Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 831: The situation on the battlefield is always changing rapidly! Slightly


House of Everything.

Gui, dressed in white, closed his eyes and sat upright on the floor, with a dagger in a box on the floor in front of him.

At the same time, on the sofa nearby, Jiangcheng, Gintoki and Takasugi looked boredly at Gui who looked like he was about to commit suicide.

"For me who have lost my way, this may be the best destination for me."

Saying that, Katsura opened his eyes and picked up the dagger dedicated to seppuku in front of him.

"Even old friends can't stop my determination. Farewell, everyone!"

Looking at Jiang Cheng and the others who were completely unmoved, Gui shouted once again: "Farewell! Everyone! Don't stop me! If you stop me, you will completely deny the meaning of my existence! Even if You guys, I won’t forgive you easily!”

"Then what..." Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something. He turned to Gintoki and Takasugi and asked, "What are you two planning to eat for dinner?"

"I just made a fortune, let's go eat Uji Gintoki rice bowl once in a while." Gintoki said casually while picking his nostrils.

"Rice balls...probably."

"Takasugi, you really haven't changed at all," Gintoki couldn't help but shook his head, "A guy who has no pursuit of what he eats must not have any big pursuits in life."

"Ah, I'm so troubled." Jiang Cheng leaned back on the sofa and sighed, "I don't know what to eat for dinner at all, and it's not just me, but also Nilun and the others. They are always thinking about what to eat for dinner. What trouble."

Gintoki flicked the booger off his little finger and said casually: "Maybe it's a side effect of the changing times. Not to mention you, I often hear such words on the street now."

"It has changed." Takasugi rarely expressed emotion, "The need for survival has gradually changed to the pursuit of quality of life. This may be the most intuitive change that the changes in the times have brought to the people of this country."

"As expected of Gao Zai, this kind of thing can be explained with such reasonable-sounding words."

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Gui interrupted at the right moment: "Hey, I'm really going to commit seppuku. It's too late for you to stop me now. I'm serious."

Jiang Cheng continued, minding his own business: "By the way, have you seen that movie? The one that just came out..."

"Your interest is really hard to describe, Jiangcheng." Gintoki said with a look of disdain, "That movie is completely unqualified as a road movie in my opinion! The literary and artistic atmosphere of a road movie is completely insufficient!"

"But the actor's acting skills are great! The heroine is also very European!" Jiang Cheng retorted.

"Do you only have Oppai in your eyes?!" Gintoki said sharply.

"Perhaps the only outstanding thing is the old man in the supporting role. Whether it's his personal plot or his acting skills, in my opinion, these are the most outstanding aspects of the entire film."

"Gao Zai, you saw it too." Jiang Cheng showed a somewhat surprised expression.

"No, the so-called road movie is just..."

"Aren't you going to commit seppuku?!"×2

Jiangcheng and Gintoki simultaneously punched Katsura who came towards him naturally.

Following Gui's cry of pain, the latter flew backwards several meters away with a bloody nose.

"If you want to die, hurry up. There are three people here waiting to tell you your fault, wig." Jiang Cheng said coldly.

"Just leave the gift money to us. Just die quickly, Wig." Gintoki had already changed into mourning clothes.

"Wait for me in hell, wig." Takasugi raised the corners of his mouth and lowered his eyes to reveal his signature villain expression.

"It's not the wig, it's Katsura Kotaro who has lost his purpose in this era!!" Katsura stood up and shouted with tears streaming down his face.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng kicked him to the ground, and then Gintoki also joined the stampede.

"Thanks to you, the idiot who implicated us in our evaluation is now so shameless that he cries in front of everyone? Go to hell!"

"Exactly! Because you are an idiot, Yin-sang and I are also treated as an idiot by those brats! How can you compensate me?"

"Go to hell quickly, idiot." Takasugi's words were extremely concise.

Gui, who was bruised and swollen, looked at Jiang Cheng and the other three who still returned to their normal chatting mode after beating him, and asked in confusion.

"After you heard what they said, didn't you feel a little bit angry or unhappy? Don't you want to prove yourself? Don't you want to refute them? Are you such cowardly people?!"

"Whether you're angry or unhappy will be discussed later. Now let's talk about your next three questions."

Gintoki looked at Gui very calmly, and at the same time took Jiang Cheng's words: "Prove yourself? How to prove? Refute them? How to refute? Wig, are they wrong?"

"That's what I said, but..."

"Isn't it natural to be surpassed?" Takasugi snorted softly, "It would be really sad if we can't even surpass our predecessors. If that is the case, the country we protect really has no future."

"I also know this kind of thing, but..." Gui's expression gradually became tangled.

"But I'm really upset when I hear that," Jiang Cheng continued very matter-of-factly, "But I feel a lot more relaxed after beating you just now."

