Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 17: Physician?


After Athens was defeated in the Peloponnesian War and experienced the brutal rule of the "Thirty Tyrants", people of insight in Athens were more or less aware of the flaws in the system, but people like Davos completely denied Athenian democracy. System, no one has ever said that before. These deafening words were like a thunderclap, and Xenophon did not regain his senses for a long time.

"Sparta?!" Davos sneered: "When it decided to turn its compatriots into Heros (referring to the Messenians), it was destined to never be strong! Although Sparta The Da warriors are heroic, but thousands of Spartans have to suppress ten times their slaves, and its city-state is like a volcano, which will erupt in the event of a major defeat."

"Davos, now Sparta is the most powerful city-state in Greece!" Olivers interjected.

"Then we'll wait and see how strong it can last for a few years!" Davos replied confidently. He vaguely remembered that it wasn't long before war broke out again in Greece, and Sparta was defeated by the rising Thebes and thus declined.

"Is this an oracle?" Several teammates looked surprised.

Davers laughed without answering.

"So, which city-state has the best system?" Xenophon asked unwillingly.

Davers also responded with a mysterious smile.

At this time, Xenophon seemed to have regained his calm on the surface, but in fact his heart was turbulent. The things he had used and believed for decades were smashed by Davos' words. He did not completely lose his temper, but depended on Socrates for many years. The teachings made him better at learning and independent thinking than the average person.

Uneasy, he couldn't stay any longer, he wanted to go back and think about what Davos said. So, say goodbye to Davos.

Before leaving, Davos asked casually, "Xenophon, have you commanded the army before?"

"Served as captain of the cavalry." Xenophon replied hastily.

Looking at Xenophon's back, Davos's expression became solemn: as a student of Socrates, Xenophon's knowledge was obviously far better than his teammates; but as a newcomer and not very famous Athenian , and has no rich mercenary experience, and is still only an adjutant of the leader of Proxinus. How could Xenophon lead this retreat? !

Thinking that the author of "The Long March" was Xenophon himself, Davos would inevitably have doubts: Did Xenophon put the credit of others on himself

"Are Davos, Athens and Sparta really that bad?" Compared with the others who heard the clouds and mountains and fog, Hiros clearly understood, so he was even more confused.

Davos nodded and sighed: "If it was a peaceful period, Athens and Sparta would live very well, but this is an era that will perish if you don't forge ahead!"

Shiros seemed to understand, but couldn't help but ask the same question as Xenophon: "So is there a city-state with a better system in the Mediterranean than Athens and Sparta?"

Davos looked at Hiros's curious and longing eyes, and turned his head: on the horizon, the sunset radiates its last rays before falling, looking at the red clouds, thinking of the future Mediterranean world, wars are frequent , the strong states rose up one after another, like a revolving lantern, until the emperor appeared, and the dazzling light shone on the western world for more than two thousand years...

Davos suddenly felt a sense of pride in his heart. This time he did not refuse to answer, but said affirmatively: "Not now. If you and I can live forever, maybe one day you can see it!"

… … … … …

Early in the morning, Davos was in a daze when he heard a lot of voices outside the house.

"Wake up! Wake up! My nephew is awake!!" Antonios burst into the house ecstatically and hugged Davos: "Thank you! Thank you! Asisters is alive!!"

Davos wasn't fully awake yet, and asked confusedly, "Really?"

"It's true!" Helps said excitedly after him: "Assisters is awake! His body temperature is not as hot as yesterday, and although he is still weak, he can drink bread to boil. The porridge is gone. Davers, the method you taught really works!"

Facing Helps' admiring gaze, Davos' dangling heart finally landed, he resisted the excitement and said calmly: "Although Asisters is out of danger, he can't relax, continue to follow the previous instructions. Take care of him and let him return to normal as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Helps replied respectfully.

"Davos, there are many people outside who want to see you." Hiros said as he entered the door.

"Oh, it's Kapus and the others. They were all surprised to hear that Asisters had woken up. They must come and see you. They might want your help." Antonios replied somewhat ashamedly: Davos saved him. His nephew, put so much effort into it, maybe even prayed to Hades. And if he has not made a return, he may bring him new troubles.

"Caps?" Davers was not impressed by the name.

"Another heavy infantry squadron commander in our camp." Hiros explained on the side.

Davos pondered for a while, then stood up immediately: "Let's go out, don't make them wait for a long time."

Surrounded by the crowd, he walked out of the house.

"Look, Davos is out!"

"This is Davos? Too young!"

"Don't look young, he is the true patron of Hades! Otherwise, how could Asisters be rescued by him. It's not like you and I haven't seen Asisters in a coma before."

"Davos, one of my brothers was injured like Asistus, his body was hot, and he was unconscious. I hope I can get your help!"

"I also have one of my subordinates injured..."

"And I… "

In the small courtyard, the crowded people waved their arms desperately, shouting like a raging tide, one wave after another.

In the face of a scene that was out of control, everyone was a little nervous, but Davos's expression remained unchanged. As a cadre who was promoted from the bottom in his previous life, he had seen many petitions from the masses in towns, counties and cities. Even when he was the head of the village, he held a meeting in the town once, and caught up with the farmers who surrounded the town government to discuss the issue of land expropriation. The leaders all hid. hoes and sticks, and tried their best to persuade them to retreat. This small scene in front of him really can't help him, not to mention it is a good thing for him.

He raised his hand and shouted, "Everyone please be quiet!"

"Quiet! Quiet!!..." Antonios and the others also shouted for help.

People gradually calmed down.

"I am very grateful for everyone's trust!" Davos said excitedly: "We are all comrades who fight together and face death together! We are all good brothers who can safely hand over their right shoulder to teammates for protection! If any brother is injured, I will take Helps and do our best to treat them and never abandon any wounded!!"

Helps was thrilled to hear his name.

Hearing this, the soldiers in the yard were even more grateful.

"Great! Thanks Hades!!"

"Thank you, Davos, you are our savior!!"

"Davos, you are our best brother! I will do my best to do what you want in the future!!"

In this era, it is very common for soldiers to be injured and die of infection, and it is also a nightmare that plagues the army. Now, Davos has given them hope. And this person is so generous and kind, how can they not be moved!

"Davos! Davos!..." The shouts echoed over the Menon Barracks for a long time.