Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 63: Anomaly


"Four apprentice warlocks!! Damn!! How come there are so many monsters!!!" Tektronix saw this scene, a flash of despair flashed in his eyes, gritted his teeth, turned and fled directly.

After seeing the second commander fleeing, the rest of the black crow warriors all turned around and left their comrades directly, and fled directly into both sides of the valley.

More than two hundred heavily armed warriors faced five apprentice warlocks and failed miserably. This is the horror of apprentice warlocks in this world. It is also the reason why the group of warlocks is at the top of the world, because they control the most powerful force in the world.

On the ground, there were only dozens of corpses of black crow members and more than 30 black crow warriors who were stung like pig heads by the venomous bee colony.


"Do not kill me!!"

"Save me, I am willing to be your slave!"


The black crow warriors begged loudly one by one.

"Go to die! Go to die! Go to die!" Tucks grinned wildly, waving his great sword like ants to death, killing all the black crow warriors.

Yang Feng watched Tucks stab the black crow warrior directly to death, frowned slightly, and said nothing. They are going to the Dark Mountains, naturally it is impossible to bring these burdens. And these black crow warriors are also scum from other places, so it's not a pity to die.

Pierre dismounted directly and touched them one by one, wiping away all the valuable things from the black crow warriors.

Pierre was very happy and smiled and said: "A group of poor ghosts have 103 gold coins on their bodies. These military crossbows, weapons, and leather armors are relatively valuable, and they can sell for more than 3,000 gold coins. Five of us, each of us can divide it. 600 gold coins."

Military crossbows can deal with knight-level powerhouses, no matter which country they are in, they are controlled strategic weapons, and they are also very expensive. Within the sphere of influence of this dark mountain range, this military crossbow will definitely not worry about selling.

Tucks licked his lips and said with excitement, "It's not bad, if such an idiot comes a little more."

Yang Feng watched quietly from the side, feeling a little in his heart: "This is the life of those low-level warlock apprentices who have no background. For a little resource, desperately killing people and winning treasures, the income of a few magic stones can make them rejoice. If I hadn't defeated the Feendro family to get huge war reparations, and No. 3796 had the ability to synthesize alchemy potions, I am afraid I would run around for resources like them, it would be impossible to be promoted to the third-level warlock apprentice right now."

In the path of a warlock, resources are omnipotent. As long as there are sufficient resources, even a waste can be cultivated to become a peerless powerhouse. Without resources, even with peerless talents, it will only slowly become mediocre and eventually become a mortal.

Antalya Warlock Academy enrolls 1,000 elite students every year, but only a dozen of them can be promoted to official warlocks every year.

Many apprentices with good talents have missed the age when they are best promoted to official warlocks because they don't have enough resources, and they have to spend their lives as a third-level warlock apprentice.

Pierre said lightly: "Let's go!"

Yang Feng and his entourage left here immediately and walked into the distance.

Ten days later, night.

Under a cliff in the depths of the Dark Mountains, before a huge crack in the ground, there were seven people standing there, and it was Yang Feng and his entourage.

Annie pointed to the huge underground crack, and a flash of excitement flashed in her beautiful eyes: "This is the entrance to the ruins of the Dark Cavern. When the moonlight shines on this crack, the gate to the Dark Cavern will be Open."

Pierre and the others also stared at the huge crack in the ground, a flash of excitement flashed in their eyes.

The sorcerer group in the era of the third sorcerer dynasty was much stronger than that of the modern era. At that time, a medium-sized sorcerer group had the ability to cross planes, travel across planes, and capture powerful and extraordinary creatures on different planes for research. At that time, a middle-class warlock group could easily wipe out the six major warlock groups in the Durandot subcontinent. Such a powerful warlock group can sell for sky-high prices in the Durandot subcontinent as long as there are a few well-preserved items left behind.

Yang Feng glanced at the huge crack, his eyes dimmed, and he smiled lightly: "Sorry, I changed my mind. I don't want to go into the adventure now. Let's go in there. When you come out, I will use it again. The magic stone trades with you and buys the things you take out from your hands."

Irene, who was so ordinary along the way, suddenly changed her face and shouted: "What are you talking about! Yang Feng, are you kidding us?"

Annie's pretty face changed slightly, and she took a few steps back, and found a red crystal.

Both Pierre and Tux were shocked, their expressions changed drastically, and they stepped back, staring at Yang Feng, their eyes full of badness.

Pierre's thoughts turned, his face filled with dignity, he glanced at the location of Irene and Anne, and said in a deep voice: "What happened? Yang Feng, did you find something? "

Yang Feng looked at Pierre with some appreciation and smiled slightly: "Pierre, your sense of smell is really sharp. If you keep listening and know too many secrets, you may die! I still appreciate you quite a bit. Yes, if you leave now, there is still a glimmer of life. After you survive this time, you can go to the City of Steel to find me, and I can let you be my subordinate."

Tucks looked puzzled, stared at Yang Feng, a fierce color flashed in his eyes, and said viciously: "What are you talking about? Yang Feng, why do you want to withdraw from exploring the ruins this time, say it!"

"If this is the case, then I will leave first." Pierre made a decision while switching his mind, gritted his teeth and bowed to Yang Feng, carefully retreating towards the way he came.

Pierre has a wealth of adventure experience, and at the same time he feels very keen. As soon as he feels something is wrong, he decisively leaves. This is also an important factor in his survival from many dangerous adventures.

Irene suddenly screamed and retreated to Pierre's side with a slightly distorted face: "Don't go, Pierre! Kill him, as long as you kill him. I can promote you to the spell model of the official 1st level sorcerer. Twisting force field. There is also the alchemy potion that is necessary for promotion. Hundred-year tree heart liquid. Tucks, kill him. As long as you can kill him, I can also provide you with the resources to promote to level 1 warlock."

Tucks moved in his heart when he saw Yang Feng's eyes flashed with greed, stretched out his hand, and placed it on the copper box with the secret treasure armor behind him.

Pierre stared at Irene indifferently, and a cold murderous intent spread from his body: "Get out of the way, I don't want to be chased by the lord of the steel city because of this little resource. Irene, I will let you go, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Irene felt Pierre's murderous intent, her pretty face changed, and she hurriedly stepped aside. She knows Pierre's character very well. Once he makes a decision, even if she stands in front of him, he will definitely kill him directly.