Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries

Chapter 2: Magic Repair Live



"It's so cold."

On the dark and cramped single bed, a man, no, it should be a boy to be precise, his brows are wrinkled, his chapped lips are slightly drawn, and he seems to be babbling.

Half-dream and half-awake, Gu Xizhou struggled to get up, but his body had no strength, his consciousness seemed to stick together, and it seemed that an invisible weight was pressing on his body, making him unable to move.

About a minute later, Gu Xizhou finally gathered up some strength and forced his eyes to open.

Although his vision was blurry, Gu Xizhou could tell that it was the moonlight falling on him.



The sound of water droplets.

There are warm water droplets flowing on the body, familiar and warm and moist to the touch, but relatively, he feels that his body is very cold, very cold...

Gu Xizhou could barely see the surrounding situation. The cramped room was small and there were three other figures besides him.


It hurts.

The neck hurts so much.

Gu Xizhou struggled, exhausted all his strength and finally waved his right hand, he slowly raised his hand and pressed it on his neck, his fingertips felt warm and moist, and he could smell the blood in the air between his nose. sweet.

It turned out that he was not water, but blood.

Gu Xizhou grabbed the railing of the bed and sat up slowly. As far as his eyes could see, he saw six desks lined up side by side under the bed. The desks were piled with various reference exercise sets, and there was an open workbook on the desk.

This is an ordinary to ordinary school dormitory.

While stunned and dazed, Gu Xizhou pressed his neck tightly with his hands, and when he turned back, he saw his bed full of blood, blood seeping through the bed, scarlet.

He is back


He is back.

Enduring the pain, Gu Xizhou carefully looked at the pattern on the wall. On the wall against which the scarlet bed was leaning, a complex pattern was drawn with blood. As a demon cultivator, Gu Xizhou recognized at a glance that this was a sacrifice to himself to recruit the evil spirits. array method.


Was he recruited? !

The corners of Gu Xizhou's mouth twitched inaudibly under the moonlight. Before he crossed, Gu Xizhou was also a law-abiding citizen who insisted on upholding the core socialist values. Why did he go to another world and come back into a heinous crime? The devilish evil spirit? !

After Gu Xizhou moved two steps while holding the desk, his eyes swept away, he saw himself in the mirror, and he gasped.

The short black hair is softly attached to the sides of the ears, the red, not... white pajamas, the childishness between the eyebrows...

In the next second, Gu Xizhou noticed the flesh that turned outward from the opening on his neck. The blood ran along the wound on the neck and dyed the white pajamas on his body red, and only the corners of the clothes could see some white.

No, no, he has to stop the bleeding first.

Gu Xizhou was rummaging in the dormitory, because Gu Xizhou was worried about being discovered by the roommates who were sleeping in the dormitory, so he didn't do much searching. If he woke up these roommates, how would he explain the blood on the bed and his neck? on the wound

There was no sound. Gu Xizhou was very worried that his actions would be discovered by the people in his dormitory, but except for the two empty beds, the other three slept like dead pigs, and did not hear his movements at all.

After stopping the bleeding, Gu Xizhou suddenly thought of something, turned around and searched on the bed for a long time, but in the end he died without a hitch.

No, how come there is no knife

Gu Xizhou touched the wound on his neck, the shape must have been cut by a sharp blade, but there is no knife on the bed, can this child hide the knife after committing suicide

After rummaging under the bed, Gu Xizhou still couldn't find the knife.

Fortunately, Gu Xizhou didn't think about it, but he sat by the bed and suddenly got into trouble.

He was able to throw those tissues in the toilet just now to destroy the corpse, but the pile of things on the bed, where can he throw them, and the formation pattern on the wall, any ordinary person will think it is not a good thing.

Gu Xizhou took two steps back, sat down on the edge of the bed with no strength, and grabbed at the void, but caught nothing.

Finding himself back in the modern world, Gu Xizhou quickly calmed down after being surprised and stunned. After all, he was dressed in another world and became a magician in a short period of time. The only thing that made him uncomfortable was his A series of strange numbers appeared in sight—00:00:01

What's this

No memory, the boy's memory, he didn't see at all.

