Me and My Wife Transmigrated Together!?

Chapter 65: Blood debt must be paid with blood


Luo Jing's heart trembled when he heard Luo Wanqiu's words.

The tea in my hand almost spilled.

The Luo family of Sanhuai City... was exterminated

Luo Jing's cheap father in this world, or stepmother, brother... are all dead

Even from the tone of Luo Wanqiu's words, it seems that more than just these three people died, but the entire Luo family in Sanhuai City was wiped out

Luo Yanyin's words suddenly rang in Luo Jing's ears again.

"… If you show enough value, you don't even need to do anything. The Tianhai Luo family will take the initiative to send your stepmother's head to you."

Looking at the woman in front of him in astonishment, Luo Jing almost suspected that he had heard it wrong.

But I saw a hint of solemnity between Luo Wanqiu's eyebrows.

Facing Luo Jing's astonished look, she smiled helplessly and said, "My cousin seems to have misunderstood..."

She took a sip of tea and said, "The Luo family never kills their own people. Even if a member of the family really made a mistake, they would be punished according to the family rules. How could they kill their entire family?"

"The one who destroyed the Luo family in Sanhuai City was someone else."

Luo Wanqiu's words left Luo Jing speechless.

"Is that so... Could the person who wiped out the clan be some powerful demon?" Luo Jing asked.

So this is the reason why Luo Wanqiu is looking for Luo Jing

But what does the extinction of the Luo family in Sanhuai City have to do with Luo Jing

Could it be that Luo Wanqiu suspected Luo Jing was the murderer

Luo Jing is now at the Transcendent Realm, and indeed has the ability to destroy the Luo family in Sanhuai City. But he is imprisoned in the Soul Refining Sect and cannot get out.

Moreover, was it necessary to alarm Luo Wanqiu and make such a big fuss just because a branch of the Luo family in Sanhuai City was wiped out

Luo Jing was puzzled.

Luo Wanqiu smiled helplessly and said, "To be honest, we still haven't found out who killed our family."

"The reason I asked my cousin to come here is to ask him if he has any clues."

"In these years, has the Luo family of Sanhuai City provoked anyone who shouldn't have provoked?"

"Or maybe..."

Luo Wanqiu paused slightly when she reached this point, as if she was choosing her words.

After a few seconds, she said, "Did anything unusual happen in Sanhuai City before my cousin's biological mother passed away?"

Luo Wanqiu's question surprised Luo Jing slightly.

Could this matter be related to my mother who died of illness at a young age in my previous life

Luo Jing frowned and thought about it, trying hard to recall.

But when the original owner's mother died, the original owner was still a young child, and nothing unusual happened in his memory.

Luo Jing shook his head and said, "When my mother died, I was still very young. I don't remember anything unusual happening in Sanhuai City."

"Could it be that this family extermination incident is related to her?"

But my mother in my previous life has been dead for more than ten years. If something was going to happen, it would have happened a long time ago. Why did she wait until now

Luo Jing was puzzled.

Seeing Luo Jing's reaction, Luo Wanqiu also sighed slightly.

He said: "This matter is of great importance. According to the news from the clan, the person who exterminated the whole family was cruel and brutal, and it seems that he had a deep hatred."

"My cousin's father and stepmother were all tortured beyond recognition."

"On the wall of Sanhuai City, the murderer wrote in blood: blood debt must be paid with blood."

Luo Wanqiu looked at Luo Jing and said, "Wanqiu is worried about my cousin's safety. Now my cousin is the only one left in the Luo family of Sanhuai City."

"If the perpetrator really has a deep hatred and wants to take revenge, and is determined to wipe out the entire Sanhuai Luo family... then the perpetrator's ultimate target is my cousin."

Luo Wanqiu's words shocked Luo Jing.

A cruel and evil demon wants to wipe out the entire Sanhuai Luo family

Luo Jing hesitated and said, "But I have been expelled from the Luo family and am no longer considered a member of the Luo family."

"Besides, I am in the Soul Refining Sect. No matter how strong the murderer is, he can't rush into the Manggu Mountains to kill me, right?"

Luo Wanqiu smiled helplessly and said, "Although the Manggu Mountains can block the outside world from prying eyes, they are not insurmountable."

"Hasn't the Ji Canghu who has been making so much noise recently sneaked into the sect for several years?"

"As for the expulsion... the name is removed, but the bloodline will not change. The perpetrator was so cruel, he may not reason with my cousin."

As Luo Wanqiu spoke, she looked at Luo Jing and said, "The murderer who killed the entire Luo family of Sanhuai left a large handprint at the scene of the massacre. The elders of the clan identified it and confirmed that he was at least in the middle stage of the Summoning God Realm."

"Besides, it should be a woman."

"A woman seeking revenge probably won't be reasonable."

At this point, Luo Wanqiu suggested: "If my cousin doesn't mind, why don't you move to Yehai Peak?"

"Wanqiu can talk to Elder Hai and ask him to transfer my cousin's life lamp to Yehai Peak. Xiaoyue Peak has many people and many eyes, and there are often flying boats going to and from the outside of the mountain. It is the easiest to infiltrate among the nine branches of the sect."

"If my cousin stays there, he may be in danger at any time."

"Why don't you come live here with Wanqiu? Although Wanqiu is not talented, she can protect your cousin. Even if the murderer comes to our house, he can't kill your cousin."

Luo Wanqiu said this with a sincere look on her face.

Elder Hai is the chief of Xiaoyue Peak and in charge of the Xiaoyue Peak lineage. He is the real elder in the Soul Refining Sect.

Luo Wanqiu admitted that she could apply to Elder Hai to transfer Luo Jing to Yehai Peak to protect Luo Jing.

This sounds sincere and full of concern for fellow tribesmen.

But Luo Jing is a very realistic person and not easily moved.

No matter how well Luo Wanqiu performed, Luo Jing still didn't understand why he, a disciple from a side branch, was valued so much by Luo Wanqiu

Moreover, he didn't come earlier, but waited until the Luo family in Sanhuai City was exterminated before he came to care about Luo Jing.

If Luo Wanqiu really cared about Luo Jing, she should have reacted as early as when Luo Jing entered the inner gate of Xiaoyue Peak.

So... Luo Wanqiu's special attitude towards Luo Jing is related to this family murder case

Luo Jing understood, but he didn't refuse directly. He said, "I need to go back and think about it..."

This case of family annihilation is definitely not a simple one.

How could a small branch of the Luo family in Sanhuai City provoke a powerful demon in the middle stage of the Summoning God Realm

It even alarmed Luo Wanqiu...

Luo Wanqiu's statement that she didn't know the identity of the murderer was most likely false.

If she really knew nothing about the family massacre, she would not have come to find Luo Jing.

To be realistic, people of Luo Wanqiu's status don't care whether a member of a side branch like Luo Jing lives or dies.

Luo Wanqiu must be hiding something.

However, since Luo Jing wanted to leave, Luo Wanqiu did not refuse.

She even stood up and personally escorted Luo Jing out the door, saying, "If cousin changes his mind, Ye Haifeng will always be open to him."

Standing at the door, Luo Wanqiu remained silent as she watched Luo Jing's departing figure disappear in the wind and snow.

The maid Xiao'e said carefully: "Miss, are you just going to let Master Jing go back like this?"

"Master Jing is returning to Xiaoyue Peak now. He may be in danger at any time..."