Medical Princess

Chapter 23: People who are in poor health should go to bed early


Qin Wanru's lips have always been rich in color. Her grandmother said that it was because of her rich lips that she got her nickname, Zhuo Zhuo! There is a missing memory in my memory. It is vaguely because of the rich lip color that got me accused and seemed to be despised by everyone! Her situation worsened as a result.

But she couldn't remember exactly what happened. She only knew that everyone despised her at that time.

"What's wrong? It's not really a secret recipe for health, so you can't teach it to me?" Seeing her pale face turning pale, Chu Liuchen reached out and pinched her face.

The attack was quite heavy, and Qin Wanru looked at him with tears in her eyes, and hurriedly reached out to hold his hand, which made her forget the pain deep in her memory.

Before she could reach out her hand, Chu Liuchen had already retracted his hand. Seeing her hand grabbing an empty space, he immediately cried out with laughter.

The beautiful boy's smile is so outrageous that it makes people angry!

There were still two tears in Qin Wanru's big eyes, and she just looked at him with regret, covering her face with one hand, feeling that her face would definitely swell up after a while.

"Forget it, I don't care about the villain's fault. I'll just take your medical book and read it first. In a few days, I will go out with you for a walk. I haven't been to this Jiangzhou area yet!" Chu Liuchen finally stopped. He smiled, looking at the aggrieved girl in front of him, and smoothly took away the medical book Qin Wanru put on the table.

"Open the door, I'm leaving!"

"Open the door?" Qin Wanru covered her face and stared at him in astonishment, her cheeks throbbing with pain, "Your Majesty, are you going to leave through the door?"

"Otherwise? You're not going to let me leave from the window. I'm not in good health!" Chu Liuchen confidently stretched out his hand to cover his chest and coughed twice.

"But how did the prince come in?" Qin Wanru asked, blinking her big black eyes and looking out the window.

"Two guards sent me in just now, but after they came in, I asked them to go back!" Chu Liuchen squinted at her playfully, and patted the table impatiently with his medical book.

"How can the prince get out of the window?" Qin Wanru bit her lip after swallowing.

"It's not difficult to let me go out. The seal will be left here first. If I feel that I am happy in Jiangzhou, I will return the seal to you. If not..." She looked like she was begging for compromise. , Chu Liuchen raised his eyebrows and smiled. This was originally expected.

"Yes, if the prince wants to go somewhere, I will definitely be willing to be a guide to make the prince happy." Qin Wanru gritted his teeth, this Prince Chen was really difficult to deal with.

"Is this all right?" Chu Liuchen's face suddenly turned serious, and his face showed a bit of coldness after the smile faded.

Qin Wanru was shocked. She didn't know what this moody demon king wanted to do. She carefully considered it and said, "What does the prince mean? But it depends on the prince's orders!"

Under the eaves, she had to bow her head. No matter what King Chen asked for, she seemed to have no reason to refuse.

"She seems quite honest now, not bad. Girls should be so honest." The coldness on Chu Liuchen's face suddenly receded, and he chuckled. With his peerless appearance, he stretched out his hand again. Hui Hui gently patted Qin Wanru's head, "But you don't look stupid. Okay, I won't embarrass you. It's getting late and I'm going to bed!"

Yawning slightly, Chu Liuchen threw the medical book into his sleeves and walked to the window. Two guards immediately appeared outside the window.

"Qin Wanru, don't fool me with the way you fool others, I will be unhappy!" The thin rope on the seal in his hand swayed, his eyebrows were raised lightly, but there was a faint light in his eyes, "My king will be unhappy today. Go to bed late and go to bed early, people who are in poor health go to bed early!"

"Yes, the prince went to bed early. I have never seen the prince, let alone talked to him!" Qin Wanru said immediately.

"Not bad, not bad!" Chu Liuchen was satisfied this time. He pressed his hand on the window and his figure fell lightly out of the window. Two guards hurriedly caught him outside the window, but did not leave immediately. A guard patted him gently. 's back.

Looking from the direction of Qin Wanru, what he saw was Chu Liuchen's face that suddenly turned pale and his breathing that was slightly rapid. His health was really not good, and he was already breathing like this all of a sudden.

She watched silently as he took a few breaths, then raised his head and smiled elegantly. When Qin Wanru was stunned, he waved to her and disappeared from her window with the two guards.

When Qin Wanru walked to the window, there was no one outside. He closed the window and touched his face, which was still painful and could not be touched. Knowing that it might be swollen tomorrow, he saw that it was not early and went to bed. I lay down on the bed and touched my face, closed my eyes and thought vaguely that although there was still someone who couldn't sleep at this time, that person shouldn't be me.

Some people indeed couldn't sleep tonight. In Di's yard, Qin Yuru had just escaped and was crying on the table.

"What, you let people see it, this... what can I do?" The lamp in the room was brightly lit, Di Shi hurriedly turned around under the lamp, and turned around several times with hatred, before she stood at Qin Yuru, who was crying and her eyes were swollen. Beside you, someone said in an angry voice, "Why are you so useless? Didn't you just go to see Qi Tianyu to explain what happened today? How did you end up like this?"

