Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 122: Evil that cannot be seen


Gu Xizhou helped Wang Ao with the briefcase, while Wang Ao took out his mobile phone and called Wang Shu.

Wang Shu is Wang Ao's daughter. She is the same age as Gu Zhizhi and is a few days older than Gu Zhizhi. Gu Xizhou has seen a photo of Wang Shu and Gu Zhizhi at home. Wang Shu is a doctor.

Wang Ao is like half a father to Gu Zhizhi. Since Gu Zhizhi's parents died, this uncle has been taking good care of him, so Gu Zhizhi has always had a good relationship with Wang Shu. In the past, Wang Ao deliberately matched the two Childhood sweethearts are together, but unfortunately the two do not call at all, but they spend more time arguing.



Wang Ao frowned, his wife and son-in-law couldn't really contact his daughter, so they sent him a message, but today, it is reasonable to say that Xiaoshu should pick up his grandson after get off work as usual and go home. He should have arrived early, how could it be now Haven't gone back yet

The busy tone kept coming out on the phone. Obviously Wang Shu's phone was not turned off. Wang Ao suddenly felt a palpitations for no reason. He knew that his daughter would occasionally not answer the phone except when she was at work, and would send a voice to ask after a while. Just like other young people, he holds his mobile phone in both hands at any time, and basically calls and WeChat messages are answered in seconds!

"The user you dialed is busy, please try again later."

Hearing the gentle voice coming from the phone, Wang Ao's brows did not stretch, but twisted into a "Chuan" character. He dialed the second number, the third, the fourth...



Hearing the busy tone again, Gu Xizhou frowned slightly. Uncle Wang has made more than a dozen calls. Even a dull person should find out, not to mention who is not a bow-headed person these days? If the phone is not out of hand, it is not necessary to say that the mobile phone is out of power. Wang Shu's phone call is obviously able to get through, and there is no such thing as out of power.

Just when Gu Xizhou thought that no one would answer the call this time, suddenly the call went through!

"Xiaoshu, why haven't you answered the phone? Your mother and Huo Zheng are worried about you, so they are so anxious to call me!" Wang Ao asked seriously into the phone.

"Oh, Officer Wang, no, it's Director Wang now."

A man's voice came from the other end of the phone. The man's voice was very ordinary and had no special features. Wang Ao was stunned for a moment. He felt that the voice was not familiar. He asked, "Who are you?"

The gloomy voice came from: "Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that you have long forgotten me."

"Who the hell are you?" Wang Ao was stunned, the man's weird smile always made him feel strangely familiar.

"You forgot me, but I always remember you. For more than ten years, your face has been engraved in my head all the time. I can't wait to burn you to ashes every day. When I was beaten by those prisoners, I thought of you and survived. Every time I wanted to die, I recalled the day I was arrested, and I said to you—

"You will regret this.

"Many times I couldn't hold on, but when I thought of the thrill of revenge on you, I gritted my teeth and held on, I want to get out of prison, and I want you to regret catching me!"

Hearing the other party's words, Wang Ao recalled a horrific case that occurred in Ningqing City when he first became a policeman - the 'terrorist slayer'.

One day twenty-three years ago, around eleven o'clock in the evening, a shocking case occurred in Ningqing City. Someone found a deceased on the side of the road. Something, legs spread out, covered in blood.

The person who discovered it at that time was directly scared to death. After several days of investigation in Ningqing City, the murderer was never found.

At that time, Wang Ao was still a criminal policeman. After hearing about this, he remembered a dispute case he had dealt with a few days ago.

At that time, a man named Qiao Jian shot and hurt people. His first reaction was to restrain the woman's neck from behind, and then tried to 'pull out her vagina' with his hands. However, since it was daytime and there were many people around, Qiao Jian's behavior blocked.

The injured woman immediately called the police. At that time, Wang Ao handled the case. Later, when he contacted the case of the terror piercer, he put forward his own ideas. Based on this clue, the suspect was quickly identified.

The other party insisted that he left fingerprints and semen. He admitted to raping the deceased, but did not admit to killing.

There was no Skynet at that time. Simply put, the chain of evidence was insufficient. If Wang Ao hadn't recalled the dispute at that time, it would have been difficult for them to find Qiao Jian.

In the end, Qiao Jian was not sentenced to death, but to life imprisonment.

Wang Ao's hand holding the phone trembled with anger, and asked sharply, "What are you doing? If you dare to touch my daughter, I, I will..."

"What do you want me to do? You want me to die? I tell you, I was dead twenty-three years ago, I was dead when you caught me, I killed people, but you can't prove it, hahahaha," Joe Jian said, "When you arrested me, I said that I would definitely make you regret it for the rest of your life.

