Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 838: There is no ending, only the future!


There is no ending, only the future!


It's over.

In fact, most of the reasons why I haven't written a speech for so many days are because I have already written a speech after Chapter 800.

You can all see that, in fact, that is equivalent to the final speech, so after the short new daily life is over, I don’t know how to write...

Some people said that we can write some other people's endings in the new daily life, but... After thinking about it, I still didn't write it. In fact, many people's endings have already been written in Chapter 786 of the Jiang Zhihun arc and before the Ending Journey arc. Some chapters have been written.

It doesn't make much sense to repeat it again. Even if the world line is changed, even if a new world line is finally created, the future of those characters will not change, probably.

Such as Maomao, such as Sasaki, such as Nobunu, such as Songyang... many, many people who want to cross from the old era to the new era will not be much different from the previous ending.

There's just a little difference.

That is this time, Jiang Cheng will step into that beautiful new future with them where the darkness has been driven away.

I thought about making up one last post about Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong’s daily life after marriage, but after thinking about it, the picture of the little girl named Jiang Yue might be enough.

Wearing a clean and cute school uniform, her cold expression and purple eyes were inherited from her mother, and her hair color was inherited from Jiang Cheng.

This little new life is the ending and conclusion or crystallization of the two of them. Is this enough

I admit that I did write an article about Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong’s post-marriage discussion before, but I don’t know where it was thrown. I wrote it a long time ago, but I couldn’t find it after searching through my computer, mobile phone, and pad.

But there are some things that everyone can think of.

For example, if two people quarrel, it will definitely end with a flying kunai.

For example, Jiang Cheng was dissatisfied with the hot pot and no other dishes every day, and then ended up with kunai flying.

Then some magical dishes appeared on the next dinner table, such as dark matter learned from a violent female orangutan... The result was—

Jiang Cheng died.

Another example would be two people quarreling over Xiao Jiang Yue’s education. One person doesn’t care at all and just plays with Xiao Jiang Yue, while the other person cares about Xiao Jiang Yue but may not know how to educate children...

In the end, the quarrel ended with Jiang Cheng receiving a kunai flying shot.

For another example, when she was still ignorant, Xiao Jiangyue, who was confused by the behavior of her father who suffered from kunai every day and her mother who was the culprit, would wonder, "Do my father and mother, who quarrel and fight every day, really love each other?"

At this time, the couple will give the same answer very calmly -

Nonsense, otherwise where did you come from

Some things just need to be clicked to make people remember them.

And I think it would be better to talk about it later without that picture.

"So, just like you are used to waking me up, can you please... remind me not to forget those things from now on?"

The last sentence is also the only "love word" Jiang Cheng said in the entire article.

Are these two points... not enough


Fourteen and three leaves

It depends on whether the "bear" is ferocious or not. The author has never encountered a real bear in the wild, so I don't know.

...But it's possible or maybe it's a "gentle" "bear".

Ahem, I don’t know, I don’t know anything!

Then, I do admit that it was a bit hasty in the end, and some interesting chapters in the daily chapters were not written.

Although it sounds like an excuse, it is really busy.

The busiest time for me was November last year. I spent the whole month running for the house.

At that time, I was basically on the way to Zhengzhou every day except for commuting to and from get off work. That bad agency was really unreliable. I didn’t know anything about the materials that needed to be prepared. They only knew how to urge me to sign a contract and get the agency fee, which caused me to fall into trouble again and again. Run both ways for the various files needed.

Proof of income, proof of marriage, proof of first home (the two-bedroom apartment in my current hometown is in my sister’s name, so I can issue a proof of no house.), provident fund payment records, residence permit for more than half a year, etc...

I also did a stupid thing, that is, before the bank loan was approved, I signed a contract with an agency and paid the agency fee.

Now that I think about it, it would be really exciting if the loan was not approved later. I also worked as a real estate agency before, so I would be stupid enough to make this kind of mistake. Alas...

