Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 23: Anomaly


In the evening, the Black City has a curfew.

In the streets of the black city, there are groups of 4th-level swordsman patrols walking everywhere.

The entire black city is not allowed to light up a lamp, and the black and lacquer pieces form a dull world, like a dead silent city. Only the mechanical swordsmen with red electronic eyes shuttled through the darkness, which was terrifying.

The earth vibrated slightly, and there was the sound of uniform walking.

A large force formed by 200 level 6 swordsmen, 50 level 7 shield soldiers, 100 level 6 spearmen, and 30 level 7 artillerymen walked in the black city.

A silver car was driving slowly among the large group of troops.

In the midair, an owl flew out of a hut silently, with the light that is unique to intelligent life forms in its eyes.

Not long after the owl flew out of that hut, from a fortress, a little red light flashed, an electronic eye completely locked the owl, and a 12.5 mm barrel stretched out.

With the sound of tearing the cloth, a little red light flashed, the owl in the sky was directly torn to pieces, and countless meat sauces fell on the ground.

A group of mechanical swordsmen with a hundred men came directly from a distance, and quickly came to this hut.

The leading mechanical swordsman slashed directly on the door of the cabin, smashed the door of the cabin directly, and rushed in.

Inside the door, a small candle was lit, and the dim light shone into the room, making the objects in the room faintly visible.

In the room stood a man and a woman, handsome men and beautiful women. When the mechanical sword soldiers broke into this room, their faces were all brushed and turned pale.

The young man asked timidly: "My sirs, what can I do with you? Why did you break into our house?"

Those mechanical sword soldiers raised the alloy sabers in their hands and flicked directly at the pair of young men and women.

"Greasy technique!!" The seemingly ordinary woman gritted her teeth, pointed at the leading mechanical swordsman, and performed a level 0 trick.

The mechanical knife soldier slipped and fell directly to the ground.

The mechanical sword soldier in the rear was cast off unabated, stepping on the fallen mechanical sword soldier, and continued to rush forward.

The young man looked at the expressionless mechanical sword soldier and couldn't help shouting: "We surrender! We are the spies of the White Elephant Fang and the messengers sent by the White Elephant Fang. Please stop!! I want to see Steel Lord Yang Ye!"

The six-handle alloy sword stopped in an instant, and the sharp blade was only one centimeter away from the young man.

The ten-handle alloy saber also stopped by the beautiful woman's neck, so scared that she didn't dare to move at all. During the first battle, the two of them had seen the ruthlessness of those mechanical sword soldiers. No matter how the mobs who took the opportunity to rob and rob them begged, those mechanical sword soldiers would mercilessly kill them one by one, unlike humans at all.

A mechanical sword soldier used a mechanical synthesis of a voice without any emotion and said: "Follow me! If you have any changes, there is only a dead end."

The two spies of the White Elephant Fang breathed a sigh of relief, and under the escort of the group of mechanical knife soldiers obediently walked towards the direction of the prison.

boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by the continuous sound of cannons, a mouse hidden in the corner of the wall exploded directly with a corner of the nearby house and turned into pieces.

After the mouse that had been hidden in the dark corner was killed|killed, the five-meter-high, six-barreled Vulcan guns, twin-mounted level 6 gunners with 37 mm caliber anti-aircraft guns flashed with electronic eyes. , And then put down a six-barreled Vulcan cannon.

The methods of the warlock are varied and very strange. Some warlocks can easily manipulate various animals to act as their eyes and ears for detection.

For those methods, Yang Feng knew too little. The only thing he can do is to annihilate all animals and humans close to his body while avoiding everyone.

The sound of guns continued to sound, and along the route that Yang Feng passed, teams of level 4 pikemen and level 4 swordsmen were constantly patrolling to wipe out all the living creatures such as rats and cockroaches.

The convoy stopped in front of the Warlock Tower, and the shield in the hands of the 8-meter-high shield flashed light, forming a huge protective cover to completely cover the area.

The deity Yang Feng stepped down from the silver car and strode into the Warlock Tower.

The elite team formed by the elite level 6 main battle robot immediately guarded the warlock tower.

Accompanied by the Bonnie robot, Yang Feng once again came to the altar at the bottom of the Warlock Tower.

Yang Feng took a deep look at the egg on the altar, walked to the vicinity of the egg, took out a syringe, and directly drew a tube of blood, which dripped onto the egg.

Rays of magic patterns like silk flickered on the egg, and Yang Feng's blood immediately sank into the egg. There was a timid mental wave from the egg, and he cautiously contacted Yang Feng.

Yang Feng set up a floor next to the giant egg, and while stroking the giant egg, while running the Pony robot to teach him the secret method, his spirit became incomparable, and then his spirit wave was transmitted. Past.

As soon as Yang Feng’s mental fluctuations blended with the spirit of existence in the egg, a wonderful sense of joy of waking up from the loneliness and darkness was immediately passed from the egg, interacting with Yang Feng’s spirit. Entangled together, swallowed Yang Feng who hadn't practiced before, causing him to faint.

"Oops! How could this happen? I haven't arranged it yet!!" A thought came through Yang Feng's mind, and he fainted directly.

The eyes of the originally silent Pawnee robot flashed a humanized doubt in a low voice: "What's going on here? According to Pawnee's memory analysis, such a thing will never happen! It seems that this is from a forbidden stone. The eggs appearing in it are unusual."

It was Super Zhi Nao 3796 that took over the control of the Pony robot at once.

No. 3796 walked to Yang Feng's side, and his right hand squirmed for a while, and the changes formed a series of mechanical tentacles, which enveloped Yang Feng's head.

No. 3796 analyzed: "The master is not dead! But the ritual must go on, otherwise the master will become an idiot or a real waste! During this period, protect the master in the first sequence."

A series of mysterious fluctuations quickly spread to Yang Feng's forces, and all the arsenals began to rotate day and night, frantically producing various combat weapons. In addition to the necessary defensive power, the mechanical legions quickly moved from the place where they were stationed, and went to the Black City to stand by.