Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 85: retreat


The Tarantum reinforcements on the right flank of the Greek army were also forced to retreat. Fortunately, they had 200 cavalry on the side waiting to move. The Lucalia warriors in front of them did not dare to chase too much, for fear that the team would be too scattered and would be caught by the Greek cavalry. Taking advantage of it, the retreat of the Tarantum reinforcements was also smoother...

Only in the middle of the Greek army, it was scattered and completely lost its organization...

"General Ferris, we are defeated! We are defeated!! What should we do? What should we do?!... " Kunogolata, the usually witty and eloquent general at the city hall, panicked at this moment.

"What else can I do!" Ferris laughed bitterly and said remorsefully: "It was my fault that I failed to uphold my opinion! It was my fault that I despised the enemy! I was stubborn and failed to listen to others. Suggestion, it's my fault! Turiyi has today's defeat, and it's all my fault!"

He looked at the rout soldiers running past him, and his expression became very determined: "Go back to Turii and let the citizens prepare for defense! And I will buy time for Turii to confess my sins to Apollo. Sin!" With that, he picked up the shield gun with his dry arm, pushed aside the fleeing rout soldiers, and faced the surging enemy. The personal guards, slaves, and clansmen he brought with him shouted: "Fight for Turiyi!" Hundreds of people surrounded the old general, bucking the trend. Wherever they passed, some Turii citizens were infected by it, and they stopped fleeing and joined them.

Kunogolata hesitated for a while, and finally turned his horse back to escape, while running, he comforted himself: Ferris is right, if they all die here, who will protect Turiyi!

When faced with the enemy, Ferris led an army of eight hundred men. The veteran general, who was over 60 years old, shouted: "Apollo!" The first to enter the enemy's line, and everyone launched a counter-charge. The soldiers fought bravely to kill the enemy without fear of death. The Mentum warriors were surprised that their formation was almost pierced, forcing Grummentum to gather the warriors and besiege this small group of exceptionally heroic and tenacious Turii soldiers...

The most tragic scene in this battle finally came to an end. The 800 Turians headed by Ferris were all killed and none escaped.

Kunogolata wanted to hurry back to Turii as soon as possible. On the way to flee on horseback, he was almost knocked down by the defeated soldiers several times. He was both worried about the safety of the city and regretted that he should not have been trying to gain prestige. And join the fight...

… … … …

The city of Turii is only five or six miles away from the battlefield. The whole city is paying attention to this battle that affects the fate of the city. Every family is either at home or in the square to pray for the soldiers.

When the detective cavalry fled back to the city in embarrassment and shouted in panic: "We are defeated! We are defeated!...", the news quickly spread throughout the city, like five thunders hitting the top, making the people feel that the sky is about to fall. : The cowardly person fainted immediately; the suspicious person thought that the scout was spreading rumors and wanted to drag him off his horse and beat him; the pessimistic person declared that Turii would perish, and let everyone flee the city quickly; the rogue person was in despair, He even took the opportunity to make a fuss, trying to fish in troubled waters, trying to take advantage of the chaos... The whole city, especially the plaza, was full of cries, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

The two most important principals of the "Nine Generals" are both on the battlefield. Fortunately, dealing with last year's defeat has given the generals an experience. At the critical moment, several generals headed by Neonsis stood up, first sent patrols to maintain order in the city, and then called on the people in the square to take up arms, men, women and children, to defend their homes. And led the tribe and slaves to the city wall.

At this moment, several nobles on horseback, led by Kunogolata, rushed over the drawbridge and entered the city.

The people who heard the news immediately surrounded them and asked about the news of their relatives. Kunogorata, who knew that the situation was urgent, seemed to have not heard it and shouted anxiously: "The Lucarians are coming soon! Hurry up! Close the gates! Quickly close the gates!! Don't let them come in!! Otherwise Turui will be finished!!!"

Neonsis frowned and said, "When the gates are closed, the soldiers will not be able to enter the city!"

"Let them go around the city walls and jump into the Krati River. We'll pick them up by boat! Lucanians can't swim!" Kunogorata had already thought of a countermeasure on the way.

At a time of panic and crisis, the appearance of Kunogolata and his advice immediately gave the people the backbone. Once everyone discussed it, they felt that it was feasible, so they pulled up the drawbridge, closed the city gate, and began to head towards the city. They all shouted: "Jump into the river, we have a boat to pick you up! Jump into the river..."

… … … … …

Davos sent Asisters to rush back to the camp first to report the situation of the battle. He led his troops to retreat to the camp quickly, and Ryders beside him held the flag high to guide the entire army.

The soldiers of Picocis were attacked by the light shield soldiers before, so they kept a distance from the mercenaries, and Grummentum was desperately counterattacked by Ferris, slowing down the pursuit speed, and the retreat of the mercenaries can be said to be Smooth without too much risk. Along the way, however, rout soldiers broke into their ranks, and the mercenaries unceremoniously knocked them down with their shields. However, the organized retreat of the Davos mercenaries, and the fairly neat appearance naturally attracted the panic-stricken soldiers. Even if the mercenaries treated them violently, they let them beat and scold them, and they followed them obediently like tame domestic dogs. back…

When the troops passed through Turiyi City, Davos's team became a little bloated, but he didn't care. He looked at the countless defeated soldiers gathered under Turiyi City in the distance, then looked back to observe the movement of the chasing troops, and then received He passed the flag, handed it to Asistes, and said to Ryders: "Go to the city of Turii and tell the soldiers that the Lucanians will be here soon, and our camp is very strong, so that they can come to us first. Camp escape."

Ryders took the order and left.

"All troops go to the right!" Davos shouted loudly, the red battle flag fluttering in the wind to guide the troops, not directly entering from the west gate of the camp, but turning to the south gate...

The mercenaries were pursued by the Picosses soldiers led by Gneinart. Since he became a warrior and participated in dozens of battles, he has never been so useless, and even nearly lost his life, and after these Greeks slaughtered his people, they wanted to slip away, which made him even more angry. . Therefore, he has only this mercenary in his eyes: catch up with it! Slaughter it! !

Even if the rout under Turii was closer to him, he didn't care about it. As a result, Picocis' team collided with the soldiers of Grummentum who were chasing the rout of Turii, and it was difficult for the two armies to wait. When they left, the Davos mercenaries had already entered the camp.

… … … … …

After all, the Turii generals headed by Kunogolata had little experience in the battlefield (the only experienced person had died in battle), so they thought the problem was simple.

Indeed, the shouting from the city caused some people to leave the city gate and jump into the Klaty River, but some of the troops were reluctant to leave. After all, the city gate was right in front of them, and exhausted they really did not want to go far. Road, to jump the icy Krati River. They were begging and scolding under the city, and at this time of delay, the soldiers of Grummentum arrived and chased and killed. In addition to panic, time was rushed, and even the armor did not take off, many people sank directly into the river, and were drowned alive...

The people in the city watched helplessly as their relatives under the city were killed and drowned, and they all cried aloud. Some women even jumped off the city wall, shattered their bones, and accompanied their dead husbands to hell...

The hideous appearance of the Lucanian warriors and this bloody and tragic scene became the nightmare that the Turians could not get rid of in their lives...

… … … … …

The Lucanians failed to pursue in time, which made Davos relieved. He didn't go directly to the west gate at first, but went around the south gate because he was worried that the soldiers would be slow when they entered the camp. His worries were not in vain, even worse than he had imagined. Those panicked soldiers disrupted the order of the troops entering the battalion.

Davos didn't have time to regret it, so he rushed to the wooden wall and directly commanded the soldiers to stun more than a dozen soldiers who were defeated.