"Mother, I... I don't know why this happened. I was about to explain it clearly and put the blame on others, but a few gangsters bumped in during a fight, and... they saw me, and next When I was going upstairs... I even dropped my curtain hat!"

Qin Yuru lay on the table, crying out of breath.

"You useless thing... you can't even handle such a thing." Di reached out and pressed Qin Yuru's forehead hard.

"Mom... what should I do now? What should I do now? If my cousin finds out, will he stop marrying me? What then?" Qin Yuru raised her head back and reached out to hold Di's hand. begged.

"Don't be impatient, I'll think about it later." Di said through gritted teeth, sitting down on the chair opposite Qin Yuru, her brows knotted, and of course she was unwilling to do so.

"Mom, my cousin and I are in love, he...he will definitely take care of me!" Qin Yuru wiped her face with a handkerchief and said anxiously.

"Jiangzhou is far away from the capital. You may not be able to enter the capital from now on. It is rumored that it is too far away. It is not up to us to decide what to do when the time comes." Di said through gritted teeth, "Since you have convinced Qi Tianyu, Then even if he comes to Beijing, he won't say anything, and as for the others, who knows."

Hearing what Di said, Qin Yuru nodded immediately. She was worried that the marriage she had finally got into would fall through, so she felt that it was okay and naturally stopped crying.

"Then mother, hurry up and write to your aunt to arrange the marriage between me and my cousin. I will also write to my cousin later." Qin Yuru's face turned red when she said this, "When mother sent the letter to Beijing, , bring my letter to my cousin too!"

"That's fine!" Mrs. Di nodded, and without further ado, the marriage in the Qi family was now considered withdrawn, "Don't say anything about Jiangzhou. If there are rumors in the future, blame it all on your sister. Anyway, You two have similar names, and if anyone really said anything, they would just say that they were just being undercover."

"Yes, mother, daughter understands, but what about this little girl? She ruined my affairs, is it really so easy for her?" Qin Yuru nodded and said unwillingly.

"How can I take advantage of her? Doesn't she like to hang out with the bitches over there? I will let them go to the family temple together in a few days, and I won't take her with me when I go to Beijing." Di Shi sneered. Said, "A little white-eyed wolf, raised so big that she doesn't know how to repay her kindness, actually bites her back. She doesn't look like she is usually well-behaved and fearful. She is really a dog that bites but doesn't bark!"

Her daughter's reputation was almost completely ruined. How could she let Qin Yuru go

She said this with confidence, as if Qin Wanru's biological father had not died to save Qin Huaiyong, and had to be left alone to Qin Huaiyong. If it were not for Qin Wanru's biological father, Qin Huaiyong would have died long ago, how could he be Ning Yuan? General.

"Not taking her? Will father agree?" Although Qin Yuru was happy not to take Qin Wanru to Beijing, it would not depend on her and her mother's wishes, but she felt it was unlikely.

"Why don't you agree? He has done something wrong. Is it possible that he doesn't know how to remedy it?" Di said angrily. It was indeed her idea to help Shui Ruolan drunkenly into her house, but she didn't expect that Qin Huaiyong actually wanted to accept her. Shui Ruolan was so angry that her liver hurt.

Another white-eyed wolf who seemed to be living at home, but he didn't know when he actually hooked up with Qin Huaiyong.

"But... my father will definitely not agree!" Qin Yuru shook her head and thought it was better to remind Di, "Mother, if you don't let me take care of this or that, my father will definitely not give up."

"Then let him take care of that bitch, while the little girl stays here to take care of that old woman." Di thought for a while, but still felt angry, and slapped her hand heavily on the table.

It was not just the little girl who said bad things, but also the old woman.

"Father has always been filial, I'm afraid that's not the case."

"Then she has to stay! Anyway, she is still in my hands now. As long as I am still in charge of her, she has to listen to me!" Di said with gleaming eyes.

Qin Wanru woke up not early the next day, with a dull pain in his head. He touched his face and sat up. Qingyue heard the sound and came over to lift the curtain. When she saw Qin Wanru on the bed, she screamed anxiously. Get up: "Miss, what's wrong with your face? Why is it red and swollen?"

"Bring me the mirror!" Qin Wanru sighed.

Qingyue hurriedly took a lead mirror from the dressing table. Qin Wanru took it and looked at herself in the mirror. Her skin color was whiter than that of ordinary women. On such a white face, there was a swollen patch. The red marks were clearly visible, and even after sleeping all night, they still had not faded away, which showed how cruel Chu Liuchen's attack was yesterday.

"Miss, did you hit something on your face?" Qingyue asked puzzledly while looking at it. She remembered that when she left yesterday, the lady's face was still fine.

"I don't know, maybe I bumped into something accidentally!" Qin Wanru reached out helplessly and rubbed her face, returned the mirror to Qingyue, and got out of bed.

It’s getting late outside. It’s time to say good morning to grandma!

After Qingyue helped her wash up, she hurried to the old lady's yard. Unexpectedly, she entered the old lady's house and found that the atmosphere in the house was very bad.

Is this because what happened yesterday reached my grandmother’s ears