Medical Princess

Chapter 102: Pan buckle


What about people? Where has this person been? It had only been a while, and I had just heard the two of them laughing. Where had the time gone

"Xiao Liuzi, where is the person?" The young boy blinked and asked.

Xiao Liuzi also turned around and looked around, also confused, "This... is gone!"

"Still looking for them!" The little boy kicked his feet, turned around and ran forward. After a while, he didn't believe he couldn't catch them.

Seeing his master chasing after him, Xiao Liuzi also hurriedly followed.

After both of them had gone away, Qin Wanru appeared with Yu Jie and clapped her hands.

They were actually in the gap at the corner of the wall. There seemed to be a wealthy family's mansion next to it. The gap between the two walls seemed very small at first glance and could hardly hide anyone. However, Qin Wanru, who had witnessed Qi Baiyu hiding there, But I know that it's just a look, it doesn't mean that I can't hide people!

After avoiding the incomprehensible pair of master and servant, Qin Wanru left them on the opposite side, and then walked around to the most prosperous street in Jiangzhou Prefecture.

There were many people coming and going on the street, and the shops on both sides seemed to be doing very well, but Qin Wanru didn't even stop and went directly to a silk and satin shop.

The store of the silk and satin shop is very large. Yujie looked at it and thought that this might be the largest silk and satin shop in Jiangzhou Prefecture. It was bigger than the ones she just saw. There were many people coming in and out, most of them were women.

Qin Wanru entered the silk and satin shop and took a look. There were quite a lot of silks and satins inside. At first glance, they were colorful and eye-catching, and they were very beautiful.

Qin Wanru did not stop at the door of the store, but went inside. There was also a ready-to-wear shop inside, where you could also directly pick up the materials you liked and let the people here help tailor the clothes, which was very convenient.

Qin Wanru stopped at the material area in front of the clothing store.

A waiter ran out immediately. When he saw Qin Wanru's appearance, he knew that she was either rich or noble. He immediately nodded and bowed and said: "Miss, what have you chosen? Do you need to weigh it here before choosing?"

"Is this all the ingredients?" Qin Wanru picked up a few pieces of ingredients and looked at them. She seemed to be dissatisfied and said very pickyly.

"If you don't like what you see here, you can go upstairs. There are some embroidered edges and buttons on the clothes upstairs. If you like it, you can choose some." The man pointed to the stairs. On the side, it's not very big, and if you don't say it, it's actually not very conspicuous.

"Are there many good materials upstairs? They can't all be similar to this, right?" Qin Wanru put down the materials in her hand with disgust, raised her head slightly, looked very arrogant, and turned her eyes around the store, obviously I am not satisfied with any of the materials available.

"Our young ladies only want good ingredients and don't care about money!" Yu Jie answered the question intelligently, looking at the ingredients around her with disgust.

So, this is a great customer!

The waiter smiled so happily that he pointed to the stairs next to him and pointed upwards: "Miss, please go up there. There must be materials you like there, please go up and take a look!"

As he spoke, he walked up a few steps, then turned around and turned his hand respectfully to the side, nodded and bowed, with a smile on his face!

Qin Wanru nodded and took Yu Jie upstairs.

After the clerk led the people up, he went in to find a responsible steward on the second floor. Since he was a big customer, he couldn't neglect it.

Therefore, the person who will receive Qin Wanru is no longer a waiter!

There are indeed a lot of materials upstairs, which are different from the random piles downstairs. Each piece of material takes up the same amount of space, separated into categories, and even has exquisite packaging on it.

In one corner, there are many ready-to-wear accessories, exquisite buckles and embroidered edges. They are very beautiful, but the price is also very high.

However, since they are accessories for ready-made clothes, they do not account for a large proportion. There is only a counter in the northeast corner where these accessories are listed.

Because it is inconspicuous and the price is high, there are very few people at the counter here, and it can almost be regarded as empty.

Qin Wanru was standing in front of the counter now, and asked the waiter at the counter to take out a few buckles and embroidery edges, and put them on the counter to look at them carefully.

"Miss, this kind of buckle is the first one here. There are no buckles like this on the ground in Jiangzhou, and there aren't even many buckles like this in our store." The steward blew and pointed at Qin Wanru who had just asked the waiter to The plate he took out said.

The four shapes of plum, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum, and the four kinds of buckles are all very delicate and beautiful, and there is even a bit of artistic conception in them. You can tell at a glance that they are not something ordinary people can create.

"Miss, look at these embroidered edges, aren't they beautiful? If such embroidered edges are embroidered on clothes, it will immediately make your clothes as elegant and beautiful as those worn by fairies in the sky."

The person in charge just pointed at the embroidery and went to heaven!

A pair from my house is the best, and it must be Sai Tianxian's when you wear it.

