Medical Princess

Chapter 1309: One after another took the stage


Chu Liuyue looked at the emperor disapprovingly. During this period, the emperor would vomit blood from time to time. He was not surprised at all. It didn't matter if he fainted at this time!

Walking up to the emperor, he stretched out his hand to pull the emperor: "Father, you'd better write well, so as not to cause other troubles..."

The next moment, his hand froze in front of the emperor, and suddenly he stretched out his hand to feel the emperor's breath, and his expression changed drastically.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." Derong looked at Chu Liuyue in horror, stretched out his hand to explore the Emperor's nose, and knelt down on the ground in panic, "The Emperor... passed away!"

Chu Liuyue's face turned ugly, and he stretched out his hand again. He didn't believe that the emperor was so angry with him. Although he said before that he was not afraid that the emperor would die like this, the dead emperor must be more difficult to deal with than the living one. , just because he is in the emperor's palace now, some things cannot be explained clearly.

"King Yue wants to murder the emperor."

"Hurry and help."

"Save the driver, save the emperor."…

There was an eerie silence in the dormitory, and faint shouts of excitement could be heard outside.

A guard from Prince Yue's Mansion hurried in and gasped: "Your Majesty, many people are rushing over. What should we do now?"

"Who is it?" Chu Liuyue said sternly, no longer caring about the emperor.

"I don't know who he belongs to, but they are all surrounded, and our people are surrounded inside!" the guard said urgently, reaching out and pressing his arm. He had just been accidentally stabbed by a sword, and blood was everywhere. Come down, in a state of disarray.

"It's... who is it?" Chu Liuyue's face turned pale, turned around and strode away. He thought he was Huang Que, but he didn't expect that there was Huang Que behind him...

Shao Wanru supported the Queen Mother and entered the secret passage. The secret passage was winding and deserted. It could be seen that no one had come here for a long time, and the air was a bit stuffy. Hui Qing had already walked to the front, carrying a lantern lighting.

Along the way, Shao Wanru almost tripped several times, and even Huiming, who was supporting the Queen Mother on the other side, almost fell. After several times, Huiming let Shao Wanru follow alone.

Several people moved forward along the winding secret passage. When they arrived at a place, Hui Qing stopped, put down the lantern, looked around, and pressed hard on a triangular stone with moss marks. The door opened.

Shao Wanru came out in embarrassment, holding up the hem of her skirt. What he saw was the Buddha statue. His eyes turned slightly. This must be the Buddhist hall in the palace. He had just come all the way and didn't have much time to walk.

There was a faint buzz of people outside. He tightened his eyes and looked around. There was no one else. Huiqing and Huiming left her and the Queen Mother here and ran out in a hurry.

Shao Wanru turned around and patted the wall behind her. This was where she came out just now, three long and two short.

There were also three long and two short echoes behind the wall, and then the wall opened again. Qiu'er and Dong'er came out cautiously. They were relieved to see that only Shao Wanru and the Queen Mother were in the room. They had just come all the way, and that's it. Shao Wanru walked slowly so that they could keep up with them.

"Princess, this is the Buddhist hall in the palace!" Qiu'er looked at the scenery outside, whispered, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, for fear that Shao Wanru would be worried, "I have arranged someone here, Princess, don't worry !”

"Let's go there!" Dong'er pointed to a lock on the side door.

There is a side door in this side hall, but there is also a lock. Huiqing and Huiming went out through the front door, and the front door cannot be used.

have to.

Qiu'er walked to the lock, twisted it hard, and the lock broke. She looked outside and waved to them.

Dong'er helped the Queen Mother up, and Shao Wanru followed closely behind, turning out of the side door. This place was too dangerous, and neither the Queen Mother nor Shao Wanru could stay.

After going out from the side door, several people looked around and found that there was nowhere to go. A man in black suddenly appeared in front of them. Qiu'er and Dong'er both breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the man in black. They obviously knew each other.

"Princess, follow me down!" The guard in black bowed to Shao Wanru and whispered, "Your Majesty has already made arrangements here."

This was not the time to talk. Shao Wanru lowered his head and followed the guards away. After turning a few turns, he entered a small section of tunnel. Finally, this section of tunnel ended, and the exit was on a wall.

Coming out of the exit, the first thing he saw was Chu Liuchen. Shao Wanru came forward excitedly. Although she was calm and steady just now, she couldn't help but tremble slightly at this time. When she saw Chu Liuchen, she was moved by him. After hugging him, I also hugged him back hard. No matter how accurate the calculation is, unpredictable things will happen.

Fortunately, fortunately, she is fine now, and neither is the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother was helped to the couch, where Master Mingqiu was already waiting. After stepping forward to check the Queen Mother's pulse, a smile appeared on her face.

"How is it?" Shao Wanru pushed Chu Liuchen away and stepped forward. She was going to rescue the Queen Mother this time.

"Don't worry, Princess, it's nothing serious." Master Mingqiu comforted her softly.

Shao Wanru breathed a sigh of relief and her feet felt weak. Thinking about everything just now, she was very scared. She was actually not that courageous.

Their voices here were very soft. Suddenly there was a loud noise from next door. Shao Wanru was startled and immediately looked behind him. Only then did he realize that the place was actually a huge screen. If he didn't look carefully, he would have thought that It's a wall.

