Medical Princess

Chapter 31: You are indeed not my biological mother!


The old lady stood outside the crowd with Nanny Duan, frowning and looking at the people around her displeasedly, then walked over slowly, and asked again: "What happened?"

"Old madam, everyone in your house is bullying me!" Qi Rongghi burst into tears when she saw the old madam coming over. She was not afraid of Di, but she was afraid of this old madam.

"Falled into the lake? Come here, you haven't taken Miss Qi to change clothes. What's the point of crying here!" The old lady had never liked Qi Rongzhi, and when she saw her crying, she said with a cold expression.

In this case, it is indeed necessary to change clothes first and then argue.

Aunt Duan hurriedly asked people to come over and help Qi Rongzhi to change clothes. At this time, Qi Rongzhi also felt cold all over. Knowing that it would be bad for her to stay any longer, she stood up obediently, wiped her tears and was taken away.

"You all come with me!" The old lady's eyes fell coldly on Di's face, and after speaking, she turned around and walked to the pavilion on the side.

Di Shi hurriedly followed.

Qin Yuru and Qin Wanru also followed them into the pavilion. While other people were waiting, Grandma Duan asked them to leave.

"What's going on?" The old lady sat on the stone bench, her eyes fell coldly on Di's face, and she said slowly.

"Mom, I don't know what happened. Miss Qi fell into the lake when she came here. She said it was because of Wanru." Di said with a confused look, but the meaning behind her words was that she was directed towards Qin Wanru. lead.

"What does this have to do with Zhuo Zhuo? I heard that she was the last one to arrive. I also heard that Yu Ru was slapped by Miss Qi and was beaten so hard that she was speechless. What happened?" Old Madam He stared at Di Shidao unmoved.

"I... I really don't know, I came a little late..." Mrs. Di was a little flustered. She didn't expect that the old lady already knew a rough idea before she arrived. At this time, she would bring the matter to Qin Wanru. , is a bit far-fetched.

Di secretly gritted her teeth. Originally, she used Qi Rongzhi's hand to deal with Qin Wanru, but she never expected that Qi Rongzhi would be like a mad dog, biting Yuru and herself like crazy.

"Grandma, I don't know why Miss Qi hit me. She was obviously looking for the second sister." Seeing that Mrs. Di couldn't say anything when she was being questioned, Qin Yuru aggrievedly helped.

"You don't know? Aren't you in charge of this backyard? It's been a while since this happened, and you still don't know. Is this how you usually manage things?" The old lady ignored Qin Yuru's crying and continued to stare. Zhu Di asked.

"Mother, I..." Mrs. Di was a little panicked when she was pressed. She rolled her eyes and declined, "I came a little late, but I still know the general things. I just haven't verified it yet. I don't know if it's correct or not. No, don’t dare say nonsense!”

"Why are Miss Qi here?" The old lady ignored her excuses and said slowly, narrowing her eyes.

"Say... I came here to play with Wanru." She knew what Di had just said in general and answered hurriedly.

"She is looking for Wanru but not Wanru's yard, why is she here?" the old lady continued to ask.

"She heard that Wan Ru came to the garden, so she came after her." Di sorted out her words and answered carefully.

Qin Wanru squinted her eyes, hiding the coldness in her eyes, and stood quietly listening to Di's answer. Like herself, her grandmother had never liked Qi Rongzhi.

"She is an outsider and brought a maid here. Why did she know that Zhuo Zhuo had come to the garden and happened to be at this location?" the old lady asked with a very evil look on her face.

Mrs. Di couldn't answer this question for a while. Qi Rongghi came here to find Qin Wanru. Of course, she and Qin Yuru had sent her here intentionally, but she didn't dare to say so in front of the Dowager Madam.

"I heard that Miss Qi was accompanying my eldest sister before. I don't know why she suddenly came to me and chased me into the garden. On the way, the woman next to my mother gave Miss Qi some directions. Passing by." Qin Wanru raised her black and white eyes with cold eyes, and pointed at a woman who was hiding behind Di.

As soon as she said this, Di Shi and Qin Yuru's expressions changed. This was what Qi Rongzhi had just testified, and they didn't dare to say otherwise.

"Second sister, after Miss Qi had a conversation with me, she said she wanted to come and play with you. I thought she could play with you in the past, so I told her that you seemed to have gone to the garden." Qin Yuru's expression changed. He felt even more aggrieved and could not conceal his inner eagerness as he answered.

The old lady was too calm, she panicked!

"Old madam, I saw the second young lady when I was walking. Miss Qi happened to ask about it, so I pointed in the direction. There was no bad intention, it was just a coincidence on the way!" The mother-in-law got Di's hint and hurriedly explained.

"When did the eldest sister see me playing so well with Miss Qi? Did she mean the last time she slapped me because of a flower, or the last time she pushed me into a fight because of a box of powder? The so-called You had a great time, but what happened to Miss Qi who started fighting with me?" Qin Wanru asked with an unchanging expression.

These straightforward words made Qin Yuru speechless for a moment, and he looked at Di in panic.

