Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 837: Learn to take things for granted with a normal mind


"Really, what rude behavior are you doing to others at this time? You almost pulled your hair off. You are such a crazy bitch..."

Jiang Cheng walked away rubbing his head and mumbling.

After feeling the cold, solid gaze coming from one side, Jiang Cheng stopped mumbling, raised his brows in displeasure, glanced sideways at Yue Yong, curled his lips and made a squeaking sound.

Yue Yong also snorted coldly and said calmly: "That man (hazy)..."

Jiang Cheng smiled softly, smiled at the wandering girl on the roadside, waved hello, and asked softly.

"What's wrong?"

“Can something like inner sin really disappear because of that kind of reckoning?”

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng laughed dumbly, shook his head helplessly, then looked forward, and said slowly: "Ah, that may be the case for that kelp leader, and this is the best result for him. Speaking of you...again You should be clear about why you are so stupid, right? That kind of paralyzed face is not suitable for things like that."

"Then..." Yue Yong looked over, "What about you?"

While waving to the young ladies on the roadside, Jiang Cheng replied calmly: "The situation is a little different. No matter what kind of sin, I will bear it until the last moment. This is my... strength."

Looking at Jiang Cheng who bent his eyes and smiled softly at her, Yue Yong felt inexplicably lost.

However, Jiang Cheng seemed not to notice, and continued: "I have spent some time wanting to know what true strength is, and even asked myself whether my strength (body) is What is the meaning of being truly powerful

… Eventually, I came to some conclusions.

—Physical strength is not true strength. If a guy cannot bear the consequences of his actions, he is not truly powerful, even if he can fight one against a thousand.

We were like that during the (anti-barbarian) war. We were immature and did all kinds of stupid things by relying on false strength. The result is that after the war, many people cannot bear the consequences and sins caused by their actions, and they are like walking zombies and cannot even find the meaning of living.

Compared to them, I am lucky, and it did not take me several years or even ten years to understand this simplest truth in the world. As a result, I walked in front of them a long time ago..."

After saying that, Jiang Cheng smiled again and continued softly: "Is it too complicated to say? Well, to put it simply, my sins do not need to be liquidated by anyone, I am enough on my own.

Moreover, it is not as heavy as you think. After all, at that time, a group of idiots traveled thousands of miles to the universe and snatched away a large part of the things (sins) that I was prepared to take away, right? One of the fools

In short, don't worry about this kind of thing. There is no need to think about how to make this person's (me) life easier. For me, being able to keep these things (sins) in the name of atonement and live in this expected future is already a kind of Too luxurious a happiness. "

After saying such meaningful words, Jiang Cheng left Yue Yong behind who stopped and walked straight forward, leaving Yue Yong behind little by little.

…Why is it so easy for everyone to be seen through by this person every time? The "saving this person" that I had hoped for was obviously not like this...

Thinking about it, Yue Yong gradually clenched her fists.

"But..." Jiang Cheng suddenly stopped, as if he had thought of something, he turned around and bent his eyes again and smiled softly.

“…Man himself is a forgetful creature, even the sins he has committed.

me either.

Unlike ordinary people, for me, forgetting those things (sins) is more painful and more difficult to forgive myself.

So, just like you are used to calling me to wake up, can you please... remind me not to forget those things from now on? After all, you're used to it, right? Of course, I'm probably used to it, and if it were someone else, I wouldn't..."

After realizing it later, Yue Yong, whose face and ears were gradually turning red, panicked and interrupted Jiang Cheng's words incoherently: "You... you... you... you said who is used to it! I, I, I, I am not used to that. It’s such a thing! I just can’t stand the laziness of a debtor like you!”

"Ah, forget it then."

Looking at Jiang Cheng who waved his hands and started again with a nonchalant look on his face, Yue Yong was stunned, and then there was an unknown fire in his heart.

"You'd better die soon! You scumbag!"

With the sound of swishing kunai breaking through the air and the popping sound of kunai piercing into the human body, Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and fell to the ground with a plop.

Yue Yong walked forward slowly, holding the pipe in his hand, standing next to Jiang Cheng with one hand on his chest, hiding his face that was still a little red, and pretending to speak calmly.

"But...since you have asked so much, there is way, this...this reminder method can still satisfy you..."

Jiang Cheng, who had pulled out the kunai from the back of his head, had black lines all over his head and looked at Yue Yong with his mouth twitching.

"No, this method is of no use to memory. Rather, it will be counterproductive, right? If you keep pricking your head like this, it will break sooner or later, right?"

