Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 92: Problems such as low work efficiency must of course be addressed


"The weather this winter is really abnormal~" Granny Denshi said with emotion as she looked at the white snow covering the streets.

"That's right, the big snake...Dengshi Sang." Jiang Cheng stood aside and replied with a smile and narrowed eyes.

"Did you just want to say Orochimaru?"

"You heard wrong." Jiang Cheng replied without hesitation.

"But! When it rains, take a bath! When you cut a knife, do acrobatics! This kind of relaxed mood of never forgetting to have fun, as an Edo person, I must remember it!" Granny Toshi shouted facing the front again, "So ! I decided again! The first Kabukicho Snow Festival is officially held!"

"Sister Yueyong! Mom! Look, look, look!" At this time, Qingta's excited voice came.

Looking at Haruta running over, Jiang Cheng smiled and slowly raised his hand, "It's too noisy, Haruta-kun~"

"I just pulled you out of the room! I just confiscated your game! Are you so angry with me?!" Haruta complained, rubbing the big bump on his head.

"What do you mean you just pulled me out of the room?! What do you mean you just confiscated my game?! Do you, a brat, know the meaning of games to my life?! What qualifications does a guy who doesn't know have the right to say? What nonsense?! I! Just! I’m about to eat the 3600th chicken this year! Why do I want to participate in this crappy celebration! The Kabukicho celebration has something to do with Yoshiwara!!!”

"You're the one who's making so much noise! He's obviously just a good-for-nothing otaku!" Haruta retorted with her little face raised.

Looking at Jiangcheng and Haruta arguing at the side, Niwa smiled and turned to Granny Toshi on the side and said, "Thank you very much for inviting us to such a fun celebration."

After saying that, Nichirin looked at the Hyakuhua members who were playing in the snow not far ahead.

"It's nothing, it's a celebration. Of course it would be more lively if there are more people." Grandma Denshi replied.

"Believe it or not, I gave you to Orochimaru for human experimentation! You kid!" Jiangcheng said, picking up Haruta and handing it to Granny Toshi who was standing aside, "I'm giving it to you! Human experimentation or anything like that doesn't matter!"

"Thank you very much..." Granny Denshi subconsciously took Haruta and licked her lips, "What the hell! Believe it or not, I'll put a curse seal on you, Hundan?!"

"Did you just lick your lips? Did you say you cursed?" Jiang Cheng whispered to Yue Yong, who was pushing the sun wheel, "Is this an admission in disguise? Admitting that he illegally smuggled in from the studio next door. Right?"

"You're so rude, kid! I heard you all!" Grandma Denshi shouted.

"My ears are almost deafened by you! Just laugh when you say you are Orochimaru! Look at your face, saying you are Orochimaru is like praising that Buddha looks like Oguri Shun. !" Jiang Cheng complained loudly.

But at this moment, a group of Baihua members cheered, "Jiang Chengsama~ Look here, look here~"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng looked over and saw a group of Baihua members surrounding a huge statue greeting him. Jiang Cheng took a closer look and saw that it was him! An enlarged version of himself, and then Jiang Cheng smiled and walked over...

"This guy's popularity is unexpectedly high." Granny Denshi said as she looked at Jiang Cheng who was surrounded by a group of Baihua members.

"Hakuhua members are originally a group of wandering girls who can't find customers," Nichiwa explained with a smile, "but Jiang Chengsang is different. His pure eyes without any impurities, no matter which woman looks at them, is different." Everyone will be attracted by it.”

"In other words, he is a simple fool." Yue Yong added.

"Are you a simple idiot? In that case, so is the guy upstairs in our house." As she spoke, Granny Denshi looked at a certain silver-haired man who was making snowballs. "But the popularity with women is really so bad. ~I heard that they are still students taught by the same teacher, how can there be such a big gap?"

"No, I think naturally curly silver hair is much better than that dead guy." Yue Yong retorted.

"No, a dead house is much better than that one with naturally curly silver hair." Grandma Denshi replied with a sigh.

"Hey, you two are really disgusting. It's like you are complaining about each other's husbands." Haruta complained expressionlessly.

As soon as she finished complaining, Qingta was raped by her mother-in-law and Yue Yong.

Ignoring the three people jostling at the side, Rilun looked at Jiang Cheng in the distance and murmured: "A light that is completely different from the sun, warm but not dazzling. Maybe this is... "

"It's amazing, it's exactly the same~" Jiang Cheng said with emotion as he looked at the enlarged version of his own snow statue, then scratched his head and continued with some embarrassment, "But I always feel something strange... I comment on my own statue... This feeling... uh... "

"Jiang Chengsama, I'm going to make your naked body next~ But can you give us a reference~" a Baihua member teased.

"Let's forget about the naked body. Although this is not an animation, the reader's imagination is also super scary." Jiang Cheng replied with a smile.

