Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 115: death tomorrow


Gu Xizhou heard Si Yu's words and looked in the direction of his finger. Sure enough, there was a strange beam of light outside the snow. Gu Xizhou was no stranger to this kind of beam. If he guessed correctly, the place where it fell was a flashlight.

"It should be a flashlight. When I woke up in a daze last night, I just felt a light on the window. It should be the light of this flashlight." Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows and said to Si Yu beside him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In the dark snow, the snowman stood on the snow, made snowballs one after another, and smashed them on the windows of the room one after another.

Si Yu pointed to the clumsy snowman outside and said, "If we don't go out, it keeps smashing. It seems to want us to go out."

"What is this thing trying to do?" Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows and glanced at the snowman. He opened the window and looked at the snowman in the snow.


It was another snowball that rushed directly to Gu Xizhou's face. Gu Xizhou subconsciously blocked it with his hand, and then he simply jumped out of the window.

Seeing Gu Xizhou turn over directly, Si Yu helplessly followed Gu Xizhou out and landed on the soft snow. At this time, Gu Xizhou was not wearing a coat, and the wind was a little cold. After he went down, the snowman stared at him for a while. Then he turned his head silently, took two steps forward, and turned his back to Gu Xizhou... pretending to be an ordinary snowman that didn't move.

Gu Xizhou's breath instantly condensed into a white mist in the air.

At this time, the snow outside had stopped, but the snow-capped mountains had no other colors except white, no insects or birds and beasts.

He picked up the black flashlight from the snow. This flashlight was very ordinary. The shell of the flashlight was made of metal and iron.

Gu Xizhou heard the tinkling sound, and he looked at it himself. It turned out that there was something hanging above the flashlight. It was a black recording pen. He took the black recording pen and looked at it. At this time, Si Yu also came over. , asked softly, "What did you find?"

Gu Xizhou directly handed him the recording pen in his hand, "A recording pen."

Si Yu took it and carefully looked at the recorder he found in the snow. Before he opened it, just at this moment—

"Who, where is who?" Gu Xizhou saw a dark shadow flashing behind a car, and when he turned around, he realized that the snowman had moved to a distance of almost ten meters away from him.

Gu Xizhou frowned and said to Si Yu, "It was clearly next to me just now."

Si Yu nodded, he saw it too, the two took two steps forward, from the back of the snowman to its front, the snowman covered his face with a pair of wooden hands, just like people covering their eyes with their hands. Nothing can be seen.

Gu Xizhou kicked the little snowman.

The snowman doesn't move.

Gu Xizhou pulled off the snowman's hand and was watching when the snowman suddenly turned his head and stared at Gu Xizhou and Si Yu aggrievedly, a little pitiful.

Then Xiaoxue arrogantly used the other hand to grab the tree branch in Gu Xizhou's hand and inserted it into his body, Sa Huan fled, Gu Xizhou subconsciously went to catch the snowman, but this time he grabbed nothing and only grabbed To a hand of icy snow.

"I can't catch this thing." Gu Xizhou twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling a little frustrated. The ghosts in this mission world are all weird and weird. Let alone the lecher, and this stupid little snowman.

The two entered the hotel and turned on the recorder that was placed with the flashlight.

The owner of this recorder is a traveler named 'Cheng Liang', who has been recording his life with voice.

"Today is the first day of the trip here. The tour guide is very enthusiastic and easy to talk. The other companions of the tour group are very good. There are not many people in this tour group, only seven people, two of whom are girls, and two others. For couples, I am the only one. In fact, I also want to find someone to travel with, but no friends are available. I hope the trip goes well and the summit is successful. "

"Before going up the mountain, I accidentally learned that the tour guide is not only a tour guide, but also the owner of this hotel. The lady boss is very beautiful, and the tour guide is really happy. We will be climbing tomorrow, and it will take about four or five days to return to the hotel again. This hotel The hot springs are really nice, especially after a workout, it's so comfortable to take a dip."