"Do I need to pierce other parts besides the head?"

"No, no need." Jiang Cheng stood up, raised his hand with narrowed eyes and replied, "Please forget my request just now, just pretend that I didn't say it, otherwise just pretend that I personally withdrew the request. That’s fine, anyway, goodbye!”



"Is it okay here?"

Yue Yong asked, pointing to Jiang Cheng's butt.

"You can do it!" Jiang Cheng pulled out the kunai from his buttocks and roared angrily, "I told you I don't need you anymore!"



"What about there?"

"It has nothing to do with where you are! I told you there's no need! Do you want to fight?! You crazy bitch!"

The narrow and remote residential areas of Yoshiwara are inhabited by "retired" old ladies who have stopped accepting tourists and usually only teach young wandering girls some experience.

But there aren't many left. A long time ago, before Jiang Cheng came to Yoshihara, there weren't many mothers-in-law left here.

Under Fengxian's rule, they no longer accept guests, have no source of income, and are extremely poor and haggard. Even if they are occasionally rescued by some younger generations, it is difficult for them to live alone for a long time.

It wasn't until Jiang Cheng came to Yoshihara that their lives improved somewhat. They could receive at least some relief money every month, which was more than enough to protect one person's life.

Hmm... During the patrol, Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong chased a suspicious figure and turned east and west into a dead end.

Looking at the deserted dead end and looking around, Jiang Chengning raised his eyebrows and pinched his chin in confusion.

"It's so strange, that figure is obviously coming this way..."

Yue Yong took out a kunai and alerted the surroundings.

"Don't let your guard down, maybe it's hiding here, that skill... is definitely not from Yoshiwara!"

"Ah, indeed..." Jiang Cheng nodded, but then he suddenly noticed something and sniffed his nose, "Hey, Yueyue, did you smell a strange smell? It's sweet...very strange. It’s very similar to what I’ve smelled before…”

"Huh?" Yue Yong also sniffed, "Indeed, there is a familiar smell, this..."

In just a moment, the two of them reacted at the same time and covered their noses at the same time.

The two people with their heads lowered looked at the pink heart-shaped incense at their feet, and their faces sank at the same time.

The slowly rising yellow-pink smoke brought back some unbearable memories for the two of them.

"Water...water! Find water quickly!"

"Don't panic! Just close your eyes and hold your nose! Turn around! Leave the water to me!"

Yue Yong complied, pinching her nose and turning her back with her eyes closed: "Quickly...quickly extinguish it!"

"Shut up!" Jiang Cheng yelled, "The more anxious you are at this time, the less water you have! Shut up and stay quiet! Let me brew something..."

Hearing the sound of a familiar belt clicking behind her, Yue Yong's face darkened again, and then she turned around and kicked Jiang Cheng with all her strength.

"Where are you going to use the water to put out the fire?!!"

"There's no way!" Jiang Cheng, who was kicked aside, argued with his veins popping, "Apart from this method, is there any other way to extinguish the fire at this time?! Didn't I say that all these things have been destroyed?! This is your dereliction of duty!"

"Shut up! It's possible to miss one or two of the many Aizens!"

Just after saying this, the two of them reacted at the same time, twitching the corners of their eyes and looking at each other's face with cold sweat on their faces.

"Ah... Oops..."×2


In a teahouse on the side of the main street of Yoshiwara, Nichirin, who was leaning on a cane, walked slowly towards Jianghua who was leaning on the door and smoking a cigarette.

"It's really surprising. I thought Mrs. Jianghua was going to give up."

Hinata smiled.

After gently exhaling a puff of smoke, Jiang Hua said softly: "Did I do anything? I just accidentally threw away the incense I bought."

"Hahaha..." Rilun covered his face and smiled, then looked up at the night sky, "Those two people thought that everyone knew nothing. In fact, everyone just tacitly agreed not to say anything and pretended not to know anything. After all, …”

Nichiro looked up at the ceiling and spoke the second half of the sentence slowly.

“The sound insulation effect of Japan’s traditional house structure is not that good…”

Jiang Hua:…

"But having said that, the Ai Ranxiang that Ms. Jianghua left behind was..."

"I heard about that kind of thing from Jiang Chengjiang once before." Jiang Hua explained slowly, "It imitates the appearance of that thing, has a sweet smell, and has no special effect..."

"Uh... It's a very clever move, but... it always feels like it doesn't have any effect. The two of them will still..."

