Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 109: The first meeting of the Senate (6)


"I propose to designate the wedding day as the marriage day of Amendolara and the celebration of the goddess Hera, so that citizens can remember the hardships Amendolara has suffered and the new life they have received, and also make them aware of the importance of marriage and family. , this will be more conducive to the unity of the citizens of Amendolara!” Davos said solemnly, making Cornerus surprised by how far he thought about the issue, and he was really thinking about Amendolara, so he Nodding with sincerity, he said, "Sir Consul, I think all citizens will be happy to have such a wonderful festival!"

"Yes, we all agreed to establish Hera's celebrations and marriage festivals!" The old citizens also expressed their approval, not to mention the new citizens.

At this time, Hiros stood up and asked with concern, "Sir, what should I do for the soldiers who have not found a woman to marry?"

Davos was already prepared for this, and he motioned Cornelus to answer.

Cornerus looked solemn: "Before Amendolara had four thousand citizens before participating in the war with the Lucanians... Now there are only more than five hundred citizens, and there are more than one thousand widows... So there are two thousand Many families and couples died, so...there are enough houses to accommodate the new citizens. Of course, if the former director of the house has children or old people left, I hope the new citizens can take care of them..." Cornerus finished with tears in his eyes. Guang, other old citizens also looked sad.

Davos looked at the new citizens and emphasized loudly: "It is not hope but must be raised! Because you have accepted the original owner's legacy, including land and wealth, of course you have to do your due responsibilities for the original owner!"

"Sir, don't worry, we will let the brothers take good care of the elderly and children!" Hiros first made a promise, and other team officers also expressed their support. And child, I'll beat him to death!"

Davers nodded and said, "Very good, I hope you officers can strengthen the supervision of the soldiers! At the same time, the Senate will also issue bills to supervise the implementation." Davers said, looking at Antonios: "This is Responsibilities of the Ombudsman. Antonios, once you discover that someone violates the law by not raising or abusing orphans and the elderly, report it to the Senate immediately, and we will deprive them of their citizenship and expel them from Amendolara!" Davers' stern words made everyone My heart is tight.

"I will supervise carefully!" Antonios solemnly assured.

The old citizens nodded silently, applauding Davers for his firm protection of the rights and interests of the elderly and children.

"Okay, next, let's talk about the issues that everyone cares about most." In order to ease the atmosphere, Davers said with a smile: "The Senate will introduce a bill to ensure that every new citizen gets at least five acres of land. Of course there are. People are lucky, find a good wife, inherit more land, and some people may have less. It doesn't matter, I will let the treasurer, Mersis, make a detailed statistics of the land wealth owned by each person. In the future After acquiring new land, give priority to the citizens who originally had less land, are you satisfied with this arrangement?"


"It's fair!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

The meeting had lasted for nearly two hours, and it was already late, but the citizens were in high spirits, which made Davers decide to raise an issue that he had been thinking about for a long time and never made up his mind. He took a deep breath, stood in the center of the venue again, faced the crowd, and said loudly: "Everyone, as a city-state citizen, it is his right to participate in all political activities of the city-state. It is his right to be a soldier and defend the city-state. His duty, in fact, is also his right. Because it is impossible for freemen and slaves to join the army of the city-state unless there are special circumstances, only citizens have this right to fight for the city-state, so it is also a political right."

Both the old citizens and the new citizens nodded in agreement.

"However, it is not easy to manage a city-state well. It costs money to build various public facilities; it costs money to repair city defenses and equip weapons; it costs money to rescue the people in the event of a catastrophe; even to send troops to fight a war. , if only four or five days are good, citizens can bring their own food rations to solve the problem. After a long time, the required food still needs to be purchased by the city-state, not to mention the employment of trucks, ships, laborers, etc., which will cost money; moreover, The public officials of our city-state are now unpaid, and everyone is obliged to contribute to the city-state. In the future, the management area will be large and the affairs will be heavy. As a public official, there may be almost no spare time to take care of the farmland and pastures at home. Their income will be lower than that of citizens who are not public officials, which is unfair, and if things go on like this, people will not want to hold public office again. Therefore, if a city-state wants to develop healthily, it cannot do without enough money in the treasury!”

