Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 110: Proposal


Davos ignored him and continued: "For the new citizens who defeated the Lucanian tribal coalition, recaptured the city of Amendolara, and joined Amendolara today, the land they now own is tax-free! A batch of 'Amendolara Newborn Silver Buckles' will be cast, one for each new citizen, which will be kept forever, and can also be worn on Bolton in grand public occasions to let future generations know their achievements!"

"It's almost!" Matonis sat down with satisfaction.

Now, the new citizens have their chests straight, too.

Davos gave honor to both parties, and both parties accepted it with satisfaction, making the venue calm again. Cornelus looked at it and had to admit that Davos's political skills were powerful.

"Everyone doesn't pay taxes, what's the use of bringing up this bill?!" Mercis was dissatisfied.

"Don't you understand yet, Treasurer." Cornerus smiled. "All current citizens do not have to pay land taxes, and citizens of Amendolara in the future will have to pay taxes when they own land."

"Please note that your existing land does not need to be taxed, and the land you own in the future will still be paid!" Davos reminded.

"If that's the case, then I can accept it." Antonios stood up and said, "Amendolara was founded by Cornelius and their ancestors, and they have suffered too much for this, and we should respect it. And We sacrificed our blood and sweat for Amendolara, and we deserve it. Citizens who join in the future enjoy what we all have done for this city-state, and of course they have to give something for Amendolara, Pay taxes - I think it's a good idea!"

"Antonios, you're right! We agree with this approach!" The new citizens agreed.

"Yes, we are the founders of this new Amendolara! To let future generations know what we do today, these untaxed lands and silver buckles are the best proof and glory!" Protesilao Si shouted excitedly, and other old citizens did not object.

… … … …

After the meeting, the new citizens went to the square one after another, while the old citizens walked on the rugged mountain road.

"Cornerus, you are too indulgent to that young man tonight! You don't refute every bill he proposes, and watch him easily persuade those uninformed mercenaries!" Stromboli complain loudly.

"Hey, Stromboli, don't shout loudly from young people, young people, Davos is our consul, we should respect it!" Raphias looked behind, not too far from the new citizens, So reminded.

"Consul? I think it's the king. Which thing did he propose with our consent! Which proposal was discussed with the senators in advance! He also made so many mindless, I only know that the mercenaries who obeyed her participated in this meeting, obviously to let him have the final say! Then what do we have to do! Do you want to be puppets?!…” Stromboli was a little angry keep talking.

Scambloss couldn't help interrupting him: "Since you have an opinion about the consul, why didn't you say it at the meeting?"

Stromboli was at a loss for words, and his eyes rolled: "None of you object, why should I object alone, I'm not stupid! Oh... I know. Cornerus became the chief executive, Rafi Yas is now a household registration officer, and he is already a big man! This is a gift from the consul, you are embarrassed to oppose him, right?"

Scomblas rushed to him, glared at him and said, "Shut up, Stromboli! Cornelus did his best to protect this mountain town, you can't say that about him! And … Although the soldiers were rude and beat me. But to be honest, the bills proposed by this young consul were very interesting, especially the one about paying taxes, I was really surprised, but Amendolara It hasn't changed in hundreds of years..."

"Uncle Scoom is right! We Amendolara have suffered such hardships and can no longer live as before! Whether it is the appointment of Davos as the life-long consul, or his proposals, as long as they can Let Amendolara prosper and no longer be bullied, even if the tradition of Amendolara is changed, I will accept it!" Terry Todemus said solemnly, and several of them nodded secretly.

"Not only will we not be bullied, we will also attack Lucania, defeat them, and avenge us!" Protesilus, the youngest of the six, said excitedly.

"Lucania has a large population, a vast area, and most of them are mountainous areas. It's not that easy to attack them. That young consul is just talking big." Stromboli said suspiciously.

"Davos led a small number of mercenaries to annihilate the large number of Lucalia coalition forces, this is a fact! It is also a fact that Amendolara was recaptured in one night! Who are so many generals and citizens in the great Greek city-state? Can do both of these things, tell me?" Protessilaus retorted.