Thinking of what Jiang Cheng said when he was standing on the roof during the day, "Can you please... remind me not to forget those things from now on?" Jiang Hua turned around and smiled softly.

"Maybe it's just unnecessary on my part."


"No, it's nothing."

Jiang Hua shook his head again and raised his head to look at the bright, imperfect, and curved crescent moon.


——Small theater dividing line——

"Three years of Group Z, Jiang Chengsansan!" 》

"Anyway, this is the final return, and our studio is also the final return. If you have any questions, please hurry up."

The Mandarin teacher standing on the podium was sorting out the lesson plans while talking.


Instantly, the students below were excited.

"Is this the final episode?!"

"It's too hasty and sudden!"

"Don't be ridiculous! I didn't appear in the final chapter at all! I've obviously put on makeup and condescended to go to the blind date venue to show off to those scumbags!"

The flat girl with a single ponytail slapped the table and stood up. The table that was slapped in half revealed the inner dissatisfaction and anger of the ponytail girl.

"Okay, next one." Jiang Cheng said with narrowed eyes.

"Why don't you just be perfunctory?!" A Miao was furious.

"No, I only said you could ask questions, but I didn't say I would answer you. Okay, next one."

"Jiang Cheng Sansan, I..."

A man with naturally curly silver hair and a cigarette in his mouth and a white coat stood up.

"Huh? Is he a new transfer student?" Jiang Cheng was confused.

"No, I am a teacher, the original Mandarin teacher of this class - Teacher Ginpachi."

"That Ginpachi-sensei who had a diabetic attack and anal explosion and was hospitalized for half a year but stayed for several months longer?"

"That's right."

"I see, I understand, please sit down."

"No, wait, I want to ask, when can I start work?"

"You should ask the guy with the OO on his forehead this kind of question... Idiot principal, okay, next one."

"No, my..."

Before Teacher Ginpachi, who had just been discharged from the hospital, could finish speaking, Kondo raised his hand and stood up.

"Teacher! I want to ask about the timeline! It's so confusing that many people can't figure it out! How many timelines do we have? When is the last daily life?"

" one."

A girl with orange hair and a round head wearing thick bottle-bottom glasses stood up.

"Wait a minute!! This kind of problem needs to be explained!! But it is a very important issue that concerns me!"

After saying that, the girl puffed up her flat chest with great indignation.

"Go back and read the main article again. By the way, you can understand the final summary of the main article once. If you don't understand it once, read it a few more times. Above. Next."

"Teacher," Sougo raised his hand and stood up, "I want to ask, what is the final outcome of my sister? Did she really go on a blind date with that V-shaped man?"

"Ah, this, because the space was limited at the time, I didn't continue to write it down. If you are interested, I can give it a look."

… … … …

Continuing from the end of Sanye’s blind date chapter—

Sanye, who had just returned from using the toilet, looked at Shi Shi standing aside and finally smiled from the bottom of her heart.

After a long time, I asked...

"Excuse me, are you my blind date today?"

Fourteen, on the other hand, clenched his fists and remained silent for a long time before responding in a low voice.

"...Ah, yes."

However, just as he finished speaking the fourteenth chapter, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head, his vision went dark, and then he completely lost consciousness.

"Miss Sanye, I'm really sorry for letting such a guy ruin the atmosphere of the blind date."

Jiang Cheng said with a hint of apology, but the movement of tying the sack in his hand was very skillful and neat.

"Don't worry, Miss Sanye, Wanshiwu will help you arrange a very high-quality blind date."

Gintoki said seriously as he picked up the sack.

"Well… "

"Anyway, let's let Songyang chat with you for a while today. By the way, Songyang is also single."

Jiang Cheng pulled Songyang to the table.

"Huh? Teacher Songyang..." Sanye covered her mouth and looked at Songyang in surprise, but then she showed a bit of shyness, "Teacher Songyang's words, it's not impossible..."

When Fourteen, who was in a desolate place in the suburbs and was buried below his head, woke up, it was already late at night.

Looking at the very familiar sack on the ground in front of him in the moonlight, Fourteen... fell silent.

However, the gentle footsteps from far to near under the bright moonlight calmed down the fourteen who wanted to go crazy.

Fourteen looked up. After seeing the owner of the footsteps, his eyes suddenly widened and his pupils trembled slightly...


"... Well, that's it, the owner of the last footsteps - the bear who had been hungry for many days and had not had a full meal, had a full meal."

