Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 60: oracle


Davos' chief tent could not accommodate more than forty people, so he asked Guard Captain Martius to lead 30 members (the number of the escort team was also expanded), and encircled an open space in front of the tent, so that no Strangers come in to snoop and light torches all around...

Davos' eyes swept across everyone's faces:

Captain of the 1st Heavy Infantry Company - Caps, the steadfast

Captain of the Second Infantry Company - Antonios who is good at identifying and capturing fighter planes

Captain of the 3rd Infantry Company - Brave Amintas

Captain of the Fourth Infantry Company - Alexis who is good at thinking and planning

Captain of the 5th Infantry Company - His loyal confidant Hiros

Captain of the 1st Light Shield Company - Epithenis with great tactical ability

Captain of the 2nd Light Shield Company - Tspit, who worships Davos for his devotion to the gods

As well as the baggage officer Mersis, the medical officer Helps, the herald Asisters, the cavalry captain Ryders (although his horses are few, Davos still retains this establishment and soldiers, after all They already have a lot of experience in cavalry combat). There are also twenty-eight squad leaders, all of whom are experienced and talented team officers. Plus 1,400 veterans who had been fighting for more than a year. This is his entire team based on this world!

Tonight, he had to convince them that after a long year of battle, he would continue to follow him to a foreign land thousands of miles away, for which he was not very confident. Thinking of this, he coughed lightly and said: "Brothers, the farce you played in Byzantium today was a good one! Kleinde immediately expressed sympathy for our situation and was willing to provide us with some food, It's all your credit!"

The crowd laughed.

Olivers even said loudly: "Chief, this is not a farce, but a comedy. You didn't see those Byzantines faint with fright!"

Everyone laughed again, only Matonis had a ghost in his heart, so he had to lower his head and snicker.

"Yeah, comedy." Davers sighed and said, "but how long can this comedy last? We're stuck here, and we can't go anywhere and don't dare to go anywhere. According to reliable sources, Spar Da is ready to fight Persia, and the Spartan general Tiburon has come to Ephesus to recruit soldiers. How can he let go of our veterans who have fought against Persia! It won't be long before we fight again In Persian soil!"

"Is it true? I'm tired of fighting the Persians and I don't want to go back!"

"How could this be?! I'm ready to buy a piece of land in Crete and find a wife..."

Immediately everyone was in a commotion, and there were very uneasy discussions...

Davos did not answer them, but shook out another shocking news: "Also, the kind-hearted Kryander is about to step down, and he will be replaced by Aristakas of Sparta!"

Someone said "ah".

Davos glanced in that direction and said coldly: "Some of you know him, some of you don't. I tell you, this Spartan was famous in the previous war with Athens! Not because he fought bravely, Instead—" Davos looked solemn, and said in a serious tone, "He sold the defeated Greeks twice as slaves!!"

These words were like pouring a can of cold water into a boiling oil pan, and everyone immediately exploded.

"Is he going to sell us?!"

"If he dares to do this, I will fight him!"

"We are free people, not enemies of Sparta! There is no reason for them to do this, and it is against Greek tradition!"

"Sparta has always been arrogant and domineering, and now it is the overlord of Greece, and it is not up to it to do anything!"

Davos looked at the panicked people, his voice was full of emotion, he said: "We are free Greeks, we live hard to survive. However, in the eyes of the Spartans and the citizens of the city-state, we are They are landless pariahs, thieves and robbers who threaten the stability of the city-state! Therefore, Anaxis can deceive us at will (referring to the Spartan admiral in order to deceive them to Byzantium, saying that he would send them a Salary, as soon as it arrives, the contract is broken)! Kryander can also deceive us at will, deceive us out of the city, close the city gate, give no food, and face the large number of Thracians! Sparta is so powerful , do we dare to resist?! Either we will be sold into slavery, we will not have enough food and clothing, until one day we will die of exhaustion on farms and mines, and then be thrown into the wilderness; Died in some unknown wilderness; of course, it is also possible to be lucky enough to return home safely, but so what?! As a landless free man, he is a foreigner in any city-state and cannot enjoy any The rights of the city-state, and will be cast aside until they die in obscurity..."

Everyone listened quietly, so quiet that someone could be heard sobbing...

At this time, Davos was also full of tears: "Is this the result we want after fighting bloody in Persia for a year and struggling to return to our hometown! Are we not given the right to a stable and happy life? Is there no place in this world for us poor free people to live peacefully!!!”

Davos' roar and questioning from the heart woke up every team officer present. They clenched their fists, clenched their teeth, and their eyes were angry and painful...

Shiros stood up, stretched out his hands tremblingly, and said, "Leader Davos! Our commander! Hades' favored one! Please tell us, what should we do?! What should we do to get out of our predicament? !!"

"Yes, Chief Davos, we need your oracle!!" Hiros' words reminded many people, Capps, Antonios, and the others excitedly pleaded with Davos.

When everyone's eyes were focused on Davos' face, his expression became extremely solemn: "Last night... a man entered my dream, and the golden light radiated from his body made me unable to see his appearance... He Pull me out of bed, through the window, and fly into the air... I look down in fear, the Mediterranean Sea is like a picture clearly in front of me... The Peloponnese is like a hammer deep into the sea , and next to it in the west, Italy, like a leather boot... Further west, I saw the Pillar of Hercules like a gate separating the Mediterranean from the ocean... Egypt's Mediterranean coast was like a long The long green carpet stretches all the way to Africa…”

Davos' dreamlike narration attracted everyone. They compared their geographical cognition and found that the Mediterranean Sea looked like this, which made them believe in Davos's words.

"At this time, the person who radiated golden light said something to me?"

"What did he say?" everyone asked.

"He said, 'Davers, the mission of you and your soldiers is in the west of the Mediterranean!', and after that, he pushed me down from the air, and then I woke up." Davos said with lingering fears, Trance still in a dream.

"West of the Mediterranean, where is that?"

"In Sicily?"

"It could be Italy."

"Iberia is also possible."

"Why not Nubia."

"Who is that golden man, Hades?"

"How could Hades have golden light? It should be Athena!"

Just when everyone was speculating, Davos sighed secretly. Since he became the leader, he has deliberately avoided his identity as a "God's Favored One", but has won the trust of his subordinates through his own abilities. But this time the stakes were so great that he had to resort to the Greek gods again, and he deliberately made the oracle vague, that it was

Because oracles are inherently ambiguous. For example: in the past, there was a Lydian kingdom in Asia Minor, and it wanted to go to war with Persia. It went to Delphi and spent a lot of money to seek the oracle of Apollo. The oracle said: A great kingdom will be wiped out. The Lydians happily went back to fight, but the Lydian kingdom was destroyed. The explanation of the priests of Apollo is: In Asia Minor, the kingdom of Lydia is also a great country.

Note: thurii