"Me too." Gintoki nodded, "It feels like natural curls are about to turn into refreshing straight hair. If it's Takasugi, it feels like he's grown taller. Look, he's starting to walk on tiptoes. ”

"Wig, congratulations on finding a new meaning in life." Jiang Cheng continued.

"It's not a wig, it's Gui! By the way, my new direction is to vent your anger as a human punching bag?! Stop joking!"

"Anyway, I want to think about what to have for dinner, so I'm going back. It just so happens that I don't have to take the little devils for social practice. I have more time to think about the latest dinner. Goodbye."

Jiang Cheng was the first to get up and walked slowly towards the entrance.

Takasugi snorted lightly and left his seat for the second time and walked towards the entrance.

As for the last one, Gintoki stood up while scratching his head.

"In the new era, how about adding some other elements to Uji Gintoki-don? For example, honey or sweet ice cream..."

While saying this, he also walked slowly towards the entrance hall. In the end, only Gui was left in the whole room with his head lowered and his face darkened as he clenched his fists.

Of course, what Gui didn't know was that after the three people went out, their expressions all disappeared into the shadows, and their steps were strangely consistent.

At the pier at dusk, Jiang Cheng and the other two people quietly watched as they were taking a group of little ghosts to participate in social practice. As the person in charge of the party transporting materials, they were explaining to a group of little ghosts the precautions when transporting materials very seriously. hazy.

"You are indeed right, but..." As he spoke, Jiang Cheng finally raised his head, revealing a face that was close to a collapsed expression.

Gintoki also raised his head, his expression... obviously furious: "Isn't it obvious what is lacking? For example, respect for seniors."

"Huh huh huh..." Jiang Cheng suddenly laughed, the corners of his mouth raised with a sinister tone, "Just use this."

Jiang Cheng took out the detonator explosive.

"My love for my juniors and juniors..." Gintoki took out ropes, cement and a big iron bucket.

"Have you also fallen?" Takasugi looked disdainful, and then pulled out the knife from his waist, "Guys who have been eliminated by the times, this kind of thing that has been eliminated by the times is enough."

Of course, the harsh words were spoken, but a full five minutes passed and no one moved.

"Gintoki, what are you doing? Didn't you say they lack respect for their seniors?"

"Isn't it the same for you? Hey, Takasugi, didn't you say you were going to use your gadgets that have been eliminated by the times for something?"

"Ah, just cut the rice ball packaging bag."

"Is it just a packaging for rice balls?!" Gintoki complained.

"Ah, speaking of which, I just want to fry fish or something. Since it's a new era, I might as well eat some seafood that I usually hate the most."

"Really, I really want to go together, Jiang Cheng."

"Are you so shameless?" Jiang Cheng was speechless, but then he turned his attention to Hao and the five little ghosts not far away.

Looking at the new era little devils who were wearing safety helmets, their small faces were gathered around Hao, listening carefully to the precautions that Hao said, and carefully recording something in their notebooks, Jiang Cheng and the other three suddenly had no reason. The ground laughed at the same time.

"It seems that the role of these old people is only the last one left, Gintoki, Gao Zai."

"Ah, that's right."

"That is to say..." After saying that, Takasugi turned around without any nostalgia.

At the same time, Jiang Cheng and Gintoki also turned around and left without any nostalgia.

— Just sweep the road a little cleaner for the little devils.

"By the way, Gao Zai said he would treat us today."

"When did I say that!"

"Then I want Uji Gintoki rice bowl."

"Listen to me!"

"I want beef rice bowl, for twenty people."

"Too much! Can you really finish it?"

"You're already a big president, yet you're still so stingy." Gintoki curled his lips.

"What the hell do you think the Ghost Soldiers are?"

"Isn't it just the Lego army that the young master who gave me a lot of spare money from his family casually formed?"

"I've told you before that I have severed ties with that kind of family a long time ago!"

"Then I want thirty people." Jiang Cheng spoke again.


The three of them were bickering like they were kids, completely unaware that one person was missing.

As for the missing person - Katsura, he is sitting in the bright Edo Public Library, with a headband with the words "meaning of life" tied on his forehead, staring at the tall books related to animal protection in front of him. .

"Elizabeth! Absolutely...absolutely write down all these things! Do you understand?!"

[Hi! Mr. Gui!]

In one week, I followed Lu to participate in eighteen social practices, that is, five little ghosts who worked eighteen jobs, and their time was fully arranged.

However, there is no dissatisfaction, and he always looks quite satisfied.

From this point of view, he is indeed much better than his predecessors (Jiang Cheng and others) who had no patience in such matters.

To the little devils, this slightly taciturn man, no matter what the job, is meticulous as long as he works and can always do all the work seriously.

The precautions for various tasks are also explained in a very clear and organized manner.

And...very diligent! There is almost no personal time. Except for the necessary rest time, the rest of the time is spent working diligently.

Such a man makes little devils trust and yearn for him.

This time, the job of several people is to serve as service personnel maintaining order at the space terminal.

The accident happened at this time.