Gu Xizhou and Si Yu heard the second audio and looked at each other. It seemed that the tour guide was the husband of the previous hotel owner. After the old man died and the woman disappeared, it was he who inherited the hotel. Believe that his wife has disappeared.

The place where the two audio recordings were made was apparently in the room, as no one else was speaking around the owner of the recorder.

Gu Xizhou pressed the button of the recorder, and the recorder immediately started playing the third audio.

"After climbing the mountain, I was so tired. Finally, we reached the top of the snowy mountain. We saw the sunrise. On the snowy mountain, everything around was white and glowing."

"The snow is heavy again, let's go down the mountain quickly."

"Well, the wind is like a knife, and it hurts my face."

"Wait... Look, there seems to be someone somewhere!?"

At the same time as he said this, the owner of the recording pen seemed to be in a hurry and put the recording pen in his pocket, because the surrounding noise was much less, and then Gu Xizhou heard the heavy breathing of several people from the recording pen.

"Hey, the tour guide is you, why are you here?"

"When I, I was just climbing with my wife, we had a fight, and she suddenly disappeared. I was looking for my wife, by the way, did you see her?"

"No, we've been on the top of the mountain since the morning, and we didn't see anyone else, only you."


"It's snowing too much, go down the mountain and go back to the hotel first."

The owner of the recording pen was suddenly interrupted by Ran, and completely forgot that the recording pen was not turned off. Then a few people went down the mountain. Gu Xizhou pressed fast forward and quickly found the next conversation.

"Who built a snowman at the door."

"Maybe it's because the children can't go out, they're bored, and the snow is too big..."

"The tour guide hasn't found the proprietress yet. It seems that the proprietress is really gone."

"Why did she suddenly disappear? Forget it, Brother Cheng came to see the sunrise I shot, and I'll send you a copy later!"

"Wow, it's so beautiful. It's worthy of the scenery of the North Country. Thousands of miles of ice are frozen, and thousands of miles of snow are floating. Hey, there seem to be two people in this position... Are they fighting?"

"Where, really... The woman seems to have no strength and was knocked to the ground... She fell down and never got up!"

"You don't think the clothes this man is wearing look a bit like..."

"like what?"

At this moment, a very abrupt voice was suddenly inserted. Gu Xizhou heard the tone of a tour guide, and then the person in the audio took a breath and shook his head, "No... nothing."

After listening to this audio, Gu Xizhou and Si Yu combined the information they had inquired before to figure out the general situation.

The tour guide killed the hostess of the shop and took ownership of the hotel as her husband, but what's in room 8002

Gu Xizhou reckoned that the female ghost who stalked him should be the dead mistress, but the female ghost is definitely not the key to this world, because there is no chain sound on the female ghost, and the strange thing is that he did not hear the chain on the snowman. The sound of sliding on the ground.

No... There is also a possibility that the chain is on the snowman, and the chain itself makes no sound when it falls on the snow.

When the two of them went back, they saw that their faces were slightly pale, and Gu Xizhou asked suspiciously, "What's the matter with you? Your faces are as white as paper?"

"Why does it smell?" Gu Xizhou sharply smelled the smell in the air and asked with a frown.

Shen Bo embarrassedly clutched his crotch, and explained palely: "I just leaned on the chair to sleep, and felt that someone was messing with my hair, I thought it was Li Yan, I asked him, but when I turned around and saw him, I've been sitting on the edge of the bed, quite far from me..."

Gu Xizhou knew very well that Shen Bo had encountered the female ghost, and he asked in a deep voice, "And then?"

"Then I heard another breathing sound in the room!" Shen Bo was obviously still scared, he pointed to his and Li Yan's room, and his voice trembled slightly.

Gu Xizhou took two steps forward and opened the door of the room. Indeed, besides him, there was an even sound of breathing in the room. When the owner of the sound saw Gu Xizhou, he gasped.