Concubine Lan came out of nowhere and knelt down in front of the Queen Mother's bed. She looked nervous when she saw Shao Wanru waving to her.

Shao Wanru stood up, walked to Concubine Lan and was about to salute, but Concubine Lan grabbed her.

Concubine Lan's hands were cold, trembling slightly, and she pulled so hard that Shao Wanru almost fell down.

Chu Liuchen's face turned cold and he was about to speak when he saw Shao Wanru smiling at him and shaking his hand. A trace of impatience flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything more.

Shao Wanru sat down in front of Concubine Lan, held Concubine Lan's hand, and whispered to comfort her: "Mother, it's okay, it's okay, everything will be fine!"

Concubine Lan didn't say anything and bit her lip. Her lips were pale and her eyes were slightly red, but her eyes were firm. She raised her eyes to look at Chu Liuchen and whispered: "If... if something really happened to him... I... I will never live alone..."

Chu Liuchen snorted coldly and said no, his face looked disgusting, but he didn't say anything.

"Empress, it's okay, nothing will happen!" Shao Wanru continued to comfort Concubine Lan.

The noise outside became louder and louder. Chu Liuchen stood behind the screen and listened quietly. Shao Wanru unconsciously stopped the sound and listened quietly to the noise outside.

Unexpectedly, I could hear Chu Qing's voice clearly. In fact, it was not just Chu Qing, but also the concubine. The corners of her lips curled up silently, her watery eyes raised, and her eyes fell on Chu Liuchen's back.

Sure enough, as Chu Liuchen expected, the winner in the end was not Prince Cheng or Chu Liuyue, but the most inconspicuous Chu Qing.

He reached out and hugged Concubine Lan, knowing that Concubine Lan was very confused at the moment.

The emperor is still on the dragon couch outside...

The emperor was indeed still on the dragon couch outside, lying silently and motionless.

In front of the dragon bed, Chu Liuyue was pushed to the ground with disheveled hair, and swords were fired at him on both sides. Chu Qing helped the concubine in, looked at Chu Liuyue's appearance, stepped forward and gave him two hard slaps. He curled his lips sarcastically: "King Yue killed his father, yet he still dares to dream of the throne, without even asking whether the civil and military officials in the dynasty agree!"

While talking, several important ministers were pushed forward, including three of the six ministers, Zhang Xiang.

"Zhang Xiang, what crime should Chu Liuyue deserve for killing his father?" Chu Qing looked at the people around him and asked Zhang Xiang proudly. Only Zhang Xiang had the highest rank here.

"Prince Qing, please stop talking nonsense." Zhang Xiang said coldly, "I haven't let His Highness King Yue go yet."

"At this time, Zhang Xiang is still facing your son-in-law. He is so unkind to your daughter, yet Zhang Xiang can still help King Yue. He is really loyal!" Chu Qing clicked his tongue in surprise, "King Yue killed his father. , it should be those who destroyed several tribes, is Zhang Xiang also among these tribes?"

"Prince Qing, the emperor's body is still cold, how can you kill the dragon's son and grandson!" Zhang Xiang was furious and said sternly.

"Didn't the emperor ascend the throne in the same way when my father's bones were still cold? Didn't he also send me to Yuhui Nunnery? I wonder why no one came to stop the emperor at that time?" King Qingjun hooked up. At the corner of his lips, he laughed wildly.

Then he pointed at the palace and said, "This will be my king's palace from now on. I am the son of the late emperor and the most worthy prince to inherit the throne. Others like Chu Liuyue were originally the sons of the rebel emperor. How can I inherit the throne?"

"You... you are the heir of the late emperor, not the emperor." Zhang Xiang gritted his teeth.

"So what, can't the emperor pass the throne to Chu Liuchen? Since it can be passed to Chu Liuchen, why can't it be passed to this king? They are all the blood of the late emperor, and my bloodline is not inferior to Chu Liuchen!" Chu Qing smiled even more proudly. He had just reported from everywhere that he had basically controlled the entire palace. He really wasn't afraid of anyone.

As for the news from Pushan Master, he didn't take it to heart. They were just two women. When he originally thought that things would change, the Queen Mother and Princess Chen would be the ones to rely on. But they don't need it now. It went so smoothly, almost according to my own plan.

Whether it is Prince Cheng or Chu Liuyue, they are just ants in his palm. They can do whatever they want, and two women can't make it happen.

There is also Chu Liuchen. Although he has not found it for a while, the palace is in his hands. It is only a matter of time that anyone else can be found. When the time comes, he will kill Chu Liuchen and push this matter to Chu Liuchen. Even if Chu Liuyue has great abilities, she can't make a difference in Liu Yue's body.

Killing his father and killing his brother, just two crimes, were enough to make Chu Liuyue cut into pieces with a thousand swords.

"My son has a distinguished status, so he has the right to become the new emperor!" The concubine said with a smile, her smile was toothless, and she glanced sideways at the kneeling ministers: "If you don't want to die, just stand here with my son. Bian, from now on you will have your glory and wealth, otherwise, let alone you, your whole family will have no chance of surviving!"

"The status of Prince Qing is indeed noble. The status of the remnant of the previous dynasty is not just noble!" The sinister voice was in my ears, a wall opened, and Chu Liuchen's handsome but cold face appeared behind the wall...