Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 102: King or consul?


"The highest authority in both Athens and Amendolara is the Citizens Assembly, which allows all citizens to participate and decides important matters such as law, military affairs, and diplomacy of the city-state; Athens has a system of 'ten generals', and Amendolara has two consuls. , to manage the internal affairs of the city-state in peacetime, and to serve as an army commander in wartime, and is elected every year by the citizens' assembly; Athens has a five-hundred-member assembly, Amendolara has a hundred-member senate, and its members are also elected every year by the citizens' assembly. The bill is responsible for the implementation and trial of city-state laws, assisting the consul to manage the city-state, as well as general foreign affairs. It also has an important task of reviewing and providing the candidates for the consul.

Originally, the election of the consul was held in June every year. It was applied by myself, nominated by the Senate, and elected by the citizens' assembly. But now, Amendolara has experienced war and is in turmoil. It is in urgent need of electing a consul to lead the people to rebuild their homes, so an exception was held today. I would like to invite Davos, the former leader of the mercenary army, and the main team officers to come to the stage to discuss together and list the candidates for the consul. As soon as Cornelus finished speaking, the new citizens (former mercenary soldiers) in the audience were already a little impatient.

"What other candidate to choose! The consul of Amendolara can only be our Davos leader!" Someone shouted in the crowd, which was immediately unanimously approved by the new citizens.

"Yes! Except for the leader of Davos, we will not choose anyone else!"

"Only Davos can lead us to continue to create miracles!"

"The leader of Davos is the commander who wins every battle. With him, we don't have to worry about failure!"

"Leader Davos becomes the consul!"




Thousands of nearly 3,000 new members of the public at the venue chanted the name of Davos in unison, and the momentum was quite spectacular.

The first time Cornelus encountered such a situation, he couldn't help but panic, and immediately cast a look for help to Davos in the audience.

Davos smiled and said something to Asisters, who immediately ran to the back of the square.

Soon a high-pitched copper horn sounded over the square, which immediately made the former Davos mercenary soldiers return to quiet, and the other mercenaries gradually stopped shouting.

Cornelus was secretly alarmed by Davos' powerful appeal: it seems that Davos will be a consul for sure, so another consul should be elected from the original citizens of Amendolara. Suitable.

Cornelus was anxiously thinking about how to speak, when someone in the crowd shouted: "Brothers, although we have elected the leader of Davos to be the consul, don't forget that he will also be with another person. Sharing power, next year will elect a new consul, who can be better than the leader of Davos! Who can create miracles more than the leader of Davos! Who else can be better than the leader of Davos Command the battle! Who can be more favored by the gods than Davos!"


"No!!" The new citizens shouted again.

"Would you like to let a strange, incompetent person rule you?!" another shouted.

"I don't want to!!" This is exactly what the mercenaries are worried about.

"Brothers, think about it. Is democracy really good? Think about Athens, once the most powerful city-state in Greece, but it was brought down by a group of incompetent politicians. The city-states they have passed through are also democratic systems, and their governance of the city-states is very bad. An army must obey the command of a wise general, and it is possible to win a war. If a city-state wants to be strong, of course, it should follow this principle. Brothers, in the past year, we have experienced a lot of difficulties, but we have also gained a lot of knowledge. We have seen the vastness of Persia, the domineering of Sparta, and the bullying of Turii because of it... Are you willing to enjoy freedom under a democratic system, but be bullied to live, or are you willing to become strong under the leadership of the Davos leader?! Soldiers, say your choice!" Watching the crowd shouting with arms raised Olivers, Davos nodded imperceptibly.

"Davos is king!" There was a loud shout from the crowd, and Cornelus, the other five people on stage, and the original citizens of Amendolara were all shocked.

Both Sesta and Adriankes turned their heads to look at Davos not far away, as well as the senior officers of the mercenaries around him, such as Antonios, Capps, and Amintas, all of them looked calm. . If the two of them got to know Davos a little more, they would find that the people who led the soldiers in the square to speak were Hiros, Matonis, Olivers and other people from the Hiros team. Sesta and Adriankes looked at each other, then fell silent.

With that loud shout, the whole square fell into a terrifying silence, but soon the new citizens also began to shout: "Davers is king." It was sparse at first, but it became more and more neat and loud in the end.

Cornerus and the other five looked at each other in dismay. One of the old men wanted to rush out, but was held tightly by the left and right. In the end, he also gave up. In the face of the overwhelming momentum of thousands of people in the audience, no one dared to summon the courage to greet them and shouted: "You are wrong! Amendolara will never allow anyone to be elected king! The laws of Amendolara do not Allowed! The citizens of Amendolara will never allow it!!" The reason they have survived to this day, instead of dying at the hands of the Lucanians like other citizens of Amendolara, is because they were not brave enough , which is why Davers picked them. Most of the former citizens of Amendolara in the audience are old, weak, sick and disabled, and they have neither the intention nor the possibility to fight against the mercenary soldiers.

Cornerus suddenly regretted that he had promised to let the mercenaries join Amendolara, but the current situation no longer allowed him to think too much, and he turned his pleading eyes to Davos again.

Davers saw that the time was ripe. They also walked to the stage in a hurry. The new citizens saw his figure appearing on the wooden stage, and they were even more excited and shouted in unison: "Davers becomes the king!"

"Davers, King!!"

"King Davos!!"

Cornelus glanced at Davos with a complicated expression and moved away from the middle position.

Davos faced the dark crowd under the stage, the boiling voice almost squeezed his ears, and his calm hands pressed down...

The square gradually returned to calm.

"Soldiers, no, it's time to call you citizens of Amendolara! When I left Byzantium, I said to the officers, 'I will make you citizens of the city-state with your own land.' Just not In two months, my promise has been fulfilled. You have earned today's harvest with your sweat and blood, and your fearless fighting spirit! You deserve it, congratulations - the new citizens of Amendolara!! "

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!!" The new citizens in the audience cheered excitedly, and some even shed tears.

"Thank you very much for your trust in electing me to be the king of Amendolara. For me, being a king does not mean that I have great power to oppress the citizens for my own benefit. And It means that I have to take a greater responsibility to make the citizens of Amendolara live a happier life, and make our city-state stronger and not be bullied by others! Although I have the confidence to do it, but— Davers paused for a moment, and Cornelus' heart was so nervous that it almost jumped out of his throat.

"I still want to say sorry to you, I can't be this king." As soon as these words came out, the others on the stage breathed a sigh of relief, and the new citizens in the audience were in an uproar.

"Why?!" The new citizens asked questions one after another.

"Because there are almost no city-states in the current Greek city-states that adopt the royal system, even Sparta is a double-monarchy system (Macedonia is not counted, the Greeks do not regard it as a Greek city-state). The kingship is not subject to the Greek city-states at this time. Welcome, if I become the king of Amendolara, then Amendolara will be ostracized by the great Greek city-states. For Amendolara to develop, it needs to trade with other city-states; for Amendolara to be strong, it Alliances with other city-states are required; and once Amendolara is isolated and has no allies, all good ideas will be in vain. Even more terrible is that Amendolara will be attacked by the Greek city-states that hate the royal system, so for Amen Dolara, I can't be this king!"