Is it because the sacrificed soul died too quickly, so he didn't even receive a single memory

This body is really too weak, relying on the wall, he can barely support his body, at this moment, Gu Xizhou suddenly heard a voice.

"Help, help!"

Gu Xizhou subconsciously looked for the source of the sound. He stood up and almost fell to the ground, but he soon determined that the source of the sound was the boy in his upper bunk talking in his sleep.

"No, no... not me..."

Gu Xizhou glanced at the child in the upper bunk and couldn't help shaking his head.

This kid didn't know what he was dreaming, but he actually cried in the dream. Gu Xizhou felt a little funny when he saw the tears from the corners of the eyes of the boy in the upper bunk.

Gu Xizhou trembled and sat back by his bed again, thinking about it, everything he saw was unfamiliar and familiar.

He, Gu Xizhou, came back.

Gu Xizhou frowned and glanced at his blood-stained bed. Just as he was about to lie down, he suddenly heard a whisper in his ear.

"I-I don't want to die... let me go..."

Fear, people only do this when they are extremely frightened. Gu Xizhou looked for the source of the voice and saw that it was the roommate on the opposite bed who was talking in his sleep.

"Really..." Gu Xizhou was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly, then changed the quilt to cover him, he was cold and sleepy, he didn't care about the blood on the quilt, he just wanted to sleep, as for the blood on the bed … Whatever, let him sleep first.

What to say tomorrow.

The light with no temperature slanted on the ground, Gu Xizhou frowned slightly, opened his eyes, the sunlight was a bit dazzling, and he was completely sleepless for a while, he sat up from the bed and stretched his muscles and bones.

Seeing such sunlight, Gu Xizhou suddenly rubbed his forehead with a headache. The blood stains on the bed under the sunlight were even more dazzling than last night. After a night, it had turned red and black.

If the roommate of the body owner asks, how should he explain

Gu Xizhou's mind was in a mess, and he wanted to throw the quilt on the bed into the laundry tub on the balcony to hide it before his roommate was awake, but soon Gu Xizhou realized that his worries were unnecessary.

In the bedroom, it was quiet, and there was no one but him.

In addition to the two beds that were already in the air, the other three beds were already empty at this time.

Roommates are gone.

Gu Xizhou was stunned, the other three roommates seemed to have woken up early, the quilt on the bed was neatly folded, and even the schoolbag that was on the bench yesterday was gone.

went to class

No, even if I went to class and saw blood on my roommate's bed, I couldn't just leave without waking up my roommate, right

Anyone who wakes up in the morning and sees this bed will scream in horror.

Gu Xizhou rubbed his temples, put it down quickly, and turned to look at the desk instead.

The workbook on one of the desks was spread out on the table like last night. Gu Xizhou rubbed his neck, picked up the workbook with one hand, and glanced at it—Class 10 of Senior Three, Gu Ran.

It should be his workbook.

It seems that he is lucky, at least the surname has not changed.

"Not quite right." Gu Xizhou couldn't help frowning. He took two steps forward and looked at the mirror in the bedroom last night.

He suddenly found that the four-centimeter wound he got yesterday had completely healed, not even leaving a trace of scar.

Gu Xizhou was stunned for a moment, and then confirmed it again. The ferocious wound from last night in the mirror was indeed gone. The touch of his hand touched the soft skin of his neck. There was no pain, only the touch of ordinary skin.

Really good.

Gu Xizhou looked strangely at the seventeen or eighteen-year-old child in the mirror, and always felt that there was something strange in it. At this moment, a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Come on, it's only ten minutes to seven-thirty, today is English self-study, hurry up!"

"I know, wait, I'll get some milk and go!"

"I won't wait for you, it's annoying!"

"Okay, okay, I'm ready, let's go!"

Gu Xizhou raised his brows and suddenly remembered the information in the workbook just now. He is also a senior in high school. Gu Xizhou took two minutes to change his clothes, put on his schoolbag and ran out.

