Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 92: The Battle of the Big River Beach (1)


The Greeks also stopped chasing, began to gather the team, and slowly moved forward.

Apart from the Picosses and the Vig warriors, as well as the wounded warriors from the other three cities, there were more than 9,000 troops in the camp. , Niutum, and various tribes under Laos, so the formation speed is slow.

The Greek mercenaries with only 2,000 people seemed too weak in front of the behemoth of the Lucalia tribal coalition, but when they walked slowly to a hundred meters away from the enemy line, they suddenly accelerated and moved to the left.

When the Lucanian leaders couldn't react in time, the Greek army had quickly approached the right end of the coalition's right flank, and the Lucanian soldiers who were still in a chaotic formation watched in horror as the Greek army threw javelins at them, and then attacked them. They unleash a ferocious charge...

In the blink of an eye, the right end of the Lucania coalition's right flank collapsed...

"The despicable Greeks violated their faith and launched an attack without waiting for us to form up!..." Severa cursed angrily.

Acpirus found himself wrong, and sent a huge army against the short and lean Greek army, like a bull facing a nimble mouse, bloated and dysfunctional.

"Blow the trumpet, let the soldiers attack immediately!" While the Greek army continued to attack the left along the right end of the right wing, Akpiru quickly gave an order: "Encircle them! Don't let them run away!"

At the same time, other chiefs issued similar orders.

The Lucaria warriors who were freed from their restraints rushed towards the Greek army like a happy hound. They wanted to smash the corpses of the Greeks who had repeatedly teased them, humiliated them, and hated them.

The Greek army immediately turned and ran eastward, throwing away their round shields, their lances, and their accompanying swords as they ran, to ensure that they would not be overtaken by the madly running Lucarians.

The Greeks ran desperately in front, and the Lucanian coalition was in hot pursuit, gradually forming a long, dense dragon that was several miles long...

The Greeks turned around the mountain ridge and followed the gradually lowering mountain road to the east. They ran for about ten miles. The soldiers were a little out of breath. When they looked back, the Lucalias were still closely behind.

At this time, the Greeks left the mountain road and approached the Tino River... Then, they ran down the gentle slope and came to the large river beach area on the opposite bank of the famous hot spring swamp: Although the soil here is moist and soft, a piece of soil will be brought up when you step down, but the terrain Flat, compared with bumpy, stone-covered mountain roads, running is more labor-saving, easier and faster. Of course the Lucarians followed down the beach, otherwise they would not have caught up with the Greeks...

"Brothers, hold on for a while, and soon... it will be here soon!" Felixius, who was running in front, panted to cheer up the soldiers around him with a hoarse voice. In fact, he was also cheering himself up. A veteran of ten, this long-distance run almost exhausted all his strength.

After the Greeks finished running on the beach and over the gentle hillside, the Lucanians followed closely. However, when they were about to set foot on the top of the slope, they were surprised to find that rows of heavily armed Greek heavy infantry were already lined up. Welcome up.

"There is an ambush—" Before the soldier at the front could shout, the Greek army's stab pierced his chest.

The exhausted Lucanian soldiers who had run had completely lost their evasion ability. Under the constant stabbing of the Greek heavy infantry's countless thorns, they rolled down one by one like dumplings, and the soldiers behind them fell. I don't know what's going on in front of me, I'm still running forward...

At this time, behind the Tarantum reinforcements responsible for the frontal interception, the soldiers of the Davos mercenaries who were in charge of luring the enemy were eating warm bread and drinking hot water, while the soldiers of the baggage camp Women and slaves brought new round shields, lances, and matching swords, and quickly equipped each soldier. The mercenaries knew that their time was very short, and they had to replenish the water as quickly as possible, and then rush forward as quickly as possible to complete the finishing work of the encirclement.

And Mersis also knows that his time is very tight. After completing the replenishment of the mercenaries, he will bring heavily armed guards from the baggage battalion, slaves, slaves in Turii City, and dozens of slaves. The squad leader and the mercenary soldiers who were in charge of commanding them, totaling about a thousand people, including a dozen pack trucks, rushed to the narrow place in front of the mountain road to establish a defensive line and block the reinforcements of the Lucanian coalition forces.