Jiang Cheng on the podium completed the ending of the story.

"Ah, great." Sougo patted his chest with a look of joy on his face.

"That's not right!!" Fourteen stood up in an instant and expressed his dissatisfaction, "It's weird for a bear to appear in that situation! According to that kind of development, no matter how you look at it, it's Miss Sanye who appears!"

"Huh? Weird? Is it weird for a bear to appear in the wild?" Jiang Cheng asked doubtfully, then waved his hand, "Anyway, Mr. Xiong appeared. Okay, next one."


A young man with long hair interrupted Shi Shi and stood up: "Teacher, I..."

"You are the teacher, right? Songyang? And, next one."

"I haven't answered my question yet!"

"Miss A Miao, calm down! The teacher didn't answer my question either!"

"My problem is more important Aru!"

"No, my question is more important! Is the owner of that footsteps Mr. Xiong or Miss Sanye? Hey! Hey!"

Below are the students who are all making a fuss. Jiang Cheng plucked his ears with his little finger, as if he didn't hear anything.

"Okay, this semester is over. Everyone's grades have improved significantly compared to those before I came. We will see you next semester. Before today's on-duty students leave, they will do their last duty of the semester. Before they leave, The keys are handed over to my office, that’s it.”


"What's wrong?" Jiang Cheng stopped, showing a bit of impatience.

"Happy wedding!"×n

"What, do you already know it?" Jiang Cheng glanced at the students in the classroom, paused for a few seconds and then scratched his hair irritably, "Really, Kagura, don't worry about anything. Talk outside."

"No! Uncle! I didn't tell you that!" The girl with thick panty-bottomed glasses stood up, "It was you and Teacher Yue Yong from the health room who were so obvious that everyone saw it!"

"Call me teacher at school. Anyway..."

As he said that, Jiang Cheng once again looked at this group of students who had been together for less than a year. Although the handsome but always unmotivated face was always full of impatience, there was a rare smile.

"…Thank you."

After leaving such a sentence, Jiang Cheng started walking towards the classroom door again.

"Also, Teacher Jiang Cheng..."

Xin Baji stood up.

Immediately afterwards, one student after another stood up until everyone stood up.

"...We graduated."×n

Jiang Cheng, who happened to be in front of the classroom door, suddenly stopped again, turned around, and looked quietly at the students in the classroom who had been together for less than a year.

"The photos are left until the end of the wedding."

Let's talk. Jiang Cheng pulled off his windbreaker and straightened his clean tie, revealing the unusually neat white suit underneath.

Looking at the students in the same period who were a little confused, Kagura suddenly thought of something and explained: "Oh! I almost forgot! Under the coercion and pleading of my uncle, that Bai... Principal Hata said that he would provide the campus as a wedding venue for free. For my uncle to use."

"Huh? Wait...huh?!!!"×n

"Where's the time?" Xin Bajia asked.

"It seems to be graduation day." Kagura replied.

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you can't catch up with other people's weddings, but don't miss your own graduation ceremony. Let's go."

After leaving such a sentence, Jiang Cheng stepped out of the classroom door without looking back.

A Miao tentatively spoke: "Well... isn't the graduation ceremony today? Shin-chan?"

"By the way, Teacher Ginpachi, please accept everyone's wedding gift money for now."

Looking at Jiang Cheng who came back with his eyes bent and a kind expression, the students who had not had time to get excited became expressionless at the same time.

"Because you have graduated and you are a member of the society. For a member of the society to attend a wedding, gift money is a given, right?" Jiang Cheng said matter-of-factly, "Of course, there is also Teacher Ginpachi. Although we have not worked together because of the anal explosion, but Even so, he still took the time to come to the wedding venue to attend my wedding as soon as he was discharged from the hospital. I am really... very touched!"

After being silent for a long time, Ginpachi-sensei raised his hand.

"Well...please tell that idiot principal with OO on his forehead: I want to resign. I'm done..."


There is also the last chapter where Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong talk about their married life, purely as my little Jiujiu.

After all, there is no explicit mention of the two getting married in the main story.

Not to mention those requests to write about two people, cough, cough, cough, etc.

I might write it privately, but I definitely won’t post it here.

Anyway, let’s join the group first.

By the way, I may have been too unlucky recently (the blackmail incident and the pinched hand incident), so my fortune has turned around, and I actually made a small windfall...

Recently, I have been working hard for the small money that suddenly came to me, and I can't get away from it.

Well... see you tonight.

(End of chapter)