Qin Wanru smiled slightly, he was indeed a good talker as a steward, and the person who blew it immediately flew into the air.

"How many of these buckles do you have? And these embroidered edges?" Qin Wanru took a fancy to the few items he took out and asked with a smile.

"There are ten pairs of these buckles inside. If Miss likes it..." The steward smiled. He was indeed a big customer. For so long, none of these items have been touched. It seems that he can definitely sell a few more items today. .

"Not enough!" Qin Wanru shook her head.

"No... not enough?" The steward was stunned for a moment, one kind has ten pairs, and four kinds means forty pairs. I really want to use these buckles until I grow old!

"Are there more?" Qin Wanru asked softly.

"This... I'm afraid it will take a while!" The person in charge is embarrassed.

"Why? I also want these embroidered borders. They are very beautiful! How many are there?" The same embroidered borders of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum each embody a different charm.

"This...I'm afraid there are only a few here. If Miss wants them all, take them away. As for the others, they are really gone!" The manager hesitated. The embroidery of the edges is not a button, and each piece takes a lot of time. .

"Can someone do more embroidery like this? Our lady likes it. Money is not an issue!" Yu Jie said, helping Qin Wanru.

Even the maid is so wealthy, so she is indeed a big customer!

The steward was in a difficult position, but after looking at the "rich" master and servant in front of him, he still told the truth: "These embroidery pieces and the buckles were all made by an embroiderer, but this embroiderer and us The contract in the store is about to expire, and we have made it clear to our store before that the contract will not be renewed!"

Qin Wanru glanced at Yu Jie, who immediately understood, reached out and took out two purses from her sleeves, and gave them to the steward in a hurry: "Tell me about that embroiderer? Why are you such a good embroiderer? No need?"

He rewarded two purses with one reward and felt the feeling inside. The manager immediately gave up his doubts. He looked around and saw that there was no one around. He also lowered his voice and said: "The buckles she made are indeed good, but the price is too expensive. And There are not many people who want her, so we, the store owner, thought it was not cost-effective to let her go! It just happened in the past two days!"

"Then where does she live?" Qin Wanru asked.

Because I took two purses, the steward was very attentive, and I didn’t think Qin Wanru’s question was rude: “It’s right at the intersection of Tangdong Street. Go ask Aunt Dong who makes buckles and embroidery. Many people Know!"

This could be regarded as revealing the store's secret, so his voice became lower and lower.

Fortunately, he was a manager. If he was just a clerk in the store, he would definitely not know about it.

"Thank you very much!" Seeing Qin Wanru turning around and leaving, Yu Jie smiled and thanked her, then followed Qin Wanru downstairs.

Qin Wanru knew about Tangdong Street, so he turned two intersections ahead. The two of them walked over, turned around, and asked a woman in a grocery store on the roadside, who gave directions.

The two of them turned into a small alley.

The alley is not big, and the ground is paved with scattered bluestone slabs, which are broken in many places. There are small courtyards one after another on the side. There are several courtyard doors open, and there are many people coming in and out. It can be seen that several households live there. Man, this environment doesn’t look good at all!

Fortunately, Aunt Dong lived right at the entrance of the alley, in a small private courtyard. After asking passers-by, Qin Wanru was sure. Yujie went up and knocked on the door.

It took a while before someone opened the door. It was a middle-aged, thin woman. She was stunned for a moment when she saw a gorgeously dressed young lady standing outside the door.

"Is this Aunt Dong's house?" Yu Jie stepped forward and greeted with a smile.

"Exactly, I just wonder if this lady is okay?" Aunt Dong stopped at the door and looked Qin Wanru up and down. She was not sure who such a lady was, but she must have never seen her before, otherwise With such an outstanding face, it’s impossible for me not to remember it!

"Can we go in and talk?" Qin Wanru smiled slightly and said softly.

Aunt Dong looked at them again and found no malice on their faces, then she let them in. After they came in, she closed the courtyard door again.

There are three bungalows in a small yard. The yard is full of messy debris. It doesn't look like the situation is very good.

Aunt Dong took them into the house. There was a table and a few benches at the main entrance of the house. There was also a table near the window, but there were some messy embroidery edges and cloth for buckles on it. As well as the brackets for the buckles, they looked unfinished and were piled up in a mess.

"Miss, please sit down. Our place is shabby. I hope you'll forgive me!" Aunt Dong asked Qin Wanru to sit down, picked up the teapot with a broken corner on the table, and poured Qin Wanru a bowl of half-hot boiled water.

Put it in a large porcelain flower bowl and serve it to Qin Wanru!

"Mom, are you a visitor? Who else is coming now?" A woman's voice suddenly came from the right wing, seemingly surprised.

The half-curtain of the floral cloth moved, and a person came out!