Gu Xizhou did not go on a rampage directly, but followed behind the two boys who walked out of the dormitory building at the same time as him, and went around a corner. Gu Xizhou saw the old three-story teaching building with white square tiles on the outside. In some places, a piece or two fell.

The two boys walked on their front feet, and he followed on their heels.


The harsh scream made him turn his head subconsciously, and the girl behind her with her ponytail tied her finger tremblingly in the air—


Gu Xizhou heard a loud noise ringing in his ears, and something touched his face.

Deng Deng Deng!

Gu Xizhou frowned, but he was still calm. Directly in front of him lay three bloody corpses. His heart pounded, and when he looked closely, the three dead were holding hands, warm and hot. Blood flowed on the ground along the ruptured skin blood vessels, and what just touched his face was a splash of blood.

"They, they just stood there, holding hands, and jumped down... woo... I, I don't want to die, please, let me go back, let me go back..." The girl who called witnessed the scene of the three people jumping off the building holding hands, and collapsed to the ground.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaolian, it's alright." A round-faced girl took out a tissue from her bag and handed it to Xiaolian. If it wasn't for the girl's trembling hands, Gu Xizhou would still believe what the girl said.

Gu Xizhou looked back at the top of this three-story teaching building. It was about ten meters high. Even if it hit the ground, it shouldn't fall... so badly.

"What's going on?" Gu Xizhou frowned and whispered, just as he was about to check the situation, suddenly several teachers rushed over.

"Everyone go back to class." The chunky man took the ruler and drove away the students onlookers. Many of them were obviously frightened. They didn't react until someone in the same class pulled it, and they were very dumb.

"It's her, she's coming to us, she's coming to us!" At this moment, a girl with dyed hair suddenly said to the people around her like crazy.

One of the female teachers who had just arrived suddenly rushed over, slapped the girl in the face, and said angrily, "Shut up! The three of them committed suicide only because the pressure of the third year in high school was too high and they couldn't stand the pressure. of!"

"No, it's her, it's her..."

The girl didn't care about the slap in the face, she covered her face with her hands, and seemed to lose all her strength in an instant.

The female teacher was obviously very unhappy. Just as she was about to scold the girl, she suddenly heard a clear male voice ringing in her ears.

"Mr. Wang, classmate Lin must have witnessed this... I'm frightened. I'll take her to the infirmary first." The fat black and white school uniform could not conceal the boy's special and clean temperament.

The female teacher surnamed Wang glanced at the boy, then looked at the three corpses on the ground that had been covered with cloth, and nodded to the boy, "Then I'll trouble you, send her there first."

"Why are you still standing here? Why don't you go to the morning self-study!" The man scolded Gu Xizhou, Gu Xizhou glanced at him, his lips moved, and he finally entered the teaching building without saying anything to refute.

Class 10 of high school.

As soon as Gu Xizhou entered, he heard the students in the entire class standing together in twos and threes and whispering about what had just happened, and at the end of the class there was a small group of about ten people, men and women, whispering.

At this moment, the English teacher walked in with the book. Gu Xizhou raised his eyes and saw that it was the female teacher surnamed Wang whom he had just seen downstairs. She came in with a straight face and saw that the students were not sitting on her own. On the seat, slap the book hard on the podium!

"Sit back!" She scolded her with crossed eyebrows and cold eyes, and the people who were talking just now spread out and sat down in their seats.

Gu Xizhou: …

Gu Xizhou, who didn't know where she was seated, found a random spot to sit down. The teacher on the podium didn't seem to notice this detail. Maybe she didn't know the seats of the students, so she just asked everyone to open the fifth unit to review with the tape recorder.

Gu Xizhou sat in this position for a few minutes, and he found that the students around him didn't question him sitting here, and didn't even give him a look.

Strange, could it be that he was so lucky to be sitting in his own seat

He didn't know, there were two boys behind him looking at his back with a terrified expression.

The short-haired boy shook his hand and pulled the hand of the boy next to him, talking in a low voice that only two people could hear.

"He, isn't he dead?"

The author has something to say:

Infinite flow world, not campus supernatural, this is the first world!