Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 824: I heard that the main story of Fake Gintama has been completed, so let’s happily praise it together


I heard that the main story of False Gintama has come to an end, let us happily praise it together!

Type the last word of the main article and upload it.

I froze in front of the computer for a long time, not knowing what to do. Maybe it was because I had imagined this "perfect" ending countless times, so I didn't seem to feel the reluctance I imagined.

To be honest, I cried several times when I was conceiving the Jiang Zhihun chapter...


Wearing headphones, I started watching the General Assassination chapter and read the last chapter of the main story in one go.

I had an amazing feeling while reading it—as if I was reading something written by someone else.


The author of this piece of writing has so many typos!

Um! Not written by me! I don’t recognize it!

Just kidding, but it does feel like reading a novel written by someone else.

After reading the last chapter in one breath, I thought about whether I should write something to say goodbye to this "friend" who was created by me but got rid of my shackles and finally reached the end.

In fact, it should be considered finished...probably.

Just like what was said in the article, Jiang Cheng truly accomplished everything he should, wanted to, and could do and ushered in his own ending.

As for the new future they created by changing the past, and whether the Jiang Cheng here is the Jiang Cheng who has gone all the way to the end, I think readers along the way have their own opinions.

But what is clear is that this future Jiang Cheng has not experienced the fate of carrying everything alone and then facing the end.

He survived with the help of his friends, and will return to the daily life of Edo with his friends, and they will take over the rest of the daily life.

By the way, they are still returning to Miss Conch's daily life, there is no two years or five years or anything like that, Kagura's unscientific ahem... no more!

This is a time when Mau Mau is back in power, no darkness, full of vitality, a time of change and diversity.

As for how Gintoki and the others saved Jiang Cheng in this future, I don’t want to spend too much time writing about it. Even if I did, you would probably find it watery.

After all, it is equivalent to rewriting the Jiang Zhihun chapter, and it may even be longer than Jiang Zhihun, because there are many more characters and relationships.

As long as everyone knows that they caught up with Jiang Cheng, forcibly "robbed" what Jiang Cheng wanted to carry alone, carried it with him, and ushered in the ending.

The final chapter, as I said, is the chapter that establishes the status of the heroine Yue Yong. Needless to say, everyone can see that it has indeed been completed. The two people outside of time, at the last moment, the two hearts finally came together. .

Yue Yong had said countless times that she couldn't see Jiang Cheng clearly, but at the end, she finally saw Jiang Cheng clearly and understood everything Jiang Cheng wanted to do.

And Jiang Cheng also accepted Yue Yong at the last moment. Although all this will no longer exist because of the new future, I think that in the new future, the two of them may still...

At least Yue Yong finally dared to face her own feelings as a woman. I think this is probably enough.

Or maybe, Yue Yong has been redeemed from the moment she first met Jiang Cheng.

Then, it’s Gintoki and the others’ regretful patch-up chapter.

At the end, after crossing time, they finally caught up with Jiang Cheng, who had escaped alone, and came to their companions. They even wanted to save their most important companion with the consciousness of regaining their teacher at the expense of sacrifice.

Gintoki no longer suffers from what happened during the war, and has completed self-salvation because of one person. Just like THE FINAL, the two-year sequel of the original work, he has finally completed self-salvation.

Many people, like Gintoki, grew up or were saved because of Jiang Cheng.

And our old friend Jiang Cheng was also saved by these people at the last moment. He walked out of the fog and stood upright in front of everyone.

With a silent love that only belongs to ordinary people, he announced his "return" and became an "ordinary person".

This is the final chapter - saving Jiang Cheng.

In fact, to sum it up, simply speaking, it is a chapter about redemption and redemption.

A group of people who were redeemed allowed those who redeemed themselves to be redeemed. It’s a bit convoluted, but it’s true.

Giving out sweets... The last step should count, right

As for more candy, let’s wait for the next day.

In fact, this chapter is equivalent to the final two-year chapter given by Gorilla to Gintoki, as you will find out if you read the original work.

It was not until two years later that Gincai finally found redemption.

At the end of the last chapter, Jiang Cheng also let go of his obsession and completed his final self-salvation.

Therefore, the two-year later chapter of the original book and THE FINAL are equivalent to the last chapter in this book.

Then let’s talk about the foreshadowing. Although everyone can see it in the end, I will briefly talk about the more obscure foreshadowing.

Foreshadowing 1: There is indeed foreshadowing in Daoxin's article, but it shouldn't be obvious.