Hearing the sudden change of breathing, Gu Xizhou was sure that the female ghost who touched him yesterday was the one in the room, and he couldn't help but raise his brows slightly.

At this moment, the bedside table in the room made a sound of 'dong dong dong'. It seemed that a hand was knocking on the cabinet door. Everyone gathered around the door. .

Tang Jiajia and Tang Xiaoshi were startled and asked, "Is there something in the cabinet..."

Speaking of which, several people swallowed their saliva in unison, but the things in the cabinet only knocked on the door, but never came out.

Gu Xizhou frowned. He thought that the female ghost disappeared after turning on the light yesterday. Maybe the female ghost could not see the light, and would not appear when there was a light, so he turned off the light in the room.

Just after he turned off the light, the sound of knocking on the cabinet suddenly stopped, and the top drawer of the bedside table that couldn't hold a person suddenly opened.

"Yes, it's a hand!" Shen Bo exclaimed, a hand appeared out of nowhere in the cabinet in the room, a hand painted with red nail polish, this hand seemed to be well maintained.

"Run!" I don't know who called, and then everyone ran away.

Gu Xizhou was about to clean up this female lecher when suddenly his wrist was tightly grasped.

Si Yu's brows were slightly wrinkled, he was not afraid, but he was not relaxed. His facial features were clearly visible under Ye Xue's reflection, his eyebrows raised slightly, his light-colored eyes narrowed slightly, his lips pursed into a line, and he grabbed Gu Xizhou ran all the way.

Gu Xizhou looked back at the hand that was already on Men Yan, and if he wanted to go back, he put it back to his mouth and put it back, the man's hand on his wrist was very strong.

Can't see that Si Yu has such great strength

Being held by Si Yu and running wildly, after a while to confirm that the female ghost was not following them, Si Yu stopped, tugged at the collar with his hand, revealing his sexy jawline, and panted, "I shouldn't be chasing after them. "

Gu Xizhou glanced at him and nodded, "Yeah."

Seeing Si Yu staring at him, Gu Xizhou froze for a moment, and added, "I'm tired after running for so long."

Si Yu: "..." You are too fake!

The two walked through the hotel corridor. At this time, they were separated from the others. Gu Xizhou saw the elevator, turned to look at Si Yu and said, "Let's go, let's go to the 8th floor at night to take a look."

"Okay." Si Yu made a fist with his hand, pressed it to his lips, and coughed lightly.

There was no one in the elevator at this time, Gu Xizhou casually pressed the number 8, the elevator first sank down, then quickly rose up, with a ding sound, the elevator door opened, Gu Xizhou and Si Yu looked at each other, One after the other, went straight in.



"Hey, blah, blah!"

The harsh sound resounded again, and Gu Xizhou and Si Yu went straight to the room where the sound was made. Before Gu Xizhou entered, he saw a scarlet eye staring at them coldly through the crack of the door.

There was no one else around, and it seemed that everyone else had run away. Gu Xizhou was about to enter when suddenly there was a cry of extreme terror in the distance.

Gu Xizhou looked at each other and went straight to the direction of the screaming. Gu Xizhou ran over and saw Tang Xiaoshi shrinking into a ball in the corner, trembling all over and muttering: "Don't kill me... don't..."

"Tang Xiaoshi, are you alright? The ghost is not here, calm down." Gu Xizhou said softly, he stepped forward and patted Tang Xiaoshi on the shoulder, but the girl shivered and started crying.

"Don't look for me, don't..." Tang Xiaoshi didn't know what he saw, and the whole person lost his mind.

Gu Xizhou grabbed the arms of the crazy Tang Xiaoshi. After all, Tang Xiaoshi was a woman, and she was not as strong as Gu Xizhou. She was quickly subdued. After waiting for several breaths, Tang Xiaoshi calmed down and saw Gu Xizhou and Si Yu people.

