Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 39: The Assault of Artauzus


"Go! Let's go!!" Hiros pulled him back and ran back, and when he took the lead, the soldiers immediately retreated.

The Persian cavalry, holding their bows, rushed over again, some of them lifted Mithradat's body, and the rest chased after the Greek soldiers. This time, they behaved well, split into two groups, and detoured to both sides of Davos.

"Watch out for bows and arrows!" Hiros shouted, waving the soldiers to disperse.

Davers, who was inexperienced in the middle of the team, hesitated for a while, and was thrown from behind, and then there was a groan.

"Olivers!" Davos recognized from his face distorted by pain, but he didn't have time to think about it, and the nearby Mattonis and Geogris quickly dragged them, going around the curve and moving forward. sprint.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!..." More than a dozen arrows flew at once again, and two screams sounded in succession.

At this time, the corresponding team had arrived, and the light infantry column running in front threw javelins at the Persian cavalry, then held up their leather shields and continued to charge forward. The heavy infantry who came later erected their shields and formed a shield wall to block the arrows that were shot.

The Persian cavalry of only twenty people did not dare to fight, and quickly fled with Mithradat's body.

Davos only had the opportunity to check Olivers' injury.

Olivers saw Davos coming and broke away from Geogris' support.

"Leader... I... I—" Before he could finish speaking, Davos gave him a strong hug: "Good brother, thank you!!"

Hearing this, Olivers's gloomy face showed a smile recently, the whole person relaxed, and then pain hit: "Ouch!" He called out.

Davos thought he had touched his wound and hurriedly let go.

"Hey, Olivers, fortunately you were shot in the buttocks. If you were shot in the front, I don't know what the screaming would be like!" Matonis mocked.

"Damn Matonis, you're the only one who is brave, next time you get an arrow!" Olivers retorted, touching the arrow on his butt with one hand.

The noise returned to the Hiros team.

In addition to Olivers this time, one soldier was shot in the thigh and another was shot in the back, but because of the thick breastplate, he was only injured in the flesh.

"Giogris, you sent Olivers and the others to Helps, please be sure to treat him well!" Davos finished, patted Olivers on the shoulder: "Receive treatment well, come back and fight with us as soon as possible. !"

"Yes, Chief!" Olivers answered loudly.

"Excellent raid! I didn't expect you to succeed, we were all worried about you just now!"

"Yeah, you killed Mithradat, and it was a part of the revenge for Menon and the others. The entire mercenary army should thank you!"

"Tima Song and the others said we were crazy and randomly elected leaders. Let's see what they say this time?"

Felixius and several squadron captains like Antonios and Capps came together and congratulated Davos, while Amyntas directly gave him a military salute.

The clever Asisters brought the horses and let Davos mount them.

The soldiers consciously gave up a passage, shouted victory, and welcomed him back to the formation...

… … … …

"What did you say?! Davos killed Mithradat?!" After listening to the messenger's words, Timasson had an unbelievable expression: "This is the time of war, and spreading news will be punished. !"

… … … …

"Davos killed Mithradat!" Xenophon exclaimed: "He came up with a bold plan, and it was a success!"

"Great!" Hieronymus let out a sigh of relief, and said bitterly: "I see who else wants to escape this time! The Persians died Mithradat, and they will definitely vent their anger on those deserters!"

… … … …

Kerisopes listened carefully to Thormid's story. Although he didn't like the young man very much, he had to admit that he did a pretty good job this time, and it could even be said that he saved the entire army. Because he knew very well that mercenaries with lax military discipline and lax management were not afraid of enemy attacks. The more violent the enemy's attack, the more united the mercenaries would be. On the contrary, Mithradat's method, over time, will disintegrate the fighting spirit of the soldiers and cause the entire team to collapse.

Thinking of this, with a smile on his face, he said loudly to Thormid: "Please go to the leader of Davos for me and thank him for his hard work for the whole army! And remind him that the enemy's attack may be imminent soon. will come."

… … … …

"What?! Mithradat is dead?!" Arreus couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes, General, his body is outside the tent!" said the guard.

Arreus hurried out of the tent, followed by Artauzus and one of the henchmen sent by Tisafonis.

Mithradat's body has been simply disposed of, but it is still horrible to see. There are four or five wounds on his body, and a blood hole the size of a fist in his neck, which is still oozing blood.

Arreus bent down and was about to examine it carefully when Artauzus couldn't help shouting at the Persian cavalry who had fled back, "Who did it?! Who did it?!"

"It's... Menon's soldiers, they..." The Persian cavalry stammered to describe the entire process.

"A bunch of idiots! They were actually defeated by Menon's rubbish men! You didn't protect Mithradat well. Each of you was subjected to 30 lashes of martial law, and then he was punished as a servant in the baggage battalion." Artauzus roared angrily. .

"General spare your life! General spare your life!!" The Persian cavalry all kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Although it was a pity for these Greek-speaking cavalry, Arreus had no intention of changing to stop Artauzus. He instructed the guards to escort the cavalry down, and then said: "Bring some Greeks who have escaped, and I will ask in detail."

"What else! Kill them all! Then lead the army to attack the Greek barbarians!" Artauzus cried impatiently.

"After Clearkus and the others were captured by us, the mercenaries must have elected a new leader. We must first understand who they are before we can take the next step." Arreus persuaded patiently.

"I want to ask you, I'll go to avenge Mithradat first!" Artauzus left angrily.

Arreus shrugged helplessly at Tisafonis' cronies. In name, he was the commander of the army after the death of Cyrus, but in fact Mithradate and Artauzus each held an army, and the two were good friends, and they fought against Arreus in secret. , so that Arreus was always hampered. Now that Mithradat was killed in battle, Arreus was actually secretly happy. Compared with the smooth Mithradat, the impulsive Artauzus was much easier to deal with...

… … … …

Although Artauzus acted impulsive, he was not confused when fighting. He knew that the Persian infantry could not fight against the Greek heavy infantry, so he only selected two hundred cavalry archers and two hundred archers, and hurriedly led them to chase in the direction of the Greek army's march.

Since Artauzus' army was either light cavalry or archers, it was highly mobile. In the afternoon, the huge queue of Greeks entered his field of vision.

"Order the troops, spread out in a wild goose shape, and force them up quickly!" Artauzus gave the order excitedly with bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

The Persian army was facing the rear guard of Crianno. They had long expected the arrival of the Persians. They saw not many enemies. They thought they were ready to shout like last time, so although they were on guard, they did not. Take it too seriously.

But I saw the Persians quickly approaching while unfolding quickly, and they were less than 100 meters away in the blink of an eye.

Kian Norton felt bad and shouted anxiously: "Prepare for defense!"

As soon as the words fell, the Persian arrows had already struck, and most of them fell on the soldiers' round shields like raindrops. Due to the close formation of the Greek soldiers and the close proximity of the light and heavy infantry, some people were immediately wounded, mainly light infantry.

"Disperse the formation and rush up the heavy infantry!" Crianno anxiously conveyed the order.

The arrow struck again, and someone else fell down screaming. At this time, the team was a little chaotic, especially the baggage battalion behind him. The guards and servants hurriedly pulled the neighing cattle and horses to the north side, staying away from the rear guard to avoid harming Chiyu.

Three heavy infantry squadrons held round shields and rushed over against the rain of arrows.

The Persians immediately retreated.