Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 78: Davos Barracks


"That's because there's only one small pier here!" Burkes' chest heaved sharply with anger. He had noticed it just now, and after walking through the market, he finally understood: the reason why the variety of transactions here is so complete is not the needs of the mercenaries, but the needs of the merchants and the surrounding residents. No matter how wide the Krati River is, it is not as wide as the sea after all. When there are too many merchant ships, it will take time to enter the port of Turii, and after entering the market, the transaction will be taxed. Well now, the mercenaries have built a market directly near the coast. As soon as the ship arrives at the pier on the coast, they can unload the goods. To enter the market, you only need one opal (there is no), and there is no need to pay taxes. As for buyers, Turii is not far from here, a large number of sailors, fishermen...etc, they are mainly free people, not Turii citizens, willing to walk a few steps more and buy cheaper items than in Turii market (because There is no tax, so it is cheap), not to mention the merchants of various city-states who are attracted by the exoticism of the mercenaries selling objects.

Seeing Marigi bowing his head and looking like he was willing to be criticized, Burkes was angry, but he didn't want to say any more: "Forget it, I'll tell Davos about this! You can't be the master either, You are nothing but a Persian slave."

Hearing this, Mariji trembled and almost yelled: You are the Persian slave! Your whole family are Persian slaves! Do you have any eyesight, you Greek barbarian! I was a royal merchant of the Persian royal family!!

Fortunately, he finally held back, but didn't want to talk any more, and fell behind Burkes and the others.

When approaching the west gate of the market, Burkes found that a half-person-high earth wall was used to separate an area, and there was a large wooden shack. Compared with the noisy stalls in front, it was quieter, but the entrance was not Long queues...

"This is..." Burkes asked suspiciously.

Although Marigi was slandered, he had to explain for the need of publicity: "This is a clinic. The doctors in our barracks have been studying with Chief Davos for a long time, and their medical skills are superb. Many people who have been sick for a long time pass through their The treatment has improved, so it's very popular now. Often it's dusk, the market is closing, and the patients won't leave."

"It's so powerful?!" Burkes was a little surprised, and Moraes whispered in his ear: "Master, the old lady's illness can come here to see, maybe they really have a way to cure it."

Burkes looked at the "long dragon" lined up in front of the shack, nodded, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "You said that these doctors learned medicine from Davos? Davos still sees doctors?!"

"Of course! The leader is favored by Hades, and of course he will understand the mystery of the disease that can bring death." Mariji said proudly.

Burkes was noncommittal. After leaving the market and saying goodbye to Marigi, Moraes asked, "Master, are there really people in this world who are good at commanding battles, doing business, and taking care of their illnesses?"

"Isn't that Davos? He is still Hades' favored one." Burkes said indifferently.

A few hundred meters further west, the camp where Davos is located comes into view. It is more accurate to say that it is a camp than a camp: a trench three meters wide and three meters deep, and a three-meter-high earthen bastion. A two-meter-high wooden fence serves as protection. Sentinels can be seen patrolling behind the wooden wall, so it can be judged that there is a walkway on the wooden wall. There are several sentry towers inside the wall, which are six meters high and can overlook the trenches and the dead ends under the wooden walls. The exit in the middle of the wooden wall is equipped with a wooden door, and there is a rudimentary watchtower above it...

Burkes and Moras carefully walked along the straight road in front of the camp gate, because there were several big wooden signs on the roadside warning: "There are traps, please take the avenue!"

While observing the metallic luster that was vaguely reflected in the half-person-high grass on the side of the road, Moraes guessed what traps might be, and sighed: "Master, our Turiyi defense facilities don't seem to be as complicated as here. "

Burkes looked a little gloomy. He had been worried about a question: what would the Crotone people think when the mercenaries built this place like a city

The guard at the camp gate asked the two of them about their intentions, and immediately sent someone in to report.

After a while, Asisters came out and led the two in.

The waste grass and waste rocks in the camp have been cleaned up, and the ground is flat and clean. Behind the wooden wall, a wooden walkway has been laid, so that the wooden wall beyond the walkway can just block the soldier's chest. There are several wide wooden walkways. A ladder can go up the walkway. The tents were also set up in an orderly manner. There was a wide open space between the tents and the wooden walls. There was a wide passage between four or five tents.

Seeing the doubts in Burkos' heart, Asisters explained: "It is usually the accommodation of the baggage battalion and the medical battalion, as well as the headquarters of the leaders and team officers. During the battle, once the perimeter is breached by the enemy, we can retreat to the inside. , continue to defend."

"This is the most complicated and thoughtful military camp I've ever seen!" Even if he had some opinions on mercenaries, Burkes couldn't help sighing at this moment.

Asisters smiled complacently and said: "Leader Davos said that this is the most basic camp construction, and we don't have any more complicated ones. He said, 'There is never a war that is only victorious and undefeated. A sturdy camp can provide protection for soldiers in the event of failure, reduce casualties, and restore morale. So no matter how hard it is, you must be patient and careful to build it well, sweat more in peacetime, and bleed less in wartime...'"

"The more you sweat in peacetime, the less blood you bleed in wartime..." Burkes whispered these two sentences, and he suddenly realized that he was about to meet a mercenary leader with rich experience in war, Turii's The generals made plans in advance without consulting Davos and the others, and asked him to follow them. Is this appropriate

At this time, Moras asked suspiciously, "Why? Only a few soldiers were seen in the camp?"

"The brothers are all in the back for a 'tug of war'."

"Tug of war?" Both of them were curious when they heard this unfamiliar word.

In fact, there was a huge shout coming from the front, and Asisters simply took them both, bypassing the central circular wooden fence, and walked forward into a wide field, where there were densely packed people. Thousands of soldiers formed five or six large circles. All the soldiers were flushed and excited, and they clenched their fists and shouted toward the circle.

"Come on, First Company Second Team!"

"Come on, the fourth team of the fifth company!"

"Come on! Come on! Work harder!"

"Oh, win!!"

Such a lively and exciting scene, Burkes has only seen it in the sports meeting, and now he has not seen the real scene, just listening to the shouting, his blood is boiling.

Asisters saw the thoughts of the two of them, and squeezed into a circle to let them go in and watch, while he went to call the leader first.

On the ground in the center of the circle was a rope that was 40 meters long. It should have been made up of several boat cables mixed together, the thickness of a fist.

At this time, a person in the central open space shouted: "In the next round, the third team of the second company vs. the first team of the seventh company, please enter the arena!"

Soon, more than a hundred strong men walked into the circle. After confirming the number and names, the man said, "Please prepare."

So, both sides picked up the rope.

Only then did Burkes discover that there was a red rope tied to the center of the rope, with a heavy object hanging on the end of the rope, pointing directly to a white line on the ground, and there were also white lines on both sides of the white line.

The man whom Burkos thought resembled a sports referee shouted: "The game is on!"

Hundreds of strong men on both sides tried their best to pull the rope to their side. The surrounding cheers and cheers also sounded like a tsunami...

Just look at the red rope for a while to the left, and then to the right for a while, constantly swinging back and forth... After a period of stalemate, it moved to the left in a big way... The cheering sound also reached its peak.

Finally, the red rope reaches the white line on the left.

The referee waved: The game is over!

Cheers and sighs sounded at the same time...

The two of Brooks were watching with relish, and when Asisters found them, they left reluctantly.