Me and My Wife Transmigrated Together!?

Chapter 40: projection


After Luo Yanyin finished speaking, she glanced at Luo Jing.

"Do you really want to leave the Soul Refining Sect?"

The little girl's sudden question made Luo Jing stunned.

"How do you see that, Senior Sister?"

Is it obvious that I want to escape from the Soul Refining Sect

It's impossible... Luo Jing thought he hid it very well. Even a shrewd person couldn't guess his intention, let alone the childish little girl in front of him.

But Luo Yanyin curled her lips and said, "Don't you want to go back to Sanhuai City and kill your vicious stepmother after you become successful?"

"Don't tell me you don't have any ideas."

"If the mountain gates were not sealed and ordinary disciples were not allowed to enter and leave at will, you would have returned to Sanhuai City and killed someone, right?"

The little girl was very sure of this.

Luo Jing was instantly at a loss whether to laugh or cry, and understood what the little girl was thinking.

This childish girl still insisted on her original opinion that Luo Jing entered the Demon Sect in order to make a name for himself in the future and then go back to kill her stepmother and her entire family.

So this joke can’t be solved

Luo Jing said helplessly: "Senior Sister, do you think I am the kind of bloodthirsty and cruel person?"

"Besides, the Manggu Mountains have been closed for ten years... Once you enter the Demon Sect, it's like entering a deep sea. From now on, your parents are just passersby."

"I am just an ordinary disciple, how can I go down the mountain casually?"

Luo Jing was trying to distance himself from the matter in both his words and deeds.

The little girl sneered and said, "Do you need to come down the mountain? To be honest, as long as you show enough potential in the inner sect, the Luo family will take the initiative to send the heads of your vicious stepmother and your stupid brother to us."

“You don’t need to do it yourself.”

Unlike the Central Plains, almost all of the twenty-six countries in the Western Regions outside the Great Wall are under the intimidation and rule of the Soul Refining Sect.

The Soul Refining Sect is the emperor above these twenty-six nations.

The Luo family of Sanhuai City is just a branch of the Tianhai Luo family.

The Tianhai Luo family is just a family in a small country among the twenty-six countries in the Western Regions. It has some strength, but not strong.

If Luo Jing really makes a name for himself in the inner sect, the Tianhai Luo family will definitely find a way to win over this expelled child. By then, Luo Jing's vicious stepmother and stupid brother will be the best gifts.

But Luo Jing really has no interest in revenge.

He just wanted to escape from the Soul Refining Sect.

He had little interest in the little girl's tidying up and did it perfunctorily as usual.

Luo Jing couldn't understand why this little girl cared so much about his vicious stepmother.

Could it be that this little brat really has a bad taste for watching families being wiped out

With Luo Yanyin's return, Luo Jing's life in the mountains became noisy again.

The theft of the Demon Refining Ancestor's relics was just a small episode in the life of the Demon Sect for Luo Jing.

Such high-level matters have nothing to do with a small fry like him in the Transcendent Realm.

He is still practicing hard, hoping to reach the middle stage of the Transcendent Realm as soon as possible.

It is also very important to condense the moonlight and refine the blood sword every night.

Luo Jing already felt that the blood sword was almost reaching the quality of a magical weapon.

Although apart from its power, the blood sword itself is extremely fragile.

But as long as it can be refined into a magic weapon and entrust the soul to it, Luo Jing can use the blood sword to connect to the Taixu Fairyland and try to summon the gods.

He didn't plan to use his wife's set of "Taixu Summoning Spirits and Universal Transformation True Secrets" because it was too slow.

Now it has been a month and a half, and my wife still hasn't succeeded in summoning the spirit.

Although in the past few days, my wife has vaguely felt some kind of resonance coming from the Taixu Fairyland.

Moreover, the resonance was getting stronger and stronger. Perhaps within the next two days, she would be able to successfully summon the spirit.

But it took Luo Jing a month and a half to successfully summon the spirit

He would rather take the conventional route of gambling.

Although the conventional route would take three to five days to cast each spell, and it might not be successful in one go, Luo Jing would rather take a gamble on his luck than drag it out for years.

Moreover, Luo Jing was an inner sect disciple, and he had no teacher to help him perform rituals, so he could not enjoy the same treatment as Shen Qingxuan.

He planned to exchange for a memory-enhancing potion after returning to the mountain, so as to memorize the entire secret book of "Demon Blood Sword" in his mind.

His wife had memorized all the 50,000 words, but he hadn't even memorized half of it, which made him a little depressed.

After memorizing the book, Luo Jing can prepare to summon the spirit.

He estimated the schedule and concluded that in about half a month, his blood sword would be ready for practice and transformation into a magical weapon.

And at that time, it was almost the time for him to return to the mountains.

… …

Lingyun Immortal Sect, a small garden with green bamboo.

In front of the neatly arranged altar, a little girl holding a large gourd chanted something and continuously drew the spiritual energy of heaven and earth down to Shen Qingxuan, who was sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed.

Help the apprentice connect to the Taixu Wonderland.

The mysterious Taixu fairyland is the second world for practitioners.

The higher the level of cultivation, the closer the connection with the Taixu Fairyland.

After reaching the divine realm, the accumulation of spiritual power is no longer important. Practitioners need to travel in the void and place their spiritual thoughts in the wonderland of the void to practice.

However, practitioners with special secret methods can try to summon spirits in the Transcendental Realm. If successful, they can rely on the phantom of the spirit to enter the Taixu Fairyland.

What Xie Xingyao prepared for her apprentice was the "Taixu Spirit Summoning and Universal Transformation True Secret" which would definitely lead to successful summoning of spirits.

There is no need to rely on luck. As long as you continue to perform rituals every day, you will be able to summon the spirit successfully sooner or later.

In the past two days, not to mention Shen Qingxuan, even Xie Xingyao, who was performing a ritual, could vaguely sense that the Taixu Fairyland had resonated with his disciple.

This is a sign of success.

Therefore, Xie Xingyao was particularly focused today.

She continued to guide the spiritual energy to descend and maintain the passage between her apprentice and the Taixu Fairyland. As the feeling of resonance became stronger and stronger, Xie Xingyao recited the spell faster and faster.

“… All things are in harmony with the wind and rain, and the altar is opened to call upon the spirits of heaven and earth.”

"The two divine energies of Li Kan and Dui Zhen Qian Kun!"

"I will spend my entire life in this world in a state of panic, traveling through the six realms of the world..."

On the altar, the pages of "Taixu Summoning Spirits and Universal Transformation True Secret" were constantly turning, and Xie Xingyao kept reciting the spells on it to maintain the passage to Taixu Fairyland.

Shen Qingxuan, who was sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed, had her brows furrowed, her red lips bitten, and sweat dripping from her temples.

She vaguely saw a vast white world.

But this is not the real Taixu fairyland.

She has to find a fairyland spirit here that can resonate with her and gain its recognition before she can truly enter the Taixu fairyland.

There is also a saying that what the practitioners call upon in the Taixu Fairyland is not the real god, but "themselves".

This is because the incarnations of gods summoned by practitioners are all vague and unconscious, and their aura is completely consistent with that of the practitioners.

Therefore, some great practitioners claim that the incarnation of gods summoned by practitioners from the Taixu Fairyland is actually the projection of the practitioners themselves in the Taixu Fairyland.

The process of summoning spirits is to place one's own spiritual thoughts into the Taixu fairyland.

Therefore, the incarnation of the soul will become more and more like the practitioner, because it is the embodiment of the practitioner's spiritual thoughts.