Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 30: First in power


"In order to reunite the brothers in our military camp, we must first understand the current situation of the military camp. Therefore, please introduce the personnel and materials under your command." Davers looked around the crowd and said.

There was a little silence in the tent, Antonios was the first to speak, then Kapus, then Alexis... The situation in the baggage camp was the most complicated, and Mersis was the most verbose, Davos had to remind him Be as brief as possible.

Davers listened and took notes. After listening to everyone's introductions carefully, he had a general understanding of the overall situation of Menon's barracks, and after a little tidying up, he said, "According to your reports, our barracks has ten heavy infantry squadrons, a total of 1,099. Fourteen. Four squadrons of light infantry, a total of 487. A total of 1,581 soldiers, fully armed and armored, in good physical condition, without injury.

The medical camp had three doctors, six female slaves, and two camels, but apart from Helps, who was proficient in trauma treatment, the other two doctors could not independently treat wounded soldiers.

There are fifty guards and two hundred and seventy-three slaves in the transport camp, including one hundred and ninety-eight female slaves and seventy-five male slaves. It has 29 pack horses, 18 pack cows, 56 sheep, 37 chickens and ducks, and 580 bags of wheat flour. There was one silver Taranto, thirty mina, and five drachmas left over to buy provisions, and that was all we had. Davos put down the papyrus scroll he recorded in his hand and said to everyone, "Do you think there is anything missing?" "

The team officials were a little surprised. You must know that most of the mercenaries, including these team officers, are uneducated, let alone do number calculations and generalizations alone.

Mersis clapped his hands, "Crack! Slap! Slap!" "Davers, you are so amazing! Such a fast arithmetic ability! Much better than me!"

Antonios next to him remembered that Davos was illiterate. He glanced at the papyrus scroll quietly and found that it was full of strange symbols and fonts.

The team officers glanced at each other, and added a little more recognition to Davos' ability in their hearts.

"Since there is no objection. Then wait a moment, Felixius and I are going to participate in the military meeting of the mercenary leaders. The squadron leaders, please go back and notify the soldiers under them to check their weapons and equipment and prepare for battle. In the afternoon, leave the first The tenth-level infantry squadron is stationed at the barracks, and the other squadrons line up in order to enter the venue for the general meeting. Because there are many people, you must maintain good order to prevent riots." Davos finished, and looked at Helps again. , asked: "How is the situation in the medical camp? The battle is about to start, and the number of wounded soldiers will definitely increase. You must have a plan. Clean linen bandages need more preparation, and there are at least one more support staff than now. Times are enough…”

Helps occasionally ask Davos for some medical questions, such as: Why do you use fire to grill debridement knives? Why use a cloth dipped in cold water on the forehead of a person with a fever? ... Davers' answers are always peculiar and thought-provoking, so Helpers regards Davers as a teacher, and his attitude is always respectful: "Please rest assured, I will do my best to prepare when I go back. What difficulties, I will definitely come to you for help!"

"You are our Ascledios (the god of medicine in ancient Greek mythology, the son of Apollo), of course we have to do our best to help! If there are medical problems, I can discuss with you; lack of labor, captains It can be provided; if you lack something, you can find Mersis." Davos laughed.

Everyone also expressed their willingness to help the medical camp.

Mersis took the initiative to report to Davos: "Leader, I have let the slaves slaughter some sheep this morning and make a lot of bacon sausages. After I go back in a while, I will put the remaining sheep, chickens and ducks, and excess What do you think?”

"Mercis, you are our big housekeeper! You are responsible for the food, and we are all at ease, right?!" Davos said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"Yes! Mersis managed the cargo camp very well!" Antonios responded.

"It's just that the cost of ** is more expensive!" Epithenes shouted jokingly.

"Even if I give you one for free, you won't be in a hurry! You're only interested in boys!" Mersis immediately countered.

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere in the tent was much more relaxed.

"Felixius, do you have anything to add?" Davos finally asked his adjutant.

Facing the leader who was much younger than himself, Felixius was a little unnatural. He coughed dryly, and then said: "I have two questions, which I hope will attract the attention of the leader. First, since we are about to go to war with Persia, Has the next marching route changed? If so, what should we do? The second is... um... Our battalion has been serving as the rear guard of the entire army before, and now the battle is about to begin. If we act as the rear guard, our battalion will suffer too much! "

"Felixius is right, we can't be defenders anymore!"

"Please rest assured, I will raise it at the military meeting of the chiefs, and I will fight for it! As for the issue of the marching route, I think it will be decided at the meeting of the chiefs soon, because this is the most important issue! "Davers' confident words made the team officials suspicious.

… … … … …

At the end of the meeting, just after the big tent was released, the first squadron captain of the Light Shield Soldier, Epithenis, couldn't help but exclaim: "I can't believe this young man is the first time leader!"

"Don't look at his young age, the arrangement of things is not only meticulous, but also very organized, and he is still very dignified. None of us, who are also considered experienced veterans, have stood up to contradict and refute him!" Another Light Shield Squadron Captain Tspit said with admiration.

"I think this young man is not bad! At least the atmosphere of the meeting is very good, unlike Mellon, that is a poisonous snake, which meeting does not train everyone!" Heavy infantry captain Lacey Marcus said with a smile.

"If this little guy has such a wonderful performance on the battlefield, he is qualified as a leader!" Another heavy infantry squadron captain Amintas reminded everyone.

"Don't worry, although this new leader is young, he is a smart man. With Felixius by his side, there will be no major problems." Alexis, the captain of the heavy infantry squadron, comforted him.

"We have us in the war, so what are you afraid of! Davos only needs to play the role of his God's favor, and we can reduce casualties and go home safely!" Tspit said loudly, and everyone claimed it was.

Capps, who followed behind, said with relief to Antonios: "It seems that Davers has initially won everyone's approval."

Antonios was still immersed in what he saw at the meeting, and murmured: "He still needs to prove himself in battle, but I have confidence in him! He will be a great mercenary leader!"

… … … … …

Davos stood at the door and watched everyone leave calmly. At this moment, he is not thinking about the effect of his debut as a leader, but is thinking about the management of the army.

The military system of the Greek mercenaries is roughly the same as that of the Greek city-states: the lowest-ranking officer is the squad leader, with ten people under his command; the top is the squadron leader, with one hundred to one hundred and twenty people; There are about 50 people under the jurisdiction; further up is the captain, with about 1,000 people under the jurisdiction; further up is the general, and the number of soldiers under the general is determined according to the number of troops the city-state can send. Logically, Davos' rank at this time should be regarded as a captain, but a mercenary can have thousands of soldiers, even if it is a large mercenary group, because it can undertake combat tasks independently, so it can barely be regarded as a general.

Davers graduated from the University of Political Science and Law in his previous life, but he has studied management. He knows that the most effective number of people under direct management by a leader is seven, and now there are fourteen squadron leaders participating in a military conference. Wouldn't it take a lot of time for a soldier to send an order and move slowly? If these squadrons can be re-integrated... Davos knows that he can only think about it now. After all, he has just become the leader and rashly reforms the military system, which may arouse the disgust of the team officers. He suppressed the thought, turned to Mersis, who was still in the tent, and said, "They are all gone. If you have anything to do, just tell me?"