Tang Xiaoshi's fragile nerves at this moment saw Gu Xizhou and Si Yu's two companions, she burst into tears, clutching Gu Xizhou's arm tightly, tears fell down her cheeks, her voice faint. Trembling: "Yes, it's you, that's great..."

Gu Xizhou patted her shoulder lightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I, I have been hearing breathing sounds, and that breathing sound has been ringing in my ears," Tang Xiaoshi burst into tears, "I, I don't know how to say..."

"Then talk slowly." Si Yu glanced at her and frowned.

"Everyone was running, and I was running. I ran all the way to the third floor, and the thing kept following me, it kept following me... Although I could only hear breathing, I could really feel it following me. , it seems to want me to get on the elevator, it drives me to the elevator position, I have a feeling that it wants me to go in, and then I can't do anything about it, so I get in the elevator, and after I get in the elevator, the sound of breathing disappears! "

"I thought it was all right, just wait a while and go out and it'll be fine."

"But I, I found... Someone pressed the 8th floor... Maybe it wasn't a person, it was it. After I got up, I heard the sound of '呲 呲, 呲堲'... It's like the sound of fingernails scratching something, and you have heard it during the day. , I'm alone, I'm afraid... Walk slowly to the voice's room to see if anyone else is there."

Tang Xiaoshi bit his lower lip and said with tears: "Then I saw a scarlet eye looking at me through the crack of the door. It was looking at me! I was scared at the time, so I ran and kept running!"

Gu Xizhou helped her up and comforted: "Okay, don't be afraid."

"We went over to check the situation in the room. There are indeed a pair of eyes in it, but we have to go in. The ghost chasing you obviously wants you to go to the 8th floor. There must be something wrong with this room, we must go in." Gu Xizhou pondered. Said to Shi Yu at once.

Si Yu nodded and replied, "Okay."

"I-I dare not."

Gu Xizhou heard Tang Xiaoshi's words, and when he lowered his head, Tang Xiaoshi's legs trembled, shaking a lot, it seemed that he was really scared, Gu Xizhou frowned, and said to Si Yu, "Well, you are here to accompany you. She'll be back in a while, I'll push the door open and take a look."

"Will this be too risky?" Si Yu asked with a frown, "Why don't I go."

"You're going?" Gu Xizhou shook his head, "Don't, don't worry, I'll be fine when I go in. If there is anything, I can still run. You know my physical strength."

Leaving Si Yu to accompany Tang Xiaoshi temporarily, Gu Xizhou turned a corner, and after a distance, he walked to the door of room 8002 again, the scarlet eye was staring at Gu Xizhou coldly, slightly bent, looking a little Terrifying.

Gu Xizhou met the eye, slightly curled the corner of his mouth, opened the door, the eye disappeared instantly, the room was no different from the daytime, the bed still showed a wet human shape, Gu Xizhou felt that there was nothing in it , is the condition wrong

Just when Gu Xizhou was thinking, the door that was open suddenly closed for some reason, Gu Xizhou frowned, and subconsciously went to open and close the door, but found that it couldn't be opened.

At the same time, Gu Xizhou felt a biting chill.




Li Yan walked down the aisle out of breath, panting heavily. He was sweating profusely and looked behind him nervously. He didn't follow him. It seemed that his luck was not bad, the ghost didn't choose him.

Li Yan let out a long sigh of relief, took out a cigarette from his bag, lit it, and smoked it. The whole person finally calmed down.

He used to firmly reject feudal superstition and did not believe in ghosts and gods at all, until he was hospitalized when he was sick, and on the operating table, his consciousness stumbled into the mission world.

At first, he only thought that he was passing through after death, until he met all the companions who told him that this was a mission world, a supernatural world, and that he could also use this world as a life-continuing world. Go on, keep on living.

He once met a veteran of the task world. He thought it was unreasonable to use the number of task worlds to measure the level of the other party, because the other party did not hide information. According to the accent and name of the speech, as well as some content in the chat, he found this The person... turned out to be a hundred-year-old 'old man', the other party was not old, but very young.

