Me and My Wife Transmigrated Together!?

Chapter 42: Two people whose lives are linked


In the demon sect, people's hearts are full of evil and you never know when you might be attacked from behind.

Luo Jing was startled by the sudden pain and subconsciously felt panicky.

Luo Yanyin frowned and looked at him, saying, "Who would cast a spell to harm you for no reason? Let me help you!"

The little girl in the God Summoning Realm examined Luo Jing carefully.

The final conclusion is...

"No one is harming you."

Luo Yanyin said: "There is no aura of evil curse on you, nor any signs of being cursed."

"Anyone who can remotely cast spells to harm others and hide from my perception must be at least a great cultivator in the Grand Void Realm."

"How could a being of that level waste time on a small shrimp like you?"

Luo Yanyin said: "I guess you have consumed too much blood and blood essence in refining the blood sword these days, and now the sequelae have appeared."

Luo Yanyin concluded: "So I told you a long time ago, don't try to refine the Blood Sword, there is no hope at all, but you refused to listen."

"It's okay now. Do you know how painful it is?"

Luo Yanyin didn't know that Luo Jing had already mastered the blood sword. After all, the Demon Blood Sword was usually nurtured in the dantian. It was not as ostentatious as the magic weapons of ordinary practitioners and needed to be carried around.

Luo Jing was speechless, but he also believed in Luo Yanyin's judgment.

After all, she is the direct disciple of the God Summoning Realm. If she can't find the scent of the evil curse, then Luo Jing was indeed killed by a remote curse

Luo Jing, worried, spent the afternoon like this.

When he was guiding Yuehua to refine the sword at night, he felt a little uneasy. Several times he interrupted the sword-refining formation because of distraction and had to guide Yuehua again.

It was not until the second half of the night that Luo Jing sensed the call from his soul and entered a dream.

In the sea of clouds, he saw his wife who was also worried.

Luo Jing asked in surprise: "Qingxuan, what's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

Shen Qingxuan looked at her husband's face, wanting to say something but stopping herself.

Finally, he said: "Let's synchronize first..."

So, the couple synchronized.

Through his wife's perspective, Luo Jing saw what Shen Qingxuan experienced throughout the day.

It was a very dull and boring experience. I got up in the morning, washed, memorized my lessons, then took a spiritual fruit and meditated to refine my spiritual power.

At noon, the young master Xie Xingyao came over to perform a ritual. Shen Qingxuan sat cross-legged in front of the altar with his eyes closed, entering a state of summoning spirits.

However, during this process, Luo Jing's vision was completely dark.

That’s right, a wife’s “perspective” is really just a perspective.

He could only see what his wife saw with her eyes, but not what she felt in her soul.

He couldn't even see the spirits his wife called out.

Because the phantom of the soul was the sensation within the soul, Luo Jing could only see emptiness through his wife's eyes.

However, judging from the happiness and joy of young master Xie Xingyao, this was clearly a success.

Why does my wife look worried now

Shouldn't we be happy that the summoning of the spirit was successful

Luo Jing opened his eyes and asked in surprise: "Isn't this a success? Qingxuan, why are you not happy at all?"

The fairy in white in the sea of clouds let out a long breath and looked at Luo Jing with a complicated expression.

"My dear, guess what the phantom of the god I summoned looks like..."

Luo Jing laughed and said, "Aren't they all pale, blurry human-shaped phantoms? The ones summoned by the Transcendent Realm can't even be distinguished as male or female. They're just white human figures... uh..."

Luo Jing guessed something halfway through his speech.

He was surprised and asked, "Could it be that the phantom of the god you summoned is not an ordinary newborn spirit?"

Shen Qingxuan in the sea of clouds smiled helplessly and nodded, "It is indeed not an ordinary newborn spirit. Not only does he have eyebrows and eyes, he even wears a black robe and has a demonic aura, just like an evil demon that has never appeared in the world."

"Of course, the most important thing is..."

Shen Qingxuan looked at Luo Jing and said faintly: "He looks exactly like you."

In the sea of clouds, Luo Jing was stunned for a moment, opened his mouth wide, and suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"So... maybe it's because of the special connection between our souls that the incarnation you summoned is my projection?"

In the sea of clouds, Luo Jing, who had communicated with his wife in detail and knew what had happened, spoke speechlessly.

This was something he had never expected.

"I felt a sharp pain between my eyebrows this afternoon, and it seemed like something was being sucked out of my body... Was that the reason? You happened to succeed in summoning the spirit at that time?" Luo Jing found it a little unbelievable.

Normal practitioners would summon pale human figures as their newborn spirits. As their cultivation became more profound, these pale human figures would gradually transform into the appearance of the practitioner himself.

When one reaches the Taixu realm, one can even do two things at the same time and use consciousness to control the incarnation to leave the main body and act.

Also known as incarnation.

But the phantom of the god that Shen Qingxuan summoned was the appearance of Luo Jing.

And it’s the devil version of Luo Jing…

Is this because Luo Jingxiu’s magic skills

Luo Jing hesitated and said, "If I abandon my magic power and practice immortal skills again, will your divine incarnation shed its demonic energy and become an immortal incarnation?"

In Lingyun Immortal Sect, a cultivator who practices immortal techniques summons a demonic incarnation... This is no longer outrageous, it is simply outrageous.

But Shen Qingxuan shook his head slightly and said, "I can vaguely sense that this incarnation is closely related to you."

"If you destroy your own magic power, or something unexpected happens, your incarnation may disappear directly..."

This news can definitely be described as bad news.

If the incarnation of a cultivator's spirit dissipates, the soul will be severely damaged. After all, the two are connected by spirit and soul.

This means that for the sake of his wife's safety, Luo Jing can no longer give up his magic power

He opened his mouth, somewhat speechless.

The original plan was that after escaping from the Soul Refining Sect, Luo Jing would abandon his magic skills and practice immortal techniques.

Anyway, with the synchronization state, as long as Luo Jing can refine a wisp of immortal spirit energy in his body, he will be able to quickly recover his cultivation through the synchronization state.

By then, with the help of his wife, it would be a natural thing for Luo Jing to join the Lingyun Immortal Sect.

But now his wife said that Luo Jing can no longer give up his martial arts.

Then how can he go to Lingyun Immortal Sect to reunite with his wife!


Why did this happen

Luo Jing was a little annoyed.

But the bad news doesn’t end there.

Shen Qingxuan in the sea of clouds sighed faintly: "I have confirmed it alone today. The incarnation of the devil's soul will not change my immortal skills. The sword tactics and immortal skills I perform are still normal."

"Although the demon incarnation is troublesome, it has little impact on me. After all, when practicing the immortal path, the inner demons will cause serious troubles."

"When a powerful immortal cultivator is troubled by his inner demons, it is not surprising that his incarnation will show demonic energy. So my demonic incarnation will not affect me."

"But you, my husband, are different."

Shen Qingxuan looked at Luo Jing and said, "If my guess is correct, the phantom of the god you will summon in the future will be my immortal projection."

"In the Demon Sect, if the incarnation of the immortal way is revealed..."