Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 34: Bloodline Secret Method and Orthodox Secret Method


Yang Feng has learned a lot of basic knowledge about warlocks under the guidance of Pawnee robots these days.

I seek truth in the darkness and pursue eternal life!

This is the famous saying of the first sorcerer emperor of the first sorcerer dynasty, and it is also a famous saying of countless sorcerers as the truth. The ultimate goal of the warlocks is to gain immortality.

In order to gain immortality, countless warlocks have covered countless planes, absorbed the knowledge of countless planes, captured the creatures of countless planes, and carried out various experiments such as bloodline modification, taboo experiment, soul experiment, and mechanical puppet manufacturing.

The secret technique is the practice secret technique created by the sorcerers after absorbing the knowledge of countless planes.

The secret method is divided into two categories, one is the bloodline secret method, and the other is the orthodox secret method.

The bloodline secret method is to cultivate a special secret method after implanting the bloodline of a powerful life body, so that the whole person's life form is directly transformed into that kind of powerful life body. This is the mature secret method obtained by the Second Warlock Dynasty after countless advancements and casts, creating countless monsters. Before the Second Warlock Dynasty, basically all warlocks practiced orthodox secret methods.

Unlike the orthodox secret method, the bloodline secret method is powerful and the speed of cultivation is amazing. As long as it is transplanted into the blood of a powerful creature, and can withstand that powerful blood. With the same resources, the bloodline warlock who cultivates the bloodline secret technique can practice more than ten times faster than the orthodox warlock.

However, cultivating the bloodline secret method also has limitations. That is, once a blood vessel transplant is selected, it will be difficult to change. Moreover, some powerful bloodlines also have evolutionary potential. Once the potential of the powerful biological bloodlines transplanted by a cultivator is exhausted, if they want to go further, they will be restricted by the bloodline, and it is difficult to go further.

The orthodox secret law does not have that restriction. If the practitioner who practices the orthodox secret method is not satisfied with the secret method he is practicing, he can change to another secret method at any time, or even practice two or three secret methods that do not conflict with each other. Of course, there is still a price to be paid to change the secret method of major.

Moyin Duo Giant Divine Art is a powerful bloodline secret technique. The Western Extreme Cold Ice Phoenix Art is a powerful orthodox secret method. Both of these two secrets are many times stronger than the secrets possessed in the Black Hut. In particular, even though the Western Extreme Cold Ice Phoenix Art is only a technique that can be cultivated to a first-level sorcerer, it can already become a secret method for the inheritance of a small sorcerer family.

As for the secret technique of knights' practice, it is actually a branch of the training direction of physical practitioners. A knight-level powerhouse is equivalent to the physical fitness of a first-level sorcerer apprentice. The sky knight is equivalent to the physical fitness of the first-level warlock among the physical training warlocks.

The two parties each got what they wanted, and after a while, they began to exchange the cultivation experience between the sorcerers.

Yang Ye, the incarnation of Yang Feng, took the memory of the Pawnee robot as a reference, and asked Yudola about the difficulties in training among the first-level sorcerers.

While pointing to Yang Ye's first-level sorcerer's cultivation problems, Yudola confirmed that Yang Feng, who was incarnation of Yang Feng, was indeed only at the level of the first-level sorcerer.

The two sides talked happily, and Yudola left the Black City two days later.

Inside the master bedroom on the third floor of the Black Warlock Tower.

Yang Feng's deity sat on a sofa draped in white bear fur, and he sighed in comfort and slowly said: "The war has temporarily come to an end, and we have now won a certain amount of peace. Now we can proceed to the fortress base. Built."

No. 3796 asked: "Where should the fortress base be built?"

The eyes of the Pawnee robot standing aside flashed, and two rays of light shot out of his eyes, forming a map marking the area of Yang Feng's influence in the void.

Yang Feng said: "Establish a mobile fortress base in Boulder City! Build a permanent defensive fortress in the Black City! But the defensive fortress of the Black City does not need to build material and energy converters."

The material and energy converter is the core part of a production base. No. 3796 contains a large number of technological creations that transcend this era. However, due to lack of materials, those powerful technological creations cannot be mass-produced. Material and energy converters can convert energy into various materials. With this machine, it is possible to produce more powerful combat robots and other technological creations on a large scale.

The level 1 movable fortress base now has no shortage of steel, no energy, and the only missing dimensional crystal. It must be slowly transformed by the substance and energy converter that comes with No. 3796 before it can be manufactured. If there is a large-scale material and energy converter, it can easily transform into dimensional crystals.

Yang Feng's plan to build a mobile fortress base means that if he encounters something that cannot be resisted, he will take the mobile fortress base and run directly. With that large mobile fortress base, he can quickly make a comeback no matter where he goes.

"Understood! What is the resource allocation ratio for the construction of the mobile fortress base? Once the resource allocation ratio is decided, then if you want to adjust the allocation ratio, you need to apply and adjust one month in advance."

Yang Feng said: "List the construction time for more than 50% of the resource allocation."

"The resource allocation ratio is 50%, and it will take 3712 days to complete the construction."

"The resource allocation ratio is 60%, and it will take 3421 days to complete the construction."

"The resource allocation ratio is 70%, and it will take 3012 days to complete the construction."

"The resource allocation ratio is 80%, and it will take 2512 days to complete the construction."

"The resource allocation ratio is 90%, and it will take 1900 days to complete the construction."

"The resource allocation ratio is 10%, and it will take 1221 days to complete the construction."

"Ten years? It's long!" Yang Feng frowned slightly: "How many days can the construction time be shortened if I get the Dimensional Crystal?"

"Twenty days! If you can obtain enough dimensional crystals, I can create a mobile fortress base within twenty days."

Yang Feng made a decision: "Then the resource allocation ratio is 50%!"

50% of the resources are used to build a mobile fortress base, and 50% of the resources Yang Feng is used to expand the mechanical legion and enhance the strength of his deity. If all resources are invested in the construction of a mobile fortress base, he will not be able to make new combat robots except for the existing mechanical corps. Then if he encounters a powerful warlock, his mechanical corps will even have The possibility of being completely destroyed.

Road 3796: "Yes! I immediately started building a mobile fortress base in Boulder City."

"When I left here to study at the Antalya Warlock Academy, it will be handed over to you."

"No problem! I will strictly follow the law you have formulated."