Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 89: choose


The Lucarians retreated.

In the cheers of the soldiers, Felixius came to the large tent of the military camp and met Davos, but saw Davos drawing something on the ground with a wooden stick, sometimes raising his head and thinking, sometimes anxiously going back and forth Pacing, unaware of the outside world.

Felixius called out a few times, but when he saw that there was no response, he simply stood by and watched. He poked his head to see what Davos was drawing: the pattern on the ground was rough and cluttered, barely making out the topographical map around Turii, the Klaty River, and its branch, the Cosenyi River, The square at the confluence of the two rivers should represent the city of Turii... What does this thin line refer to? Connected to the Kosenyi River, is it the Tino River? And what do these dots and circles beside the Tino River represent? …

Just when he was thinking about it, he heard Davos shouting in a strange and strange language. He looked up and saw Davos was very excited and his face was flushed.

Could it be that he was talking to Hades just now? Felixius thought of some rumors and moved in his heart.

"Felixius, you're here just in time. Immediately notify all company captains and sub-commanders to come to me for a meeting!" Davos said suddenly, and the unquestionably tough tone shocked Felixius.

After Felixius left, Davos took a deep look at the pattern on the ground again, and said the words just now in a firm tone again: "Success or failure, here is the battle! I bet !!"

He stretched out his feet, wiped the pattern on the ground with all his might, and resolutely sat on the wooden chair in the center of the tent, waiting for his nervous and excited mood to calm down, and also waiting for his team officers to respond. arrival.

… … … …

When building this camp, Davos expanded the tent in consideration of the needs of combat. Despite this, dozens of team officers stood in the tent, and the space was still very compact. But no one cares about this. If the battle fails, where will the mercenaries go? Before, because we had to fight, we didn't have time to think about it, and now every team officer is uneasy, so their eyes are fixed on Davos, hoping that the leader who has brought them out of trouble time and time again and continues to create miracles can. Give them directions.

"Brothers." Davos said, "We are defeated. Although the Lucarians have retreated, they will come back tomorrow. The Lucarians have long wanted to occupy this fertile Sybari plain, for the sake of Therefore, they launched two battles against Turiyi and defeated Turiyi at a huge price. After finally letting Turiyi suffer heavy losses and huddled in the city, they will never take the fat of the Sybari Plain. Give up! So, what do we do?"

Davos looked around the crowd with a solemn expression, but didn't want them to argue about anything at this time, because time was running out, he continued: "Although I haven't said it publicly, I'm afraid you already know, because you've been working hard for it. Yes, Amendolara is my goal! The habitat I chose for our mercenaries in Greater Greece! Our future home!!"

Most of the team officers were calm, and only a few looked surprised.

"However, if the Lucanians are allowed to occupy the plains of Sybari, even if we capture Amendolara, they will be their main target of attack! Because our numbers are too small, we are the weakest, and we are also the weakest with them. Avenged! Even if we repel them once again like today, as long as they are here, they will always be a huge threat to us! What should we do?" Davos asked for the second time.

"It goes without saying, of course to beat them!" someone shouted in the silence, it was Matonis' voice.

"That's right! The Lucanians are actually far less powerful than the Turians say. As long as we can disperse them, we can defeat them!" Amyntas also said loudly.

These two brave team officers can charge fearlessly even in the face of ten times as many enemies.

However, Kapus, Alexis, Felixius and others obviously did not agree with their ideas and were about to refute them.

Davos laughed and said: "Well said, we must attack the Lucania tribal coalition, but not to fight them scattered, but to annihilate them in one fell swoop! Only in this way can we settle down in Amendolara with peace of mind. Only when we come down can we deter the obstruction of Turiyi and other forces, and we can freely sow wheat and herd cattle and sheep on the land of Amendolala!”

Destroy the Lucanian coalition? ! ! Everyone was stunned.

"Leader, we only have 2,000 people. Even if we are surrounded, we can't do it. How can we annihilate the Lucania coalition with tens of thousands of people?" Felixius said the questions of all the officers present.

"Not only us, but also Tarantum's reinforcements and Drax's mercenaries."

"Even if you add them, it's only 6,000 people. The Lucania coalition has 15,000 or 6,000 people, more than twice as many as us!" Caps shook his head and said.

"Are the Tarantum reinforcements and those mercenaries willing to attack the Lucanians?" Antonios asked a key question.

"They don't know yet, but I am confident that I will convince them to agree soon!" Davers looked at the crowd confidently, seeing that they were still full of doubts, so he said loudly: "Brothers, remember that I once said, 'The outcome of a war is not determined by numbers, it depends on the quality of the soldiers, the level of morale, the quality of weapons... The most important thing is to make a feasible and careful plan, let us lead the enemy by the nose Go, suppress the enemy's strengths, and use our strengths, so that we can achieve the final victory!"

Everyone is thoughtful.

Amyntas urged impatiently: "Leader Davos, tell me about your plan!"

"Asisters, go and fetch the map of Turii," Davos shouted.

Asisters immediately brought the map carefully drawn on the parchment after repeated surveys a few days ago.

Davos spread the map on the wooden table, and everyone immediately gathered around.

"Everyone, please see... This is the Lucanian camp, here is the Tino River..." Davos pointed to the dots and lines on the map, and explained his brewing attack plan one by one in a slow and detailed manner.

Everyone listened carefully and thought.

After Davos finished speaking, there was silence in the tent.

Then, in twos and threes, they began to whisper.

Davos waited quietly for a while and said, "Brothers, is this plan feasible?"

"Chief." Alexis sincerely praised: "I have never seen such a brilliant idea, it is a genius plan!"

"Alexis is right. According to this plan, not only will the advantage of the large number of enemies not be exerted, but it will also allow us to use our attack power more easily!"

"The leader deserves to be our leader, the great commander, the God-Blessed One of Hades!"

For a time, flattery flooded.

Davos said solemnly: "Now is not the time to say good things, it is a critical moment of our life and death! Tell us your opinions, we need to gather everyone's wisdom in order to overcome difficulties and win!"

People look at each other. Alexis coughed a few times, his expression became serious, and he was the first to say: "Boss, according to your plan, the first thing we have to solve is how to lure the enemy..."

After intense discussions, the battle plan was finally established, and the atmosphere in the tent became warm.

Davos said loudly: "Brothers, the war is about to begin! Go back and tell the soldiers, tell them the facts we have been hiding! This battle is not for Turii, nor for us officers, but for them For ourselves, for the land we all dream of!! Hades will bless us!!!"

"Hoo!!!" Davos's provocative words ignited everyone's passion. Even a person with a warm personality like Felixius has the flame of hope burning in his eyes at this moment...