Medical Princess

Chapter 97: My hand is swollen and the medicine is broken


"Are they coming with us?" Although Qin Wanru had already guessed it, she didn't show it on her face, only a slightly surprised expression.

"Yes, they came with us... We owe Qi Mansion a lot!" Qin Huaiyong frowned tightly, his face not pretty.

Not only Qin Yuru, but also Di's actions this time were caught by Qi Zhifu Qi Ping. The result of the showdown with him was that he had to temporarily accept and accommodate Qi Rongzhi, and he also tried his best to find a good one for her. Marriage.

"From now on, you will only stay close to your mother. Others... don't need to care too much!" Qin Huaiyong looked at Qin Wanru and said with something in mind.

"Yes, everything will be subject to father's arrangements!" Qin Wanru said respectfully as if she didn't hear Qin Huaiyong's words telling her not to pay too much attention to Di.

After Qin Huaiyong left, Qin Wanru did not wash up and go to bed immediately. Instead, she made medicine under the lamp. She made it very carefully and meticulously. She threw the few medicines she needed into the stone mortar, took a small medicine pestle, and carefully It started pounding.

She asked Shui Ruolan to bring these medicines to the mountain for her a few days ago. When Shui Ruolan sent medicinal materials to the old lady before, she also brought her own share. She just brought them from the old lady, but these The medicinal materials are also stained with the smell of Qingqucao.

For ordinary people, the smell of these green koji grasses is not disturbing.

This was a task assigned to her by Master Mingqiu. It was not too difficult for her now, but the medicinal materials dyed with Qingqucao gave her an idea and new ideas.

She went to the capital to see a lot of people this time. In her previous life, she was plotted to break off her engagement, break off her engagement, and then be broken off her engagement again. Those people might still show up. She had to get rid of these people before they proposed to the General's Mansion. They have all been eliminated. There is only one Qingyue around, and there are too few manpower!

She needs more useful hands and more loyal hands!

She has taken a fancy to a person and wants to bring him to Beijing, but now this medicinal material with the smell of green bentgrass is a powerful tool!

"Miss, can my servant help you? It's so late, why don't you go to bed?" Qingyue looked at how late it was, and brought her another cup of tea, saying with concern.

"No, I will do it myself. You don't know when to put in other medicinal materials!" Qin Wanru shook her head, a smile flashed in her eyes.

Seeing Qin Wanru holding the medicine pestle so hard that her white and tender hands were a big red at the tiger's mouth, and there were even faint signs of swelling, Qingyue felt heartbroken: "Miss, I am very strong. Come on, the lady can guide the slave by the side, so that the lady can also take a rest!"

Qin Wanru's skin is very white, as white and tender as snow. The area at the head of the medicine pestle is so red that it can be seen with the naked eye, which is very clear.

Her delicate little hands were only used to read books and adjust threads. When had she ever held something so hard and done such a job

"It's okay, Qingyue, you don't understand this. It's better for me to do it myself!" Qin Wanru looked at the red marks on her hands and was not very satisfied. She continued to punch the stone mortar hard. Although her hands hurt now, In fact, it's not enough. After sleeping for one night, it's basically nothing.

"Miss, you can do it again tomorrow! Didn't you always finish it all at once in the past?" Qingyue really felt sorry for Qin Wanru's hand.

"The past is the past, and now we don't have much time. We only have a few days, so we have to make it faster. Besides, the medicine this time is different from the previous ones. It's best to make it all at once!" Qin Wanru fluttered her long eyelashes. Next, jagged shadows fell under the light, reflecting her snow-white and tender little face, giving it an almost clear feeling.

Skin is like snow, crystal clear!

"Qingyue, if you feel sleepy, go to sleep and I'll meet you again!" Qin Wanru looked up at Qingyue and said with a smile.

"I'm not sleepy, I'm here with the young lady. If the young lady doesn't sleep, I won't sleep either!" Qingyue said almost angrily. After thinking about it, she went to the back room and took some ointment, ready to wait for Qin Wanru to prepare the medicine. Just give her some medicine so that her hands won't swell up tomorrow.

"Qingyue, I don't need it, I just want to make my hands swollen!" Seeing the ointment in Qingyue's hand and her angry face, Qin Wanru smiled, her eyes shining with purity, and her smile became even brighter. It's innocent!

It makes people realize once again that she is just a child!

However, the meaning of her words shocked Qingyue; "Miss, what do you want to do? What if your hand is really swollen? The old lady is so distressed after seeing it!"

"So, if I don't go to see my grandma tomorrow morning, I'll just say that I was frightened by Qi Rongzhi today and didn't sleep well at night. I got up late tomorrow morning. You go and apologize to grandma!" Qin Wanru lowered his head and looked at it. The red mark on his slender hand holding the medicine pestle became more and more obvious.

It can even be considered ferocious, the hands are very swollen and painful!

But these are nothing compared to the punishment of being cut in half. The smile on the corners of her lips became brighter and brighter. She would be cruel to herself!

"But miss, your hands..." Qingyue felt that her heart ached, as her little hands were swollen to such a large size.

"It's okay, just wait for me to sleep!" Qin Wanru stood up, looked at the unfinished medicinal noodles, and felt that the heat was almost done.