Qi Rongghi and Qin Wanru seemed to be innate enemies. There was always trouble between the two of them. Of course, Qin Yuru was secretly stirring up trouble.

"Wan Ru, no matter how bad Miss Qi is, she is still a guest. Why do you talk like that!" Di's face darkened and she scolded.

"What does mother mean? Every time Miss Qi makes trouble and beats me, I have to take the initiative to get hit. When I get hit, I have to say Miss Qi did a good job, and then come back and hit me next time?" Qin Wanru's eyes were extremely cold, "Mother, I really can't believe that you are my biological mother, and you actually let an outsider hit me repeatedly, and even asked me to greet you with a smile. Am I really your child?" ?”

These words made Di Shi unable to reply, not to mention that the old lady was still sitting here. The so-called biological mother was just what she said after hiding the facts from Qin Wanru.

The old lady snorted coldly but said nothing.

"Second sister, why are you talking to your mother? She has to give up to the magistrate Qi for the sake of our family. Do you think she is willing!" Seeing that Di was unable to speak for a while, Qin Yuru hurriedly helped Di to argue. .

"She is also her biological daughter. Why doesn't mother let the eldest sister get beaten to please the magistrate Qi?" Qin Wanru said slowly.

Di Shi blushed when she asked this question.

If she was really Qin Wanru's biological mother, this would be just a matter of favoritism at best, but if she wasn't, then this would be a vicious act, and she would risk death for a daughter who was not her biological mother.

Qin Wanru kept talking about this, just to let Di tell others clearly that she was not his biological mother.

Without the title of biological mother, no matter what Di does in the future, she cannot be unfair to herself.

"Mother... mother asked you to give in to Miss Qi because of your father!" Di Shi quickly explained.

"Mother, Wanru doesn't know why she wants to accommodate Miss Qi. My father and Qi Zhifu are officials at the same level. They are not superiors or subordinates. There is no need to accommodate anything. Even if the eldest sister's engagement with the eldest son of Qi is terminated this time, Qi The prefect didn't say anything, let alone the little fights between Miss Qi and I in the past, how could it affect my father."

Qin Wanru coldly exposed Di's panic.

Her voice was very cold, with a hint of chill in it. It was extremely different from her current sweet and cute appearance, sharp and pointed to the center.

Di Shi and Qin Yuru couldn't resist every word.

Even being humiliated by Qin Yuru and renouncing the engagement can be endured. What else can Magistrate Qi not tolerate? This shows that the General's Office does not need to accommodate Magistrate Qi's office, let alone having his daughter beaten to win the eldest daughter of Magistrate Qi's office. happy.

"You... what do you mean by this? Are you reprimanding your mother? Why are you so rebellious!" Qin Yuru raised her head fiercely and looked at Qin Wanru angrily.

Qin Wanru still looked at Di, as if she didn't see Qin Yuru's angry and bluffing face, and ignored Qin Yuru's words.

The whole scene became eerily quiet.

Everyone is waiting for the old lady's decision.

"Ms. Di, how do you want to explain?" After a while, the old lady raised her head, glanced at Qin Wanru thoughtfully, and sighed softly.

Hearing the old lady sigh, Qin Wanru's heart slowly relaxed, her grandmother agreed.

"Mother, I... I have nothing to explain, it's all because of the general..." After hearing what the old lady said, Di Shi really panicked.

"Although Wanru is not your biological daughter, what did you say at the time? You said you would treat Wanru as your biological daughter. But look at you, what have you done!" The old lady said slowly, her eyes What fell on Di's face was all blame.

"Mother, I..." The truth was suddenly revealed in front of Qin Wanru. Di Shi panicked and her face changed drastically. In the past, she had always thought that she was Qin Wanru's biological mother and would not harm her. Qin Wanru was fooled by the incident.

Being ripped apart this time not only meant that she could no longer use this point as an excuse in the future, but also meant that everything she said in the past was false and meant to deceive Qin Wanru.

Di didn't expect that the old lady would tear apart the truth mercilessly in front of so many people, panicking and confusing her.

"Mother, you are indeed not my biological mother, you are just my eldest sister's biological mother!" Qin Wanru said with no surprise on her face, looking at Di with a calm gaze.

It was as if this had been something she had expected.

Why this was expected was because she had guessed it earlier, or guessed it based on Di's usual behavior.

There was no surprise, no sadness, she was as calm as if she was talking about someone else's affairs, and there was only a trace of sadness in the corner of her eyes. This reminded everyone that she was just a child, a child who had no biological mother to love her, but was jealous and vicious by Di. of framed children.

"Come here Zhuozhuo, you still have grandma!" The old lady reached out and waved to her distressedly.

Qin Wanru bit her lip and walked over. The old lady stretched out her arms to hug her, patted her back gently, and comforted her softly: "Zhuozhuo, good boy, even if you don't have your biological mother to hurt you, you are still my grandmother's granddaughter." !”

After the old lady finished speaking, Qin Wanru suddenly started crying...