Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 58: Turii


Davos looked intently, and saw a middle-aged man walk outside the tent. He was of medium build and had a kind and amiable face.

The middle-aged man was also looking at Davos. Although he had heard some rumors about the mercenary leader before, he was still surprised by his youth. However, Davos at this time was a little different from the one he was in the battle of Kentrit River six months ago. Not only did he have an extra stubble on his chin and a scar on his face, but also the hardships and bloodshed along the way. The fighting made him more vicissitudes and murderous, and his eyes were sharper and more pressing.

"Bulcos, a citizen of Turii, greets Chief Davos!" The middle-aged man stepped forward and saluted Davos.

"Turiyi?" Davos was a little stunned. He was not a history major in his previous life, and he knew nothing about the terminology of this city-state, and the uneducated residual memory of this body couldn't help at all.

At this time, Cristoia saw his confusion and explained softly: "Turii City is located in the west of Taranto Bay in Greater Greece. It is the youngest Greek colonial city in southern Italy. Subaris After being destroyed twice by Crotone, the Sybaris, who had lost their homeland, turned to Athens for help, and it was Pericles who was the chief general of Athens at the time. He responded to the Sybaris' request and decided to A new pan-Hellenic city-state was built on the former site of Sybaris, so he issued a call to all the city-states in Greece, including Miletus, where people immigrated to the place, and this is the origin of Turii…”

"Madam, what you said is absolutely correct, I salute your profound knowledge!" Although Burkes was surprised at the presence of women at important forums, he still behaved politely.

"Sybaris... Sybaris..." Davos felt that this term was a little familiar, and after repeating a few words, he suddenly remembered: "Oh, isn't the civic life there very luxurious, and even war horses are used to train dancing , that Sybaris who was defeated by Crotone with music?!"

"Yes." Burkes looked at Davos' excited appearance, and couldn't help but wonder if his ability was really as magical as rumored.

The reason why Davos remembers this story is because the history of their downfall caused by the extravagant life of the Hyperes has become a fable in the West in the past life, and this story is also related to the famous ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras. Italy! ... Davers pondered for a while, and suddenly became interested: "What's your business with me?"

Burkes became nervous. At first, he was full of confidence, but the refusal of several leaders made him a little worried about gains and losses. Davos was his last hope: "Turii is being invaded by the indigenous people, so I think Hire you and your soldiers to help us and fight off these natives."

Davos and Cristoia looked at each other.

Burkes continued: "Of course, we will pay you handsomely!"

"How much can you pay?" Davos leaned forward and asked with interest.

Burkes felt hopeful, and immediately cheered up: "One soldier, one Dalic gold coin a month!"

Davos said something, but sat back instead.

"Oh, I remembered it wrong, it should be one and a half... Ah, no! No! It should be two, two Dalic gold coins!..." Burkes saw that Davos was always expressionless, and his words trembled.

"What's wrong with Turiyi that makes you so anxious?!" Davos suddenly smiled.

When Burkes heard it, it was bad. He underestimated this young man, and at the same time he was anxious about whether the hire would be successful, so he revealed his tricks under the calm temptation of this young man.

"Burks, if you want me to cooperate with Turui, you'd better tell me the truth!" Davos's words revealed a tone that could not be refused.

But Burkos heard a little hope, so he adjusted his mood and said solemnly: "The native Lucanians in Italy have invaded the territory of Turii, and after discussion at the Turii Citizens' Assembly, they unanimously decided to send troops to repel Lu. Carlians. So we sent ten thousand heavy infantry and a thousand cavalry, and we were defeated... The ruthless Lucanians slaughtered our soldiers and cut their bodies into pieces, It was piled up outside the city... The citizens who ran back to the city were less than 300 people... When I set out, the natives had not yet attacked the city, but they had already occupied the city of Amendolara, north of Turii, which gave Turii Citizens of , caused quite a panic... Now their hopes are on me! So... so..." As he spoke, Burkes burst into tears.

Davos, who has seen too many tragedies in the past year, is already hard-hearted. He is ignorant of Burkes's sadness, but asks in surprise: "So many soldiers are Turii. citizens?"

"Yes, Turii is one of the most prosperous city-states in Greater Greece!" Bulcos wiped away his tears and said with a little pride.

"The strength of 11,000 people has also failed. Are the Lucarians very strong?" Davos continued to ask curiously.

"No, in fact, there seem to be only 8,000 Lucarians." Burkes was afraid that Davos would be frightened, so he had to say: "It's just... It's just the interior of Turii... um... um... mainly because there is no good Commander, being too aggressive, fell into an ambush..."

"Oh, that's right." Davers rubbed the stubble on his chin and asked, "Why don't you ask other city-states for help?"

"Our southern Italian city-states have a defensive alliance, but for some unknown reason, the natives have begun to invade the territories of the city-states, Tarantum, Lokri... and Crotone have no extra power. Support us while Syracuse faces a Carthaginian attack... I have also asked the Spartans for help, but Sparta seems to be at odds with Persia, refusing my request, but agreeing to do it for me Hiring soldiers in Greece to provide convenience..." Burkos said helplessly.

"Now there is no shortage of troops in Greece, why are you looking for us?" Davos asked again.

Burkes immediately said with a compliment: "I had already recruited some soldiers in Ephesus, but I heard about you! I want to be able to retreat safely in the Persian hinterland. Your bravery and strength have been the most powerful. Prove that if you can hire experienced combat veterans, then there will be no problem in repulsing the Lucarians! So when I heard the merchant ship moored in Ephesus talking about seeing you in Chrysopolis, I rushed over immediately, but I didn't expect you to be in Byzantium again."

Bulcos' compliment did not affect Davos' thinking. He nodded and continued to ask: "Are the Lucalia strong? What types of arms do they have? How are their equipment? What are their combat characteristics? of?… "

Question after question smashed into Burkes' brain like nails. Burkes was able to deal with it easily at first, but it became very difficult later, because Davos had already asked some complicated questions: For example, how big was Lucania's territory? How many cities are there? What do you mainly live on? How is the political system? How is the external communication? …

Burkes tried his best to answer Davos's question, and at the same time was surprised that a mercenary leader could ask such a profound question. After feeling that Davos was different, his confidence also increased, because he could only think about it. Those who want to go will want to go to the detailed understanding of the situation.

"I have a general understanding of the situation." After Davos finished speaking, Burkes sighed: This is several times more difficult than answering citizens' questions at a citizens' assembly!

"I think Timasson, Zantiparis, and Crianno all rejected you, didn't they?" Davos said.

Burkes looked at him in surprise again.

"My barracks are at the back, and you have to pass them before you can get to me. As far as I know, Timasson wants to go back to Eoria, his homeland. Zantiparis and Crianno are being A high-paying invitation from Cetus, a tribal chief of Thrace, to serve him. And Xenophon is now with Anaxis, and I am your only chance, am I not?"

Davos's shrewdness has made Burkes no longer want to hide anything, he said calmly: "Yes, Chief Davos, you are my only chance! So do you refuse or agree?"