"Your daughter is so beautiful, she doesn't look like you at all, and your grandson is also very cute. I will play with them slowly, don't worry, I don't want to live for a long time, guess if you can be like last time. find me?"

Wang Ao turned to the phone and shouted angrily, "You dare!"

On the opposite side, Qiao Jian's eyes fell on Wang Shu, who was taped to his mouth. Admiring Wang Shu's terrified expression, he smiled, "I don't have anything right now, why don't I dare? I advise you to buy a coffin early. , collect their bodies."

Hearing this sentence, Wang Ao's hand shook suddenly and trembled: "You let them go, they are innocent, it's me who caught you! It has nothing to do with my daughter and my grandson!"

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter? Yes, that dead stinky woman has nothing to do with you. What did you say at that time?" Qiao Jian frantically said, "It's your responsibility for the police to catch the murderer, and I want you to do it for you. Pay the price! I want you to regret it for the rest of your life!"

Wang Ao said: "If you want revenge, all come to me!"

Qiao Jian sneered: "No, I will take revenge on the person you love most, so that you will regret it. If you die, how can I make you regret it?"


The phone seemed to have been thrown out of the car window, and with a bang, only the busy tone remained on the phone.

Qiao Jian obviously didn't want to say anything to Wang Ao anymore. The purpose of answering the phone was to make Wang Ao suffer and despair. Obviously, Qiao Jian's purpose was achieved.

"Bastard! Ah!" Wang Ao turned around in a rage and slammed his fist on the wall of the police station, then Gu Xizhou saw this always strong man wiping his tears secretly with his hands, his voice choked, "It's all me... It was me... who harmed them..."

Seeing him in a daze, Gu Xizhou hurriedly supported Wang Ao. He took the mobile phone in Wang Ao's hand, ran into the police station, and handed the mobile phone to a colleague in the technical department, "Track the phone number immediately where it is. !"

Everyone else realized that something was wrong, and looked at Gu Xizhou.

"The director's daughter and grandson have been kidnapped and their lives are in danger at any time!" Gu Xizhou finished speaking, turned to look at Wang Ao beside him, and said in a low voice, "Uncle Wang, you need to calm down now, you know what to do! "

"It's too late..." Wang Ao murmured with tears in his eyes, "It's too late... He lost his phone... How can I find..."

Wang Ao seemed to have aged ten years in an instant, and his energy was gone. It was only a few minutes later, Gu Xizhou was feeling uncomfortable, and suddenly thought of something, he said anxiously: "There is more A way!"

Gu Xizhou thought of the missing person notice he used in the previous world! Just fill in the confirmed information and someone will call you!

Yes, the missing person notice should work, it should work!

"What way?" Wang Ao opened his mouth and asked.

Gu Xizhou grabbed Wang Ao's hand and ran to his car, "Go to my house first!"

He drove Gu Xizhou and took Wang Ao straight to the house. There were two missing persons notices in his house, which would definitely be useful! The mission world is a world, and the real world is also a world. Since the mission world can make people 'immortal', it should be possible to find a person in the real world!

From Qiao Jian's killing methods at the beginning, we can see how ruthless this person is, and we can know how crazy this person is in his heart.

Qiao Jian drove the stolen car all the way out of Ningqing City to the place he was most familiar with.

He said he would take revenge on the other party, and he said he would do it. He arrested him 20 years ago. After he got out of prison, he returned to his hometown, but the news of his arrest was very popular, and all the old neighbors knew about it. This also includes his son.

After he killed him, he always thought that as long as the police didn't catch him, he would never kill him in the future. He was lucky, and because he didn't leave any other evidence, he thought it was all right, but he never expected Wang Ao to remember him In that dispute case, he locked the target and arrested him.

His family members' expressions of fear and horror and the disgust in their eyes deeply stabbed him. He was imprisoned for 23 years, and his family never saw him. When he was released from prison, his family did not come to pick him up.

He exhausted all means to find his relatives, only to get the disgust and disgust of his son.

"Please, let's go, I really don't want to see you, I've already thought my dad died! If my wife knew that my dad was a 'bum digger', what would she think of me? And me My daughter! I beg you, don't show up again!"

His son's words stuck in his heart like a needle, and he was rejected by his family. Qiao Jian's heart was full of hatred and anger.

Soon he blamed it all on the police. If the little policeman hadn't linked the dispute to the murder case, he wouldn't have been arrested! It's all the cop's fault!