For most of the new citizens, they were born poor and did not know how complicated the operation of the city-state was, so they listened with great interest. The old citizens felt that the young consul for life was able to think so deeply about the problems of the city-state as soon as he took office, and their worries about his inexperience dissipated a lot. But Cornelus felt his eyelids twitching, and he had a gut feeling that something big was about to happen.

Davos went on to say: "Amendolara's treasury revenue is quite small. Cornerus has just explained the reason, which hinders the development of the city-state, and in the future we will occupy more land and have more people. Join Amendolara, can they fight desperately for the city-state like us? I'm afraid not, because they pay too little and get it too easily, so they won't cherish it too much!"

"That's right!" The old citizens shouted first, and they were somewhat dissatisfied with the immigration bill proposed by Davers.

Of course Davos understood what they were thinking, and with a sneer in his heart, he said loudly: "So I suggest that Amendolara citizens who own land should be charged an annual land tax of 1%!"

As soon as this statement came out, it was like a thunderclap on the ground, and everyone in the venue was stunned, and immediately shouted like a wasp that had been stabbed.

Cornelus' hands and feet tensed, and he secretly shouted: Oops!

"Am I right? You want to charge land tax on city-state citizens?!" Stromboli asked uncertainly.

This is a polite attitude, and the old man Scombras rushed over, pointed at Davos' nose, and asked, "Are you a Greek?! Don't you know that the tradition of the Greek city-state is absolutely unique. No land tax will be imposed on the citizens of the city-state! You are crazy about money! If you are a life-long consul like this, can we still live!"

Although the new citizens also criticized Davos' words, they must not allow others to insult their respected leaders, especially those sub-captains. Led by Matonis, he rushed over quickly and pushed Scombras away: "Hey, old man, did you speak to the consul like this!"

"I'm going to say, what's the matter! You ignorant hillbilly don't know the serious consequences of collecting land taxes!" Scomblas blushed and scolded contemptuously.

This made the group of young and vigorous squad leaders angry: "What did you say! Say one more word, believe it or not, I'll beat you!" He scolded and pushed Scombras.

Scomblas' frail body could withstand a little strength from the battle-hardened team officers, and sat down directly on the ground, gasping for breath. Several old citizens such as Cornelus hurriedly stepped forward to help them. Quarrel with the officers.

The two sides were in chaos.

"Quiet! Quiet for me!" Davos was also in a hurry, and stepped forward to persuade him.

Finally the two sides separated.

Scomblas was still swearing, Matonis stared, and he lowered his head again and didn't dare to speak.

At this time, Mersis stood up and said: "One percent tax is very little! In Persia, we all know that their land tax is as high as 10%!..." As a treasurer, of course he cares about the treasury. filling.

"That's Persia, Greece has never had a tradition of collecting land taxes on its citizens!" Stromboli retorted.

"It was there in the era of Wang Zheng."

"That was hundreds of years ago, and now is the era of democracy. Davos, the consul, promised himself in the square, 'not a king'. I think if there is a land tax, all citizens will oppose it!" Tromboli looked at Davos, his voice was not loud, but he was threatening.

Davos looked at the crowd: the new citizens didn't speak out because of Davos's prestige, but just waited and waited. He smiled and said, "I haven't finished my advice yet, and you are so excited. Don't worry, listen to me slowly finish my advice. Citizens who have been living in Amendolara until today, now The land they own is tax-free as a token of appreciation for their descendants as the city's builders and their contribution to Amendolara for two hundred years, and when the treasury has money, we will cast a batch of 'Amendolara's builders' silver buttons (Greek clothes). decoration on the burton, used to fasten the fabric)', each old citizen will get one, keep it forever, and wear it on the Bolton in grand public occasions to let later generations know their family's long tradition and glory. "

As soon as these words came out, the old citizens were stunned, and Scombras, who was still chattering, stopped talking, and all of them straightened their chests: This is an honor! Although they had no choice but to let the mercenaries join Amendolara, the pride and reality of being aboriginal people made them feel uncomfortable, and Davos gave them a chance to show their identity forever! Compared with this, that little tax money is nothing, not to mention that it can't be collected from them.

"Agreed!" Scombras shouted first.

"It's not fair! Instead of taxing them, we will be taxing us!" Matonis shouted in dissatisfaction.

The second is more served!

Considering that I have to go out of the outpatient clinic tomorrow, I will come here first tonight, and then update it tomorrow night!