Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 28: Kerethorpes


"Yes, let's discuss when Cleethorpes comes!" Everyone's expressions were obviously lighter when Cleethorpes was mentioned, which made Davos curious and asked Xenophon in a low voice: " Who is Clethorpes?"

Xenophon said with a complicated expression: "I heard that little Cyrus once had an agreement with Sparta, he fully funded Sparta to build a navy, and when little Cyrus fought, Sparta also needed to provide military assistance. ."

Davos reacted immediately and said in surprise: "You mean, Kerisopes was sent by Sparta?!"

"He was the inspector of Sparta. I heard that he brought 700 heavy armored infantry and joined the little Cyrus... He didn't know at the time that the little Cyrus was going to rebel, when he knew it. It's too late, so he and his troops have been keeping a low profile in the mercenary army, but many high-level officers know his identity..." Xenophon said with some schadenfreude.

Davos knew why Xenophon had such an expression, because he was an Athenian. I heard Xenophon introduce the Ombudsman in Sparta. Unlike other Greek city-states that also have Ombudsmen, the Ombudsman system in Sparta is unique because it has great power: it can supervise citizens and judge refugees downwards. The Liasi people, who sanctioned the Helots, had the highest civil trial rights and some criminal trial rights; upwards could always monitor the king's every move with alert eyes, had the right to sue the king, and could summon him for trial at any time. Moreover, Sparta’s inspectors can only be held by civilians. Every autumn, citizens over the age of 30 select five inspectors by lottery. When they are hired, they will issue an order requiring every citizen to shave their upper lip and beard and abide by the laws of the country. It can be seen that The importance Sparta places on the Ombudsman. According to Xenophon, it was because of this censor system in Sparta that the common people held power, and it was not regarded as a tyrant state by other city-states.

There is such an important figure hidden in the ranks of the Greek mercenaries. He is probably the only general in the mercenary army with official status, and he is also a Spartan. After defeating Athens, Sparta was already the overlord of all Greek city-states, and the Greeks did not say anything about it, at least in awe. The former Spartan Clearkus was a deserter and was sentenced to death by the Spartan government, but the upcoming one is a genuine Spartan warrior, and he also brought seven hundred Spartans with the same genuine price. warrior.

About to see the ancient Spartan warriors who swept the world in their previous lives, Davos eagerly anticipated and thought maliciously: Will they wear red pants

While waiting for Kerethorpes, the temporary leaders of these barracks were not idle. They invited the officers of the barracks to the squadron commander level to participate in the discussion. There were nearly two hundred in total. , there was simply no room for so many people in the tent, so they sat down in a large circle in the clearing of Clearkus' camp.

Early in the morning, Kerisopes went to a nearby village to prepare provisions for his soldiers. The village was located south of the Greek mercenary camp, so it was not intercepted by the Persian cavalry. When the messenger found him, he was hurrying back, and he had already understood what happened along the way. When he came to the venue, everyone consciously gave him a spacious space. He did not hesitate to sit directly on the mud floor like everyone else, and began to look around the crowd: I really didn't see those major mercenary leaders... Clearkus's life or death is unknown, and he is a little sad. Clearchus and he were comrades-in-arms. In the war with Athens, they made a lot of military exploits. They were a member of Sparta, but because they couldn't adapt to peace and refused to obey Sparta's orders, they were sentenced to death and fled. . Kerethorpes turned a blind eye to him when he saw him in the army of Little Cyrus, and did not send his men to arrest him. One was that he did not want to destroy the cooperation with Little Cyrus; the other was that he was in love with this friendship...

His eyes slowly swept across the faces, and stopped when he landed on a person: this was a very young face, among the group of officers whose average age was mostly over 30 years old, this young man He should be no more than twenty years old, and he is very conspicuous because he is sitting at the front of the line. What's even more strange is that several people around him still respect the young man's attitude. He stared at him with piercing eyes, and smiled and nodded to himself... Kerethorpes was a little confused, and asked his adjutant in a low voice, the adjutant. After asking other people, they came to tell him.

The "Blessed Ones" of the Menon Barracks? Repeatedly issued "oracles", have all been fulfilled? Kerethorpes frowned: The management of the mercenaries is really chaotic, and a young man with a childish face occupies a high position!

Although the Spartans claimed to be the descendants of Hercules, the goddess of Hercules, they actually did not respect the gods very much, and they believed in their own power. Conservatives do not believe in the saying that young people are promising, otherwise there would not be a rule that "Spartans can leave the collective life, become independent, get married and hold important positions after the age of 30...". So Kerethorpes' first impression of Davos wasn't a good one.

In Davos's eyes, there is a big gap between Kerethorpes and the image of the imagined Spartan warrior: he is not tall, and his appearance is ordinary. If there are no scars on his face and sharp eyes to remind others With his warrior status, Davos may think that he is just an ordinary old Greek farmer.

After the surroundings were quieter, Kerisopes began to speak: "I already know what happened, what advice do you have?"

For a while, there were a lot of people whispering, but no one stood up to speak. After all, expressing an opinion in the face of more than 200 generals with rich combat experience requires not only courage, but also certain speaking skills and insight, which is not an easy task for poor Greek mercenaries.

Davos didn't speak out, not because of fear, but because of his previous contacts with the officers in charge of the various military battalions, he found that he was young and just an ordinary soldier among this group of people, and his too public behavior was too easy to offend. So he decided to wait and see.

Finally, Xenophon stood up: "Commanders, the Persians broke their promise, killed or imprisoned our leaders and soldiers, and wanted us all to surrender our weapons. Now, our war with the Persians is inevitable! You have all seen that when the soldiers in the camp heard the news, most of them were confused, fearful, and even crying! If this situation does not change quickly, once the Persians come to attack and need them to fight, they will If we don't have the courage to swing the stab at the enemy, we are in danger of being wiped out!

Ladies and gentlemen, you are the officers of various military camps. Usually, your salary and status are higher than ordinary soldiers, and your abilities are also stronger than theirs. Now in the face of danger, the soldiers are pinning their hopes on you. You must show great courage and the determination to fight the Persians to the death to stabilize the emotions of the soldiers and inspire their confidence!

At the same time, we must immediately elect people with outstanding abilities to serve as new generals in the military camps, to replace Clearchus and them, manage and restrain the soldiers of the military camps, formulate a good plan, command the entire army to defeat the Persians, and lead us to return to Greece smoothly. ! With the protection of Zeus, we will definitely be able to get out of Persia! ! …”

Xenophon's words aroused great repercussions in the crowd, and some even applauded. Xenophon looked a little contentedly at Tima Song, who had an indifferent expression, and immediately moved away.

In fact, the Greek mercenaries who are in trouble at the moment have only this option. Kerisopes stood up immediately, and said in a decisive and firm tone: "Everyone, we have no time to delay, just as Xenophon said, please return to your respective military camps immediately, elect your new leaders, and then let them Come here for a military meeting and discuss a plan."

He looked around the crowd and continued to say loudly: "In the afternoon, we are still here, we will hold another general meeting of the entire army!" After speaking, he turned and left before the officers could react.

Sure enough! Davos squeezed his fists and followed Antonios to stand up.

The officers rushed to their barracks.