Fortunately, the loan was approved, and fortunately, the landlord who sold our house was a good person. He gave me the keys and property certificate in advance, so that I could rent out the house in advance to make money. After all, I borrowed a lot of money to buy the house. .

The rent in Zhengzhou is not cheap. I won’t mention the specific location. I can only say that the price of renting it out is 35,000 yuan a year, and the monthly payment for the house in Zhengzhou is 5,000 yuan. Every month... it is equivalent to an extra mortgage payment of more than 2,000 yuan.

In addition, the mortgage payment for this house in my hometown is 2,000 yuan, and the monthly mortgage payment has become 4,000 yuan. Although it is not too much pressure, but because I got married on New Year’s Day, and after getting married, I have to bear the responsibility of a family. There will also be children in the future...

I really feel the pressure, so the focus of my life has shifted to work and the store. This is something I can't help. It is a responsibility that I must bear as the head of the family.

By the way, buying a house in Zhengzhou is not a mandatory requirement of my father-in-law, but there happens to be such a second-hand new house with a good price and location, and I don’t want to miss this opportunity.

I have to buy this house for the future. I won’t talk about issues like educating children in the future. We will understand them when it’s time to understand them.

Just like when I was chatting with a few friends before, some people asked me what they would do if they traveled back to their teenage years in middle and high school. Everyone was excitedly talking about buying lottery tickets, investing, and imitating the short video routines that have become popular in recent years. When talking about short video resources and the like, what I said—

Throw away your playfulness and risk everything to study hard.

I remember that after I said that sentence, all my friends were stunned, and then everyone was deep in thought.

Ah, I got off track, let’s go back to the text.

There are still some secrets in the article that have not been deciphered. For example, in the middle of the Golden Time Chapter, where did Jiang Benzun go

I came up with this after thinking about it for a while after seeing it. At that time, I secretly returned to the Tiandaozong, and secretly made instructions and arrangements for Heiziye and others.

Another example is the encounter and story between Jiangcheng and Saki. This... may be written into a new daily novel.

I thought about writing two chapters from Saki's perspective, but since the final ending was Yue Yong, I didn't feel the need to write it.

In summary, this is the general content of the novel compiled by Sakamoto that appeared in the Lotus Chapter.


That's unrealistic. After all, a scalpel combined with a kunai can really kill someone.

As for the CPs other than Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong, apart from the official couple of Shi Shi and San Ye, we can't really write anything else. It's really taboo to mess up the ending.

How should I put it, actually... well, although it's not much, it's definitely a bit of a reluctance.

But it’s more of a blessing.

I am very glad that I have found such a side job that is not considered a side job, and can even be said to be a money-losing side job where the effort and reward are far from proportional.

Because I have met a lot of book friends who I can chat with and spank.

I'm glad that I can re-create a new character in a work that I like that can be accepted by many people.

I'm glad that I can persevere. Even if my grades are too low and my subsequent subscriptions are barely two or three hundred per day, I'm glad that my efforts are not proportional to my income.

The worth and worthlessness of some things can only be understood after you go through the entire process.

And then there’s the new book…

The monk's book is ready to be cut. I'm really sorry for this. Although the outline is indeed very complete, the writing skills are still lacking.

Let’s write one more fanfic, including the free fanfic of Hayate the Combat Butler, and then consider writing an original novel after two more fanfics.

I have saved some manuscripts for the new book, probably about a hundred thousand words.

Friends in the group also know that this is the unlimited stream at the beginning of Fate and will be released in the next two days.

It's also because life has gradually stabilized recently.

Marriage, the epidemic, Chinese New Year, things in the store (increased order volume), and the two disturbing things that happened to me last month, I finally got through them all smoothly.

I also gave myself a little vacation and rested for about a week.

I wrote a little last night, and I feel like my state has slowly returned.

If you are interested in the next fanfic, you can join the group.

Group number: 837190494.

at last,

Thousands of words condensed into one sentence -

Fake Gintama has no ending, only the future!

(There is no specific perfect ending, only an ever-expected future!)

See you in the next fanfic!


2022, 3.12

(End of chapter)

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