Stromboli hummed and did not answer.

"Have you noticed the look in the eyes of those new citizens looking at Davos? It looks like they are staring at a god!" Protesilus said exaggeratedly.

"I heard that they call Davos the favored one, maybe he can really create miracles." Terry Todmos said with some anticipation: "I heard that we are northwest of Amendolara and upstream of the Sinne River. There is a great lake, which the Lucanians call Dokala (today's Lake Senise), and it seems that I will not only be able to see it, but maybe even get a piece of land there."

Stromboli snorted again, only a little less angry in his expression.

"After all, fighting is going to kill people. It is better not to fight or not to fight." Cornerus sighed.

"Anyway, we don't have to play. I think those mercenaries are very enthusiastic about it." Raphias looked indifferent.

"That's also a citizen of our Amendolara." Cornelus reminded him, he paused, and sighed again: "However, we all underestimated Davos. Don't look at his young age, but right The city-state politics is very familiar, is he really the 'wisdom given by Hades' that the new citizens rumored to say?"

His sigh was not refuted by the other five people, and everyone was obviously surprised by this.

"However, Davers' actual ability to govern requires us to observe further. How much influence and change the bills he proposed will have on Amendolara, we don't know yet. What we can do It is to try my best to ensure the stability of Amendolara, find problems, and remind Davos in time, at least from the current point of view, Davos is not the same as Dionysius of Syracuse." Cornelu Si solemnly remind everyone.

The other four nodded, while Stromboli asked in a deep voice: "What if Davos made a mess of Amendolara and didn't listen to dissuasion and made a mess?!"

"If that's the case..." Cornelus didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Then drive them away!" Skombras said decisively: "For the sake of Amendolara, even if we cooperate with Turii again!"

The others faced each other and finally nodded silently.

… … … …

Davos returned to the square, it was very late.

He returned to his big tent, where the candles were still bright, and Cristoia, who had been waiting for his return, had fallen asleep on the paved floor.

Davos walked gently to the floor and knelt down in front of Cristoia. The beating candlelight reflected on her beautiful and sexy face, her breathing was light and long, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth...

Must be dreaming! Davos stared silently, not feeling a little crazy. I came to this strange world alone, and lived desperately to survive. Although there were a group of comrades who could be entrusted with life and death, the lonely wandering soul had a port for mooring because of her.

He couldn't help reaching out and gently stroked Cristoia's long smooth hair, but he didn't want her to wake up immediately, rubbing his misty eyes, and said lazily, "You're back."

Davos took her hands, put them together, and said softly, "Cristoia of Miletus, are you willing to be my wife of Davos?"

Cristoia's eyes suddenly brightened, and her beautiful face shone in the candlelight. Following Davers around, one of the things she had been most worried about no longer existed at this moment, she hugged Davers tightly, and whispered the oath entrusted to her life: "I do!"

… … … …

After the passionate lingering, Cristoia lay on top of Davos, listening to him talk about what happened at the venue at night, drowsiness gradually hit her heart...

At this time, Davos said, "Cristoia, I'm hesitant to let you do something."

"What's the matter?" Cristoia asked curiously.

"Have you heard of banks?"

"I've heard it, isn't it just lending. My father also ran this business in Miletus, and I heard him say that he admired the Athenian banker Pacion the most, because he not only became the richest man in Athens through lending, but also won The respect of the citizens of Athens..." Cristoia recalled the past, inexplicably sad.

"Very good! I want you to open a bank in Amendolara, specializing in loans to Amendolara citizens." Davos said immediately.

"Open a bank?! Me?!" Kristoa was stunned.

"Yes, it's you!" Davers raised his head and looked at her with confidence in his eyes: "You can manage the medical camp so well, I believe you can also run this bank well!"

Cristoia froze, thought for a while, and reminded: "That requires enough silver coins."

After eleven o'clock, there is one more!