Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 90: Allied Army


When Archita walked into the expedition camp, cheers were constantly heard from every tent he passed by. The air was filled with excitement and happiness. Even his heavy heart was infected, and he couldn't help sighing: This hired The army is indeed a powerful force that has experienced hundreds of battles and has caused a headache for the great power of Persia! During the day, he saw with his own eyes how these mercenaries attacked the Lucanians with their novel tactics and fierce offensive, and it was even more precious to maintain such a high morale after the defeat in the battle!

Archita's desire to see Davos immediately became more and more intense.

As soon as he arrived outside the tent, the young man who made him quite fond of him went out to greet him and said something like: "General Archita, we are going to attack the Lucanian tribal coalition tomorrow, hoping to get Tarantu. The help of Mu reinforcements!"

Archita couldn't believe his ears: "...You mean to attack the Lucanian tribal coalition?"


"Is it the 15,000-strong Lucalia tribe in the west, not the Lucalia people in the city of Amendolara?" Archita asked again uncertainly.

"That's right, it's the Lucanian tribal coalition in the west!" Davos nodded heavily.

After Archita got a positive answer, he stared at Davos for a while, barely suppressing his excitement, and said, "... What are you going to do?"

"Come on, let's enter the account." Davos hurriedly led Achieta into the account, came to the prepared map, and explained his plan in detail one by one...

Archita held his jaw with his hand, pondered for a long time, and then slowly said: "I have to say that this is a very bold plan, which almost uses the force to the extreme, and it is also feasible to a certain extent, which is very tempting to me. force… "

"So, are the Tarantum reinforcements going to join in?" Davos asked.

Archita was silent, and Davos was not in a hurry. After being silent for a while, Archita saw that Davos was still calm, and couldn't help saying: "It seems that you think I will agree."

"I heard that Heraclea is an ally of Tarantum. If we win tomorrow, Tarantum will no longer have to worry about the problems in the west and can deal with the Mesapis with all his strength," Davos said slowly. . In fact, his words are more polite. Heraclea is not just an ally of Tarantum. He is actually a subsidiary controlled by Tarantum. Twenty years ago, its authority was not even a Tarantum immigrant, or a direct delegation from Tarantum. , although it is not almost a sub-state of Tarantum as it was at the time, but Tarantum's influence on Heraclea is still strong, and it is regarded as a barrier to the west. If the Lucanians were to take the plains of Sybari and Amendolara, which is adjacent to Heraclea, the threat to Heraclea would be too great, and it might even threaten further north. Meta Pontum, which is also an important reason why Tarantum sent reinforcements.

Archita finally nodded: "The Tarantums are delighted to be fighting alongside the Greek warriors on the expedition to Persia!"

"That's great! It is precisely because of the Tarantum reinforcements that you led, Archita, that I dared to propose this plan, because your combat effectiveness is also very strong!" Davos said sincerely.

After the two discussed the details, Archita suddenly said, "Davers, I have a suggestion that I hope you will consider."

"Please tell me." Davos was taken aback when he saw his serious expression.

"Whether the next battle is won or lost, I sincerely invite you to become a citizen of Tarantum! And I will recommend it to the Senate with all my strength. I hope you will take up an important administrative position!" Archita solemnly promised.

Davos didn't expect Archita to make such a request, which caught him off guard: "... um... um, I heard that it is difficult for foreigners to become citizens of a big city-state."

"Yes." Archita nodded frankly, but he immediately changed the conversation: "However, a person with extraordinary talent like you will be warmly invited to any city-state in Greater Greece! After all, this is not Athens, it is here It's a colonial city. The key is that they have the vision to discover talents!" Archita pointed to his eyes contentedly.

"Just me, not including my brothers?" Davers thought of a reason for refusal.

"So many people join Tarantum, it is not up to the consuls or the Senate to decide. It needs to hold a citizens' assembly to vote for a collective decision, which is very difficult." Archita said embarrassedly.

"Thank you for your invitation. After the battle tomorrow, I will seriously consider this issue." Davers pretended to be serious.

… … … …

For Davos' invitation, Adriankes, Sesta, and even Drakes all came.

All three were shocked when Davos told them his plan.

Since in today's battle, they are not as light as the Tarantum reinforcements and Davos mercenaries, the number of casualties is as high as 400 people, especially Drax's mercenaries. Human beings can be said to be broken. If they agree to Davos' request, the casualties are expected to be even greater, so Adrianx and Sesta are a little hesitant.

"Leader Davos, I am willing to participate in tomorrow's battle!" Drakes, who had always been depressed, said suddenly, which surprised the other two.

"The Lucanians are nothing to fear. It's just that the Turians dragged me down today. I believe that fighting with you tomorrow will definitely make them taste failure!" Drakes said unwillingly.

Davos also didn't expect that the first person to agree would be Drax, who had fought with him, which made him admire the big leader's fighting desire and tenacity. Seeing that the other two were still hesitating, he immediately said: "The attack on the Lucanian tribal coalition is not for the poor salary of Turi, but for defeating them, we will take back Amendolara and become the masters there. !"

Davos' words shocked the three again.

"You are sure of capturing the city of Amendolara?" Sesta asked in surprise.

"We have attacked many fortresses in Persia, and a small mountain city is really not a problem!" Davos said confidently: "At that time, we will invite you to become citizens of Amendolara together and get the Land, take root in the wealthy Great Greece! Of course, if you just want to go back to war-torn, barren Ionia, just pretend I didn't say it."

"You... are you telling the truth?!... Really let us get land?!" Adriankes stammered.

"Of course, this is the common decision of all of us!" Davos said sternly.

"But... but..." Adrianx calmed down his excitement slightly and asked, "Won't Turiyi and Tarantum object?"

"Turii has been hit hard, and it has no ability to oppose it." Davos smiled contemptuously: "As for Tarantum, maybe they will be happy for us to do so, because we have the ability to defend Amendolara and let us The western frontier of Tarantum is not invaded by the mountaineer tribes."

The three looked at each other and said in unison, "We are willing to join you!"

"Great!" Davers said happily: "Now we are a family! Let's fight together for our own future!"

After the four discussed the details of the plan, Davos told them to keep it secret and not let the Tarantum people know about it for the time being.

After sending the three away, Davos prepared to send back a few free people who wanted to return to Turii, and asked Bulcos to come to the camp quickly to discuss urgent matters. Unexpectedly, the guards came in and announced: "Bulkes has been asking for an appointment outside the camp gate."

Davos was surprised, and immediately thought of the urgent needs of the city hall and council in Turiyi at the moment.

Sure enough, as soon as Burkes entered the big tent, he couldn't wait to ask: "Leader Davos, are you still going to continue to implement the original agreement?"

Davos looked embarrassed and said: "I am a person who keeps my promises, but the problem now is that the battle fails. When my team retreated, a lot of weapons were lost, and many people were injured. Tomorrow, Luka The Nias will definitely attack here! My troops are short of weapons and manpower, so I'm afraid they can't resist. Before you came, the team officers just discussed with me, and they proposed to leave here even if they don't want to be paid!"