Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 35: Tooth hunting wasteland


Tooth Hunting Wasteland is the only way from the three principalities of Feendro, Cenarus, and Potain to the Antalya Warlock Academy and belongs to the territory of the Duchy of Cenarus.

The climate of the Tooth-hunting Wasteland is so strange that it is impossible to grow food at all. The Principality of Cenarus is also a country dominated by agriculture, so there are only a few large pastures in this tooth hunting wilderness. The rest of the place is in a three-nothing zone.

Countless criminals, assailants, and scums gathered from the three principalities, forming a wave of fierce horse bandits in the tooth-hunting wasteland, threatening those who went to the Antalya Warlock Academy.

Whenever the horse bandits flourish, the Antalya Warlock Academy sends powerful warlocks to eliminate them. It's just that those horse bandits are endless, every time they are eliminated, another group will emerge after a while, and they will be endless.

Those horse bandits are desperadoes and extremely fierce. Every year, many people from the three principalities die at their hands on their way to the Antalya Warlock Academy. Therefore, this tooth hunting wasteland is also an extremely dangerous place in the eyes of mortals.

On a avenue in the Tooth Hunting Wasteland, a huge convoy was slowly walking forward.

There are more than 500 carriages in that convoy, and each carriage body has been modified, fast and long, and full of cargo. There were also more than 2,000 guards in the convoy.


A voice echoed in the convoy, and the huge convoy stopped moving.

A famous chef got out of the car very skillfully, took out all kinds of tools, and started cooking.

The door of a modified luxury carriage opened, and Yang Feng walked out of it.

The fairy-like Shi Xue also jumped off the carriage alive, and followed him closely like a small tail.

A small practice field full of various weapons has been set up.

Yang Feng strode into the small practice field, where four expressionless robots were waiting there with sticks in their hands.

"Come on!" Yang Feng walked to the center of the small practice field, took a deep breath, and ran the magic sound with a lot of magical power. The muscles all over his body tightened and swelled up, and slightly enlarged a small circle.

The four expressionless robots immediately slapped Yang Feng in various directions with sticks in their hands.

Moyin Duo Giant Magic Art is a powerful secret method for simulating giants. Its core practice concept is to treat the practitioner as a piece of fine iron, after countless tempering and hammering, to stimulate the human body's potential and make it into steel.

Under the hammering of the countless wooden sticks, Yang Feng only felt severe pains all over his body, but as soon as he used the magic sound and giant magic power, the severe pain would turn into waves of warm current flowing in his body.

After the five-minute hammering ended, Yang Feng with a swollen nose quickly took out an alchemy potion repair water worth 20 gold coins and drank it immediately.

As soon as the repairing water entered Yang Feng's body, it immediately began to quickly repair his injury.

Practicing Moyin Multi-Giant Divine Art is also a technique that consumes a lot of money. Without the help of Healing Water, Yang Feng would need to rest for 30 days to recover his body after he was hammered, and he would leave hidden wounds in his body when he was practising a little carelessly.

The number of deposits in the homes of a small nobleman like the Zhao Jiang family is less than 500 gold coins. It is even more impossible for ordinary people to afford repairing water such as 20 gold coins a bottle of repairing water.

"It's really comfortable! After training, I feel comfortable and energetic! It's not as good as the previous sub-healthy state! No wonder there are so many cultivators in this world! Such practice is really addictive!" Tai, warm and comfortable, squinted his eyes and began to scan his own state at once.

"Yang Feng, basic attributes, strength 0.73, agility 0.84, physique 0.72, spirit 0.9."

"Bloodline: waste material earth people."

"Soul Qualification: Level 1 inferior."

"Comprehensively assessed, it belongs to level 0 creatures. The evolutionary potential is small!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Yang Feng's eyes: "Except for the increase in mental power by 0.05, all attributes have increased by 0.1! The magic sound of the multi-giant skill is indeed well-deserved."

Yang Feng has been practising Moyin Duo Giant Divine Art these days, and all his attributes have increased by 0.1 in ten days, which means that his physical fitness has improved by nearly 20% in these short ten days. Although it was still too bad, but it also made him feel the benefits of cultivation.

Yang Feng looked at Shi Xue on the side, a flash of jealousy flashed in his eyes, and started scanning: "Unfortunately, my progress compared to her is scum! The eighth-level soul aptitude is really abnormal!"

"Shi Xue, basic attributes, strength 2.5, agility 2.6, physique 3.1, spirit 4.5."

"Bloodline: Insufficient data in the database. According to known data analysis, the creature has a strong bloodline."

"Natural charm! This is her innate talent, which makes people feel good about her at first sight. It has a huge attraction to males."

"Soul Qualification: 8th level superior."

"Comprehensive assessment: It is currently a Level 3 creature. This creature has huge evolutionary potential."

In these ten days, Yang Feng painstakingly cultivated the magic sound and multi-giant magic, and all attributes increased by 0.1. However, Shi Xue has increased by 1.0. The cultivation speed of the two sides differed by more than ten times.

You must know that the further you get to the back of the cultivation path, the slower your cultivation speed will be. A power of 1.5 increased by 0.1 is much harder than a power of 0.6 increased by 0.1.

Shi Xue didn't take any treasures of heaven, material and earth at all, just relying on the practice of Western Extreme Cold Xuanbing Art, all his attributes increased by 1.0 within ten days. Such a speed of cultivation made Yang Feng feel a little jealous in his heart, who didn't know how much healing water he had drunk.

Shi Xue smiled and clapped her hands and said: "That's amazing! Brother! It's amazing to be able to withstand the blow of the stick."

Yang Feng cheered and laughed: "Haha! Of course!"

A beautiful woman with long blond hair, a height of 1.75 meters, a slender body, a plump body | full and sexy, a pair of big | Before Yang Feng, he said softly: "Master, lunch is ready!"

This blonde and big breasts is the top beauty of the White Cat and Hat Hotel in Boulder City, Cici. He was also the lover of Zhao Jiang's dream before he died.

After capturing Boulder City, Yang Feng slaughtered Cici's original owner, a viscount, and took her over and served as a maid.

"It's a pity! The dusty smell is too strong, and the skin is rough, and the makeup is too strong. Sure enough, the real stunning beauties are warlocks or warlock apprentices." Yang Feng glanced at the big beauty Cici, and a touch of regret flashed in his eyes.

After some careful makeup, Cici looks very beautiful, but a closer look reveals that her skin has large pores, which is completely different from the snow-white silk-like stone snow. And once the makeup was removed, Cici's beauty was greatly compromised, and she was just an ordinary beauty. The only thing she is proud of is her plump and sexy figure, which is currently the first person among Yang Feng's maids.