Because when you watch the animation and see it, you won’t think that the Tiandaozhong is so awesome. Only at the end when the orangutans let themselves go and wildly expand their world view, will they feel that the Tiandaozhong is really awesome.

After all, Altana controls the entire universe. I guess the orangutan probably didn't expect that he would make the Tiandao people so awesome in the later stage.

Would such an awesome Tiandao people allow a toy to escape? That is almost impossible, unless the Heavenly Daoists themselves let him go.

So there is actually a small foreshadowing buried there.

Foreshadowing 2: Sakamoto Tatsuma’s stone.

I admit that this foreshadowing was laid from the beginning, which means that at that time, I had already set the ending of Jiang Zhihun.

My outline... is really well set up.

I feel like I can produce at least twenty chapters if I send out the outline.

It contains not only the outline of the plot, but also some lines that I occasionally thought of for specific scenes (some lines were not used).

Foreshadowing three: Saburo in the extra chapter to save Jianghua.

I don’t know if anyone saw this foreshadowing. At the end of the "Saving Jianghua" chapter, Jiangcheng asked Saburo to study the Altana section.

Here, studying the keywords of Altana actually hints at Jiang Cheng's future direction.

After all, Altana in the entire universe is basically controlled by the Heavenly Daoists. If you want to study... Where else can you go except to the Heavenly Daoists

So later, there was a series of developments where Jiang Chengcong entered the Heavenly Daoists and saw a certain man... These were reasonable developments.

So much for foreshadowing, such as Jiang Cheng’s dialogue foreshadowing in the Red Sakura chapter. I don’t need to say more about this, I believe everyone can see it.

at last…

You have to complain when you need to. The expansion of the world view of the orangutan in the end is indeed a bit too much, and there are too many flaws to count.

for example-

In an infinite universe, seven planets can trigger a war in the entire universe... How small must this universe be

Another example-

How many people are in the true selection team

Not to mention the explanations given by Ginpachi-sensei, in the following chapters on the General Assassination and Farewell Shinsengumi, there are only dozens, hundreds, and thousands...

This is really a headache, so Jiang Cheng should just kill it.

But after cutting it off... I still felt that no one was missing. What's going on? !

The meeting group also had this problem, but I made it clear at the end, and in the end only Sasaki and Nobuo were left who took the initiative to take the blame.

Okay, the complaint is over. Although there are still many complaints, forget it, after all, it is a daily episode.

Then there are the endings given to some people.

I think the ending of Nobunaga is the best. After going round and round, she returns to her original place and becomes a little jailer again.

But there are many differences, such as - people who are willing to eat donuts with her will never leave her again.

Sasaki could finally let go of everything and rest, even if the place of rest was a prison that would never see the light of day.

—Probably the real prison no longer exists.

By the way, there is also the issue of women.


A woman who I think is very handsome and free-spirited. Although she doesn't have many scenes, I think everyone can see how important she is.

Orpaimon and Fulalazi, the commanders of these two martial planets, both have some bonds with Jiang Cheng, but compared to Saki, they are still a little inferior.

If she really wanted to tell it, her bond with Jiang Cheng had been much longer than Yue Yong's.

But, after all, Qingmei is no match for the Heavenly Fall type. Isn't this the most common routine in animation

Uh-huh! That's right! That's it!

Then let’s talk about what I said before about Jiang Cheng not meeting the three elements of jump.

This... need I say it

Friendship works hard to win, unity and cooperation, everything must be done in groups of three...

Jiang Cheng does not fit in. He would be more in line with some of our concepts, such as doing his own things, being independent and so on.

In fact, Inosuke in another book also has such a side, but Inosuke is just Asashi.

Now that I think about it, maybe it’s because I give some of my own characteristics to the protagonists I create. A friend of mine was also reading what I wrote, and he said this to me.

Later, I thought about it carefully, and it was indeed true.

Our family is a single-parent family. Later, many changes occurred due to my father's illness. I really managed it all by myself.

I have given up a lot in order to take better care of my father, who is recovering reasonably well, and my sister, who is still in school.

I gave up my very good and high-paying sales job in a big city, returned to my hometown to work in a small unit, and opened a milk tea shop or something...

Thinking about it, my friend was indeed right. I did unknowingly give some of my characteristics to the characters I created, but I never noticed it.

Okay, okay, let’s talk about this for now.

Then let’s change our mood and enter a new, more relaxed daily life.

Finally, thank you all for your continued support!


—2022, January 26, 2:38 am.

(End of chapter)