Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 2: Talk about weights and measures, time and money in ancient Greece in the novel


Everyone has noticed that the length unit I use in the novel is the current standard meter and li. In the future, we will see that the weight unit is jin, and the land area is mu. It is not that I do not know the weights and measures of ancient Greece, but first of all, the ancient Greek Weights and measures are confusing and inconsistent. Secondly, if I use them, I have to convert them. You can't have a clear concept immediately when you read them. You have to read my annotations. . So, take it as if I had translated it directly from the original original.

Regarding time, this is not a problem, the ancient Egyptians already divided the day into 24 hours.

Regarding currency, it would be a joke to switch to the current currency unit. However, the ancient Greek currency system was a bit chaotic because of the large number of city-states. This novel adopts the Attica currency system, that is, the currency system of the Athenians. Opor is the smallest currency unit. Minna, Talent, the approximate exchange rate is: 1 drachma = 6 opals, 1 stat = 20 drachma, 1 mina = 5 stat, 1 talent = 60 mina , You must know that the names of these currencies are actually the weight units of gold, silver and copper. At that time, their values fluctuated due to wars, mining, and other reasons.

In addition, I will use a unit: the gold daliq, which is the currency system of the Persians. Persia is rich in gold, and this currency is used to pay the wages of Greek mercenaries, which is also popular in Greece.