Drax, Adrianx, Sesta and the others led about 1,500 mercenaries, and they were ambushed on the side of the large river beach that was more than two miles long, and their fronts were relatively weak. Fortunately, there was an offensive line of about 700 light shield soldiers and light infantry behind them, as well as 700 armed mine slaves. Between the two teams were Davos and his escort.

"Leader!" Asisters came on horseback and said excitedly: "Our team has already started to move fast towards the west mountain road!"

Davos nodded, trying his best to suppress the excitement and nervousness in his heart: The initial lure operation can be said to be very effective. Looking at the dense array of enemies below, there are at least 8,000 or 9,000 people, and more than half of the Lucania tribal coalition forces. They are all concentrated here, excluding the soldiers who were killed and wounded yesterday. The enemy's camp is estimated to be no more than 5,000 people, and the enemy in front of them will be wiped out. The Lucarians will no longer have the ability to go to the Shibari Plain to make waves. They should take advantage of the enemy on the riverbank. When the organization is chaotic, launch an attack and take it as soon as possible.

"Light infantry attack!" Davos ordered decisively.

After Epithenis and Tspit got the order, they led the light shield soldiers to pass through the mercenaries in front, while Alpins ordered the slingers and archers to start loading ammunition...

The front was blocked, and the Lucania warriors in the back were still rushing because of inertia. Soon, countless Lucaria warriors were shoved together, and the hedgehogs gathered under this big river beach, which was about half a mile wide and more than two miles long. Many people already felt that the situation was not right, and they were shouting at each other anxiously. yell...

At this time, countless Greek soldiers appeared on the side slope.

"There are enemies!"

"We're in an ambush!"

Along with the panicked shouts of the warriors, javelins, arrows, and flying stones poured down...

The soldiers were so crowded, and in order to facilitate the pursuit, most of them threw away their shields, helmets, and some even pulled out their breastplates. In the absence of protection, the light infantry of the mercenaries did not need to aim, Every javelin, every stone, every arrow can easily hit the target.

"Quick retreat!!" The companions next to him screamed and fell one by one. The terrified warriors wanted to escape. However, some of the more than 9,000 people in the crowded and narrow space were avoiding arrows and flying stones, and some were avoiding arrows and flying stones. They want to retreat, and some want to angrily kill the Greeks in front of them and kill them... Everyone has their own ideas, ramming everywhere like headless flies, but the whole team is chaotic and unorganized. It is quite difficult to complete a smooth retreat, and on the contrary, it is more likely to cause a trampling disaster. In the face of death, the terrified warriors unconsciously pushed down the clansmen who were blocking the front, and died silently at the feet of countless people in an instant...

The leaders and warriors of various tribes were very anxious when they saw this. However, in the turbulent and noisy crowd, any shouting and blocking were in vain, but the trumpeters of the coalition army were far behind the team and could not be trusted.

"Fight out! Follow me out!" Severa, relying on her strong body, pushed aside the panicked clansmen, holding a spear, roaring non-stop, her eyes wide open angrily, and rushed towards the gentle slope on the side of the beach...

His adventurous action in the lead caught the attention of both sides, and reminded the fighters who were dodging the arrow rain and panicked. Some of the fighters began to follow him and ran up the gentle slope despite the enemy's long-range blow.

Tspit pulled out a javelin, wrapped a thin strip of cloth around the middle of the gun barrel, and put the leather loop at the other end on his fingers. Sevilla, however, stood still. When he saw that Severa used a round shield to fend off a javelin thrown by the light shield soldiers, and his foot slipped because of the force, he suddenly threw the javelin at Severa, the leather ring in his hand with the cloth strip, Pulling the javelin homeopathically, the javelin has strong kinetic energy and rotation, and in the blink of an eye, it accurately penetrated the linen breastplate worn by Sevilla.