If he hadn't been discovered, he could still live with his family now, instead of being despised and spurned by his family!

With a disgusting smile on his face, Qiao Jian said to Wang Shu and a child less than four years old who were tied up by him: "Wait is the real nightmare, I have chosen a very interesting way to die for you, I guarantee you will be amazed!"

Wang Shu lay down on the back table in despair, and his son, who was also tied up, lay beside her, looking at her in fear, Wang Shu's tears couldn't stop falling.

At the other end, Gu Xizhou arrived home and violently pushed open the door of his house. At home, Gu Zhizhi was bored watching TV when he saw the two people who suddenly rushed in, and was stunned.

Gu Xizhou didn't have time to explain more to Gu Zhizhi at home, so he rushed into the bedroom to look for something, and after finding the two missing persons notices at home, Gu Xizhou picked up the pen and the missing persons notices, and said to Wang Ao in a hurry: "Uncle Wang , hurry up with the information, hurry up!"

Wang Ao didn't know what Gu Xizhou was going to do at all. He blankly told Gu Xizhou his daughter's information, only to see that Gu Xizhou quickly filled out the tracing notice.

After Gu Xizhou filled in the information, he directly posted the missing person notice on the wall outside the door.

Gu Xizhou took the phone while he was injured, lowered his head and kept staring at the phone, thinking in his heart: I must do it! Must do!

After a few seconds—

"Ding Ding Ding-"

The phone is ringing!

Along the way, Qiao Jian talked to himself while walking, talking about his experience of being looked down upon after he was released from prison, and then the car drove to his destination.

Outside an abandoned factory building outside Ningqing City, Qiao Jian got out of the car and looked around carefully. After confirming that there was no one there, he brought Wang Shu, mother and son into the factory building.

Fourteen barrels of mineral water were placed in the long-abandoned factory building, all of which were 18.9-liter bottled mineral water, a few chairs, and a water dispenser.

Wang Shu didn't understand why the murderer put so much water here, but her intuition told her... She wouldn't want to know the reason.

"Do you know why I put so much water here?" Qiao Jian smiled, took out a hose from behind, and said, "See this? Pipe, I'll insert this pipe into the In your mouth, and then the other end is connected to the water dispenser, and I'm like to see if someone will actually be killed.

"If you really die, don't blame me. If you want to blame, blame your dad. You're full and busy."

When Wang Shu heard Qiao Jian's words, her whole body showed a terrified expression, her whole body trembled, and her terrified expression just pleased the deranged Qiao Jian.

Qiao Jian smiled and said, "It seems that you also like this way of killing me, don't you?"

Wang Shu shook his head frantically: "Mmm... um um um... "

"You said you came first, or your son first?" Qiao Jian ignored Wang Shu's dispute and asked with a smile.

Wang Shu wept silently, she was speechless for a long time.

"Well, you go first, you nod your head, your son first, you nod your head twice."

Wang Shuqiang, who was glued to his mouth, held back tears and nodded, but never clicked again.

Qiao Jian clapped his hands with a 'pop' and said, "Okay, it's touching, very touching, then you come first."

"I'll tear off the sealant on your mouth now. I remind you that few people come around here, and no one will hear you even if you call, so I advise you to be honest. If you're not honest, I'll let your son first Come," Qiao Jian patted Wang Shu's cheek with his hand and said with a sneer, "Do you understand?"

Wang Shu nodded dumbly, tears streaming down his face.

The son next to him was placed on the bench and looked at his mother, sobbing and crying.

"I don't scream, but please, don't hurt my son, I promise... I don't scream, please..." After Qiao Jian tore off the sealant on Wang Shu's mouth, Wang Shu cried.

When she first came, she had observed that there was indeed no one nearby. This area was surrounded by a land that had already been enclosed. The surrounding residents had already moved out. It was just out of planning that the land had not been rebuilt.

Even if she really screamed, no one around here could save her.

Hearing Wang Shu's words, Qiao Jian gave her a cold look and said, "Don't try to negotiate with me!"

Wang Shu shouted with tears in his eyes, and looked at Qiao Jian with pleading eyes, "Please, I will be obedient."

Qiao Jian gave her a cold look and ignored Wang Shu's request. He put the water dispenser on the chair and made sure that the water dispenser was higher than Wang Shu. Book.

"Um... Ma... Ma..." Wang Shu's son, who was tied up and sitting on the other bench, saw the devil slowly walk towards his mother.

Wang Shu looked at her son and opened her mouth. She choked up, "Son, close your eyes and don't look."

Then her mouth was stuffed into a hose, and water was poured down her throat.

Water, lots and lots of water.