"Then why don't you tell us the size and shape?" Another Baihua member joked.

"How do you describe this kind of thing?" Jiang Cheng held his chin and thought for a while before raising his head and replied seriously, "Sure enough, this kind of thing is not possible. If the author is cut in half, it will be in trouble~"

"Then let's make it look like an anti-tank gun!" a Baihua member suggested.

"You underestimate Jiangcheng-sama!" Another Baihua member retorted, "At least it should be like a star-killing missile!"

Looking at the members of Baihua who started arguing again, Jiang Cheng's face was full of black lines, "Can you please stop discussing that part of me loudly here! It's super embarrassing!"

"Can we discuss it when we get back?" a Baihua member raised his hand and asked.

"No matter where you are, don't discuss it!" Jiang Cheng was speechless, "Even if we have to discuss it, let's discuss it somewhere where readers can't see it!"

"Can you watch it for us where readers can't see it?" a Baihua member suggested, and at the same time, a group of Baihua members gathered around and stared at Jiang Cheng eagerly.

"No! Not anywhere!" Jiang Cheng retorted righteously.

"Sure enough, even Jiangcheng Sama looks down on us~" A member of Baihua said sadly, "Even Jiangcheng Sama looks down on us wandering girls who can't attract customers..."

"That's right..."

"Sure enough, Jiangcheng-sama is also this kind of person~"

"As expected, we don't even have the meaning of existence~"

"I just want to take a look~ I don't want to do anything else~"

Listening to these complaints, Jiang Cheng's head was full of black lines, "What do you mean by just looking at it! Can you look at this thing casually?! This is a symbol of man! How casual can I be to let you look at it casually!"

"Then Yoshiwara women can just let men look at them~"

"Search, search, search!"

"I'm not here to sell it!" Jiang Cheng retorted subconsciously, but as soon as he said it, he felt that this sentence was a bit excessive.

"Jiang Chengsama, you..." All Baihua members covered their mouths and looked at Jiang Cheng in disbelief.

"I didn't mean that! I just..." Jiang Cheng hurriedly tried to explain.

"Then let's see!" a Baihua member shouted in unison.

Just when Jiang Cheng was in extreme distress, Yue Yong stepped out to help Jiang Cheng out of the siege.

"Everyone, stay calm! This is not Yoshihara!" Yue Yong said seriously.

Hearing this, all the Baihua members also calmed down. Jiang Cheng looked at Yue Yong moved, but Yue Yong's next words made Jiang Cheng jump again.

"When we get back to Yoshiwara, we'll hold an otaku body show!"

"Hey! What do you mean a otaku body show! What do you want me to do?!" Jiang Cheng yelled.

"What to do? Of course, show off your body," Yue Yong replied matter-of-factly, "I just feel that Baihua's work enthusiasm is not very high recently. It would be great if we can use this method to improve Baihua's work efficiency. a good idea."

"Of course not! How could something like this happen to the protagonist!" Jiang Cheng quickly retorted, looking at the Baihua members who had started cheering.

However, Yue Yong pretended not to hear anything and continued to give Baihua members blood, "So, in this celebration, we Yoshihara want to get the first place! If we can't get it, what kind of otaku body show and otaku body health care can we do?" In the classroom, otakus have no physical strength at all!”

"Hey! Why are there so many more projects! What is the otaku body health class? Do you want to make me a specimen?! What else is otaku body health class? What on earth do you want me to do?!" Jiang Cheng madly complained, "Can you ask the person involved for his opinion? The person involved doesn't want to do anything! And why should we fight for the first place in a place like this? It's completely unnecessary!"

"No, this is the first step in Yoshihara's plan to conquer the earth!" Yue Yong replied.

"I have never heard of such a plan! When did you make such a terrible plan! What else is conquest of the earth?! What do you want to conquer the earth?! Did you secretly study abroad at the Tianyuan Breakthrough crew next door? ?!!!"

However, no one was listening to Jiang Cheng's speech at this time. Under the command of Yue Yong, a group of Baihua members were carrying snow blocks in full swing, cutting and carving with sharp kunai...

Looking at the Baihua members who had a clear division of labor and were extremely efficient, Jiang Cheng finally sighed and turned around to leave this sad place.

On the other side, the trio from Wanshiwuwu.

"Gin-san, I brought the snow over here." Shinpachi shouted, and at the same time he piled some snow blocks next to Gintoki.

"Yes, I understand." Gintoki said and placed the big snowball in his hand on the snow-made table with the words [Master House Gin-chan] written on it.

"Ah, everyone's works are amazing," Shinpachi said with emotion as he glanced around, "Although they are all slutty, they are indeed in line with the style of Kabukicho."

Saying that, Shinpachi turned to Gintoki and continued, "Is our Master House..."

(End of chapter)