Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 118: Tyrant Dionysius


Davos watched Syracuse's messenger Heroris go away, and when he turned to return to the living room, his expression became a little more dignified and worried: The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, it seems that Syracuse is preparing to fight with Carthage. The base went to war, no matter what the result was, Amendolara had to develop as soon as possible and strengthen herself in order to gain a firm foothold in this chaotic world.

Two days later, Dionysius, the tyrant of Syracuse, listened to the report of Haroris in his palace, his face was gloomy, and then he laughed: "How could a small mercenary leader become something? Archon for life! Marcias, what do you think?"

Marcias, who used to be the leader of the Campania mercenaries, wore a uniform, stood straight at the bottom, and said without hesitation: "My lord, I think that as a mercenary leader, you should focus on how to fight. Win a battle and earn money and honor for yourself, instead of doing something you wouldn't do at all. It looks good, but it's easy to lose and it's a drag on innocent people."

"You're right!" Dionysius praised, and he patted the back of the chair: "I sit in this position, trembling every day, and dare not slack off! A mercenary who can only be aggressive and ruthless. How dare you be the tyrant of a city state!"

Haroris couldn't help but say: "Sir, this Davos is not a tyrant, but a life-long consul elected by the people of Amendolara!"

"Herolis, what do you mean by that?!" Dionysius stared straight at Harolis with sharp eyes like knives.

It was only when Hololis realized that he had accidentally touched Dionysius' inverse scale, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat, lowered his head, and did not dare to speak.

Dionysius looked at him carefully for a while, then withdrew his gaze and said disdainfully, "He just played a little trick, I can only say that this young man is a little smart, no wonder he can win a few battles. It's a pity. No foresight. Philistos, do you know how many citizens Amendolara has?"

A graceful middle-aged man sitting on the left closest to Dionysius said, "As far as I know, there should be less than 4,000 citizens. Of course, it is much lower than this number now."

"Listen, even when Amendolara was not at war, there were only 4,000 citizens at most, which is not as many as the citizens of one block in our Greek city of Kuza." Dionysius shrugged and said slightly disdainfully.

There was sparse laughter in the palace.

"If the mercenary leader, what is Davos, comes to me, after he has defeated Carthage, Marsala, Palermo, Erice, Egadi Island, Segesta and other cities as he chooses It’s better to be a tyrant than to live in that small town of Amendolara, but unfortunately he won’t have the chance again!” Dionysius finished speaking with pride, then looked at Mathias: “We’re going to attack How are the preparations of the Carthaginian army?"

"Now more than 10,000 mercenaries have come to camp outside the city of Syracuse, and we in Syracuse can mobilize at least 40,000 civic soldiers, including Catane, Leotini, Taunis, and Pachinus. The army of the other city-state is about 20,000... In addition, there are 2,000 cavalry. Your lord, the army you have is a powerful army that has never been seen in the history of the Greek city-state! Even the most powerful Athens at that time was not so large. Military appearance!" Mathias said excitedly.

Dionysius' expression was calm, and he turned his eyes to his brother Leputines: "How is the navy preparing?"

Although Leptines and Dionysius were brothers, they looked a little honest and honest, but in fact they were. Because of this, Dionysius trusted this younger brother so much, and promoted him to be the commander of the Syracuse navy. At this time, he replied: "There are now one hundred and fifty three-layer slurry warships, plus other warships, there are a total of 320 large and small warships."

"It's not enough..." Dionysius sighed, and his fingers tapped the back of the chair quickly: "You must understand that in fighting Carthage, there are two essentials - warships and cavalry, And neither of those things are enough for us. Leptinius, it seems you have to urge the other city-states to speed up the construction of warships. As for the cavalry, Marcias, you send people to the Apennine to recruit Celtic cavalry. Philip Stos, you go to Sparta and ask for some Thessaly cavalry. We must speed up the process, gentlemen! Next spring, we will start the attack on Gera!"

The three responded immediately: they will do their best to complete the task given by Dionysius!

"Maxias, work hard! A small mercenary leader can annihilate those savage natives with 2,000 men. We have the largest army in the Greek city-state but can't create greater glory, then What a shame!" Dionysius, still caring about Davos' rejection of him, encouraged Mathias.

