Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 95: after the war


"Big chief, when Akpiru returns, he will probably go crazy when he sees this scene!" Saru stood at the mountain pass, looking at the still burning camp, with an indescribable joy in his heart.

"So what! Even the mad Akpiru can still command the army and break the city of Vig!" Saidorum said worriedly, for Saru's unauthorized claim to attack Picocis, forcing him to have to In taking action, he is complaining.

"Vig City is not so easy to attack. As long as we build defenses on the mountain road, they will attack upwards, and it is hard to say whether they can reach the city of Vig!" Saru also complained: "We shouldn't give in easily at the beginning. For their threat, join this damn alliance!"

"Salu, it's easy for you to say! The Laos people are very familiar with our terrain, and we have no backup support. One soldier died, one less, and there was not enough food. We can't afford this battle!" Sedoru Mu told his helplessness.

"Boss, don't worry! I don't think the Lucania tribal coalition will come back!" Saru comforted Sedorum confidently: "Didn't you listen to the Akpiru who reported the news before? What did the guards say! The Lucanians were ambushed and even came back to call for reinforcements, so the situation is very bad!"

"I hope so." Sedorum sighed and said solemnly: "The most important thing we need to do now is to return to Vig City immediately, gather the tribesmen to strengthen the defense, and at the same time send people to Cosenza to ask for their help !"

"Ask Cosenza for help?!" Saru was surprised.

"These days, I just want to understand... If the Brutians still fight with each other as before, the Lucanians and the Greeks will always oppress us!" Sedorum said in a deep voice.

"Yes, we should unite with Cosenza, just like the Lucanian tribal alliance." Saru was still young, and his hatred for the other tribes of Bruti was not so deep.

Sedorum didn't speak, thinking about something.

At this time, Saru said excitedly again: "Big boss, since we have already made an enmity with Lucania, when we pass through Laos, do we take the opportunity to loot?!"

"I think you're in a daze! You don't cherish the lives of your clansmen, are you worthy of being a leader? Is Avinogis of Laos easy to mess with! Can we pass the Raj without arousing their suspicions? The lower reaches of the Ou River are a problem, you are still thinking about robbery!…” Sedorum scolded, and finally made the excited young leader bow his head. As the team walked for a while, he couldn't help but say again: "I didn't expect that Turii, who suffered a great defeat, would still be able to ambush the allied forces of the Lucanian tribes. Could it be that they got Tarantum or Kloto? Reinforcements from within?"

Sedorum didn't talk to him, but looked back at the smoke billowing sky, and couldn't help thinking excitedly: If the Lucanian coalition really suffered heavy losses in the Greek ambush, then the situation in this area would be There is a big change! How should the Vig do it? …

… … … … …

Cincinnagar retreated eastward with the remaining clansmen. In his grief and indignation, he only had one thought: to find Akpiru, lead the army to slaughter the city of Vig, and avenge the dead clansmen!

On the way, they met the defeated soldiers of Acpirus.

Acpiru hoped to return to the camp quickly, move in reinforcements, and save the defeat. When he learned from Cincinnagar that the Vigos rebelled, Picocis suffered heavy casualties, and the camp was burned to ashes by fire. Immediately, he was in a panic and fainted on the spot.

And Cincinnagar learned that more than 9,000 soldiers were ambushed by the Greek army, and their lives and deaths are still unknown. Stunned on the spot...

… … … … …

The generals of the Turii City Hall were reported by the sentinels on the city wall in the morning: there seemed to be a large army moving outside the city.

After the morning fog cleared, the scout cavalry went out to investigate, and it soon paid off: there was nothing unusual around Turiyi City, but the mercenary camp was almost empty.

The generals were taken aback: Last night, Bulcos came back and said that the mercenaries were willing to stay. For this reason, the city of Turii was busy all night, preparing the requested materials for these greedy mercenaries. I did not expect that these untrustworthy mercenaries would Run away overnight? !

The generals scolded the mercenaries, and some even suggested that they should send warships to the sea to search for their traces, and give them a heavy blow to prompt their return.

At this time, the detective riding to the west came back.

"What?!! The mercenaries joined the Tarantum reinforcements to attack the Lucania coalition?!!" Kunogolata couldn't believe his ears.

The generals of the town hall all exploded.

Neonsis scolded: "Davos is a lunatic, trying to ruin Turui's hope!"

"Yeah! After losing the protection of the mercenaries, the city of Turii will face the attack of the Lucanians alone. What should I do?!" Polyxis said worriedly.

Kunogolata said decisively: "Send Burkes immediately and persuade the mercenaries back at all costs! Turii will not allow them to come around!"

… … … … …

However, Burkes returned without success, and Davos, who had always been kind to him, refused his request quite forcefully, and sent someone to drive away Burkes, who was still begging, and let him return to the city to wait for the news of victory.

"I think Davos is very confident in defeating the Lucanians, should we believe him?" Burkes comforted the generals in this way, but he himself was very skeptical about it.

His words were immediately scolded by the generals.

Kunogorata criticized him for being ignorant.

Based on the friendship of his friends, Polyxis did not directly mention him, but complained that the mercenaries were unfamiliar wolves and did not keep their promises.

Neonsis angrily accused him of emptying the state treasury of food and supplies, and found a group of mercenaries, but it did nothing, and threatened to propose at the council to judge him.

The generals of Turii spent the morning complaining, insulting and restless, but they did not have the guts to send out the only 2,000 civic soldiers in Turii to help in the battle.

In the afternoon, the sentinels on the city walls of Turii heard the rumbling footsteps again, and the scout cavalry sent out to see the returning mercenaries: although they looked torn and bloodied, they were still supporting their wounded comrades. , but not the decadence of the defeat, but full of energy, laughing loudly all the way. In the team, more than a dozen trucks were loaded with armor and weapons, and there were many slaves each holding several sets of armor, shield guns and helmets, also holding their heads high and looking proud. At the rear of the team, there are hundreds of naked men escorted by soldiers, staggering towards the mercenary camp obediently, looking at the long messy hair, they know that they are not Greeks...

The detective rider's heart was beating wildly, they guessed a possibility! An almost impossible possibility!

Just then, a cavalry soldier of the mercenary galloped toward them, raising his hands to show that he was not armed, so as not to scare the Turians away.

The Turii reconnaissance cavalry really stood still, the mercenary cavalry came to them, restrained the reins, raised his head, and said contentedly: "Our Davos leader asked you to tell the generals of Turiyi, our mercenaries The main force of the Lucanian coalition forces was wiped out on the big river beach with the Tarantum reinforcements, and they have been driven out of the territory of Turii by us!"

" really defeated the Lucanians?!!" The detective asked in disbelief, his voice trembling.

"Of course it's true, do we have to lie!" The mercenary cavalry proudly pointed to the prisoners in the team, and said, "Also, our leader asked me to remind you the Turians that the big river beach is now full of dead bodies. I hope you will deal with them quickly, otherwise it will take a long time and it will be easy to cause a plague!"

Before the scout arrived at the city, he waved his hands and shouted excitedly: "Victory! We are victorious!! The Lucanians have been annihilated!!!..."

At the town hall, the generals were exhausted by prolonged and restless ordeals.

At this time, the cheers from outside the house came in waves, and the sound became louder and louder, awakening the drowsy generals.