mao... has indeed grown up, and his political acumen has begun to show...

(End of chapter)