Since then, he has realized one thing, perhaps the task world is not that simple. If a world can help people continue to live, or even make people live forever, then this is not a world of terror, but a world of luck.

But no one can guarantee that he will be fine all the time. He kept silent attention to the veteran until some time ago, when he heard the news of the death of the veteran, it was said that he entered the legendary world of death on the forum. He was depressed for a long time.

What is immortality, what is immortality, who can guarantee that he will never die, and every time he is lucky enough to escape the disaster and leave the mission world

Even if the veteran still can't escape the fate of death, how could he escape

Even if he has a very special item... Fate is still out of his control.

From that day on, he told himself that everything should follow his original intention, as long as he did not violate taboos, he did not need restraint, and he would fight for whatever he wanted, whether it was lust or greed for money, as long as he liked it, as long as he was happy.

Everyone dies.

Li Yan was smoking while walking. He first went back to the third floor where they lived, and found that none of his companions came back. He frowned slightly.

Today we discussed to go up to the 8th floor together, maybe all the companions are upstairs

Li Yan thought about going to the elevator and was going to take the elevator up. He pressed the button and waited for a while, but the elevator didn't come down.

"Why did you stop at the 7th floor when you got down from the 8th floor?" Li Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, pressed the elevator impatiently again, turned her head and looked around to make sure that no one was there.

Li Yan glanced at the time. Five minutes later, the elevator was still on the 7th floor.

He extinguished the cigarette butts with his bare hands, and was about to slowly climb the stairs when—

"Ding Ding Ding-

"Ding Ding Ding-"

It was the ringing of the phone, and Li Yan was startled and took out the phone in his pocket when he was in a hurry.

Taking a closer look, this is not the fruit machine in Li Yan's bag just now, but a small smart phone. This kind of mobile phone was used more often in the 2000s.

"Hey! What's wrong?"

A frightened voice came from the other end of the phone, with hysterical despair and fear, "8th floor, go to the 8th floor, 8002, save Gu Ran, save him! Save him! He's going to die!"

Li Yan heard his own voice on the other end of the phone, and was stunned for a moment. He was about to ask a question, but he found that the person on the other end of the phone was crying, "I was yesterday, hurry up and save Gu Ran, he died. He's dead, everybody's going to die, everybody's going to die!"

"Save him, hurry-"


With a desperate scream, there was no sound on the other end of the phone, only 'tick, tick, tick'.

is blood.

Li Yan was frightened by his own thoughts and trembled. Although he didn't know what was going on, he had never heard such a hysterical and desperate voice from tomorrow's self, and he felt that the feet under him were no longer his.

This PHS is a prop he got from a world, and its function is very simple - to talk to tomorrow's self.

In fact, he didn't tell the truth to everyone. This was not his eighth world. In fact, he couldn't remember which one it was, but it wasn't the eighth one.

He relied on this prop to save people and break many rules. Because of this prop, he has always been invincible, but the voice he heard today... He subconsciously knew that this is the last voice he will hear tomorrow before he dies .

It was his gasp before he died.

If Gu Ran died, why would everyone die

Li Yan's mind is full of various questions, but now he is dead tomorrow... No one can answer him, if he can't stop Gu Ran's death, tomorrow will be the real thing.

He ran frantically on the stairs, using all his strength.

Faster, faster.

The heartbeat is accelerating, accelerating, and he is accelerating!

He climbed up to the seventh floor as fast as he could, and rushed to the elevator. There was a chair at the elevator door, which just blocked the elevator door.

Who blocked the elevator door with a chair? No... not the time to think about that.

Li Yan pushed the chair aside, hit the ground with a bang, rushed into the elevator, and madly pressed the number 8!

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Li Yan's hands are shaking when he presses the numbers, hurry up, hurry up, don't die, don't let Gu Ran have an accident!