[Urgent news, the space terminal has been attacked by unknown creatures. It is suspected to be the Decepticon metal octopus from the planet Saibotan that slipped out from the private spacecraft of a certain white... prince and will grow rapidly as soon as it is close to metal.]

Looking at the morning real-time news being broadcast on the TV, with the idiot prince who only coded OO above his head, Jiang Cheng yawned and said: "Ah, is this guy here to ask for a bill again? By the way, wouldn’t it be better if we just ban such a guy from entering the country?”

[Please see the real-time report from the scene next? Jie Ye anchor, Jie Ye anchor.]

[I am Yuno at the scene,] Anchor Yuno with a sweet smile appeared in front of the camera instantly, [Viewers, please look behind me, the one tightly wrapped around OO... No, it is the huge giant of the universe terminal. The metal octopus is exactly the crazy metal octopus man mentioned by the host in the studio just now.]

[As you can see, due to contact with metal, the body of the metal octopus is still growing, and it has now completely eroded the universe terminal station.]

"Look! There's someone!"

[Is there anyone? ] After hearing the words of the onlookers, anchor Yuno expressed doubts, and at the same time, the camera began to gradually zoom in towards the octopus, [There is really someone! We can see that one, two, three, four...five children are being tightly bound by one of the tentacles of the metal octopus! This is exactly a scene prohibited by the PTA! Elementary school students plus tentacles and stuff...]

"Ah, a man with a white kelp head rushed up! Danger!"

Anchor Yueno continued to explain with a worried look on his face, but before he finished speaking, several figures passed by Anchor Yueno one after another, the speed was so fast that it was almost difficult to catch.

Under the setting sun, looking at Jiang Cheng and others who were looking at the calm sky, the few little ghosts who had just been rescued were slightly absent-minded.


"It is true that you have surpassed us a lot. In fact, we may have been out of touch with this new era." Jiang Cheng, who was covered in oil, shrugged his shoulders.

"However, there are some things we can do." Gintoki chuckled.

"For the sake of the juniors and juniors, it's okay to block a few falling rocks." Gao Shan took over the words with his back turned.

"No, what's that..." Ginta complained, "Although the lines are really cool, you didn't help at all, right? You rushed over and were swallowed by the octopus, right? That's why you're covered in oil, right? ? They were all rescued because of Mr. Hao, right?"

Gintoki praised: "Not bad! You kid! You can actually tell that we entered the giant octopus in order to disintegrate it from the inside!"

"Who believes it?!" Ginta complained loudly.

"Well, it's normal to see this." Jiang Cheng chuckled.

"Don't just go on and on so naturally!" Yi Cheng complained.

Gao Shan turned his back and said: "If it's just this level, don't be too proud, little devils."

"You're so proud of your size!" Gao Wu complained, "You're just here to do a disservice!"

Ogi, who was wearing work clothes, said at this time: "It's okay. After all, occasionally there will be guests who don't listen to advice. As a staff, we should always be prepared to respond to emergencies like this. Okay, the response work is over for the time being. We Let’s start the next job as a security guard.”

It’s a shame… it’s a shame… it’s a shame! ! Although Jiang Cheng's expression remained calm, his heart almost collapsed.

I still want to take this opportunity to look cool, but... it's too embarrassing! How come you were swallowed up as soon as you appeared on the stage without even saying a cool line? By the way, Gao Zai, even if you just show such an arrogant back, you can't change that embarrassing fact!

"Speaking of which, Mr. Long, why do you have to work so many jobs?" He suddenly asked, thinking of He Zhu.

"To... repay the debt."


After hearing Hao's answer, the five little devils were stunned at the same time.

The moment the sun set, the five little devils officially ended their social practice early and joined Songyang.

Looking at the little gangsters who were chattering excitedly around Songyang and slowly leaving with Songyang, at a certain moment, Jiang Cheng and the others saw his former self.

Except... The face was paralyzed and hazy as he staggered on his feet and fell sideways into the shadows.

Of course, this cannot be blamed. I wonder if anyone has heard "Do you think your life is meaningful if you only work to pay off debts?", "Have you ever thought about dying in the past?", "In short, I definitely don't want to be like this. After saying "Sir", can you still remain calm

Hazy is no exception, not to mention that those brats are still his junior classmates.

"Gintoki, it feels like we didn't lose." Jiang Cheng analyzed while holding his chin.

"Indeed, it seemed to be a tie suddenly in the end."

Takasugi chuckled: "On the battlefield, the situation will always change in an instant. I thought you understood this ten years ago."

"Anyway, things ended happily. Let's go back. We have agreed on tonight's dinner together."

With that said, Jiang Cheng was the first to wave goodbye and left directly.

Just as Jiang Cheng and others were leaving the Space Terminal Station one after another, Sougo, who was on vacation at Edo Shinkansen Station No. 3, obediently took over the luggage from his sister, Mitsuha Okita, who had just come from the country. …

(End of chapter)