"Sir, don't worry, I won't let you down!" Macias said immediately.

"Very well, Marcias!" Dionysius praised again, and then he waved: "Philistos stay, you all go down."

Heroes, Marcias, Leputines, and the other two courtiers withdrew, but Dionysius followed Herois' back until Philostos called him. name.

"Do you think that Hololis has changed a bit?" His fingers tapped the back of the chair, and Dionysius had a haze on his face.

Philistos was startled, and cautiously defended Heroris: "My lord, I didn't find anything, and Heroris is still the same as before."

Dionysius glanced at him: "You have a good relationship with him, I know. I also miss the help he gave me when I was the most difficult, so I don't want anything to ruin our friendship! Dionysius said emotionally: "...I heard that he is studying the history of Egypt recently. I think we can give him a period of vacation so that he can concentrate on his research..." Dionysius Si muttered to himself, and Philistos sighed inwardly: "My lord, I understand..."

"This is only a temporary arrangement..." Dionysius comforted.

"Philip, Philothanus is your friend, can you invite him to come here." Dionysius changed the subject and said, "I just wrote a poem, and I want to invite him to come here with him. Come and do the evaluation together. You know, when I discussed poetry with him last time, I offended him without saying a word, and I haven’t come to me for three months.”

"Ferosanus is a good person, but he likes to put on airs. I will try my best to help you persuade him to come." Philistos laughed and teased: "Sir, there are times when you, an all-powerful general, can't do anything about ordinary citizens!"

Dionysius also laughed and spread his hands: "So who said I was Dionysius dictator!"

… … … … …

During this time, Davos and the military officer Felixius were busy reorganizing the city-state army.

After the mercenaries became citizens of Amendolara, it turned out that Drax, Sesta, and Adrianx had more than 1,000 soldiers, and Davos had more than 1,800 soldiers. After the slaves became free people, There are nearly 300 people, plus the original city-state citizens who belonged to the service age range of about 250 people, the total number of people who can fight in the city of Amendolara is about 3,500.

Originally, the highest position of the mercenary was the brigade captain (actually Davos himself held it), and the highest organization was brigade, but with the increase in the number of combatants, the original organization could no longer adapt to the actual situation of the current city-state. After Davos and Felixius negotiated, they decided to add a higher-level army establishment, which Davos named "Legion", the highest position of the legion commander, and Daves himself still holds the position. The tentative number is The main force of 7,000 people is under the jurisdiction of seven brigades (six heavy infantry brigades and one light infantry brigade), each with 1,000 people, and the highest-ranking brigade commander (later commonly known as "thousand commanders"); Jurisdiction over five companies, each company has 200 people, the highest position company captain (also commonly known as the centurion); a company has four divisions, each with 50 people, the highest position division captain.

Since Davos was influenced by Rome in his previous life, he was going to cancel the team and change it to a centenary, but Felixius raised an objection. He believed that the team had an advantage in the melee and the mountain station because it was more mobile and flexible. With the support of the four detachments, the company's ability to fight independently has also been greatly enhanced. After much deliberation, Davos finally agreed with Felixius. Since then, the detachment has been established as a unique military system in the city-state under the control of Davos, and the detachment, as the lowest level of officers, plays a key role in linking the previous and the next in the legion, and was later honored by the soldiers as "soldier head" . Later, many of Davos's generals were so proud to have served as sub-captains, so much so that Davos issued a military order stating that only after serving as sub-captain for two years can they be eligible to be promoted to a higher-level legion position. The position of captain is more dazzling, of course, this is another story.

A detachment has five squads, each with 10 people, and the highest-ranking squad leader (later renamed the "sergeant major, held by veterans). In addition, the corps also has cavalry, engineering battalion, medical battalion, and baggage battalion... Wait, the actual number of its legion may be as high as 8,000, of course these are just assumptions now.

Since the Amendolara city-state had only about 3,500 combatants, Davos organized it into four brigades.

The soldiers of the first brigade were all from the mercenaries led by Davos, and the selection of their captain gave Davos and Felixius a headache. Considering that Antonios was serving as the city-state ombudsman, the third-largest person in the city-state public office after the consul and the city administrator, for the sake of balance, Davos, after talking with the two, decided that Karp should be As the first captain.

There is one more after eleven o'clock.