"Slave, please put it away?" Qingyue looked at the one or two small pieces of medicinal powder inside and asked without understanding.

"No need to accept it, just leave it like this!" Qin Wanru is very satisfied with her work. It is indeed not the best finished product, but for herself, it is the best!

With the strength of a child, this is already the best!

The next morning, Qingyue went to confess to the old lady on Qin Wanru's behalf early in the morning. When Qin Wanru got up, Qingyue had already come back. After washing Qin Wanru, his eyes fell on her hands.

After sleeping all night, she didn't feel much better. Qingyue even felt that her hands were more swollen. Both hands were swollen. Even when Qin Wanru was eating, it was a little inconvenient to hold chopsticks and even pick up vegetables. Not coming up.

Qin Wanru simply put down the chopsticks in her hand, asked Qingyue for a spoon, and drank some white porridge directly.

After a bowl of white porridge was down, Qin Wanru stood up, ordered Qingyue to wrap up the stone mortar and the powdered medicine in the stone mortar, and carried it to Master Mingqiu's house.

When they arrived at the hut at the foot of the mountain, Master Mingqiu got up and was doing morning lessons. Qin Wanru knelt on the futon aside and waited quietly with her eyes closed.

Although Master Mingqiu is also a nun at Jingxin Nunnery, she basically does morning service alone, and rarely with the nuns in the nunnery. Moreover, most of the masters of Jingxin Nunnery claim that their junior sisters are not in the nunnery. Master Mingqiu likes peace and quiet, and does not want others to disturb her tranquility.

She is just the master of Jingxin Nunnery who helps people treat a difficult disease when there is really nothing else to do. Even if she helps people see a doctor, she only acts as an ordinary nun in Jingxin Nunnery. Even if some patients are cured, they still I just thought that the master of Jingxin Nunnery was not free for a while, so he called a nun who used to follow her to help people come over.

Because of this, many people only know the master of Jingxin Temple, but not Master Mingqiu!

Finally, Master Mingqiu finished her morning lessons and slowly opened her eyes.

"Why are you here so early today? Aren't you going to see Mrs. Qin?" In the past, Qin Wanru always went to see and accompany Mrs. Qin at this time.

"My hand is swollen!" Qin Wanru pursed her lips slightly, with a childish look, "I was afraid that grandma would feel distressed when she saw it, so I didn't go!"

"How come it's swollen?" After spending the past few days together, Master Mingqiu has grown to like his smart and well-behaved apprentice. When he heard her say that her hands were swollen, his eyes couldn't help but fall on her hands kindly.

Qin Wanru hid her hands in her sleeves. When Master Mingqiu asked, she was not in a hurry to show off. She smiled and said to Qingyue: "Bring the powdered medicine up here!"

Qingyue respectfully took out the stone mortar wrapped in the bag. Most of the medicine powder inside the stone mortar was roughly made. It was very rough!

Master Mingqiu's face darkened and she scolded: "Wan Ru, how did the poor nun tell you that these medicines are related to the patient's body, and you can't be careless? How can you make these medicine powders like this? Look at it. There are also some medicines that have been prepared at the same time. How do patients take them? Or even if they take the medicine, it is not effective and cannot achieve the expected therapeutic effect, and it may delay the patient's condition!"

Qin Wanru lowered his head, without any disobedience, and nodded respectfully: "Yes, Master, I will try harder next time."

Speaking of exertion, Master Mingqiu's eyes fell on Qin Wanru's hand. These words made her heart skip a beat, remembering Qin Wanru's words just now.

"Stretch out your hand!" Master Mingqiu said softly.

Qin Wanru hesitated for a moment, but slowly stretched out her hand, although she seemed a little reluctant.

The hanging Yun sleeves were rolled up. Seeing those red and swollen white and tender hands, Master Mingqiu couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. She stretched out her hand to hold Qin Wanru's hand and put her thumb on Qin Wanru's bump. Clicked.

"Ah, Master, it hurts!" Qin Wanru looked with tears in her eyes as Master Mingqiu pressed her palm, and hot sweat broke out on her painful forehead.

This really hurts!

"Did you take the medicine?" Looking at the two red marks, Master Mingqiu asked with unclear meaning.

"Yes... I made it. My father said that he would be leaving for Beijing in a few days. He thought that the powdered medicine that Master Tai had ordered me to make was not ready yet, so I happened to take advantage of this opportunity for my mother to deliver medicine to my grandmother. I just wanted to seal it quickly, but unexpectedly it didn’t come out right, so please forgive me!”

Qin Wanru lowered his eyebrows and lowered his head, deliberately looking embarrassed.

It turned out that it wasn't that she didn't care about the medicinal materials, it was just that she was too young and couldn't use much strength, and she wanted to stamp out all the medicine at once, but she was wrongly blamed.

Master Mingqiu's face softened, and her voice softened unconsciously: "Why are you so careless? Just ask someone to help you next time. Besides, there is no need to be in such a hurry..."

At this point, Master Mingqiu seemed to have thought of something. She raised her head and looked a little ugly. Her beautiful eyebrows were tightly knitted: "You mean, you are leaving for the capital soon?"