Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 26: Metal storm


"Come on! Yang Ye's mechanical puppet army!" One of them was wrapped with two small black snakes, each with a one-horned, wearing a black robe, with snake-like vertical eyes, holding a long one. The man with a two-meter-high mace said solemnly.

The man wearing a black robe with vertical eyes like a snake is the second-level sorcerer Abani of the Eye of the Snake Demon.

The handsome, blond, middle-aged man wearing a white robe and holding a black book in his hand said solemnly: "Blood Bat Fighting Knights attack! Destroy those puppets!"

This middle-aged man is Kenny, the second-level warlock of the Feendro family! He is also the most powerful existence among the three second-level warlocks. The commander of this army.

The soldiers of the Blood Bat Knights flying in the sky rode huge blood bats directly from the sky.

"Juli Technique!"

"Accurate shooting!"



The warlock apprentices below frantically performed level 0 tricks, blessing a large number of state tricks on the soldiers of the Blood Bat Knights.

After the soldiers of the Blood Bat Knights and the pets under their hips were blessed, their combat power suddenly doubled, and they flew into the sky again.

The soldiers of the Blood Bat Knights quickly flew to the top of the mechanical knife army and threw palm-sized alchemy bombs directly below.

boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by a loud noise, the palm-sized alchemy bombs fell to the ground and immediately exploded horribly. The terrifying explosion directly exploded a level 4 mechanical knife soldier to pieces, and countless parts were scattered on the ground.

Yang Feng looked at the level 4 mechanical swordsmen that had been blown up to pieces, a solemn flash of eyes flashed: "Biological bomber! It's amazing!"

Under the bombardment of the blood bat knights, those level 4 mechanical sword soldiers still did not evade, there was no sound in the explosion, and they rushed towards the army of the Feendro Principality without expression.

The second-level warlock James from White Bear Fang, who was of medium build and dressed in white bear skin, flashed a solemn voice in his eyes: "The Mechanical Puppet Legion is really one of the most terrifying killers of the Sixth Dynasty. Some knight-level defective products are still terrifying once they appear in large numbers."

The ordinary human army had already collapsed under the bombardment of the blood bat knights' alchemy bomb. Even if they didn't collapse, they would flee around, looking for cover and hiding. But those mechanical sword soldiers were still fearless, charging towards the Feendro Principality, this kind of force was simply terrifying. Under the siege of more than ten thousand level 4 mechanical swordsmen, even level two warlocks could only flee in embarrassment.

"It's just some defective products after all!" Kenny sneered coldly. The black book in his hand opened, and dozens of pitch-black seeds flew out of a black book and fell into the earth.

As soon as those dozens of pitch-black seeds fell into the earth, they grew wildly, changing into dozens of pitch-black vines that were tens of meters long.

Those dozens of pitch-black vines flicked frantically, like dozens of huge whips, slammed on those level 4 mechanical swordsmen, sending heads of mechanical swords away directly.

Those dozens of long, pitch-black vines blocked a large number of level 4 mechanical swordsmen, and the group of heavily armored knights launched a charge and directly divided the scattered level 4 mechanical swordsmen. Hit fly.

A thousand senior soldiers armed with a sledgehammer severely used the sledgehammer to hit the level 4 mechanical sword soldiers one by one, twisting and shattering the level 4 mechanical sword soldiers one by one.

The Principality of Feendro immediately changed his army's weapons after knowing that Yang Feng was using the mechanical legion. Replaced with a heavy weapon like a sledgehammer. In this way, the ordinary army, after blessing a series of 0-level auxiliary tricks, such as the giant force technique and the acceleration technique, also has the power to threaten the ordinary 4th-level mechanical swordsman.

Those warlock apprentices stood quietly in the middle of the army, protected by the army, and did not release an offensive level 0 trick. Instead, he is always preparing for various auxiliary level 0 tricks to help the human army bless at any time.

Among the guards of those warlock apprentices, an official first-level warlock watched all this calmly, preserving mental and physical strength, and they would only take action when the most critical moment.

With the help of Kenny, a powerful second-level warlock, the huge fourth-level mechanical knife army was forcibly blocked for a while.

The blood bat knights in the sky kept throwing alchemy bombs to blast the level 4 mechanical knife soldiers to pieces, and countless parts were scattered around.

Hundreds of mechanical swordsmen were fragmented into countless parts and fragments in the explosion.

Yang Feng watched the 4th-level mechanical sword soldiers shattered in the explosion and coldly ordered: "Pikemen attack!"

The 10,000 level 4 pikemen who had long been searching for shelter and hiding aside suddenly appeared, raising a 12.5 mm heavy machine gun and shooting frantically at the Blood Bat Knights in the sky.

Accompanied by bursts of shrill sounds of tearing the cloth, countless fires bloomed, and rain-like metal barrage instantly enveloped the sky.

A little bit of blood bloomed in the sky, and the blood bat knights soldiers were shot into a sieve by the terrifying heavy machine gun bullets, and fell from the sky to the ground.

The giant blood bats also kept falling from the sky into a corpse.

"Launch! Ascend!" Fernan's face changed drastically, and his whole body instantly burst into a powerful vitality field covering his whole body. At the same time, he made a huge roar, urging the giant blood bat under his hips. Climb directly to the sky.

More than a dozen heavy machine gun bullets shot on Fernan's body and were immediately distorted and flew away by the extremely powerful vitality field.

Only one sky knight will appear among the 100,000 knight-level warriors. Once promoted to the sky knight, a powerful vitality field can burst out for defense in a short period of time. The defensive power of that life force field is comparable to a first-level defensive spell. This is also the most important reason why the Sky Knight is more able to contend with a first-level warlock.

In order to kill the level 4 mechanical knife soldiers as accurately as possible, the blood bat knights flew relatively low, which formed a good target. Under the frenzied fire of the 10,000 pikemen, more than a thousand soldiers of the Blood Bat Knights were directly torn to pieces by the terrifying firepower. The remaining blood bat knights flew desperately towards the sky.

"Damn it! This damn beast!!!" Kenny gnashed his teeth when he saw that more than a thousand soldiers of the Blood Bat Knights were killed.

The soldiers of the Blood Bat Knights are all dead men cultivated by the Feendro family since childhood, and they are loyal to the Feendro family. The resources consumed by each warrior of the Blood Bat Knights are equivalent to a piece of gold the size of them. Now that more than a thousand soldiers have been lost at once, the blood bat knights have hurt their vitality.